Improved Version of Russian Mi-28NM Attack Helicopter Spotted in Moscow

The improved version of Russian Mi-28NM attack helicopter was spotted at Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant.

Improved Version of Russian Mi-28NM Attack Helicopter Spotted in Moscow

Photo: / Alexey

The improved version of Russian Mi-28NM attack helicopter was spotted at Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant.

The Russian Helicopters company produced the first prototype of the improved helicopter in 2015. According to the company’s report, helicopter tests should be carried out during 2016, and then the Russian Defense Ministry will receive the first delivery.

The improved version of Mi-28NM has been equipped with surveillance radar and a new control system, the RIA Novosti news agency reported earlier, citing the managing director of the Russian Helicopters (Rosvertol) company, Petr Motrenko. The new attack helicopter also has received improved rotor blades that will increase the cruising speed of the machine by 13% and the top speed – by 10%. According to rumors, the new version will be able to reach speed of 600 km/h (370 mph).

The Mi-28NM attack helicopter is producing at the Rosvertol plant in Rostov. The machine was designed to find and destroy tanks and other armored vehicles in conditions of active fire and electronic countermeasures. The helicopter also can hunt for low-speed air targets and infantry.

The letter ‘N’ (‘night’) in the name of the Mi-28NM shows the helicopter’s ability to work equally effectively at any time of a day. The helicopter modernization project provides for the installation of the radar antenna over the flapping hinge. In addition to the circular view it will enable the crew to monitor the situation, hiding in the folds of the terrain.

“The radar is able to process information from multiple channels at the same time that helps to improve accuracy of the measurement of the coordinates and parameters of obstacles. The number of simultaneously tracked targets has been increased, new modes have been developed. Performance-board computer has been increased ten times,” Pavel Budagov, the Director of the Ryazan instrument factory, where the radar was developed, said.

The Mi-28NM has also been equipped with a dual control system – the machine can also be operated by the navigator-operator.

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600 km/h? Who the fuck had written this shit?


If you believe there is a mistake, you can use google to check.


I use commonsense, that’s enough to know, that this can only be complete BS.

Red Jim

Top speed: 324 km/h


If you believe it will reach 600km/h with those rotors, you must be on Krokodil.


It’s about 370km/h according to other articles I read on the chopper. Still very good In my view.


Russian MoD announced intentions to purchase stealth helicopters being developed by Mil and Kamov helicopter design bureaus, one will have a maximum speed of 500 km/h, the other will have 600 km/h.

Although no helicopter has yet passed the world record of 360-370 km/h (achieved by female Soviet pilots flying a variant of the Mi-24), I suspect that this one will utilize aerodynamics similar to the Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey which can be described as a half plane/ half helicopter.

Some European country (either Germany or France) is in the process of making something similar in the form of an attack helicopter, so are the Mil and Kamov helicopter design bureaus, except the Russian ones are intended to function as stealth attack helicopters.