In Video 18+: Ukrainians Kill Their Comrades To Avoid Operations Across Dnieper River

In Video 18+: Ukrainians Kill Their Comrades To Avoid Operations Across Dnieper River

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There are more and more evidences of Ukrainian servicemen killing their comrades shared online in recent days. The low morale and unwillingness of Ukrainian soldiers to go to slaughter are likely the main reasons behind the growing number of murders in the Ukrainian army. 

New war crimes of Ukrainian servicemen against their brothers-in-arms were recorded in the Kherson region. They were recorded on videos and widely shared by both Russian and Ukrainian military sources.

Russian reconnaissance UAV spotted a group of four Ukrainian servicemen likely preparing for operation on the Russian eastern bank of the Dnieper River in the Kherson region. Suddenly, two Ukrainian soldiers shot dead their two colleagues right before loading into the boat. Then they hid the bodies in the boat, pushed it away from the shore and left the scene.



Another video was shared by Ukrainian military sources. According to them, it was filmed by a “Polish volunteer” in the Kherson region. A group of Ukrainian servicemen are seen arguing before being sent across the Dnieper to the eastern bank. As a result, two of them were killed by their comrades.



Obviously, there are no ‘Polish volunteers’ near the frontlines, but mercenaries. The behaviour of Ukrainian servicemen and murder of their comrades unlikely please the foreign ‘volunteers’.

Most likely that Ukrainian servicemen are killing their comrades in an attempt to avoid the operations across the Dnieper. Most of Ukrainian boats which attempt the reach the eastern bank are destroyed by Russian fire. Thus, Ukrainians kill thier brothers-in-in arms to then say that their commanders that the operation failed, the boat was destroyed and only two of them miraculously survived.

The Ukrainian military still keeps control of small strongholds on the eastern bank, but all their operations across the river cost the lives of hundreds of lives of Ukrainians and foreign mercenaries.

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crispy xo-xols on abrams

now nazis started to kill eachother, like they should. arestovich himself posted today on x that ukras are a folk made of traitors.

Johny cash

dirty iranians fuck sheeps

Crocus Shooters Executioner

says the united paedophile of raping children!!!

Smart Person

arestovitch is humiliating the russian and ukrainian people everyday. he called for the war at first, acting like a hollywood hero. then when hundred of thousands of russo-ukrainian died, he said that war was a mistake. and now some russians like him… these people who stay behind frontlines and act like heros, i despise them so much. this is why the russo-ukrainian must unite against the jewish terrorists.

Manfred Krüger

…so the ukro officers do not seem to be the brightest candles on the cake, but to tell them about shot comrades, without the boat having even the slightest damage, i think it’s very far away.

so be careful with such productions, someone will think something of it…

Marcel Lucard

here is the solution: the soldiers of the afu are even dumber than their officers. thus, your actions will be logical and consistent 🤡 🤡🤡


in the vietnam war american soldiers invented “fragging” using grenades to conceal the cause of death. where idiot leaders routinely sent soldiers on suicide missions. ukraine must a similar command problem.

Truth be Told

it ain’t even started yet. every see how they recruit off the streets? once word spreads, the fragging will go into high gear. lots of payback building up in those hijacked conscripts.


nazis killing nazis!

ua=🤡 😆😆😆


usa is run by the jews who are in all fact….registered vermin . jews are lower than chained animals.


good job. being a traitor to the jews running this war is patriotic.

Paul Citro

those ukrainian soldiers have guns aimed at their faces and guns aimed at their backs. poor men.

jens holm

they use cocao.

thats why the price in the world market is gone up. its last candy and pay for food smugled from north korea.

Crocus Shooters Executioner

bahahahahaha, you smuggled penises in your ass!!!

Truth be Told

what an idiot.

jens holm

its a comment to a far out comment. and kind of an article.

strange things happening

trying to explain it doesn’t make it any less stupid. in fact, more stupid.

Last edited 11 months ago by strange things happening
jens holm

well, thats what i wrote thas well.

Last edited 11 months ago by jens holm
Psionists slaves of America

that’s what happens to psionist enslaved modder frackers when they want to so blindly follow their zionist master’s orders. if israel starts a regional war anyone who joins them deserves the same.


a few years ago, there was a discussion on the polish internet and outrage among readers because the polish-jewish government signed a military agreement, which states that in the event of a war in israel, poland will accept millions of israeli refugees and send polish troops to defend israel.


a few days after 7/10/23, thousands of israelis landed in warsaw. they immediately received newly built apartments and polish passports.

jens holm

you even know write why.

you are raised to live as fragment your selv.

if true it would headlines all over the world.

maybee you bias something from 1938. give a link…

jens holm

as ukraine there hard are any jews and in the rest of the world.

i they run things where you are, it because you dont do it yourself or lie all over.

your retreated maistake is dont run tings well. thy and we are not unicef or santa flying in free meals.

you all are told again and again, where you make changes. everyting is about your. its your ocuntry and have a had one vote each.

White Gandalf

i would abstain from framing the insubordinators as “evil”. if the russians and their sympathizers have any brain, they should be happy about them and do what they can to support that behavior.

Just me

these are not “nazis kill nazis” children’s statements… what you see here are men who are desperate and therefore do such things. calling every ukrainian a nazi and being happy when they die is ridiculous. when you all grow up you’ll understand, but until then please keep your mouth shut.

Truth be Told

it’s just a reaction to the westtards saying there are no nazis in ukraine and repeating it until their lying lips turn blue.

jens holm

1) you are told total crap and even kept away from us and the rest of the world. putin and partly the duma has done that.

and when write like, you are raised to ignore whatver i wrote.

strange things happening

you, my dummkopf friend – are fed so much bullshit that it can’t help but find its way back out of your mouth and ears. i can just imagine the bullshit articles you read and actually believe.
they’re known all too well, east, west, north and south, written by shit-slinging shills.

Last edited 11 months ago by strange things happening
jens holm

thats right. most people not even see those nazis has elected a jew as their leader.or nazis are very few.

facts are most ukras dont like russian and never had. facts also are they dont like their minorities very much. eu has told them too.

White Eagle

the last video is most likely fake. the “polish volunteer” speaks bad polish. nobody speaks like that. either born and raised outside of poland or just a lousy actor. if he wasn’t born in poland why would he speak to himself in language that he is not fluent in, why not just speak his first language 🙄

Guy Metdrapedes

also the fact that the drone and this man both film in a black & white almost sepia filter is strange as well. plus that in the drone footage the guy filming from the ground is conveniently out of frame. likely a psyop to lower ukrainian morale.


yes clearly a russian psyop. but fair enough as the zionist filth fake stuff all the time. good luck to the russians. my country the uk is disgraceful backing the jews. i have no control unfortunately. the jews run nato.


oh look another anti nazi russia supporter who clearly sounds stable and happy with his life. let me guess you got a lovely wife, good social circle and stable job? lmao just like the average gopnik


bredzisz! bardzo dobrze mowi po polsku.

White Eagle

prawie tak świetnie jak rodowity polak z kijowa 😀.


lol ahh yea normal polish conversation bad spoken polish with kurwa kurwa ohh kurwa- that should do the trick for the dumb retards from the west


to by šlo. dobrá práca!!! fašistov treba likvidovať, už to začali chápať aj samotní ukrajinci. inak nečudo ak ich nasilu odviedli, keď ich pred tým pochytali na ulici, ako túlavých psov. takto sa to robí, treba debilov veliteľov strieľať. tým si de facto zachránia vlastný život. dúfajme, že takýchto akcii bude len a len pribúdať!!!


to me it looked like the ordinary ukrainians that are “gang pressed” into service and normally have those nazi barrier troops behind them to stop them retreating or surrendering are starting to fight back and kill those nazi barrier squads. this looks like the nazi ukrainian army is crumbling and about to collapse. =z=

Truth be Told

pretty soon, the barrier troops will be stampeded to death by retreating front liners.

Smart Person

if these people were informed about reality, there would have been no war. imagine all the soldiers who died for nothing. less than 1/4 of these soldiers who died could have easly saved ukraine from judaism, but they prefer to die in a useless war rather than to disagree slightly with their ideology masters from brooklyne. sad situation. and russia is also infected with judaism but still less than ukraine.

John Kesich

this reminds me of bakhmut on a smaller scale.
the russians could likely destroy the ukrainian footholds, but they serve to sucker nuland’s nazis into sending “reinforcements” into the meat grinder.

Truth be Told

nuland’s a real piece of work. they broke the mold down in the devil’s workshop when they popped her out.

jens holm

only russians refer to nulan. he a press for biden and no decider.

Truth be Told

ukraine turning fraghappy.


i watched the two videos and a feeling with an idea came into my mind. two were pushing the boat into water and two were watching. the latter were in a perfect position to shoot the former in case they did not want to go. after pushing the boat, the former were in position to shoot the latter while these two could have thought something like “ok, they accepted to go”. that implies my idea.


two motivated soldiers are watching two not so much motivated (a kind of ukrainian soldier rather easy to find now) so four soldiers could embark for a suicide mission. the not so much ones are now motivated enough to kill the motivated for survival reasons.


dying for zelensky, biden, blackrock is now pointless and are acting accordingly.
it’s only a feeling with an idea and i do not know whether i’m correct or not. if the procedure to go into such a boat changed, i’ll have an argument in favour of my idea.

Eiryu Johnny

the two soldiers behind were not just watching, they were pointing rifles at the two men at the boat.