In Photos: UAE-supplied Pantsir Air Defense Systems In Libya

In Photos: UAE-supplied Pantsir Air Defense Systems In Libya

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A closer look at Russian-made Pantsir-S air defense systems supplied by the UAE to the Libyan National Army.

In Photos: UAE-supplied Pantsir Air Defense Systems In Libya

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In Photos: UAE-supplied Pantsir Air Defense Systems In Libya

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In Photos: UAE-supplied Pantsir Air Defense Systems In Libya

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According to the Turkish press, 250,000 weapons are in the hands of AKP members, ready to shoot at the “enemies” of the Erdogan regime, and rumors are circulating that there may be a possible upheaval due to a financial crash this summer.

“AKP members openly declare that they are ‘prepared’ to take advantage of the coup by carrying out death threats against their opponents,” a Turkish report said.

Thousands of unlicensed automatic weapons are being trafficked and sold illegally in Turkey. We are talking about more than 250 thousand weapons missing from the inventory in the warehouses of the Turkish police.

There are dozens of examples of these weapons being used in murders and other illegal acts.

The leader of the nationalist party, M. Akşener, claimed months ago that thousands of Turkish citizens were being trained and taken up arms in camps in Turkey, in view of developments leading to civil war situations in the near future.


Mustafa Mehmet

Re souflaki boy if AKP needs help they can come and ask from your bankrupt government. Happy?


Greece is got the euro currency and you got toilet paper and you still talking…
Cockroach-head shit-kebap boy!
You are so funny!

Pave Way IV

It’s still just a point-defense system, not an entire AD solution. It’s likely to be directly targeted in GNA suppression ops. It’s vulnerable without overlapping longer-range systems – Russia doesn’t use them that way. The GNA has to know (approximately) where this one and others are located, so they can just avoid it with their TB2s for now. Haftar doesn’t seem to understand much about strategy in general, so I expect he’ll lose these soon enough. The ‘easy’ Pantsir TB2 kills are over. Haftar will either need better toys or some kind of alternative to the sadly predictable Arab ground-troop meat-grinder strategy.

Rhodium 10

Pantsir is a mobile system..therefore GNA dont know where that system are deployed

Pave Way IV

Mobile doesn’t mean invisible, and Turkey has to be gunning for these in Libya now. If this (or these) are un-upgraded UAE S1, then they have the older (less capable) L-band search radar. That doesn’t mean ‘completely vulnerable’ by any means, but it will still have to reveal its location every time it’s looking for targets. Considering the narrow corridor the LNA holds to Tripoli, there’s not much room to move it around if they want it close.


I agree, but I think they do have longer range systems as well.

Pave Way IV

Rumored to have ‘an Israeli’ system of some sorts, but no pics. Pantsir S1 isn’t easy to integrate with older Soviet or modern non-Russian equipment, so that would be an issue.

They did have old Libyan KUBs at Wataiya, but I would have to guess they’re not operational – at least based on the regular aerial bombardment it endures. In any case, there were also rumors of some kind of powerful Turkish jamming equipment obscuring the TB2s activities. The LNA might have some kind of longer-range SAMs or radar, but could be ineffective against the particular jamming being used close to Tripoli. I’m basing that on the previously reported numbers of successful TB2 (or ‘UAV’) attacks on the LNA and the amount of intelligence the GNA side has, but who knows.


Not really important. SAA lost a pansir system to Turkey due to lack of training. I doubt SAA knows to utilize a pantsir system in its full potential like Russia.

Which means LNA is going to be even worse at it.

I don’t think LNA can find a solid solution to Turkey’s drones. Especially to TB2s. They are cheap as fuck, easy to manufacture. Word had it they had like 120 of them in 2016 or 2017. They probably have like 200 to 300 of them by now. Money is not a problem too as this is a matter of Muslim Brotherhood, which means Qatar is fully behind Turkey.

Toni Liu

There are no saa pantsir lost to turkey other than propanganda where the destroyed one happened in other place a year before, the real lost are from israeli swarm attack against defenceless pantsir after it already spent all of its ammo.
Thats problem with many aa defence if they are not layered and integrated with other defence with adquate number, even iron dome still able to be penetrated if it already spent all of its missile


If that was the case, I would expect a tidy announcement regarding to this from MoD of Syria or Israel would hit Turkey saying that video is ours etc.

It must be noted though the Pantsir system was destroyed by ANKA-S, not Bayraktar. ANKA-S is ALOT more expensive than Bayraktar as it is a way more advanced and strategic drone.

It’s funny though I heard owner of Bayraktar is Erdogan’s groom, that’s why instead of manufacturing ANKA-S, which is way better than Bayraktar, they manufacture Bayraktar so the groom can earn dem sweet dolars rofl.


Who cares. Let them kill each other. :D