In Photos: Syrian Troops Celebrating Liberation Of Yarmouk In Southern Damascus

Syrian troops are celebrating the liberation of the Yarmouk refugee camp and nearby areas in southern Damascus from ISIS. MORE HERE

The Yarmouk refugee camp and nearby areas were the last militant-held pocket in the countryside of Damascus. Now, the Syrian capital is secured.

In Photos: Syrian Troops Celebrating Liberation Of Yarmouk In Southern Damascus

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In Photos: Syrian Troops Celebrating Liberation Of Yarmouk In Southern Damascus

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In Photos: Syrian Troops Celebrating Liberation Of Yarmouk In Southern Damascus

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In Photos: Syrian Troops Celebrating Liberation Of Yarmouk In Southern Damascus

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In Photos: Syrian Troops Celebrating Liberation Of Yarmouk In Southern Damascus

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In Photos: Syrian Troops Celebrating Liberation Of Yarmouk In Southern Damascus

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In Photos: Syrian Troops Celebrating Liberation Of Yarmouk In Southern Damascus

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Heroes Indeed!


Another Great Victory for the SAA and its ardent allies the PLA and Liwa al Qads. A long and arduous battle to remove the headchoppers and secure Damascus. We salute you: Heroes of the Nation


Yes, but a LOCAL Great Victory.
Meanwhile, the International “Sotheby’s Auction” /read Political Parquet : Russia, Israel, USA, Western Europe/ continues to TRADE over the head of ASSAD..

Tudor Miron

Is it you Bibi? How’s weather in Tel Aviv?

24 Nov 2015 – Jaish al-Sham, Al Nusra & ISIS Shoot Down Russian Warplane Jet Capture & Kill Pilot.
1 Aug 2016 – Russian Mi-8 Helicopter Shot Down, Killing 5 on Board, Idlib – Syria.

All these ISIS and Al-Qaeda fighters are Israeli migrants and work under the commands of Netanyahu, US, UK and France regimes. After watching these videos Mr. Putin could call to Netanyahu that you are doing great job that killing our Russian pilots in Syria and Russian diplomats in the world. Tell Netanyahu that I 100% support you.

Wakeup Israeli migrants are not friends of Russia. What Israeli migrants have done to Palestine same they are doing to Russia and Syria. They are Zionists atheists.

Karo Dndlian

Thanks for sharing.

Tudor Miron

Rob, let me ask you. Who are you and where are you from? Why exactly you’re spreading ISIS/Nusra propoganda fake news?


Finally! The SAA is on the urge of ending the war victorio
usly go SAA go HEREOS!

northerntruthseeker .

Not over yet by a long shot… There are still major battles to retake that US/ISIS pocket south of Deir Ez-Zor, and of course there will be the upcoming operation to free up the Idlib pocket as well…. Even when those operations are completed, the FUKUS forces of evil have their forces on the northern shore of the Euphrates River to contend with, and we still have the illegal US “base” located at Al Tanf to contend with eventually…

This war will still be going on this time next year thanks to the evil FUKUS forces and of course the slithering snakes from Isra-Hell that all want to see Syria still destroyed!


Trump has chosen to betray his promise to get out of foreign wars and has in Syria chosen to expand our presence, subversion, and destruction. Benjamin Franklin had a good understanding of fools when he said, “Experience keeps a dear school, but fools will learn in no other.”

So now the U.S. is in the school that teaches, “The U.S. does not have unlimited resources, the U.S. has nothing to teach the world (except how to throw away liberty and a civilized society), military action to serve only the interests of frightened foreign nations is the road to disaster, and pain awaits fools and psychopaths who think their understanding of reality is the only correct understanding.”


Easy! Putin signalized that he wants a FEDERATE SYRIA and that’s a “SOLUTION” that isn’t what ASSAD wants = to liberate ALL Syria


Russia will make deals with the US towards Al-tanf and the kurdish area, it can do it anytime it wants to, as long as Hajin and the other isis pocket on the east Euphrates is “liberated” by the Kurdish, The United States and other foreign army aim is done, they should return back home and get “payed” for their “noble” service, but for Daraa, the tiger is there with the republic guard and the NDF, and in no less than 1.5 months, Darra is fully regained by the SAA which opens the road from Jordan to Damascus and to Beirut, and thus Russia will also deal with Turkey in Afrin, while in last but not least, the SAA will most likely have to face 2 options, kill all terrorists in Idlib, or negotiate a peace plan to let all prisoners out. and + in the foreseeable future, the 50k+ Kurdish soldiers “could” join the SAA which will make Syria top 20 strongest country in the world, but now Celebration time! because on May 21, 2018, a historical day, the oldest capital in the world is fully liberated by the Syrian Government.


The general view over Syria doesn’t look so “brilliant”:

NW-Syria YPG-Kurdish BARZANI-troops ( Barzani a MOSSAD-asset)
NE-Syria two US-bases middle in the SYRIAN OIL-FIELDS
Some pYgs in the US-Congress ask already that ISRAEL shall annex, incorporate into Israel, the GOLAN that it keeps occupied since the Jewish-Arab wars
Things aren’t so shiny as you, here, would like them to have. And what’s worst, Putin looks for compromises with Bibiland on Assad’s costs


Keep writing we would rather have you here babbling on, than off stomping on Palestinian infants. How many of the Israelis are fleeing the Holy land after having so utterly defiled it.

Concrete Mike

Bwahahaha nice one, wait for it he’ll blame it on either Putin Iran or Hamas.


An EXTENDED VIEW about what’s going on in Syria. Possibly scenarios that let YOU the reader to “work-out” what YOU , readers, think about it / based on YOUR infos & feelings. For everybody something to “chew” and debate.:
** Russia’s Relationship With Israel And The S-300 Controversy **

__By Brandon Turbeville –May 20, 2018 “Information Clearing House”


Russia support Zionists gang and their leader Netanyahu. Support to Netanyahu mean support to Al-Qaeda and ISIS. That is why the Syrian land and air is open for Israel, US, UK and France to keep doing their dirty operations there and holding Syrians hostage.


See my post under your here:


Glorious victory of mankind over evil, greedy satanists! May God bless you and your families, brave SAA warriors in this epic struggle between humanity and monstrous forces from hell. History will remember you as a first line defenders in this dark hour of world madness.


Those nations quickly dominated by foreign enemy forces that forget their martyreds that have sacrificed their lives for the defense of their own allies lands and nations.






From Ivan Sidorenko’s Twitter page: ‘Soldier after seeing one of the Yarmouk pages bash on looting’, “They are worried about some plates and have forgotten about over 900 martyrs” ………………This is unfortunately, an exceptionally high price to have paid. Over 900 Liberators who will never again battle the Yanki Zionist Yoke. Over 900 families who’s sons were Martyred by reclaiming that which belonged to them. Yanki-Zionist-Wahabi Scum will have to be dealt with when all of Syria is secured. Or these brave warriors Martyrdom will have been in vain.


“… when all of Syria is secured”
Well … exactly THAT is the main problem: Putin trades with the USraelis over the head of ASSAD:


Russia is an Ally who is being helpful at the moment. I have no doubt in my mind that Syrian goals in this conflict are significantly different than Russia’s. Of course, NE of the Euphrates is a problem that can be solved quickly when every-place else is secured. Golan and Palestine will be a joint Iranian/Syrian project, Russia will at that stage will be sidelined


The Zionist is a dirty thing, so filthy that its soul, if it has one, can never be cleansed. But it can be driven out of that which is sacred. And surely, in time, the lands of Syria, Palestine, Gaza, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, and others will be totally free of this most vulgar cancer. To be sure, this will happen. The agenda of the mad-men of the NWO has been been bluntly halted and reversed in Syria, and now, it is up to the true Arab nations to come together and polish the filth that is Zionism off their shoes. Jerusalem, too, will be freed from the muck-heads agenda–Trump and his bed partner, NitandYahoo, both nits (fleas that feed off humanity). It is coming and the US and Israehell are going. God bless all freedom loving people, the souls of the innocent that have been murdered by these filthy forces, the brave ones who have stood against them, and those who have suffered because of Zionist evil. And God bless the brave Syrian nation and its soldiers who have stood against such scavengers. The fair minded people of the world are watching and praying for you–and thanking you.
Well done!, oh great and noble people.

Tudor Miron

I can see that hasbara (Russia bashing) troll activity is very high lately. Try harder creatures, earn your shekels.
What amases me is that hasbara don’t even realize what fate their masters prepeared for them.


They often seem completely oblivious to how clearly their comments reveal the depth of their depraved inner thoughts. To whom does that kind of insanity appeal, except their fellow psychopaths?

Hisham Saber

What do you expect, after all, the Talmud was written by diseased minds. And Jews are taught the Talmud at a very young age onwards.


Then perhaps they are not professional, the MSM for instance reveal very little of this kind of insight into the inner workings of their minds. Some of these guys really spill the beans.

zika slika

its always good deal to evacuate enemy from areas that are so close or even in Damascus itself. Even more important is to save life of every single SAA soldier. Priceless in 2018/9 stage of final battles and postwar military dominance. However it appears that this time ISIS made a deal due to the fact that they run out of ammo!!! So maybe just maybe it was better to crush them to the very end by flattening whole area. We are speaking about ISIL 1500 + battle harden soldiers, that is huge military potential. They fought well in past 2 weeks, so why not eliminating such an real treat for good then and there. Its not ethical to give wisdom by laptop keyboard but I hope SAA staff did this on purpose in order to fully eliminate IS in eastern pocket (controlled environment) where they will have almost zero cover and not like this Yarmook “Stalingrad” hellish environment. ISIS will get rest, resupply, moral, pills but hopefully lasttime

Concrete Mike

Better to evacuate. If you flatten everything you have to buy concrete from the French pigs at lafarge holcim, who funnel it right back to Daesh.

And your 100% correct in saving every SAA Ndf guy you can.


May the healing begin for all those suffering. Hope all you young Wahhabis are paying attention. If God is on your side he has a funny way of showing it. As for and co-conspirators you are losing your foot soldiers, the world is learning that you do not keep your word, the hand writing is on the wall. So time to double down in the stupidest way possible. Come on don’t back off now, we expect it. Ah yes, the Ukraine, how predictable.


Field note: Fighting with armor in dense, debris strewn, urban streets and pushing through cinder-block walls is brutal on the vehicles outer periphery fenders.


This must be a very short celebration since more terrorists pockets are waiting for you. Congratullation to Syria-Hezbolah-Iran-Russia forces, and keep going the war is not over, but getting harder due to Turkey-USA-Israel protection of their terrorists.

Cyric London

Assad should grant these brave Palestinians Syrian citizenship if they desire it. Stop allowing yourselves to be divide and unite against the enemy.