In Video: British Challenger Tanks Burning In Russian Kursk Region

In Video: British Challenger Tanks Burning In Russian Kursk Region

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The Armed Forces of Ukraine do not get up lessons of the ongoing hostilities. NATO tanks have proven their ineffectiveness in battles on Ukrainian frontlines. For example, the British Challengers were long not seen in action but the Ukrainian military continued throwing them on the battlefields.

As a result, the British Challenger tanks continue burning, now on the Russian territory. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported the destruction of two such tanks by forces of the Russian North group of forces.

The newly shared footage confirmed the report. It shows strikes by Russian small FPV drones on two British Challenger 2 in service with the Ukrainian 82nd Airborne Assault Brigade, reportedly in the Kursk region. The first drone struck at the most vulnerable roof of the tank turret, the second at an equally vulnerable lower frontal part, which guaranteed heavy damage to the NATO vehicles that were likely previously immobilised and probably abandoned by Ukrainian soldiers.



After the Ukrainian military ruined the myth of the all-mighty NATO tanks, Ukrainian servicemen no langer care about the safety of these tanks. Together with cheaper Soviet tanks, British and other foreign vehicles are used in isolation in the field areas without any support and anti-drone protection and Ukrainian soldiers are in no hurry to take them away from the battlefields. Now, the British Challengers are only useful as tropheys shown at exhibitions of destroyed NATO vehicles in Russia.


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doctor feelgood

prokrovsk is kaput.

Oh my

itsy bitsy drones taking out challenger tanks? wasn’t much of a challenge, was it?

doctor feelgood

i know this chinese company that’s working on cheap microdrones that home into the bores of tank and artillery cannons for a firepower kill. they gonna test them on nato mbts in ukraine. i wonder if ukrainians are able to replace western tank bores in country.


hahahaha you’re funny .

MSM outrageous news of the day

i know. i watched too many looney tuny cartoony. what’s your favorit?

Generalissimo Sywsky

my favowit was when bugs bunny stuck a cawwot in my shotgun bawwil and it bwew up in my face..


surprise ?

Sebastian Gherkin

no fixing these tanks even if they can recover them. the last foundry capable of casting the (rifled) tube for these in england was closed down years ago. it is now a shopping centre.

Oh my

you’d think they could at least build one final one, to use to launch bojo the bozo into orbit.


you’re easily led .boo boo will be back he’s the first openly catholic prime minister in english history he will be back and bigger than churchill before the shows over .

V for victory

strange, i though he is a jew.

Jonathan Tailor Swift

he’s a rogue turk dressed up in a brooks brothers tweed jacket.

pieces of hillbilly

dumbos pay 200 billion $ extra past 20 months than previous 20 in eu nations populatied by morons as russia thrives cuts huge deal w india–saxon senile retired janitor tantrums in her burgerland cesspool

Last edited 2 months ago by pieces of hillbilly
pieces of hillbilly

eu no need russian gas🤣


american simpletons love to pay high energy prices to screw (((russian))) gas oligarchs.

Jonathan Tailor Swift

starmer soon run out of russian oligarch stolen money and economy go kaput.

Trader Joe

kaput’s such a harsh term. maybe fizzle out with nary a whimper would be nicer.

what do the brits live on anyway? in all my years in the us, i’ve never seen anything in a store marked ‘made in the uk’, except maybe some tacky souvenirs.

do they all live on offshore loot from other countries?

Last edited 2 months ago by Trader Joe
Oh my

eu no get russian gas either.


krazy how a small fpv drone can pack such a punch to destroy one these heavy western battle tanks.

Bill Nye

it’s what happens when your colleges teach thermodynamics instead of gender studies.


rusom ide karta. boh je na ich strane!!! svetu mier!!!


challenger tanks can be repurposed as boat anchors for the british carrier if it ever moves


ruzzianss are still in the donbass region? wtf, the ukrian military is such a joke 🇺🇦=🏃‍♂️🤡 😆😆😆


ukrainians are still in the kursk region? wtf, the ruzzian military is such a joke 🇷🇺=🏃‍♂️🤡 😆😆😆


a braindead moron like you didnt understand this.
all others with a brain understand that theres nothing better than to hold around a dozend enemy brigades in a 3/4 encirclement on only some 300 square miles to grind hundrets of them and theyr most modern armament each day.


they’re basically one head multiple names here he used to be a wannabe writer in hollywood for scripts he writes as if multiple characters imo .


got a big anti american chip on his failed shoulder .imo .


thank you anyway for responding to my completely empty comments! at least an idiot! heheheh


how much vodka do you consume per day?


sniffing glue causes cognitive confusion–resume your meds try fentanyl

Jonathan Tailor Swift

single dose of 10 grams of fentanyl fix him right up.

Trader Joe

yes indeed. some liked it so much, they decided to stay in perpetuity.


putin notably announced russia’s efforts to establish a new unmanned systems separate branch in his response to a media question on whether russia should establish a “separate military branch” for drone operators following the example of the recently established ukrainian usf. (isw)


it’s not exactly rocket science is it. that’s british aerospace engineering prepare for star wars 2 .


wakey wakey it’s business profits accrue over time use your nut for thinking your morality for dreaming .


the brits keep bashing their stupid heads against the wall like the jews. they love it. that is why they getting dumber and dumber

Last edited 2 months ago by hasbarats
chinito quelel comel kimchi

poor basters there were no prisoners. surrender is futile they will be annihilated. those ukronato losers in kursk will soon be running faster than the road runner the next time they see koreans approaching. pee pee.

Jonathan Tailor Swift

i hear they’ve almost mastered the technique of hollowing out felled trees and retreating through the forests as shoe trees.

homer simpson

fish and chips weaker than burger


the russian reverse engineers will think christmas has come early as they examine the challenger 2.

Trader Joe

and learn how not to build a tank. invaluable info, that.


yeah, studying designs produces valuable information, plus the russian metallurgists can now study the chobham armour in detail.

£starmertook my300

chocolate armour, they don’t need to study our british armour, the proof is in the battlefield pudding or didn’t you notice these two were knocked out with fireworks.


the footage shows the challengers as a static targets, probably abandoned by the crew.

£starmertook my300

i think tanks are obsolete, well these are as they can’t even sustain a clip from a drone.


the tank has been declared ‘obsolete’ since the introduction of the first atgm, but it still fights on, and until a suitable replacement on the battlefield is found it will continue to be relevant. would your infantry like to go up against an opponent that has tanks, and you don’t?


sell those tanks the nato vasalls…..not so much snow in ukraine…


the iron scrap tanks from pirate rock will one day be used to can….beans for africa. my how the toothless, inbred collection of thugs from pirate rock has fallen. karma is beautiful. z
