In Video 18+: Ukrainian Servicemen Killing Their Brothers In Arms


Military expert Daniel Bezsonov from the DPR shared a video from the Donbass front lines, revealing another war crime of the Armed Forces of Ukraine against their own servicemen.

The video was provided with the following comment:

Yesterday a quadcopter of our servicemen was lifted into the sky in Artemovsk (Bakhmut) direction for reconnaissance of the situation in the area of positions of the Ukrainian Army. The operator of the quadcopter detected the movement of a group of the enemy along the forest area near the military positions of the AFU.

At first glance, it looked like the movement of a sabotage and reconnaissance group of seven people, so our drone operator decided to continue visual observation; but soon it turned out that four AFU soldiers were leading three men in standard Ukrainian field uniforms to a firing squad. They chose an abandoned or spare trench as the place for the shooting, but they did not shoot them in the trench, but near it.

This is not a unique accident. Ever since the defense of Slavyansk at the end of May 2014, we received intelligence for the first time that the Nazis from the “Right Sector” shot eight Ukrainian military gunners who refused to hit the city. Over the years, all the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have turned into Nazis, and they no longer need particularly stoned Nazis for the executions of their brothers-in-arms.


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Tommy Jensen

Maybe it was Ukrainians killing Nazis?

flush goes the nation

Looks like after the murdered their own people they discovered they where being watched as it appears they were firing up at the drone.


it could be a new way of executing russian prisoners. Dress them up in ukie uniforms, shoot them in the fields and nobody cries wolf , they just shot their own “deserters” or something.


From military situation in Donbas, Ukraine suffer hard time and Russia has upper hand on Ukraine at front line, it possible they are regular Ukraine soldier.

EU must not be USA slave

Why these men do not shoot the nazis before being subdued and having their weapons taken away?

I think any Ukrainian conscripted against his will should change sides with the first opportunity.


That’s what these poor brave men were probably doing but it’s miles away to walk to the Russian lines. The danger of meeting with urkonazi DRG is very high.

i wonder

this is why they need the armor cars, they use them to drive ukranians in to the combat zone, with out that they would all desert or simply not get in to the fight. the no mans land keeps the fighting away from the main force. units are driven in to their deaths by death taxis. outside thes “combat operations” weapons are taken from conscripts. most of the time most dont come back from such assaults so the conscripts do no have any arms unless send in to combat/death.

EU must not be USA slave

Maybe simple surrender to Russians, then? Why would they fight anyway, Russians did not harm them, the Ukrainian state did.


Ukraine uses their reserve as cannon fodder for depleted Russia cannon ammunition, sad US and UK will sell their widows and daughters as prostitutes and sex slaves in US and UK.

Amazing Frank

alles für di juden

Captain Hohol

So that’s basically what the m113s are.

Vlad RuSs

One day the Ukrainian non Nazi will wake up understanding they have been framed by Ihor and Elensky.


Lhor, Elensky and Angloameriscums.
Anglo-Ameriscums must be wiped out of the World.


You need to hit the snake at the head. And the head of the “Anglo-Ameriscums” has been something starting with “R” and their friends… let me think for a while, I’m sure I’ll remember shortly.

Hohol the Faggot

It is actually the opposite. Bottom feeder Hohols are much more vicious and spiteful than Zelensky.

Buford T Justice

Murder , straight up murder. I hope they suffer a terrible fate .

Last edited 2 years ago by Buford T Justice

No trolls yet. Latest missile strikes on electrical grid have been a success! Seriously, not all Ukrainians are bloodthirsty extremists. But those that aren’t have been driven out of leadership positions, driven into silence and are being executed. Of course the world’s policeman is not putting an end to it, but rather driving the situation.


Correct, Most Ukrainians are decent Orthodox Christian people BUT those that are kosher, nazi, and or hopelessly corrupt are a dangerous minority segment that dominate the remainder. Ukraine jumped out of the frying pan directly into the fire. The populace in the NATO countries must mount a serious Anti War movement again to put a stop to this zionist imperial conflict. Peace on Earth. Z.

i wonder

less than 3%


Fifteen years ago, I visited eastern Ukraine, dated a Russian speaker, and she was publicly berated during the date by a different young woman who spoke Ukrainian. I was very surprised that the pure Ukrainian woman had so much hate for the Russian speaking woman. My opinion is that your use of “most” is baloney. Ukrainian is a Russian dialect. I like the Russian Orthodoxy, one church, as opposed to Western Christianity’s hundreds of different churches.

Hohol the Faggot

Never met a single decent or Christian hohol. Stop lying, hohol.

Last edited 2 years ago by Hohol the Faggot

Why the Ukrainians still fight is beyond me.

i wonder

they are forced by those that profit


Pedos go to jail, but still want to abuse kids.

Kram Stub

Beyond horror.


Nazis, are always the same


Nazi nazi nazi ….. everyone, both sides keep calling the other a nazi. But what makes a nazi a nazi? Shooting deserted soldiers or racism was cool already before Christ was born and long before Hitler came up. I say nazis are dead dinosaurs and you should give those guys a mew name 😉

Heil Caesar!

EU must not be USA slave

They call themselves nazys, wearing nazy simbols etc. I like to call them mentally insane.


MSM makes a nazi a nazi.

Gorgeous George

I hope Ukraine will soon be destroyed and forgotten and never mentioned again.


It’s being moved to Canada, unfortunately for all concerned.

Amazing Frank

they are bolsheviks


Kann man Euch so leicht hinters Licht führen?
Die haben Kapuzen, aber nur im 2. Video.
Da ist nichts russisches zu erkennen


Das erste Opfer im Krieg, ist die Wahrheit.
Und das i.d.R. nur bei der Berichterstattung – wo auch sonst?