Turkish pro-government daily Daily Sabah made an infographics providing a closer look at the assault rifle of the person involved in the recent shooting in two New Zealand mosques. MORE HERE
Turkish pro-government daily Daily Sabah made an infographics providing a closer look at the assault rifle of the person involved in the recent shooting in two New Zealand mosques. MORE HERE
to do what he done means had a lot of logistical support and obviously a lot of money. Who financed him and arm him, in a country that was foreign to him, with ammo and an assault military rifle?
……the that is not a military rifle its a civil legal AR15 you can buy them in almost any nation if you have a gun lisence.
it is still military grade and the guy was a foreigner to new zeland. A foreigner has no right to buy a gun in any country, unless is for export and they will send it to a gun dealer in your own country where you receive it.
Not military grade. No select fire that I can see.
I do not need a permit in these Texas to buy. An instant background check to verify buyer is not a prohibited person and fill out required forms.
well new zeland is under british law and what you can do in texas makes no difference in this case.
New Zealand is under NZ law.
The buying was in response to Martin. Sorry for mixing my response without clarity.
He was an Australian and a NZ permanent resident so he had every right to buy weapons in NZ as long as he was licensed and had no major criminal record, was convicted of domestic violence or drug use.
WOW! There are a lot of lazy non-observant lippy arm chair commandos / diversionary trolls here. Shame on Southfront for not noticing the obvious.
Search the internet for the original image. MSM is actively scrubbing these. Daily Sabah is shit. Make note of the following:
1) Fish symbol on the right of the stock near the pistol grip.
2) The number “14” just above the pistol grip.
3) Compare these to John Podesta’s Pedogate hand pictures. John Podesta was Hillary Clinton’s Chief of Staff.
4) John Podesta was in NZ a few days prior.
Make use of those electrical circuits between your ears and draw your own conclusions. Cut Bono? You are welcome.
You mean military patter since if it was mil grade it will he full auto and have a ajustable stock with a pistol grip. But i do agree that it is a military style rifle.
very easy to make it fully auto, as that is not needed for what he did. call it what you like, it is a military grade weapon.
Very easy? Nice try.
maybe not for you kid but it is for me.
Yes, the Semi Auto UK built 7.62 SLR ( FN), could be modified to fire full auto, as the original Belgian made and designed FN’s were, by using a matchstick to jam the sear.
Ok McGyver.
no idiot any combat veteran that took its gun apart and clean it know how to do it and stop been educated from holywood shit4brains.
You said it’s “very easy.” Now one has to be a combat veteran (I’m sure you are). Looks like you are projecting, McGyver.
No military would go into battle with an AR-15, therefore it’s not military grade.
Not in the UK. We learnt our lesson after Hungerford and Dunblane. Now we only have a knives epidemic. What would you rather face around that dark corner???
having the ability to defend oneself against terrorists and gangs of stabby Orcs with a pocket full of firepower so as not to feel fearful of whats around that dark corner’. Its called taking personal responsibility and the scum politicians and leftard gun grabbers hate citizens having that ability. Hungerford and Dunblane were simply music to the ears for the gun grabbers and has nothing whatsoever to do with saving lives.
The NZ terrorist suspect is a member of global terrorist network.
Even an Australian ex-police chief has said that there are no “lone wolf” terrorists, to organize and plan a mega terror attack like the one in Christchurch, a lot of money, planning and logistics are required and only a state or large organization can provide that. This cowardly terror attack has all the hallmarks of Zionists.
Oh for the love of shit why do you ppl keep blaming anything on muh zionists?
Whomever supported him is a hero,the more these muslim invaders die the better.
I am not thinking on the lines you are thinking when I make the question. Maybe if you feel strongly about it you should follow in his footsteps, or follow the example of the italians and vote for people who can actually fight for thier mothetrland rather than the employees of NWO they presented you with to chose whom of the two you give your vote to rule you, as the face of NWO in your country.
Killing women and children as he did help the globalist to pass all kind of laws that secure your enslavement and total obedience to them or go to prison or worst. many ignorant as you also supported the mossad tool in norway, calling him a hero. So before you make this one a hero as well maybe is good to know also who send him to do the killing and why.
Some great practical advice from a Finnish nationalist:
Beware of Z.O.G’s controlled opposition:
so you get your advice from queers and lesbians way to go………. keep your advice for you and try and use your own brain and common sense.
The video “Alt Right Cringe Compiliation” exposes controlled opposition within the Alt-Right, a lot of which is a psyop that hijacked many of the modern populist political trends that are growing in popularity. So no I’m not taking advice from queers and lesbians. As for Kai Murros, I don’t believe him to be an LGBT type of individual.
oh ofc “muh NWO” and “muh jews” are always the talks of you ppl ffs evrything is fake now?
yes stourno.
I condemn your ilk with all my humanity, which seems to be totally absent in you. Why don’t these braveheart white supremacists confront Al-Queda and IS in Syria, Afghanistan or Yemen, instead of murdering unarmed civilians at a place of worship?
WW2 was fought to defeat your ilk.
no WW2 definitely, has not been fought for what you suggest. try again.
So, there were no Nazis running Germany from 1933 to 1945, with their Aryan Master Race and Thousand Year Reich policy requiring living space in the lands inhabited by the untermenchen Russians?
Your version of history seems highly distorted by a bump in the head? Did it cause amnesia???
answer first this question. Who financed hitler and why? Who financed the english and the french at the same time in their war against each other? Who spread wrong information about the outcome of the english french war and bought everything for nothing in england?
Simplifying what happen and for what reason just goes to show the extent of your ignorance as to what really happen by whom and why and at what end, does not show a person that is anything but an educated by product of the system parroting what they teach him. So go educate your self in what you claiming it happen and study both sides what they saying and any other then eliminate the bullshits for what you search and see the truth because all good lies their base is the truth.
I agree with most of what you said, except for the part about Hitler being financed. As for the Zionist transfer agreement, they wanted jews out of Germany and did what they could to make them leave.
Claims of Hitler Being Controlled Opposition: https://www.bitchute.com/video/OMODdz5Cm2cE/
oh i have been to afganistan quite the shithole but nice for a good day’s shooting if you ask me. Also the US military is full of us ;)
This entire problem with the Muslim world has been completely manufactured by the zionists. You’ve been fooled into doing their work for them. Now you know, now you are responsible for this information too.
While there is clearly a Zionist agenda to pit the “Christian” West against the “Islamic” East, this doesn’t mean there is no legitimate reason to be critical of Islam. Remember Islam is just another Jewish creation, it has completely Jewish and Talmudic origins. In the Talmud the Jews had determined long before the arrival of Islam that all the Goyim of the world must abide by the 7 Noahide Laws in order to be allowed to live. The first law of the 7 Noahide Laws states that all the Goyim of the world must worship the god of Israel (which in Islam is called “Allah”). Islam is nothing more than the fulfilment of the 7 Noahide Laws at the tip of the sword. It is a very dangerous and terroristic movement that will eventually destroy and replace any indigenous culture with its own backward, barbaric, irrational, and intolerant false ideology. It has no respect for sovereignty, borders, other cultures, and other religions. Even today there are tens of millions of Muslims who would gladly join a terrorist force that they call “The caliphate” and start conquering and displacing any nation, people, and culture that is not already Islamic. The terrorists in Syria are a perfect live example of this. I say all this as someone who was born and raised in an Islamic nation ruled by Sharia law. Islam must eventually be eradicated from the face of the earth but not in the current context that the Zionists have defined.
A military doctrine disguised as a religion.
You might find this interesting;
TelegrapMossad spy ring ‘unearthed because of Christchurch earthquake’ – Telegraphhttps://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/australiaandthepacific/newzealand/8649223/Mossad-spy-ring-unearthed-because-of-Christchurch-earthquake.html
Perhaps. However the people are still people. We are all one under the universal consciousness.
Who do you think created and promotes universalism for us but not for (((themselves)))?
You are referring to something else. Do you think David Icke is a zionist?))
Oh yeea yeea ofc it has to be the fucking jews all the time whom are to blame…can you ppl think of anything else more creative to blame your problems on?
Why get creative when the truth is so simple and plain to see.
There was no Muslim problem until Zionists started stealing the land where Muslims live.
….so you will compleately ignore the savages comeing from Syria Iraq and Africa right?
The reason Arabs are moving to Europe is the US/Israel is herding them to Europe.
All are trying to escape the US/Israel barbarians.
If the US/Israel had left them in peace instead of slaughtering them there would be no Arab refugees.
It would be much better for Europe, and the whole world if the US/Israel fell into a black hole.
So you will ignore the africans?
So now you want to steal African land, it’s your unquenchable greed that does you in, every time.
I didn’t use the word jew. I wrote zionism. Are you unable to separate the two words?
It’s all part of their sneaky plan, they claim that people hate them because of their religion, and not because they are murdering cun*s.
Pointing the finger at others is common among criminals.
It is truly immoral for Muslims to think they are and even have the right to colonize the entire earth and make other tribes pay for their welfare. https://pics.me.me/genocide-what-genocide-we-arent-killing-white-babies-yet-show-7026370.png
Includes quotes from jewish supremacists actively working to replace us:
I have your answer in one word…
There, now you have your answer!
more than likely MI6, as it is their jurisdiction, not mossads. So your answer in this case is not correct. Not that means anything just same shit different name, since all serve the same master.
A hidden office of an Israeli intelligence cell was discovered in Christchurch during the clean up of the Christchurch earthquake in 2011. Last year Benjamin Netanyahu threatened NZ with serious repercussions if they signed a UN deal on Palestine. French intelligence officers sank Greenpeace’s Rainbow Warrior vessel in 1985 killing one in the process. If a foreign entity wishes to conduct an operation they wouldnt be asking MI6 for permission as per the aforementioned French example. Im not saying Israelis are responsible for Tarrants actions though.
They do have a history in Christchurch;
and then this;
People should realize that there’s no such thing as “independent” international terrorism – it is always a job of special cervices of some state. Look for states which are commonly using terror groups to achieve their objective.
They also use it to pass anti-constitutional legislation and smear political opponents.
P.S. I apologize for spamming you, etc. People’s views can change over time and so have mine, pretty common IMO until the human mind ossifies around the time they reach middle age (at least for most people).
In the US I know they are actually called “CIA-civilian-contractors”
and so when the CIA says they did not do it, in their own way they are telling the truth (though it is still deceptive of them)
They have pained ‘civilian’ contractors who are specially trained. Usually ex-military special forces.
100% FACT. The Zionist entity is also the only sick fucks that did not condemn this atrocity against unarmed women and children as they use the same cowardly mass murder of civilians in Gaza.
Proof of the false flag:
1. At 6:53 into the video you can clearly see a magazine that was preplanted for him on the ground in the mosque. He picks up that same clip at around the 8:30 mark.
2. After the 14 minute mark he’s having a conversation with a second person who is in the car with him.
3. All initial reports from the prime minister to head of police to the media repeatedly stated that 3 other people have been arrested with at least 2 being directly related to the incident yet they have so far failed to provide any additional info.
About the conversation, he’s talking to himself or the camera (livestream). It’s very unlikely even if he had help that someone would be in the car, given that he was live-streaming and this person could have been caught in the video (and you in fact don’t see anyone else in his car).
About the other arrests, I read some time ago they were released as not involved in the incidents.
1. You can clearly hear two DIFFERENT voices. It’s not hard to recognize the difference. Start listening after the 14 minute mark until the end. Two different people are having a conversation with one another. One is responding to the points being made by the other. The second person was likely hiding in the backseat.
2. Both the prime minister as well as the chief of police originally stated (Video is still available) that two other arrests were directly related to the incident. They wouldn’t make such a statement unless it was true. There is no way they would claim two other arrests were related unless they had definitive proof. We know this because they did not make the same claim about the third person arrested.
1. I don’t hear two different voices in the car, nor do I hear any conversation. I hear the perp talking to himself or to the LiveStream. Why don’t you post a transcript? Possibly I missed something but I’ve listened a few times.
2. ” They wouldn’t make such a statement unless it was true.” Bahahahahaha! Yes they referred to them first as accomplices. But then they interviewed them and decided they weren’t. ” We know this because they did not make the same claim about the third person arrested.” Only thing I can conclude is for whatever reason they thought two were accomplices, and the fourth not (and this is backed by the facts: the first two were arrested simply for having a weapon in their car, so the police presumed they were involved in a “coordinated” attack, and the third was arrested essentially for posting hate speech about the incident). Anything beyond that is wild speculation.
Not saying there isn’t enough there for a conspiracy theory if you want it, but you could have that even without the arrests or the alleged conversation.
I can’t prove #2 for certain and neither can you but #1 is 100% verifiable. If you claim you can’t hear a second person you’re either lying or didn’t bother even listening to the part I told you. Some parts of the conversation are inaudible due to poor sound quality and low volume of the second person talking but you can clearly distinguish two different people talking to one another. Start listening from the following time stamps:
-Unknown person: *Inaudible*
-Shooter: “Haha….got that instantly….”
-Unknown person: “….Quick, should have stayed longer.”
-Shooter: “There was time for the fuel.”
-Unknown person: “….burned that fucking mosque to the ground.”
-Shooter: “Well, shit happens. Left one full magazine back there I know for sure, possibly more. They were….along in the middle of the fire fight and pick up the magz that fell out at pretty much fucking instantly. There wasn’t even enough time aim during the semi targets, and there were so many people the car park was full so there was no real chance.
Besides the fact that the two voices are clearly talking and responding to one another you can confirm that they are two different voices based on the voice types and the distance of the voices from the microphone.
Well that’s the stuff I had heard before. I think he is talking to himself or his “audience”, but I suppose a professional voice analysis tool might beg to differ. I just think in a few sentences he is mumbling to himself and then he gets louder – I do that myself so I guess it seems normal to me.
Esp. the 14:44 part, where you can get more of what was said, it makes a lot of sense that he said something like: “That was too quick, should have stayed longer. There was time for the fuel. Should have burned that fucking mosque to the ground. Well, shit happens …” See how it makes sense as one person saying it all, but not so much as a “conversation”? He’s basically debriefing himself on what happened.
So, no, this is FAR, FAR, FAR from “100% verifiable”. In fact I really doubt it because when he is entering/exiting/returning/opening hatch to his car a few times you can tell nobody else is in it. At 3:10 he even point it at himself, at a time when the passenger seat is folded back, and nobody is in the back seat. You also never see anyone in the mirrors (rear-view or driver side), etc.
Sorry, I don’t buy it for a second. He was in the car alone.
ok troll, whatever you say.
Well, good, you have finally come to your senses and realize your kooky conspiracy theory is utter crap.
He stated he made a lot of money from Bitcoin.
As for the weapons, they have these things called gun shops.
You used to be able to to buy AK47’s and SLR’s at gun shops here in Oz until the Port Arthur massacre.
I am not up on current prices, but 10-15 grand would buy 2 assault rifles and 2 shotguns in NZ I would think. Although a nice Browning auto shotgun would probably cost 10 grand alone.
NZ is not a foreign country to any Australian, we’re mates.
I remember that false flag .
Semi autos are still legal in NZ and it wouldn’t be hard to buy the ammo, but there isn’t much personal history being presented. The media just says he made money off bitcoin. The cops raided his sisters place in Australia today, a couple of hours up the road from where I live, but shouldn’t they be raiding his house and questioning his friends in NZ?
All trails lead to Zionists and Bilderberg oligarchs who now fund right-wing terror groups. How can an unemployed Anglo Australian convict descendant with no education travel throughout the world and meet the Mossad control agents in Istanbul and Bulgaria three times and then settle comfortably in NZ and buy AR-15 and five other weapons?.
from what i seen from the news he has family in new zeland ones they went on the news and say he deserves the death penalty. So go figure.
And yet the murdering terrorist acted alone, a “lone wolf”, according to the NZ leadership? How long will this rubbish be tolerated?
as long the ones who rule you, need false flags to pass the laws that turn you in a complete none thinking sheep and put into position in the guise of agencies is controlling armies, over you. I think this in UK/US is completed.
Censorship must be opposed or we will all die in the dark. White supremacist and indeed Western supremacist farts must be confronted and exposed to the sunlight of scrutiny and debate.
I am surprised at the location of NZ. What have they done?
first before you be surprised and I say this in the kindness way I know, stop been emotional when you speak of anything that is effective all of our lives in a very negative way. second know what you talking about. before you draw conclusions and generalize.
Your a fucking piece of shit VeeNarian >It is people like you who try to keep people divided and try create race politics and the divide open of Liberals VS Conservatism. >And the attacker was simply as sick Mother fucker like yourself with nothing better to do with they’re time than to attack innocent people and create further division of peoples & communities.
I am all for peaceful debate, dear. What EXACTLY are you so worked up about?
I am NOT liberal, I am LABOUR, Jeremy Corbyn Labour.
Now, what exactly is your disagreement???
You are so full of shit you are simply a #Troll here to create division nothing else you sick fucker as you try to tie and correlate this sick persons actions directly with the views of Western Conservatism. Which is wrong. Just as wrong as a non-Arab person saying all Muslims or Arabs support killing Americans or Jews.
I have called for free and open debate with Western supremacists and white supremacists. Do you oppose this?
Censorship will only lead to another pressure cooker response.
“Western Conservatism” is nothing different from other conservatism around the world. It is SUPREMACISM, especially the violent forms that emanate from the “exceptional” US and Wahabists and their violent ilk that I would oppose with all my might.
Conservatism is a natural part of the political spectrum, not to be confused with VIOLENT supremacists.
Your A Fucking PIECE OF SHIT who has no idea what the fuck you are even talking about.
Conservatism is traditional, like the Amish.
Wahabists destroy what is different then them, that is Liberalism.
The USA is so Liberal that people do anything. USA is total liberal and so is Israel. They are not run by local based traditions.
In fact, all Empires become liberal the more then expand.
The Indians were the conservatives, the invading UK-Empire were the liberals.
Politics are just a social-construct.
#2 But it does not matter if you are a macro-Evolutionist, or a micro-Evolutionist or a Creationist. All believe the exact same thing as far as ethnic tribes are concerned.
No ones politics matter, but their tribe does.
Ethnic groups is a fact that is where all diversity resides.
What makes someone a supremacist? Sticking to their own? Cause that is almost every group on earth.
Accomplishments in science?
Favoring ones own culture? Cause that is also almost every group on earth.
What about Brown-supremacist?
What about the Moor-bigots?
The Mongol-bigots?
The Hans-bigots?
Seems you are a racist for singling out earth global ethnic minority only.
Dear oh dear. We are all human beings! Ever wondered why a blonde-blue-eyed man from your purest white race can get any woman on Earth pregnant, if the timing is right? That’s because we all the SAME human race!
Stop excreting this rubbish.
Outward appearance really has nothing to do with it. It is the Epigenetic internal differences that is diversity. It is the difference that is beautiful, the same is boarding and dull. Your writings are anti-diversity. By the way, diversity means ‘different’ but you’d have to read a dictionary to know that. I assure you that politics are not important at all. But ethnicity which has been around for tens of thousands of years means everything.
1,000 years from now no one will remember what political party you belonged to nor what they stood for. But they will always be aware of their Epigenetic makeup.
Humans are more diverse the dogs or cats at the Epigenetic level like you would not believe.
I note that you did not answer my point about why all the “races” of mankind can have babies with each other. I can see your difficulties when dealing with facts, “killer facts”.
A white person who dislikes black people is a racist, a black person who dislikes white people is smart.
Are you really white, or just a wannabe white?
A lot of wiggers think they are white, and we let them believe that, because someone has to take away the rubbish.
The writing on the gun: why not add “white middle-class” as well? Because that is the main class of people that the zionist/globalists with their stooges are trying to attack and eradicate.
True https://pics.me.me/genocide-what-genocide-we-arent-killing-white-babies-yet-show-7026370.png
The question is do we condemn such extremist actions regardless their origin or not? I certainly condemn any violent action which causes death or injures to innocent people. One more comment, I was of the opinion that on May 9 Russians under the leadership of President Putin are celebrating the defeat of the nazi Germans by the glorious Red Army, the Victory day. Does Putin has to educate himself about the 20 millions dead soviet people most of them women and children?
The shooting was staged.
#1 People were taking selfies on the floor together after the ‘incident’ I have them and I am trying to figure out how to get them hosted so I can post them here.
#2 At one point in the full video (which I have) he was aiming at a group in the corner, not only did they all fall down together, but a guy off in the left side of the camera also fell down at the same time (imperfect crises acting)
#3 When he is in his car firing a shot gun pointed through his car windows, his front windshield never breaks.
Later he is driving through traffic and the front windshield is just fine.
#4 This happened right at the same time Israel mass bombed Gaza with more then 100 bombs.
This all was obviously Mossad trying to stir up inter Muslim and non-Muslims violence again.
Their are also more discrepancies.
– I am going to try and figure out how to get these important photos of the faked (aftermath) posted on this site for all to see. Even the child is alive later.
Can anyone recommend to me a photo upload and server hosting service on the internet that I can use to host the pictures so I can publish them on here?
The video is so fake that the intelligence agencies do not want any of you to watch it or you will see all of the holes and in corrections in Mossads movie production.
What finished it off for me was the outburst of the grief around the World + then Clinton Jr. gobbing her despicable ugly gob spouting off antisemitism.
Talk about planned.
NZ Threatens 10 Years In Prison For ‘Possessing’ Mosque Shooting Video; Web Hosts Warned, Dissenter Banned: http://www.renegadetribune.com/nz-threatens-10-years-in-prison-for-possessing-mosque-shooting-video-web-hosts-warned-dissenter-banned/
Thank you for posting that news link, it is further proof that what I said about the video is a 100% movie production with lots of holes in it.
Watching YouTube videos of real shootings “like has station robberies or gun fights in Syria look totally real and totally different from this Hollywood style production.
The whole video looks so fake.
Also, I do not live in New Zealand luckily. Their is almost 0 freedom in any of the Union-jack states.
Luckily it is 100% legal to share information about important human events where I live. And we the people are free to investigate for ourselves and even contact international lawyers to raise issues with discrepancies in the video.
I already know two filmographers who are working to up-convert the video to 4k for closer analysis and the filming Technics.
It was not live streamed, it was filmed and then ‘live streamed’.
The truth will be even more exposed in this case then in past faults flags. The Zionist messed up by giving so much footage that can be deconstructed and scrutinized.
Keep up the good work, we are all in this together.
By spreading the truth and information is all that we need to harness in order to set the agenda for the future.
Together we can shape a more positive world free of this crap the (((5-eyes))) push on us lol.
Thank you for watching it. The problem I have with Renegade is their tendency to censor those who disagree with them ever so slightly, even to the point of accusing them of either being jewish or controlled opposition for that matter.
Those are not the real smoking guns, the real smoking guns are the following:
1. At 6:53 into the video you can clearly see a magazine that was preplanted for him on the ground in the mosque. He picks up that same clip at around the 8:30 mark.
2. After the 14 minute mark he’s having a conversation with a second person who is in the car with him.
3. All initial reports from the prime minister to head of police to the media repeatedly stated that 3 other people have been arrested with at least 2 being directly related to the incident yet they have so far failed to provide any additional info.
You’re spreading tons of manure here:
1) No, that didn’t happen. I did see a video from some completely other place of someone taking a picture. Check the carpet color, doh.
2) They fell because that’s what you do when someone is shooting at you. Well, maybe you’d stand there and let him take you out, but most people want to survive, so they fall to the ground, Doh.
3) Yes, the front windshield never shattered (shatter proof glass), but the front windshield is never fine afterwards, it is always completely broken (being held together only by the lamination).
4) Maybe there is Mossad involvement but that doesn’t mean it didn’t actually happen.
A Christchurch mosque has been linked to the drone killing of New Zealand al-Qaida suspect Daryl Jones.
The parents of an Australian killed alongside Jones say their son was taught radical Islam in Christchurch, where he also met Mr Jones.
Christopher Havard was killed alongside Mr Jones by a US drone in Yemen last year.
His parents, Neill and Bronwyn Dowrick, say their son told them he was first taught radical Islam at the Al Noor mosque.
Mr Havard moved from Australia to New Zealand in 2010. He’s remembered at the mosque by the name of Saleem Khattab.
It isn’t just his parents saying that the mosque had radical speakers. A previous investigation revealed that the Mosque hosted speakers which encouraged active engagement of violence in the struggle of jihad against the infidels.
Jones was killed alongside Australian Christopher Havard, whose parents said he was introduced to radical Islam at the Al-Noor mosque in Christchurch.
Mosque leaders confirmed Havard stayed there and studied in 2011, but denied radical teaching took place. But a man who attended a converts’ weekend at the mosque 10 years ago said a visiting speaker from Indonesia talked about violent jihad and plenty shared his views. “Most of the men were angry with the moral weakness of New Zealand. I would say they were radical.”
Incidentally, this piece from Stuff.co.nz was wiped from the Internet by the publisher while I was writing this article, forcing me to hunt down an archive link to have a reference for this story. Which means the lying media is not merely in blackout mode on this story. They’re actively trying to cover up the this mosque’s history of producing international terrorists. This censorship effort is happening in real time.
There’s maybe twelve dozen Moslems in Christchurch, and they already produced not one, but TWO one high level Al Qaeda operatives. Two so deeply involved in mass murders and entrenched in territory held by terrorist Sunni militias that they had to die at the hands of a US drone strike. And the AQAP, the Yemeni branch of Al Qaeda that Jones and Havard were involved with? They were the ones that trained the Charlie Hebdo killers, no joke.
According to Andrew Anglin of the Daily Stormer:
Hunyadi won over Ottoman Empire in 1456 in Belgrade, that time called “Nandorfejervar”. Bel-grad and fejer-var means the same, white castle. That’s why the bells still ring at 12.00 every day in Christian countries. This winning was just after 3 years of Turkish conquest of Constaninouple (Istambul now). This win stopped the Turkish conquest for decades. Hunyadi passed away after the siege. His son, Matthias became the next king of Hungary and he kept Turkish army away from Europe.
Hunyadi is actually a Romanian King, his name is Iancu de Hunedoara. He was Ruler of Transylvania between 1451 and 1456. Name comes from his castle and domain of the county of Hunedoara, in Hungarian, Hunyadi. His father was Romanian, his mother was of Greek origin (Elisabeta de Margina).
And indeed, he died of plague shortly after he defeated turks at Belgrade, in 1456.
On his tomb is written “the light of the world goes out”.
His son was Matei Corvin, and he became king of Transilvania after his father.
Buda is not in Transylvania, where Mathias ( Mátyás) had the throne. But I am fine if our Romanian brothers feels Hunyadis belongs to them as well. Mathias had a brother, Laszlo, was exetuced by the nobles of Hungary to avoid to be Hungarian king but later M was elected in the ice of Danube ( Duna) .
He was the last significant king of Hungary, true. And of Croatia and Bohemia for some time.
He was born in Cluj Napoca, Transylvania, from Romanian father and hungarian mother.
The main economic university today is called Corvinus. The fate of people that time was totally common regardless of mother tongue. After ww1 west sliced it for small countries in the name of ” divide et impera”. I know Romanian people feels it as a winning, but it was fucking big loss for everybody. In 1848 Kossuth wanted to rename Hungary to Republic of Danube, but he failed.
Empires are not meant to exist too much. Establishing borders based on historical and cultural facts is what keeps countries and continents stable. Anything else, no matter how big it is, is a mistake.
Like Ukraine today, a totally artificial state: russians in the east, romanians in south east, hungarians in souh west and polons in west. Ukrainians are a minority there.
That leads to extremism.
The same thing was with the Austro-Hungarian empire. A minority elite ruling over ten oppressed nationals.
I think we studied a bit different history in our schools but it does not protect us to show respect to each other. In the last years of Austro-Hungarian Monarchy it was clear, that some nations want to be independent. But finally the borders were not draw at all by majority of populations, but interest of Entente (France, UK). So pure or overhelmingly Hungarian populated territories went to other countries. Vienna decisions created more or less etnic clear territories. Around 3-3,5 million Hungarians still are outside of Hungarian borders.
The other thing is, that I am not sure, that for Slovakia why Prague rule was better than Budapest. Or Croatia, why Belgrade rule was better than Budapest.
Please, not misunderstand me. I am sure it is better sulution if all minorities/majorities are feeling themselves well regardles the name of the country. When I go to Romania, Serbia, Croatia or Slovakia, I feel myself home. Cause I see, that people are more similar than different.
Ukrainie is a mess, I agree. Krajine means “border” . Border of what?
A map: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Hungary#/media/File:Ethnographic_map_of_hungary_1910_by_teleki_carte_rouge.jpg
It is true that it was the Hungarians who kept Turkish army away from Europe for a long time. Turks and Hungarians have the same origin and the same military tactics in middle ages. Today some of the Turkish military terms which are still used are taken from hungarian language (for example : tabur=battalion in turkish language, but it has a different meaning in hungarian language). And historically Belgrad was a hungarian city not a serbian one. Turks seised city of Belgrad from Hungarians. There was another Hungarian king Thököly Imre who was an ally of Turks.
Funny, Turks are ethnic-Shemites. Hungarians are ethnic-Japethites.
The origin of Turks are Huns and they came from central Asia where we call as Turan. There is no relationship between Turks and semities. But Turkish and hungarian languages has same structural base. Araps and Jews are semities. Bulgharia and Khazar kingdoms were also Hun origin. But Khazarians are not jews they believe toarah so they called “Musevi” which means who believes moses. There are still small commities of khazaras and they called “Karaim” or “Karay”. There must be one more son of Noah whose name was “Yafes” . It is believed that Turks and Huns are the sons of Yafes. I think your referanses are biblical.
Huh, what a shame. History and geography are not really your strong points…………………
Interesting. Battalion in Hungarian is “zászlóalj”, raw translation is ” under the flag”. Yes 80 years after Hunyadi winning, in 1526, Hungary was fallen, due to weak central power. Central and southern part was under Turkish occupation, north, currently Transdanubia above lake of Balaton a Slovakia was under Habsburgs, and Transylvania was naming independent but paying taxes to Turkey.
It comes from “tabór” (From Hungarian tábor, from Ottoman Turkish طابور (tabur).) After Trianon treaty Hungary became 1/3 of its actuall size, German had changed Versay and Turks had changed Sevres treaty but Hungary couldn’t change Trianon. We are all waiting :)
Tábor means camp. But yes, nations are learns lot of words and other things from each other. (today I ate bulgur pilavi, classic turkish food, for lunch)
History is a thing what we should learn of, but we should not stick into. Sometimes the best policy is to define, who is a friend, ally, partner, competitor and enemy. The worst part is, that some enemy pretend to be an ally and playing tricky games having 5th column. Hungarians are very sensitive for it, more, than westernd eu people.
You are right to be sensitive, we the Turks are in the same position, I have read Hungarian history. There was a man named Bela Kun whose origin was a jew. Now we have Tayyip Erdoğan whose origin is same as Bela Kun.
Kun (Kohn) was surrounded by jews only, fortunately their rule was 133 days only. After WW2 Matyas Rakosi was the boss of Hungary, originally he was born as Rosenfeld. That time the polical system was similar to North Korea today. Communists are overhelmingly jews everywhere.
We never see these guys (killers again).
How do we know he isnt an AGENT doing an OP!
They send these kinds of guys to a “special jail” where we never see them or know if they are really there!
Martin Bryant (Port Arthur Massacre) did a similar thing many years a go! We never saw him again and Australian gun laws were stripped from citizens!
The saying “follow the money” or “cui bono” (who benefits)
They use these attacks to push a policy or narrative OR to hide something in the news! (look here, dont look here)
Keep your eye on OTHER NEWS! Deep state going down! They are panicking!
Yes I have heard that these things have happened before.
Like he will get sentenced to prisons. He will go spend a month or so, then go to Israel under a different identity and different look.
Then many years later if he is ‘getting out’ he goes back for the last two months or so and then gets released lol.
They pull that crap on us for sure.
In this massacre, the people he killed in the cafe were all head shots! A fully automatic rifle (not semi). None of those 20 people scattered for cover after the first few were shot! All those killed in the cafe were face down in their meals! 1 miss!
This guy was supposed to be very low IQ!
Accomplished all these head shots from the hip?
What was the outcome of the massacre? They took away our guns! PM at the time wore a bullet proof vest at the speeches he made to farmers!
Real mission accomplished?
I will never trust another massacre!
They treat us like shit!
We need to be doing what France is doing but bring out the guillotines!
Viva La France!
true but after studying , the commune, the french and iranian and chavez revolution. i concluded that slow progressive change that improves existing rules and laws while reinforcing local power and gov is the way to go, everything else becomes subverted much too easily !
bad people succeed inly when good people do nothing. in a revolution, dry and wet burn alike, just as war.
if only we all had enforced existing monopoly laws in time. never would corporations surpass countries.
So, lets recap first.
Timeline is everything.
First there was several shooters, and two different locations inside an city and the police wasnt more than klicks way from this places and yet used somehow 20 min to get there.
Then we have the writings, the so called manifesto, etc, all an copy cat taken from the actions of another qujon, Breivik, witch is to day an hero of the Norwegian right, witch basically means die hard Freinds of ISISrael.
This is an flat out copy of what happened in Norway, the script is identical.
This reaks of Mossad.
What do we then have of contradictions, videos ( an 223 highspeed amo, close range, goes straight thru an human body, shoot against any background and it should show, if not, then its an fake one, its more unlightly that is stops an 223, than to it to go straight thru, and 223 is powerful amo, and you can shoot straight thru cars as well, not like in movies, the only place safe behind an car is behind the engine block, otherwise it will go straight thru, shoot guns are not lethal above 30-40 m depends slightly on the amo, etc etc yeah, we do have expections, like the old, what we call an Kongsberger, with 110 cm thight bored barrel, that one kicks like an mule), the “others” and one flew to the cookos nest ISISrael the same day, remarkable like the Breivik case, after the Gov totally rejected the initial vitness testimonies about several shooters, easy to camuflage thru use of special amo, like graphite, wtich is like glass, impossible to determine if there was other weapons used, since the round explodes once it hit anything solid.
Then comes the cencure, the ban on weapons, etc, to the denile of consequencess of NZ own egagements in crimes against humanity, etc thru the 5 eyes movement.
But the single most intresting thing is, what did the NZ Gov single some days before, namely the same as what made Breivik do what He did, Palestina, this attack was punishment for that, I am dead certain, and that makes this case crystal clear, it was an warning.
In that, is also why I dont bother to go deeper, historicaly aspects of this creeps rants is, maybe intresting, but not vitale, to me is how much truth is the NZ Gov willing to expose, I know they are already fighting for keeping up the apearance, do deflect the guilt upon others, as white people in general, they have no shame.
And then we have this, no mater what, He was an patsy, be by consent or not I dont care, the event occured, cui bono, nobody but the PC infested rotten western scam Gov and the MSM.
Nobody else.
I will not indulge in historical manure throwing contest, but focuses upon the present, cui bono, follow the mooney.
i beleive every act of terrorism ever , has and was always been mossad !
not joking , thi k about it?
they managed to make the world beleive thatb palestinians are blowing themselves up , because brainwashed or motivated by virgins in the sky . some 40 years ago and they have been feeding the myth ever since. you only blow yourself up because your familly is being tortured……hence mossad/cia is behind every act of terrorism ever
satanic globalist elite false flag.
Sibel Edmonds comments on the New Zealand shooter and his frequent travels and his trips to Turkey.
BREAKING- NZ Mass Shooting Suspect in Turkey for 2016 Istanbul Bombing Targeting Jews?
Sibel Edmonds is a CIA disinformation agent, stop listening to her lies and misinformation. The evidence you need to look at is in the video itself:
1. At 6:53 into the video you can clearly see a magazine that was preplanted for him on the ground in the mosque. He picks up that same clip at around the 8:30 mark.
2. After the 14 minute mark he’s having a conversation with a second person who is in the car with him.
3. All initial reports from the prime minister to head of police to the media repeatedly stated that 3 other people have been arrested with at least 2 being directly related to the incident yet they have so far failed to provide any additional info.
“…… stop listening to her lies and misinformation. ”
Excuse me? Are you the forum censor or are you my father.
“The evidence you need to look at is in the video itself:…”
This may be your first false flag rodeo but it is not mine. When I hear the words:
1. Shooter
2. Live stream
3. Facebook
…I am already 80% sure that it is a false flag.
I posted this video elsewhere and we discussed it, and many other updates. I decided to post it because Turkey is a topic frequently discussed here. Turkey being linked to the travels of the NZ shooter is sufficiently interesting.
A C_A disinformation agent? Disinformation gets spread because it is mixed with the truth. Do you want to see the C_A in full operation? Check the list of people who run for election in the US over the last while. Disinformation? Watch the MSM on any channel at any time.
Anyway, thanks for caring. Have a nice sleep daddy.
lol I didn’t mean it in a disrespectful way, sorry if it came through that way. This is generally the way I talk to people I consider close and friendly to me. I do consider you as a genuine poster here hence the straight honest talk. Anyways my point was that Sibel Edmonds is a CIA disinformation agent. I have caught her spreading lies and nonsense many times and of course just like other disinfo agents she mixes truth with lies. Take care.
Thanks. This is a welcome response. :-)
(facetious mode off)
Lots of people are calling false flag.
If it was a false flag the shooter would be dead.
If we read the works of the most prominent Serbian writers such as Vuk Karadzic, P. P. Njegos, B. Radicevic, P. Kocic and others, we will conclude that MAGISTRAL SERBIAN CULTURE CULTIVATES a CULTURE of HATRED AGAINST MUSLIMS (Bosniaks, the autochthonous Europeans).
300 000 fascistic Chetniks are registrated in 16 fascistic Chetniks organizations and that is alarming that SERBIAN FASCISTS are IN EFFECT on Balkan, especially in BOSNIA waiting for 11.GENOCIDE AGAINST BOSNIAKS(Europian muslims).
AFTER THE TERRORISTIC ATTACK ON New Zealand, now THE whole WORLD knows what kind of brutal mentality attacks BOSNIA and Bosniaks FOR CENTURIES and what kind of mentality has been JUDGED by the INTERNATIONAL TRIBUNAL in the HAGUE and INTERNATIONAL VERDICT marked SERBIANS as “GENOCIDAL”, FINALLY AFTER 10 GENOCIDES.
Proof of (((the false flag))):
1. At 6:53 into the video you can clearly see a magazine that was preplanted for him on the ground in the mosque. He picks up that same clip at around the 8:30 mark.
2. After the 14 minute mark he’s having a conversation with a second person who is in the car with him.
3. All initial reports from the prime minister to head of police to the media repeatedly stated that 3 other people have been arrested with at least 2 being directly related to the incident yet they have so far failed to provide any additional info.
The Christchurch massacre was a satanic Illuminati blood sacrifice and someone in the NZ government cabinet or high up in the police force is complicit in the massacre, as there were alot of cops and ambulance people preparing for it hours before any shots were fired by the psycho killer. The satanists do their main blood sacrifices in March and October (the month of Halloween). An Ethiopian Airlines crashed killing 159 this month. There was also a plane crash last October. The Australian gunman spoke in a British accent and then switched over to an Aussie accent. Chief suspects must be MI6 and NATO (Need Another Terrorist Organisation). Another Operation Gladio op? The New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern and her coalition government are doing exactly what the gunman wants – New Zealanders disarmed. I’ve never heard of any real extreme right wing white supremacist who wants to disarm whites when their countries are “being invaded by Muslims”. That makes no sense for their ideology. It does make sense for the satanic Illuminati to disarm so their tyranny has no opposition. This was most certainly a satanic Illuminati blood sacrifice false flag.
Do you see dead people too?