In Video 18+: Bloody Battles For Chalk Plant In Belogorovka, LPR

In Video 18+: Bloody Battles For Chalk Plant In Belogorovka, LPR

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The front lines in the Seversk direction in Donbass are inflamed by heavy battles. Industrial facilities near the village of Belogorovka, located east of Seversk, are one of the bloodiest battlefields in Ukraine.

On April 4, Russian servicemen shared footage of the mop up operations in the basements of the chalk plant located on the southeastern outskirts of Belogorovka:



The battles for this large industrial facilities continued for a long time, but Russian assault groups did their job. The plant came under the full Russian control. The reports about the Russian control of the plant came back in early March. The facilities were captured by Ahmat Special Forces.

In their turn, Ukrainian forces attempt to hold defense of the large chalk dump located near the plant on the southwestern outskirts of Belogorovka. In recent days, Russian forces have expanded the zone of their control south of the chalk quarry dump.

Russian assault is complicated because the chalk dump is the dominant height in the area; but Russian drones, aviation and artillery are pounding the positions of Ukrainian forces, preventing the rotation of Ukrainian units and supply of ammunition.

The Ukrainian military command does not give its soldiers the opportunity to surrender. The dead Ukrainian servicemen were found with a control shot in their heads. The wounded were killed by their comrades, who did not want to take the wounded from the battlefields.






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kill the Nazis, all of them

video #1: russian fighter: -lie down on your stomach son of a bitch. nazi: -sir, yes , sir!

Heiner M. Bremer

send the dead ukros all to germany (das dümmste deutschland aller zeiten), here they can also apply for social assistance (bürgergeld) quickly even if they are dead.

the german finance minister, christian lindner (fdp), a porsche driver with newly planned hair on his head, costs the german taxpayer 25,000 euros a month and is happy to throw more euros out the window for every ukro registered in germany.

Last edited 11 months ago by Heiner M. Bremer

germany needs a civil uprising at least as much as the us does, to rid itself of the idiots running the place.

jens holm

all vote about it. its much better then election between one already seleted almost person.

crispy xo-xols on abrams

wrong again: if elections would be held today the ruling government would not be reelected. so no, germans did not vote for this mess. you are a retarded son of a btch losr, can’t even write properly so f you

Truth be Told

write properly? i suspect it’s not his writing that’s at fault. it’s his addled brain producing addled syntax that no one but another brain-addled idiot can maybe understand. but probably not.

Truth be Told

only reason for so many elections in the west is to get rid of the idiots that were voted in the last time and replace them with a new crop of idiots.

Last edited 11 months ago by Truth be Told

they are not idiots they are traitors

Truth be Told

indeed they are. and even worse, they think of themselves as patriots, rather than slaves of the globalist cause. screw the globalists. judged by their behavior, hitler was a globalist.


in sweden (schweinen) they steal pensions and pay the dead.
many white “country’s” systematically plunder and murder the most sensitive and most intelligent
its the witch burner dynasty, they are so stupid, that intelligence are dangerous.
germans only want’s to die, but france are first out. they have forget how to use the guillotine.
do not forget that the parasites live from the zero, how you count it.


some minor financial decline will be the least of your concern in the near future.

jens holm

just another farce.

millions does just like him. why not him. 25.000 euros is not high

it seemes you not know what burgergeld is and whats its for and some ukras of course get it too. maybee you relate to hamburgers from hamburg.

joe biden

homo jens worship money like amerikunt

jens holm

fugges here in danmark can get 45.000 krones and mai wife as a consitutional raight, i cleen

Truth be Told

germany has a higher percentage of dummkopfs in its population than almost any other state.

Last edited 11 months ago by Truth be Told

fucking drones. i hope there will soon be better technology to counter the drones on both sides.

George Foreskin

kevlar umbrellas and kevlar roofs for the trenches

Truth be Told

chalk plant’s a handy place to be. the ukrops can use it to scribble ‘i surrender’ in big letters.

or if they’re stubborn, the russkies can force them to write “we were ordered to kill civilians on purpose’ a thousand times and ‘kiev is a terrorist regime’ another thousand times.


that one with pants all soaked in blood looks like it exploded between his legs. thrillseeker’s dream come true.
