In Video: Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Unveil Long-Range Cruise Missile

In Video: Iran's Revolutionary Guards Unveil Long-Range Cruise Missile

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The Aerospace Force of the Iranian The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has fielded a new long-range cruise missile, Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh announced on February 24.

Speaking on Iranian state television, the senior commander said that the ground-launched cruise missile has a range of 1,650 kilometers. The missile was named Paveh to commemorate Iranian troops who died while fighting in Iran’s Kurdistan province during the war with Iraq.

The television broadcast the footage showing the cruise missile launch, then flying low over terrain before hitting a target with pinpoint accuracy.

With a range of 1,650 kilometers, the Paveh cruise missile can easily hit any target across Israel when launched from Iran’s western region.

Beyond the range, Brig. Gen. Hajizadeh gave no further details of the missile. However, the first footage indicates that the Paveh is similar in design to the Type 351 land-attack cruise missile used by the Houthis (Ansar Allah) in Yemen. The Paveh features a top-mounted turbojet jet engine just like the Type 351 missile, which is also known as Quds-1.

Iran has been developing cruise missiles for a while now. In 2011, the country said that it was developing a land-attack cruise missile dubbed Meshkat with a range of 2,000 kilometers. A year later, the Soumar land-attack cruise missile, which is thought to have a range of 2,000-3,000 kilometers was unveiled. A new version of the Soumar, dubbed Hoveyzeh, with a range of 1,350 kilometers was presented in 2015.

Unlike the Paveh, the design of previous Iranian cruise missiles were reportedly derived from the Soviet-era Kh-55, several of which were illegally sold to Iran by Ukraine in 2001.



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Chris Gr

The party starts when Iran abandons Assad and fully allies with Turkey and Muslim Brotherhood.

The Objective

You are mostly clueless about the Middle East – sorry. Iran’s Shiites have never truly allied with Sunnis. We are their first target, not Israel.

It is what it is

You guys pretty much made it that way when you made isis to attack Shia and now align with Israel so why won’t the Shia attack you first?

Vitamin Protein

Bullcrap, Shia Iran arent against Sunnis, Palestinians are Sunnis supported by Shias

Chris Gr

Then why did they support Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas?

The Objective

U.S. training several brigades for Ukraine who’ll change the battlfield dynamics says U.S. chief of staff.

Anyone still doubts Ukraine is a Russian quagmire?


you do not understan, what is going on there.

Simon Ndiritu

1. How many Ukrainian Brigades do you think can defeat Russia’s 170 BTCs in their equivalent mother brigades?
2. How will Ukraine solve the limitation of lack of air cover and Close air support.
3. How will Ukraine shield against long range missile strikes?
3.How will Ukraine get enough armored vehicles and artillery shells for their ‘brigades’


I have 5 long range Aeonic psychological projectiles launched at Iran.

1. Im Khomeinist not khameneist

2. alliance with russia is forbidden

3. Ali says that Iran is not shia as it claims

4. yajuj starts with asshead al asshead and majuj ends in tehran

5. Iran will face hellfire for not facing Al-Yamani



Chris Gr

Khomeini and Khamenei are almost the same.


But one is dead now and another is still alive.

Chris Gr

I mean ideologically. But there are differences between Ahmadinejad, Khomeini and Hojjatieh society.


The Prophet tried to unite Islam in peace someone has found a way to violently divide it. Israel’s ways are not sustainable.


Do you know how to stop a convoy and where and when to hit it so they die in the desert? Put down a coup with one shot. Those heads aren’t just for hanging beards. Stockpile can be stolen or sold off and used against you. Ollie North tactics versus Noreiga Tactics.

Acceptable in the80s – Calvin Harris
Ayo for Yayo- ANdre Nikitana

NATO terrorists

These new missiles should cause concern for USrael.. Missiles look scary, the accuracy with which they find the target, oh boy.


Iranian drones fly deep inside Israel and came back, even Hezbollah’s drones and the fact that an old S-200 missile from Syria landed near Israel nuclear site and none of Israel air defence system could even detect it shows how much BS Zionists says to everyone.

Yeah their Plastic dome can hit $100-$200 rockets that Gaza make I guess…cool (BTW it failed many times).

Psionists slaves of America

The tiny, welfare funded banana republic of Israel and it’s treasonous Israel-Firts slaves in the Government, in the intel and in the military must be having a nervous breakdown. They have been supporting, financing, aiding and abetting the illegal Orthodox settler leeches in the WB and it will all have been for nothing. Iran will get nooks and break Israel’s back. Karma’s a beech.
Slava Putin. Slava Bashar Hafez al-Assad.


Tehran-Tel-Aviv — ~1600 km. Need to work further, Tehran-Paris — ~4200 km, London — ~4400, New York — ~10000. Kim can sleep peacefully, because he can deliver a nuclear charge to Biden in the White house right to its green lawn, if “Hwasons” can fly at 13000 km. Or at least to Los Angeles.


No clown, why would you look at the distance between the capitals? Most of Iran underground missile sites are near or at Zagros mountains which is 1.4Km from Israel. Also, there is a good chance that Iran move their missiles closer to Iraq border before launching them (1.3Km/1.2Km).

Anyway maybe read before saying dumb things, I know you didn’t because if you did your dumbass wouldn’t say 1600km “Need to work further”? What do you mean by “need to work further”? What the fuk are you even saying?

Here, READ IT, ” In 2011, the country said that it was developing a land-attack cruise missile dubbed Meshkat with a range of 2,000 kilometers. A year later, the Soumar land-attack cruise missile, which is thought to have a range of 2,000-3,000 kilometers was unveiled.”

Another failure that thinks countries can just use unclear weapons. Guess what dumbass, Iran nuclear deal got nothing to do with Iran nuclear sites. Trump said it openly, he was after IRGC, Iran missile program and drone program, no one cared about Iran with nuclear weapons. Even the head of CIA said back in 2004 that Iran wasn’t making nuclear weapons nor were they after it, he said the same thing after Trump left the deal.

If the US had the power to invade Iran or N-Korea they would have do so years ago, but they couldn’t.

Last edited 2 years ago by JJ345

Zagros mountains are 1.4Km from Israel? What Israel are you talking about? Isn’t Iraq, Syria and Jordan between Zagros mountains in Iran and Israel?

Chris Gr

IRGC and Erdogan are the Gog Magog/Khorasani alliance.


Wars incoming. Can’t wait for the US to bomb the shit out of this Iranian shithole.


Irán by sa mal usilovať o to, aby čo najskôr podpísal zmluvu o spoločnej obrane z RF. To by mu malo zabezpečiť nedotknuteľnosť. Čína by sa mal pridať tak isto, aby tým vytvorili protiváhu NATO!!!


IRAN IS VERY VERY BIG AND PRETTY STONG. israel is only a little por Village. Hezbollah can destroy it. İran is ready for Usa the father of siyonists. Israel is hehhhehhheh. Ever.
