In Video: GNA Forces Uncover Destroyed Pantsir-S1 Air-Defense System In Tarhunah

On June 5, forces loyal to the Libyan Government of National Accord (GNA) seized a completely destroyed Pantsir-S1 air-defense system in the town of Tarhunah.

GNA forces imposed control of the town after a brief battle with the Libyan National Army (LNA). GNA troops received support from Turkish combat drone and thousands of Syrian militants.

Turkey’s TRT TV shared a video of the captured Pantsir-S1. Last month, nine such systems were reportedly destroyed by Turkish combat drones, at least four of them were stationed in Tarhunah.

Similar to other Panstri-S1 systems supporting the LNA, the one captured in Tarhunah was based on a German-made MAN SX 45 8×8 trucks. The UAE military is the only operator of this version.

In Video: GNA Forces Uncover Destroyed Pantsir-S1 Air-Defense System In Tarhunah

Click to see full-size image.

Most of the Pantsir-S1 systems destroyed in Libya were either inactive, or moving. Turkish forces were apparently able to obtain valuable intelligence on the movements and operational status of the systems.


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Lone Ranger

That ain’t a Kamaz truck.
So it’s BS.



Lone Ranger

Thank you.


Its a MAN truck, Igor.

Lone Ranger

Thanks for the confirmation, Shlomo.

Zionism = EVIL

As I said on day one, this is a war of the most incompetent arseholes. They all must have been trained by the Saudis. In reality, the clown Haftar was cooked when Russia withdrew the 1800 Wagner Group. Now the Turkeys will easily control the Mediterranean coast as they did during the Ottoman era as 90% of Libya’s tribal population lives there. I hate to admit it, the Turkeys have played their cards well and have shown good operational and logistical capability far exceeding their size, as the Egyptian cowardly cunts have a far bigger population and more modern weaponry, but remain shitheads. Turkey could march into Cairo if it wanted to.

Alberto Garza

the israelis defeated the egyptians easily in the 6 day war only a few soviet advisors save egypt from disaster they are terrible soldiers

Ashok Varma

Arabs simply are incapable militarily and most are failed authoritarian colonial states that lack the cohesion to form capable armed forces. Egypt would even lose a war to Ethiopia over the Nile river as that is why it is remaining silent even though it will lose 50% of the Nile’s flow. India has won every war with Russian weapons.


Israel strike Egypt by surprise at this time … but in 1972 Egypt defeated Israel recovering the suez canal and the sinai that Israel want to keep …

Zionism = EVIL

It was 1973, October or Ramadan War and the cunt Sadat backstabbed Syria and stopped the war to please his Americunt and Zionist masters. The man who planned and executed the Egyptian war very capable Genera Saad Shazly who was sacked by Sadat.


Don’t you read the content of the post?
“one captured in Tarhunah was based on a German-made MAN SX 45 8×8 trucks. The UAE military is the only operator of this version.”

Rhodium 10

When Pântsir was operate by Wagner PMC all Turkish drones were shot down…when Pantsir are being operate by incompetent LNA crew ( trained in Syria)…all Pantsir have been destroyed!…well nothing new under hands of Incompetent Arabs…we have seen how Houttis drones destroyed Aramco protected by a ring of dozens of Patriot and Nassam air defense under hands of Saudi Army.


First of all drones in Lybia and Syriashould have been operated by Russian crews on the ground. The Turkish game-changing drones shows how behind is Russia at this game.

Lone Ranger

What game?
Losing drones by the dozens?


That’s what drones are for, to lose them instead of planes. They did a lot of damage on the ground compared to the price of them.

Lone Ranger

Not really.
Drones are more expensive than you think.
See Global Hawk, Reaper, Predator…
They are not cost effective if you lose them by the dozens.
Their advantage is that pilots won’t die.
But heavy tactical drones still cost a lot…

Fog of War

Pilots count, drones dont. Look up the lifetime training costs of one pilot.

Lone Ranger


Zionism = EVIL

Correct. Even in developing world, to train a good GD (general duty) pilot it costs in excess of $1 million, not to mention the hundreds of millions for a modern jet.


You chosed as example the top noch expensive ones, 99% of the drones are a lot cheaper.

Lone Ranger

Those that can carry weapons are never cheap.


They are cheap but you’re too poor to consider anything as cheap.

Lone Ranger

Try again…
You can do better ;)


Your mom was ok with the sum

Lone Ranger

Unlikely, my Mom is not a lesbian ;)


Military drones of medium size and up are very expensive even if they are not capable of carrying weapons.
And this is the kind of drones militaries mostly use and not go-pro civilian stuff.


Ok, any real numbers or are we keep talking in expensive/nonexpensive terms. I don’t think a drone employed by Turkey is as expensive as a Pantsir truck or a jwt with pilot


I gave numbers already to another post on this topic, don’t be lazy and read it.


Yeah, I will go read all your comments to find a number.


Its just one comment among the very few total posts in this topic.
Anyway I will repeat it, the Turkish drones like the medium size Bayraktar costs 5 mil dollars, the larger Anka around 15 mil, now imagine the larger drones like the Reaper(and others like the Reaper), don’t even mention the really big ones like Global Hawk or the stealth ones.


Wow that’s some huge amount, it looks like I have something to read the next days. Thanks man.

Zionism = EVIL

Good one my swiney pal :) That is true. Drones cost less than $100,000 and the Pantsir S1 run into billions for a full battery. Arming these Arabs with such sophisticated weaponry is a folly to begin with as the USSR found out and used to sell them third rate junk like Mig-21 without all weather radar etc.


Thanks my piglet friend, Russia should operate their drones both in Syria and Lybia but it seems to me that they are far behind others at drones game. Btw houldn’t you be at BLM meeting respectfully saluting the armed patriots when you pass 100 yards by their property? And pretend that’s not about free plasma and iphone?


Military drones are very expensive, the bayraktar which is a medium size drone costs 5 mil per piece, the Anka at least 15 mil, larger drones like the Reaper a lot more.
Turkey has already lost many dozens in Syria and Libya, we talking about hundreds of millions lost of equipment.

Zionism = EVIL

My friend as much as I hate to admit, the Turkeys have shown good operational, strategic and logistical skills, far beyond I was expecting. It is not easy for even a larger power to operate 1400 kms away and transport over 30,000 mercenaries and soldiers and take on a coalition of shitheads like Egypt and UAE. Russia saw the handwriting on the wall and withdrew the 1800 men of the Wagner Group, the only ones who could fight. I believe Hafter is kaput.


The Turkish drones are not the real issue – Turkish produced hardware is nothing special – rather it is Turkish access to NATO satellite imaging that is the real issue and advantage – as LNA doesn’t have such strategic resources at their disposal.


Then Russia to LNA help was half hearted. Maybe Putin doesn’t want to upset his partner, Erdogan.


First of all, that’s not entirely correct. Yes, the first Pantsir casualties were incompetence but not most. Secondly, the export version is downgraded tha

Rhodium 10

NO! Pantsir have 4 track channels and if you are attacking by 5 missile or aircraft/drones…one cannot be tracked!…but Wagner PMC used to operate 2 Pantsir ( 8 track channels) and one vehicle as command…LNA have been made unprofessional movements ( to put Pantsir on truck and travel along desert knowing that Turkish drones are flying) or hide it in unprotected shelters!…Pantsir have a good ratio shooting down Israeli missile…but if you use 10 cruise missile at the same time vs 2 Pantsir…2 of them can hit the target as each Pantsir only can track 4 Israeli missile!

Jim Allen

Syrian air defense forces, are competent, MoD Shoigu have these crews high praise.
If LNA didn’t learn from the Syrians, thats their problem.
The article says the Panstir were hit when they were moving. Means they’re unable to shoot back.
Russian military hardware in Syria has the latest upgrades available. Russian military hardware tends to be infinitely upgradeable,

Zionism = EVIL

Touche, you are pretty smart guy. Good head on your shoulders amigo.

Jamal Utr.

No, those PMC guys were roasted, but Putain the Homosexual doesnt love to talk about his guys getting roasted. LIke when 200 of these PMC guys were roasted in Syria by Americans by one blow in februari 2018.

Rhodium 10

Thats was a fake even the pro western SOHR told that 13 wagner PMC were killed fighting ISIS West Eufrates days ago before USA attacked SAA east Eufrates…then the US propagande told that Wagner PMC have been attacked by USA en east Eufrates!..but SOHR denied it! is similar when USA told that all cruise missile hit the target…SOHR told that 65 cruise missile were shot down near east Qalamoun( then under hands of FSA)…


Putin led the Wagner people down the garden path and now Russia is losing credibility. Wagner was the only hope.


I would have liked to see more of that Pantsir.
Black soot doesn’t mean that it was destroyed, there could be many reasons for that soot.
Soot can also be used to decrease reflections of windows or areas where the paint has worn of.

I couldn’t see any damage made by an explosion of a direct hit.
I have seem other videos of the same Pantsir but i couldn’t see any traces of a direct hit, i do think it had air in the tires in earlier videos.

Like we so often see they only release i minimal video that doesn’t prove or disprove any claims.
It might have been parked there with engine problems or for punctured tires.
Like so often i want more information an media about that destroyed Pantsir.

Jamal Utr.

Ladies and gentlemen, we are introducing here the latest Russian technology! This wonderful piece of equipment is the marvellous fantastic RPUTD1, full name Russian Practicing Unit for Turkish Drones, specially made for Turkey by Russia

Alberto Garza

looks like the pantsir failed to counter turkish drones a big failure for russian weapons systems .

Ashok Varma

Turkey has used a very cost effective method of using drones and mercenaries in Libya and increasingly in Syria.


From 2015-2017, it was looking like a bonanza for Russian arms sales. It looked like Russian arms had performed well in Syria (and even Libya). But after years of watching Isreali F-35’s operating with impunity despite the presence of S-300’s & S-400’s, then watching Turkey beat up on the Syrian army repeatedly and at little cost to themselves, and now the LNA as well, the perception of Russian arms has definitely suffered. In particular, the reputation of Russian air defenses has been tarnished. I can’t imagine why anybody would still want to buy S-300, S-400, or Pantsir at this point. Ironically, it looks like the old Tor systems performed better than the new stuff.