On November 13, the Tasnim News agency published a video showing an AB-212ASW helicopter of the Islamic Republic of Iran Navy making a bold low pass a few meters away from the US Navy USS Essex (LHD-2) landing helicopter dock in the Persian Gulf.
According to the Iranian news agency, the helicopter was conducting a “reconnaissance flight” over the large US warship.
At the time of the encounter, USS Essex was carrying four AH-1Z Viper attack helicopters, four UH-1Y Venom utility helicopters, one AV-8B Harrier II ground attack aircraft, two MH-60R Seahawk multi-mission helicopters and eight CMV-22B Osprey tiltrotor military aircraft.
The US Navy is yet to comment on the encounter, which was not the first of its kind this year. Iran’s naval forces confronted the Americans in more than one occasion.
In October, speedboats of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) intercepted a vessel of the US Navy in the Persian Gulf. The IRGC also seized a Vietnamese-flagged oil tanker right in front of US Navy vessels.
Tensions between Iran and the US continue to increase despite the recent agreement on the resumptions of the nuclear talks in Vienna.
They should have dropped Tampax and dildos onto the deck.
If you troll try at least to be funny and original like I am ;)
I wish more countries did this to show the world USA is all talk
what iran did here pales in comparision to what north korea has been doing for a long time. north korea shot down a us spyplane ec-121 killing 31 us troops aboard. north korea hasn’t seen a us spyplane coming close to its border since then. also north korea landed its troops on a us spy ship and steered the ship all the way to a north korean port killing a couple of us troops in the process. there are many more. north korea’s policy has been “shoot first and ask questions later” against us. there isn’t a thing us can do about it given that north korea can vaporize the whole us continent.
North Korea is atheist. lol
I know but North Korea is very bad.
North Korea is Hero
When Iran flattens every US military target in the ME, no one will be intimidated by USA anymore. When USA is too busy getting its ass kicked and trying to save Israel from Hezbollah, no one will be there to protect Taiwan from China and Ukraine from Russia. Every other country will realize America doesn’t see them worthy of help when they get attacked by a superpower and USA is nowhere to be seen. America is going to fall real soon, it’s only a matter of time until Israel does something stupid and forces USA to come for their help.
You are right in a way.
Even if today a conflict breaks out between Russia and Ukraine (oh dear, with a bit of mental gymnastics ofcourse, because a conflict implies that both sides can hurt each other) or China decides to take the island of Taiwan back (why do they whine about Chinese pressure and aggression when they have territorial claim on the whole of China and Mongolia, plus territorial disputes with 12 other nations?) the US of A will be nowhere to be seen but the shrieks will fill the air…
Exactly like they pushed Georgia in 2008, Ukraine after 2014 coup and Saudis in 2015, just made them attack and abandoned them when their behinds were heavily kicked.
In case of Saudis, the US was happy to unload their useless gear on them for a fee as some sort of support. If Saudis were as poor as Ukraine and Georgia even that wouldn’t have happened.
The Zionist regime might be brighter than Saudis, they won’t make stupid moves if they sense Americans won’t get involved.
The US betrayed us on the Macedonian name dispute.
Go cry me a river weakling
You’re 100% correct, but if Israel does drag america in, others countries will go at it as well because they know America won’t be there to help them. If America can’t help them, that will just show America influence isn’t so great and can’t defend multiple countries at once despite it making it seem like it take on the whole world alone.
Also the elites would rather America surrender against Iran and take the humiliation to save Israel. Whatever’s under Al Aqsa is much more important to them than anything else. They will move all American troops to the Levant and force Hezbollah and its allies out so they can save Israel while they have the chance.
The case is not about America here. Not only America.
Well said.
Israel doesn’t have only US.
The rest of Israel allies best technology is the technology America gave them and even that isn’t even that great
Next time an Iranian helicopter should actually land on the ship, the crew exits and takes a big sh@t on the flight deck.
Yes exactly! This will be the day when the racist supremacist global Jewish satanic slave empire dictatorship and its USS Zio dollar collapse
North Korea will liberate South Korea.