In Video 18+: Punishment For Desertion In Russian Ranks


Ukrainian sources are actively sharing a video showing a Russian military commander punishing servicemen who left their military positions during the battle. 

According to some sources, the video shows a military officer from the LPR, other sources claim that he is a Russian commander. The officer scolded his subordinates and beat them with a batoon after a dozen of soldiers left their military positions. The soldiers attempted to expain that they were taking the wounded out from the front lines but could not explain why a dozen of soldiers were busy evacuating two wounded comrades.

The commander was angry as the decision of experienced Russian servicemen who left the military positions led to deaths of two volunteers who came to the front lines of their own free will.

The video reportedly demonstrates how desertion is punished in the Russian ranks. It was actively used by Ukrainian propagandists to reveal the “inhumane behaviour of Russian commanders”. The video is accompanied by the traditional appeal of Ukrainian propagandists: “The only way for Russian servicemen to survive is to surrender to the AFU.”

The real situation on the battlefield that led to the punishment of Russian servicemen remains unclear. In fact, blows with a baton are likely not the worst punishment for disobedience that led to death of their comrades. Moreover, the video confirms that the volunteers are highly respected by Russian servicemen who worry about their lives and security.



On the other hand, the video can be compared with the measures taken by the Ukrainian military against deserters. A lot of bodies of Ukrainian servicemen, who were shot in their heads with heads tied behind their backs, were found on the abandoned Ukrainian positions. Ukrainian POWs also claimed that Ukrainian serviceman are used to kill their comrades for disobedience. Recently, the claims on execution of Ukrainian servicemen were confirmed by a video from a UAV which captured the punishment of Ukrainian soldiers. LINK, LINK, LINK, LINK, LINK, LINK


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Those soldiers are obviously not trained well, they are moving in a tight group. One well-placed artillery shell gets them all.

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Surrender to Nazis? The Nazis said this in Moscow is stalingrad is see what happened…

Much ado about nothing

What nonsense. That’s just a Russian hazing when they joined the ranks.

If they were ukrop deserters and caught by their own, they’d be dead.

Curious Georgina

Did they at least get to pick their pronouns?

Chechen the Faggot

They are Chechens doing some retarded acting. When the idiot with a baton takes a radio supposedly some Chechen Major General is on the radio. That does not make sense at all. Why would the Major General radio a second lieutenant directly? They have never heard of the order of Army command, eh?

Last edited 2 years ago by Chechen the Faggot
USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

Oh, this changes everything, then… That would be a stupid scenario with amateurs acting. Oh, acting… What Zelensky is all about! That rings me a bell…

Chechen the Faggot is a Racist Turd

Nah, it’s just a Chechen (if one) doing his thing. No acting. They’re tough mofos and take no shit. You definitely want them on your side. Don’t really know what side you’re on though.

FYI: Chechens are a warrior class, like Samurai or Spartans. Any sign of cowardice is a shame to be carried forever. When turned jihadi, they’re a mortal enemy but otherwise, a coveted ally.

Last edited 2 years ago by Chechen the Faggot is a Racist Turd

You mean these tiktok soldiers who rape animals infront of ukrainian thermal visors?


Russians kiling russians killing russian.

Champaign bottles are beingopened around the clock in Lndon, Paris and Washington.

Che Habana

I don’t have a problem with this. You got to maintain unit discipline. You can’t run from the enemy. This is life or death of a country.

Peter Stein

Russia beats the deserters. Ukronazistan shots them in the back of the head.

Peter Stein

And that says a lot.

Ukrop weeds in the garden

That’s AFTER they torture them. Just ask that drunkard Milburn.


I call Bullshit!!! Ukrainian Bullshit,the Russians are a real army if those guys were deserters they would face a legal court martial.


Propaganda barata e muito mal feita pelos nazistas/eua/otan.
1⁰ Se fossem desertores do exército
russo, enfrentariam corte marcial.
2⁰ Militares em serviço no exército russo não usam barbas.


Beats a bullet behind the ear. Cowardice is usually frowned upon in most militaries. The question today is about combat effectiveness of any soldier in a time when the war is computerized, mechanized, and airborne. There will come a day when being a human in the combat zone is a Big Mistake no matter how brave you are.


Punishment for all sorts of infringements are common place in the nato ranks that is why Western governments are having serious recruitment problems bringing people into the ranks. The British Army have major problems with NCOs and even junior officers assaulting and beating young recruits bullying is a major issue that is even today covered up at the highest levels within the British military I saw it myself many times teenage recruits assaulted by NCO instructors during their basic training and thereafter also major issues with racism nothing changes…

Moshez Dayanz

Time to strike the shepherd and remove the “hero”.

Tommy Lee

This is exactly what they deserve. Good on the Russians.


Army needs discipline. A beating with a stick is justified. NEVER leave you post

Lawrence Hill

The commander handled this very serious situation just about right- 12 healthy “deserters” operating on a flimsy but not defiant excuse are too many to execute. He showed a very effective command posture, under these circumstances, of unequivocal demand of obedience and explicit condemnation of disgraceful military conduct. He’s a keeper.
Also, they are operating in a theater where these troops are possibly local recruits with family to be reckoned with in the aftermath of this incident.


I think this is a relatively mild punishment for the crime of desertion, the officer seems to show some restraint. It looks violent but he’s not actually cracking skulls.

Too quick to judge

They said they were evacing a wounded comrade. The complaint was that too many were doing the evacing. That’s not exactly desertion unless they intended not to return, more like dereliction of duty by leaving your post without authorization.

‘Desertion is the abandonment of a military duty or post without permission and is done with the intention of not returning. This contrasts with unauthorized absence or absence without leave’


It might not technically be desertion but there’s a good chance that was their intention when the entire squad retreated to evac two casualties. If they had returned to their positions after the evac I don’t think this video would exist. To be fair I have no idea what happened though.

greg robinson

Punishment without a due process of a court martial? This sadist is a thug and the military organization that allows such medieval sadism is a pack of bandits. The Russian word is ‘pozor’.

Tempest in a teapot

Give it a rest, Nancy. In contrast the entire ukrop command structure is a sado/masochistic band of war criminal degenerates. Don’t take it from me. Just ask the Mozart conductor when he’s drunk. He already spilled the beans.

my patient need another injection

he said ” no mnm’s tonight and stays on the corner with monkey’s hat during 1 hour”

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

This kind of attitude from an officer is the seeds for revolt in an army. This behavior is not enforced by regulations.

Those quilty should have been presented to a military tribunal and get a punishment according to known laws.

Russian army certainly have some traditional weaknesses that must be addressed.


In the Army, you stay at your post until you are killed or you are relived by another soldier, or are ordered to leave it. Your injured colleagues, would be evacuated by units assigned for such tasks. Those muppets got off lightly, in Stalin’s Red Army, they’d have been shot for desertion.

Last edited 2 years ago by Christopher

All rump Ukrppers shoot their own canon fodder in the back when they try to survive and of course we all know how they torture and execute any Russian soldier (citiZens included) when they are captured by the rump Ukrapper filth.


Odessa awaits liberation.


Must be very motivating

Lessons my father taught me

A man takes his punishment when he fucks up.


Remined me of my teachers when I was at school – Ukrainians get fuking killed for desertion.


Whatever, whoever… the officer is acting correctly showing concern and respect to the fact that 2 men died as several more got themselves involved in retrieving 2 wounded men… it is all a matter of discipline…


Come on ! If you believe that shit being Russian or Chechen soldiers being beaten or killed , you’re an idiot and ignorant. The first video is Ukrainian propaganda and lies. It’s obvious. The second is well known, Nazi Ukrainians killing their own for desertion or not wanting to fight anymore.


This guy just got a ticket to prison.
