In Photos: Russian Military Advisers Support Syrian Army Operation In Northwestern Hama

More and more photos showing Russian military advisers of various kinds in northwestern Hama appear online. The Russian presence near the frontline is seen by some sources as the confirmation that the northwestern Hama advance will develop further.

In Photos: Russian Military Advisers Support Syrian Army Operation In Northwestern Hama

Click to see the full-size image. IMAGE: Oleg Blokhin

In Photos: Russian Military Advisers Support Syrian Army Operation In Northwestern Hama

Click to see the full-size image. IMAGE: Oleg Blokhin

In Photos: Russian Military Advisers Support Syrian Army Operation In Northwestern Hama

Click to see the full-size image. IMAGE: Oleg Blokhin

In Photos: Russian Military Advisers Support Syrian Army Operation In Northwestern Hama

Click to see the full-size image. IMAGE: Oleg Blokhin

In Photos: Russian Military Advisers Support Syrian Army Operation In Northwestern Hama

Click to see the full-size image. IMAGE: Oleg Blokhin

Russian military advisers alongside with Syrian troops in northwestern Hama:

In Photos: Russian Military Advisers Support Syrian Army Operation In Northwestern Hama

Click to see the full-size image

In Photos: Russian Military Advisers Support Syrian Army Operation In Northwestern Hama

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In Photos: Russian Military Advisers Support Syrian Army Operation In Northwestern Hama

Click to see the full-size image


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If this is true then Erdogan will soon lose power because the strength of Syria is the strength of Turkey nation. Erdogan should work to bring all countries together and not play in the hands of American and British Jews to create hates. If Syria falls to Israel then this is serious lose of humanity.


on the other hand if Syria falls to the hands of Erdo the fate of the Armenians, Greeks in Pontos,Kurds and Cypriots awaits them…Turkey is good at slaughtering women and children and destroying villages…….

Xoli Xoli

Erdogan is a traitor his double face.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)



Just like it was in Deir-Ezzor and all the way there, Russian advisors/SOF alongside with SAA soldiers. So how was it again that Putin sold Assad down the river? Lol. I never believed it. Malicious rumour mongering or lack of understanding of international diplomacy? Bit of both I reckon.


We can not say that Putin sold Assa down the river. However, facts are facts, SAA hat the possibility to stop SDF (Kurds usa-Israel puppets) advance to north-east Euphrates river at Deir-Ezzor, and SAA -Russia-Iran-Hezboah did nothing to stop kurds. I want to point out his, they did NOTHING to stop kurds advance.


You choose your battles and attack from positions of strength. Trained soldiers are a valuable commodity …. much more so today that ever before. Perhaps a decision was made that is was in their best interests to allow the SDF the ground rather than risk a conflict with the US coalition that could easily have gotten many well trained soldiers killer and cause a major escalation in the war. It’s in no ones interest to turn Syria into WW3’s battlefield.

The Kurdish occupied region of Syria is landlocked. It costs the USA $$$ and political capital to keep the SDF supplied. At some point the USA is going to tire of supporting the Kurds and the Iraqi’s are going to tire of the USA. The Kurds are surrounded by hostile with no way in or out of the territory. Who is going to provide a land / air bridge for the Kurds when the USA is gone? The Turks? the Iraqi’s? Assad? Why waste lives on a situation that will right itself in time?


Spot on.


If I may add, to your perfect analysis of the situation east of the Euphrat, the occupied region also contains local arab tribes/clans, increasing the budget of the Supporters of the SDF, as well as constant intern struggle.


When USA is gone ? How many years USA has been in Afganistan ? I do not know, but it looks very complicated situation created by Syria itself.


What’s the alternative for Russia? Military operations are very expensive and Russians won’t accept throwing $billions into a country just to take the pressure off Assad. Then there’s the escalation factor ….. even if you give the USA a bloody nose do you believe that’ll be the end of it? The Russians have a good military but they are taking on an opponent with 25 X the financial resources as Russia in NATO.


I really do not see any possible options, what the factions you mentioned, could have done to stop the SDF. ISIS definitely concentrated it resources fighting the SAA, Palmyra, Deir-azor ( constant misremember how to spell that city right). Should f.e. Russia have bombed them? I think, that president Assad would be dead now, and Syria a complete shithole, if Russia would have gone down that road.
And may I remember you that there was no bridge left to cross the Euphrat, later they brought the needed support and moved units to the other riverside, just to met even stronger resistance by ISIS.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

So everyone’s all excited the Russians have a few advisers near the front lines, whoop de doo, and their mostly old fat ones at that, I hope they don’t have to run for their lives if thing go bad, they don’t look very fit and I don’t think they’d make it far if they had to run away.
Why is it I’m the only one who thinks Russian soldiers should be standing beside their SAA comrades and allies, and not just standing well behind them.
Russian tanks and artillery manned by Russians joining the SAA and fighting by their side, that would get me excited, this doesn’t though.
Still it’s better than nothing so I’d better not complain, I just hope it doesn’t fizzle out before anything substantial happens.