indeed, zelensky is jewish, the prime minister shmygal is jewish and the mossad controlled sbu agents hunt down ukrainian slavs to send to their slaughter while allowing ukrainian citizens of jewish descent to leave the country legally. the jewish supremacists in kiev and the ones in the western world who orchestrated this war are laughing all the way to the bank.
search jews founded cssr & jews in russian government and economy, and you will understand many things that happen in the world. get it ! usa, russia, china, uk & eu & israel are run by jews !! that’s the evil problem mankind is facing ! hitler warned the world not to let this situation arise, he warned and warned but the stupids in usa, uk & russia didnt listen but followed their jewish governments orders.
globální bankovnictví jim doslova patří, ale nejhoší je, že i inteligentní cifršpióni podléhají mýtickým blbinám a nadřazeném národě, to je doslova hazard, a mladí proizraelští nadšenci věci taky neprospívají, vymyslel jsem na jejich časté jednání docela trefný popis – věnují se močení na hroby svých zavražděných předků.
us congress warns the icc “we’ll string you up if you try to indict netanyahu’.
perfectly expected from such a gang of thugs that think the icc is to be used only for their purposes. “we get to decide what’s genocide and what’s not, you little nobodies and we know where your children go to school’, the letter went on to threaten.
the legal terms of “crime against humanity” have been created by and for the jews during the nuremberg trial. for them, jews are the true humanity and they consider goyims as humanity cattle.
also, trolls are free to do whatever they want here, cry to sf admins. they couldn’t even make it so other people can’t use the same username… yeah you can be another ceo of yapping (there 3 already).
join us and make this whole website really anonymous.
as long as we’re talking about 100s of zionazis, i’m in.
10 months ago
looks like ww1 in colour!! so it’ll be unmarked graves for all those lucky ukrainians!! i don’t really feel sorry for them…they all had a chance to die while doing some gun violence to the ukrainian regime…. maybe make a difference? …. rather than dying in a featureless, sprawling field having achieved nothing.
they probably threatened these guys families. they use autocannon ifv equipped barrier squads waiting behind them to murder their own soldiers, there is videos here of that happening. for not moving forward in a no mans land more dangerous than ww1.
because of the constant lies from the ukrainian and western media, most of them had no idea that they would be outnumbered and outgunned, and that they would be fighting only for the amusement and profits of the western elites.
as one story goes, they were told there were two front lines in front of where they were dumped and it turns out there were none.
how zelensky and the graham cracker think building a fourth or fifth army from deserters is going to work will go down in the history books as the century’s greatest klondike rush for fool’s gold.
Last edited 10 months ago by antiestablishmentarianism
Jens Frenzel
10 months ago
sehr schöne bilder, bitte mehr davon!
very nice pictures, please more of them!
FAB 1500
10 months ago
russia is using about 100 fab1500 glide bombs with new correction module per day with a potential for a lot more. nato should not be in a hurry to send troops to ukraine
100 bombs per day is just ~35000 per year. avdeevka was stormed with 200 bombs of different calibers a day, 3 or 4 days of unstoppable bombing and nazis left their positions at avdeevka coke chemical plant that should become new “azovsteel”. it was the first such massive usage of precision glide bombs against nazis.
add bombs of other calibers: 250 kg, 500 kg and 3000 kg.
10 months ago
this video is horrific! one can only wonder as to the last minutes of these men’s lives. none of this ever had to happen. the minsk deal was almost done and dusted! such a needless loss of life. same as the victims in the dunbass innocent lives needlessly lost! zelensky and his western backers can burn in hell where they belong
it’s a shame that russia has to go through the conscripts to get to the hard core neonazis that run the show. you’d think the conscripts would wise up enough to take proper action.
thought the same, but in the second half of the video we can see a pile of hand weapons, so the bodies could be either extracted from trenches to count them, take dna probes and bury to prevent possible disease. every grave have its number, so relatives of a killed one can give their own dna probes, check the data base and find their family members after the war.
10 months ago
it’s sad the dumbest people of europe is exploited first.
Stop neo-Nazism in Europe
10 months ago
a very sad and inhuman sight …
this is the real impact of the militarism of nato and the kiev junta on ordinary ukrainians. ukraine should wake up and get rid of the fools in kiev.
10 months ago
uauuu, all those beautiful and wonderful yankee girls of mtv!!! dancing on dead bodies everywhere!!! its the reel free imperialism. one eisenstein and one bertolt brecht, at least, are needed.
10 months ago
us strategy of fighting to the last ukrainian is working!
nope, a lot of them don’t want to die for you, you are done, beautiful and wonderful harry potter or spock castle, as the dollar is buried by the gold.
10 months ago
zelensky, you son of a b..tch! you have blood in your hands! fuck…ing comedian!
you will be remembered in history as the butcher of ukraine!
they are dead orcs being pilfered by live orcs , old video but a great one . eh
10 months ago
jen homo shit his pants when he saw this…..this is reality you little bitch….
you dirty little bitch.
ukrainians showing the world they are the dumbest people on earth.
mulattos are fucking ur white women….you stupid cunt… while you watch…..story of america
10 months ago
it’s disgusting what the americans and nato have done.
10 months ago
which one of the two ruski is loved more by uncle sam…???
10 months ago
they died for the zionazi filth in the washing town sewer and its hook nosed khazar goblin in its kiev rat hole. rump ukrappers gotta be the third most idiotic clowns on the planet after the feckless euro peons and the $lumville lumpen trash. onward to total collap$€ of all things anglozionazi. z and then more z until the snake is destroyed.
captain hohol
10 months ago
man, that blowout took out a lot of stalkers.
but seriously though, why do so many of them look like they’re wearing default stalker gear.
Crazy Canuck
10 months ago
new record set yesterday , great news over 1700 dead russian invaders in one day eh
Crazy Canuck
10 months ago
this is old video and they are dead russians being pilfered by more russians. nice try eh
10 months ago
vis major…
Warrior Nation
8 months ago
and the jews use dumb moslems to carry out attacks on russia and many other places.
norte, leste e sul da ucrânia: moedor de carne de soldados ucranianos.
faixa de gaza: moedor de carne de soldados israelenses.
ouro, moedor do dolar, não percas a direcção, que vem dum étimo latino.
video shows that the pretend slav drugged idiot zelensky really cares about “his people”.
what a a sick and sad joke from a paid off degenerate in kiev…
indeed, zelensky is jewish, the prime minister shmygal is jewish and the mossad controlled sbu agents hunt down ukrainian slavs to send to their slaughter while allowing ukrainian citizens of jewish descent to leave the country legally. the jewish supremacists in kiev and the ones in the western world who orchestrated this war are laughing all the way to the bank.
search “jews in us government” in google, and you will understand many things that happen in the world.
are there any goyim left there?
not yet. but the jews are working on making that happen.
search jews founded cssr & jews in russian government and economy, and you will understand many things that happen in the world. get it ! usa, russia, china, uk & eu & israel are run by jews !! that’s the evil problem mankind is facing ! hitler warned the world not to let this situation arise, he warned and warned but the stupids in usa, uk & russia didnt listen but followed their jewish governments orders.
globální bankovnictví jim doslova patří, ale nejhoší je, že i inteligentní cifršpióni podléhají mýtickým blbinám a nadřazeném národě, to je doslova hazard, a mladí proizraelští nadšenci věci taky neprospívají, vymyslel jsem na jejich časté jednání docela trefný popis – věnují se močení na hroby svých zavražděných předků.
now do the same in gaza
the armed forces of the jewish supremacist state have done it to tens of thousands of women and children.
us congress warns the icc “we’ll string you up if you try to indict netanyahu’.
perfectly expected from such a gang of thugs that think the icc is to be used only for their purposes. “we get to decide what’s genocide and what’s not, you little nobodies and we know where your children go to school’, the letter went on to threaten.
the legal terms of “crime against humanity” have been created by and for the jews during the nuremberg trial. for them, jews are the true humanity and they consider goyims as humanity cattle.
you’re beginning to annoy everyone here. yapping less would be a good start.
are you talking to that kike or me?
also, trolls are free to do whatever they want here, cry to sf admins. they couldn’t even make it so other people can’t use the same username… yeah you can be another ceo of yapping (there 3 already).
join us and make this whole website really anonymous.
just take a name like jens holm, then nobody would dare to copy it.
or a better name would be one that would piss both neo-nazis and zionist (people like him have massive ego problems).
also, there are many jens here, it wouldn’t help lol.
now where is the full stop kike?
you are the only kike here… .
hamas really won their war alone and these neo-nazis with support of the whole western countries can’t even take 1km from russian after 2 whole years.
look at the neo-nazi leader, a gay jewish clown… lmao.
the three day war eh loser.
as long as we’re talking about 100s of zionazis, i’m in.
looks like ww1 in colour!! so it’ll be unmarked graves for all those lucky ukrainians!! i don’t really feel sorry for them…they all had a chance to die while doing some gun violence to the ukrainian regime…. maybe make a difference? …. rather than dying in a featureless, sprawling field having achieved nothing.
they probably threatened these guys families. they use autocannon ifv equipped barrier squads waiting behind them to murder their own soldiers, there is videos here of that happening. for not moving forward in a no mans land more dangerous than ww1.
heck the street’s dog catchers threaten to bury them on the spot if they say they don’t want to fight.
they ask “why are we fighting?”, they answer “so we don’t bury you here but where it counts. besides, biden pays us a bounty and i have kids to feed.”
because of the constant lies from the ukrainian and western media, most of them had no idea that they would be outnumbered and outgunned, and that they would be fighting only for the amusement and profits of the western elites.
as one story goes, they were told there were two front lines in front of where they were dumped and it turns out there were none.
how zelensky and the graham cracker think building a fourth or fifth army from deserters is going to work will go down in the history books as the century’s greatest klondike rush for fool’s gold.
sehr schöne bilder, bitte mehr davon!
very nice pictures, please more of them!
russia is using about 100 fab1500 glide bombs with new correction module per day with a potential for a lot more. nato should not be in a hurry to send troops to ukraine
what do they have stockpiled, about 5 million or so?
100 bombs per day is just ~35000 per year. avdeevka was stormed with 200 bombs of different calibers a day, 3 or 4 days of unstoppable bombing and nazis left their positions at avdeevka coke chemical plant that should become new “azovsteel”. it was the first such massive usage of precision glide bombs against nazis.
add bombs of other calibers: 250 kg, 500 kg and 3000 kg.
this video is horrific! one can only wonder as to the last minutes of these men’s lives. none of this ever had to happen. the minsk deal was almost done and dusted! such a needless loss of life. same as the victims in the dunbass innocent lives needlessly lost! zelensky and his western backers can burn in hell where they belong
they’re nothing to zelensky or to washington. dead souls all…..i mean zelensky and washington.
it’s a shame that russia has to go through the conscripts to get to the hard core neonazis that run the show. you’d think the conscripts would wise up enough to take proper action.
lets make them burn in this world first. they dont deserve to live or die peacefully.
thermobaric, i would guess. sickening.
thought the same, but in the second half of the video we can see a pile of hand weapons, so the bodies could be either extracted from trenches to count them, take dna probes and bury to prevent possible disease. every grave have its number, so relatives of a killed one can give their own dna probes, check the data base and find their family members after the war.
it’s sad the dumbest people of europe is exploited first.
a very sad and inhuman sight …
this is the real impact of the militarism of nato and the kiev junta on ordinary ukrainians. ukraine should wake up and get rid of the fools in kiev.
uauuu, all those beautiful and wonderful yankee girls of mtv!!! dancing on dead bodies everywhere!!! its the reel free imperialism. one eisenstein and one bertolt brecht, at least, are needed.
us strategy of fighting to the last ukrainian is working!
sure, what do they care?
nope, a lot of them don’t want to die for you, you are done, beautiful and wonderful harry potter or spock castle, as the dollar is buried by the gold.
zelensky, you son of a b..tch! you have blood in your hands! fuck…ing comedian!
you will be remembered in history as the butcher of ukraine!
first things first. the cookie monster and her clan are first in line for that title.
not even the trees protected them…what devastation of the ukrainian army and nato troops…
they are dead orcs being pilfered by live orcs , old video but a great one . eh
jen homo shit his pants when he saw this…..this is reality you little bitch….
you dirty little bitch.
ukrainians showing the world they are the dumbest people on earth.
my azz hole not little—used often by gay mulatto
mulattos are fucking ur white women….you stupid cunt… while you watch…..story of america
it’s disgusting what the americans and nato have done.
which one of the two ruski is loved more by uncle sam…???
they died for the zionazi filth in the washing town sewer and its hook nosed khazar goblin in its kiev rat hole. rump ukrappers gotta be the third most idiotic clowns on the planet after the feckless euro peons and the $lumville lumpen trash. onward to total collap$€ of all things anglozionazi. z and then more z until the snake is destroyed.
man, that blowout took out a lot of stalkers.
but seriously though, why do so many of them look like they’re wearing default stalker gear.
new record set yesterday , great news over 1700 dead russian invaders in one day eh
this is old video and they are dead russians being pilfered by more russians. nice try eh
vis major…
and the jews use dumb moslems to carry out attacks on russia and many other places.