In Video: Belarusian Protesters Assault Police In Minsk

Protesters attacked Police officers in the Belarusian capital of Minsk during the rally against the country’s President Alexander Lukashenko.

According to media reports, at least 140 protesters were detained during the August 30 protest, with mainstream media outlets have been crying foul about the suppression of ‘democratic activists’ by authorities. Nonetheless, the reality on the ground seems to be quite different.

Meanwhile, President Alexander Lukashenko:

In Video: Belarusian Protesters Assault Police In Minsk

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Looks worse than Portland.
I think there where a few Ukraine Nazis in the crowd?

Lone Ranger

Ukropnazis are everywhere, most affordable terrorists after isis.
CIA even deployed them to Hong Kong a few months ago.

James Adams

The people were peacefully protesting until the Gestapo of Adolf Hitler started arresting people. When you stand against the people and God you get burned !!! God bless the people of Belarus !!! You can oust this Dictator !!!,,

Lone Ranger

You are delusional.

Jens Holm

You are illusional. None should live as Belarussians do, of they want something else as well as they produce and use.

Lone Ranger

You spelled Danish autists wrong tho…

Jens Holm

I dont care about spelling. When I was little i did like the paper around my christmas presents better then the things inside.

Now its the opposite.

Lone Ranger

Thanks for confirmation…

Jens Holm

I do my best and do improve a little here and there, but if people dont understand, I try again.

This one next year will play football in Manchester United. 4 lakes id just what they need for very player

Lone Ranger


Jens Holm

Nazis are just as ISIS succesful because the contrast to them deny them anything. Anything.

Normal listening dont exist. Normal elections dont exist at all. Normale debate or dialog is not exist even wast majorities or minorities ask nicely.

So next is not nice. They sharpen their swords and riffles. The extremist do.

Lone Ranger

Thanks for confirmation that you are an isis supporter…

Jens Holm

I just looked in my trousers. I am not even things can change overnight.

Lone Ranger

Have you tried viagra…?

Jens Holm

I tryed Viagra once. We have many small streets here with corners. In the night I hardly could see who was on or off.

I have heard Jews repair muslims into Christianity with their leftovers.

Lone Ranger

Notice to myself.
Never go to Denmark…

Jens Holm

I live in and old towncenter as many countries has here and there. Cars are not allowed acces. They cant come in and if they do, they cant come out. Well some of the smallest microcars can.

I have scooter and many has bicycles. I never has seen them use Viagra in the streets more then once.



And they got the boot from hong kong/tibet,just like in belarus and other joints here on in

James Adams

The people were peacefully protesting until the Gestapo of Adolf Hitler started arresting people. When you stand against the people and God you get burned !!! God bless the people of Belarus !!! You can oust this Dictator !!!,

Jens Holm

Sure. So many support Lukashenko should be replaced. I think most of them there are nice people.

Lone Ranger

You also think Antifa and isis are nice…

Jens Holm

No, but I do compare with, what they are up against as well as I mainly wish for something in the middle or a change to a third or forth possible solutions.

Lone Ranger

So you do support them.
Domestic terrorists on CIA/soros payroll…
Not surprised…

Jens Holm

Thats a relative. I eat but dont eat too much and becomes fat. I have tryed that having a big garden.

Lone Ranger

Adpergers at its finest…

Jens Holm

I dont think so. In my first real job and education I had several kinds of psykoses. But Aspergers is among the most difficult ones.

Daily Beatings

Wait until the shills start hitting this thread. Everyone does know they’ve been given new marching orders?

James Adams

The people were peacefully protesting until the Gestapo of Adolf Hitler started arresting people. When you stand against the people and God you get burned !!! God bless the people of Belarus !!! You can oust this Dictator !!!,,,

Daily Beatings

Right on cue. I hope you’re being paid well by NEXTA.


Those are not police, are people sent by Moscow to kidnap protesters

Lone Ranger

According to soros news…

Jens Holm

Some link would be nice.

Lone Ranger

You are the one working for them…

Jens Holm

I didnt know. If so I like it. Its well paid. I do have extra pension within a few years if I dont get killed by a car.

Lone Ranger

Hope you invest in gold and silver.
CIA $ will be worthless soon.
Thanks for confirmation by the way…

Jens Holm

I buy liras, rials and even venezuelian pesos and will recycle them as toilet paper. Its a big oppertunity, but my investment advicer has told me those countries as well as Turks and Russians in stead will use spoons.

Lone Ranger

Your SSRIs are kicking in…

Jens Holm

I dont feel it. What is it?

Lone Ranger

Dont worry about it.

Lone Ranger

Its usually the ukropnazi SBU whom kidnap people along with the CIA, # Blacksites…

Jens Holm

Not in Belarus.

Lone Ranger

Sure it is.

Jens Holm

How big are the groups…

Lone Ranger

Ask your CIA handlers about it.

Jens Holm

I dont know who they are. Every month there is a new golden bathtub outside my door. Even my hamster has one.

Lone Ranger

I believe you.

Jens Holm

Very good I didnt ask for a women.

Lone Ranger

You didn’t ask for thorazin either…

Jens Holm

Only women use it here. If they keep it between their knees, they dont get pregnant.

Lone Ranger

Ah Jens…?

Jens Holm

I have heard that too.

Lone Ranger

Between two thorazin sessions…

Jens Holm

No by Danish TV. It was polite and discrete Russians better dressed then Putin.

Lone Ranger

Danish Tv is autistic as well…

Jens Holm

It does have a big memory and allow more then one oppinion.

Lone Ranger

Only if its a variation of soros propaganda.

Jens Holm

Mabee. We export Own too – If it is Our own.

I dont.


Also armored transporters rolling on the streets to intimidate civil population.


Maidan 2.0? Will the ‘Organizers’ deploy Georgian Merc Snipers to shoot on protesters + police alike as well?

Fog of War

Dont worry they’re on their way. At the very least, Belarus is heading for civil conflict , and contrary to what Putin is spouting, Russia’s hands are tied as are Lukashenko’s. If his or Russian forces fire on the ” protestors ” killing many it will be ” game on “. This is far from over.

Lone Ranger

What game on?
If Russia goes in its over in 48 hours.
Stop supporting domestic terrorists.
These are the same trash as antifa and BLM.
Funded by the same people, CIA/soros.

Fog of War

Yes there are alot of ” 5th column ” types, however, there seems to be alot of other people among them whom seem genuine. We can can debate whether they’re idiots or not, but they’re there. Many people are brainwashed by the ZioWest’s allure and mass media especially the youth. If Russia kills those types its game on.

Icarus Tanović

It isn’t. Some of these peoples are deluded, as that woman who gets a smacked by fellow protester. They have no idea what they’re up to and what are they are doing.

Fog of War

We’ll see, but any violent response by Russia or Blearus will be used as a pretext, and to me it looks like these protests are getting bigger.

James Adams

Time for the DICTATOR to go !!!


You die first loser:

Jens Holm

Maybee. Sometimes its breathing in hard and then do.

I can only see they can win if the police and militaries change their support.


Cia pretext means sht todays,world ain’t interested in soros nor cia paid scums!

Jens Holm

They certainly has ideas about, what they are up to and what they try to do.

Lone Ranger

Game off*

James Adams

The people were peacefully protesting until the Gestapo of Adolf Hitler started arresting people. When you stand against the people and God you get burned !!! God bless the people of Belarus !!! You can oust this Dictator !!!….

Jens Holm

I dont see it as east and west. I see it as the Belarussians can choose their own Leaders or not.

Its not and nuts. And people are not brianwashed because they by themself see improvements and the grass actually is greener and partly why.

And You dont forget things. Of course its often the Youth. They often are the most adaptive ones. If I look at the past for Russia it had senile almost dead Leaders being heroes from WW2 treating millions as objekts for war and needed slaves to almost anything by Gulag and deportations.

Thats what many Belarusses dont want.


History proves how effective china were dealing with problematic invalids,ever since china showed they mean buisness,no more soros protesters in china,russia like belarus ought do the same,then publicly blame it on soros/cia + get tougher!

James Adams

The people were peacefully protesting until the Gestapo of Adolf Hitler started arresting people. When you stand against the people and God you get burned !!! God bless the people of Belarus !!! You can oust this Dictator !!!.

Lone Ranger

Adjust your meds Trollstoy…

Jens Holm

Birds síng with different kinds of noise. Lukashenkos behaves exact as Gestapo and Hitler did in their totalerisme.

I dont believe in any gods but I do hope people in their minds in Belarus will change and be a part of Europe again in parlamentarisme.

Its impossible for me to see Lukashenko gor 80% of th votes.

Lone Ranger

You spelled Pimpeo wrong tho…


Begone incest,you got nothing on the bekarus system it is better than yours (sic)

James Adams

People calling for democracy aren’t terrorists. Why don’t you go and live in Belarus instead of living in a democracy !!!

Lone Ranger

Is BLM and Antifa democratic too…?
I bet you said the same about isis in Syria…

Jens Holm

They are not political parties with a political program but lobbyists and a kind of icebreakers by that.

Their wished are limited even kind of big. They have nointensions in taking over any Governess even they want to change things.

Lone Ranger

Try harder with your BS…

Jens Holm

Its SB soft

Lone Ranger

Your laxatives are working…

Jens Holm

We put nitroglycerine in them and make a kind of semptex with smoke.


Fk tyranny p00f! fake democracy wont cut it here on in,soros losers are busted!

Jens Holm

Haha. Domestic terrorists :)

Lone Ranger

You are

Jens Holm

Lukashenko do domestic terrorisme against hisown people, if he see them as people.

Assads and the longbeards in Iran is exact same way.

Lone Ranger

You spelled Pimpeo, Johnson, Macron wrong again…

Jens Holm

I love it. I sometimes invite greedy strangers to dinner and tell all the good tings we will have, but I dont tell, where I live.

I didnt made that joke myself.

Lone Ranger

It was very funny Jens…
You should do stand up at the local jihadi club in Kopenhagen…

Jens Holm

I could but as an amateur. Being a good one with a programme is much more difficult.

But if I didnt take much money, they could have cheep laughs…..

And the last You should do for Your relatives before Your die is stop eating, so the coffin is less heavy. It saves money too.


You pathedic loser,respect the law of the land or no lands shall ever respect you!

Jens Holm

Your socalled laws of the land are not made by the people there. By that they hardly are laws of the land.

Its communisme leftovers added Lukashenko supported by bajonets and fear.


“Dont worry they’re on their way”
You are revering to the false flag Merc Snipers hiding in the buildings above the protest ??

Fog of War

No, but I speak from experience. I’ve seen it in the Ukraine, Libya, Syria, Iraq.

Jens Holm

Yes, its no solutions and bad ones as well.

Jens Holm

I understand his worries. Reading what Lukashenko and Putin supporters here write is terrible.

As written before EU as well as Nato has no use of anything from Belarus. We already has taken in too many Russian ruins and has to fix them first – i thy want to.

I think it was a mistake to take that many. We should have offered more and more affiliations and demands and then – long time after – mauybee or most likely take them in.

They are still for good reasonds too much in the past.


Don’t insult intellect fascist punk soros weaklings don’t have the grit to outlast the truth!

J Roderet

Looks like the pro-coup rioters are getting desperate. Looking at the videos, there were far less pro-coup rioters in the streets today than on previous Sundays, which had previously been their biggest day of the week. This color coup attempt is fizzling out, fast.

James Adams

The people were peacefully protesting until the Gestapo of Adolf Hitler started arresting people. When you stand against the people and God you get burned !!! God bless the people of Belarus !!! You can oust this Dictator !!!..

Assad must stay

inshallah its another abysmal western failure hahaha

James Adams

The people were peacefully protesting until the Gestapo of Adolf Hitler started arresting people. When you stand against the people and God you get burned !!! God bless the people of Belarus !!! You can oust this Dictator !!!.


Well done, Belarussians, fight Putin’s little greens!

Lone Ranger

The wicked flee when non pursue…
They are SBU terrorists on soros payroll, like in Hong Kong.

Jens Holm

Nonsense agan from You. Hong Kongs never has needed Soros money. They dont think like WW1 as You do with 48000 dollar pr capita. By that the opposition do have money.

Belarus is 6.500 and even they are worth 2-4 times more all the GDP as extra is in the Lukashenka pockets.

Lone Ranger

Disney called, they want you back…

Jens Holm

I just give facts. Putting in Soros and Hongkong and now even disney land tell more about Yourself then Belarus and around it.

Lone Ranger

Your soros facts are worthless…

Jens Holm

Danes do sell danish sand for swimmingpools in Sahara.

Lone Ranger

You dont say…

Jens Holm

If people only has spaes and bidets, we send it by latter and remember stamp. Its only 5 or something a year. For some reason the danish sand is very hard and sharp and by thatcna be cleaned and recycled many times. By that it becomes cheeper for them.

Its not sea sand but from the moraenes. Seasand is round hard ones and not the best for concrite without a lot of cement.

Lone Ranger

LSD is a hell of a drug…

Jens Holm

My sister did twice when she was 16 years old. It took a month before she was 100% herself but at least she came 100% back.

I never has tryed that only hashes a few times and when I was very ill I almost go depended by sleeping medicine.

I just drink a little alcohol now and then. Maybee as 3 strng beers a week.

cechas vodobenikov

insecure–u can only measure your self by money…pathetic

Jens Holm

Lone Ranger did. Do You have deleted or dont understand how he use “payroll”?

And of course You have not written or do remember what I have wriiten about Belarus before that.

But the priority is they decide themself, which they dont as well by innovation by connecting to where and how they can improve thir living standards – by own choise.


Rather fight the little grey/soros/phaedo kweer brigade,seens only 10% voted hellary medusas!

johnny rotten

With the videos it is easy to recognize the perpetrators, long sentences await them, are there still forced jobs in Belarus? or will they send them to work in Siberia for about twenty years?

Icarus Tanović

For about 60 years. And it is easy to spot perpetrators among this crowd.

Jens Holm

Its easy to spot You too. You are raised as sheep, so the oligarcs easy can eat You – and insist.

You say: Im lucky because we are many sheeep.

James Adams

The people were peacefully protesting until the Gestapo of Adolf Hitler started arresting people. When you stand against the people and God you get burned !!! God bless the people of Belarus !!! You can oust this Dictator !!!……


India just signed 200 mil us dollar eq. Contract with Belaz…nice India! Soros angry!

Jens Holm

Dont forget Rotschilds selling them a lot of cigars and wine. They even has planted a lot of forrest and asked for more radioactivity to clean the air.

Icarus Tanović

Looks like Venezuela II won’t be working in Belarus.

Jens Holm

Those are not comparable at all unless You hardly know anything. Belarus is well organized but in the old ineffective days with too many stupidities.

Venezuala is not.

cechas vodobenikov

u need to adjust your meds jenny

James Adams

The people were peacefully protesting until the Gestapo of Adolf Hitler started arresting people. When you stand against the people and God you get burned !!! God bless the people of Belarus !!! You can oust this Dictator !!!


Don’t use force against police, just give them some tea:)))


Wow so much for killa ruthless cops of belarus not one there carried a weapon,whos dumb idea is that?

cechas vodobenikov

the difference between Belarus where very few CIA confused are protesting and the USA where the idiot reactionaries are burning there cities merely to demonstrate that they r racist anti-authoritarian children without fathers that taught them manners–is quite obvious….see Louna performance in Minsk to comprehend how different emotionless amerikans are from Russians. …or read Geoffrey Gorer (the American people ) and then compare his ethnography, (The Great Russian People)