
Israel’s first two F-35 stealth fighter jets on their maiden flight as part of the Israeli Air Force on December 13, 2016. (IDF Spokesperson’s Unit)
The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) will request an additional NIS 4 billion (about $1.2 billion) for its budget this year, the Yent news site reported on January 26.
According to the site, IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Aviv Kochavi demanded 3 billion in order to finance a possible strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities. The additional amount is the is the bear minimum required by an Air Force estimate to prepare for the “Iranian threat.”
Yent expected Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Benny Gantz to back Kochavi’s demands. The commander has already begun preparing blueprints for a possible strike on Iran.
In a livestreamed speech at the Institute for National Security Studies think tank’s conference, Kochavi acknowledged that the IDF is drawing up fresh operational plans to strike Iran’s nuclear program.
“In general, none of [our enemies] want to initiate anything against us. All of their actions — almost without exception — are retaliatory to our actions, not actions that they’ve initiated. And when they decide to carry out [an attack], they experience difficulties and decide to abandon their ways of acting,” Kohavi said. “And the most important thing, we do not now see — at least for now, this can change — that any of our enemies or any of the countries surrounding us that we categorize as belligerent plan or want or is considering initiating a war or a large-scale operation against the State of Israel.”
Kochavi filed his plans for an attack on Iran last Spring as Iran was reportedly boosting its uranium enrichment efforts by developing more advanced centrifuges.
While Israel claims that Iran may soon be able to build a nuclear bomb, what Tel Aviv really fears is the return of the US to the 2015 nuclear agreement under the Biden administration. An Israeli strike on Iran will not only lead to the collapse of the agreement, but would also drag the entire region into a dangerous military confrontation.
From Israel’s budget? The only strike they would ever make on Iran would be with nuclear weapons. The IAF has not attacked other than defenseless targets with conventional weapons for about 40yrs.
PR. If you want to strike you do not say it and they can do it without any additional money. What they can not do is striking without retaliation and for that 1 more billion won t change anything.
You need for that 1 billion only?!?
No problem !
(turns to the secretary) Call Biden immediately and tell him that we need one…no..two billions!!
One billion for attack on Iran and other billion is hmm…for my charity “Bibi’s humanitarian funds” !
What joke!
This is a an obvious false flag. How is taking out such a tower going
to help Iran?? Its meant to give a cause for war by the USSA slaves
against Iran for their Israel salve masters. When a civilian target is
attacked %99.999 of the time its a false flag.
This Israeli threat to attack Iran is such a joke. Iran would love that. It wiil never happen.
The attack will be a colossal failure and then Iran will have just cause
to destroy the Israeli military and its infrastructure , the Israeli
nuclear program and its infrastructure, missiles, submarines etc,.the
Dimona reactor and the Israeli economy and its economic infrastructure
with the support of the entire Muslim world.
‘Psychological war’: Iran dismisses Israel military action threat as a joke
The United States and England who Covid has exposed as failed states, will not have the political support to rebuild Israel after it has caused its own destruction.
It looks like US taxpayers and the federal deficit are in for another rape session by these murderous ZioRats. Now wait for the usual mumbling-bumbling nonsense from the State Department and the new slave Secretary of War Lloyd Austin.
It appears that Zionist regime is running scared and is at the end of its tether as US mired in its own pandemic, economic meltdown. social unrest and military overstretch is not willing or able to start a swan song military confrontation with Iran, the strongest power in the region. This is more like a desperate hissy fit by dying regime that even a remote possibility.
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f0dc2f57209ef36c21429e80c76729b29e2df60b1a213b6388618b21655535ad.jpg Iranian missiles with message in Hebrew: Don’t rush to your annihilation
No US progressive politician will ever raise the prospect of a suicidal war against Iran for the dying Zionist regime. Tony Blinken who is a professional diplomatic hand, despite being Jewish today confirmed that diplomacy is the only path to work out issues with Iran and confirmed that back door negotiations are already underway and that is causing this Zionist bluster. So-called Israel neither has the means, guts or capacity to challenge the armed might of Iran a country ten times its size and strategic mass.
Top US diplomat Blinken confirms contacts with Iran but sees long road to Iran deal
US secretary of state confirmed US willingness to return to nuclear deal and wants to tone down rhetoric and expectations.
Frankly, you nailed it, the Zionist rats are crapping in their diapers as no will will support the cowardly criminals anymore, this is just a ruse to milk the dumbass western deadbeat taxpayers. Iran will turn them into kosher crap at a moments notice.
So-called Israel is in real trouble and embarrassed beyond redemption by any standard, for 10 years it has been stoking terrorism in Syria and Iraq and shameless embarrassing enough making impotent hollow statements like “expelling Iran from Syria”. The opposite has happened as Iran is now at the peak of its regional power and a well respected nation. There is no way on this planet that the Zionists can do anything, but kill a few sleeping women and children in Syria with million dollar western taxpayer funded stand off missiles, while Iranian footprint grows bigger and deeper. Iran has enough strategic mass to wipe out the Zionist blight for good if things ever escalate.
The spokesman for the Iranian armed forces, Major General Abu FadlShikaraji, threatened to “destroy Tel Aviv” in case Israel “makes anymistake” against Iran. “Israel’s threats are part of psychologicalwarfare, and if they are realistic, then they are illusions,” Shkarajisaid, adding that the Iranian army “will destroy Tel Aviv, Haifa, Ashdod and Dimona in the first strike and then escalate reprisal as needed”.
Part of Israeli panic is bluster is the weakening US situation. Our economy is declining more rapidly than expected and the pandemic is raging all over the place and a war with Iran is as useful as a hole in the head.
There is no scamdemic .
BEIRUT, LEBANON (4:45 P.M.) – On Wednesday, the Iranian authorities
vowed to pursue German companies for their role in arming the former
Iraqi regime, headed by Saddam Hussein, with chemical weapons.
Iran’s permanent ambassador and representative to the United Nations
in Geneva, Ismail Baqai Hamaneh, stressed during the UN Conference on
Disarmament in Geneva that “Iran will never back down from pursuing
Germany’s crime of arming Saddam with chemical weapons,” the Tasnim
Agency reported.
He criticized “Germany for not bearing responsibility for its role in
arming Saddam’s regime with chemical weapons,” considering “all legal
and natural persons who contributed in some way to providing the former
Iraqi dictator with these weapons as his partners in war crimes.”
He further expressed his “resentment at the speech of the German
delegate in Geneva, who considered the issue of chemical weapons dating
back four decades and that it was unjustified by Iran,” saying, “the
issue of Saddam’s use of chemical weapons and the collusion of German
companies with him is not only unforgettable in the minds of the Iranian
people, indeed, but, the victims of these weapons are still tangible,
who continue to suffer the consequences of injuries from chemical
The representative of Iran welcomed the words of the German delegate,
who claimed “to prosecute German companies involved in selling chemical
materials to Saddam Hussein’s regime ,” stressing that “the Islamic
Republic of Iran will not give up this blatant injustice, and expects
the German government to publish the results of its investigations into
the transfer of chemical materials in a correct manner.
US and the west played a very shame role in arming Saddam with nerve agents and banned weaponry that later came to haunt us and still is.
He went full retard…
He is also off by a few zeros…
Must have rapture, since we the migrations all over the world and the plague. Can’t be all for nothing…
Iran says Tel Aviv will be raised to the ground even if a single bullet is fired.
Braggarts … Iran says? pmsl
A BIG YAWN! slow news day.
My friend, sorry to ask…
what is “off by a few zeros” really means?
It means that they would need a lot more than $1billion to attack Iran.
Alright got it. Thanks. Stay safe.
Thanks ?
Same to you.
Satanyahu a war criminal with a tiny brain.
Keep barking while this Kohavi guy keeps bombing you non-stop.
Gantz already denounced this Kohavis bullshit, means Israel is aware that war with Iran will be Israels end. Beside that, when did Israel bomb Iran “non-stop” you wanker ?
Wanking is what you do while Israel bombs you.
How many Iranians died in this bombing? How much Iranian territory have you taken?
We actually left Iran.
Zionist cowards are in real trouble and these are desperate attempts of mouthing off to stay relevant.
Iran is Israel’s problem, let them deal with it themselves. The US has given them hundreds of billions of dollars and plenty of free state of the art US weapons systems, it’s about time they use them instead of lobbying American politicians so the US fights Israel’s wars.
US taxpayers are paying the price for blind support to an unsustainable criminal Zionist extortion mafia and we have enough problems now to dole out more money.
The white Jew is your Jew. The Arabs never knew or met
any of the Ashkenazi until he “returned home” as an invader
and occupier. Should you not be inviting back your Jews
closer home to you where they belong?
Zion are American politicians – why do you think people make fun of US as Zion state.
Biden team:
Anthony Blinken, Secretary of State – Zion
David Cohen, CIA Deputy Director – pro-Zion
Merrick Garland, Attorney General – Goy-supporter
Avril Haines, Director of National Intelligence – Zion
Ronald Klain, Chief of Staff – Goy-supporter
Rachel Levine, deputy health secretary – Zion <- the gay goy
Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security – Zion
Anne Neuberger, National Security Agency cybersecurity director – Zion
Wendy Sherman, deputy secretary of state – Goy-supporter
Janet Yellen, Treasury secretary – Goy-supporter
In no way can Zion survive, they do anything to not kill a Iranian and Hezbollah soldiers in Syria. Now you think Zion got balls out of nowhere – as shown before the more crying from Zion the safer Iran block is.
Israel has been hitting Syrian positions of IRGC … Missiles / Shia Brigades / Hezbollah / IRGC troops
Iran hasn’t answered back … who’s zooming who? pmsl
The Future is About to Land …
Laughable …
The Israeli economy in terms of GDP is almost the size of the Iranian economy, with a tenth of the population. Iran’s defense budget is smaller than Israel’s defense budget.
So a billion dollars will not be the problem.
This is the guy who has been bombing Iranian forces all over the Middle East in recent years.
So while the mullahs continue to threaten and talk non-stop Israel will increase the bombing of Iranian forces.
It will be interesting.
It helps when Uncle Sam slavishly gives you $3.4B every year to pay for your warmongering…
This is the guy who will keep bombing you:
You need to adopt a more mature outlook than being a spoilt brat wishing wars upon others. Grown up look at the big picture and not personal setbacks. Iran is a powerful state and the US is slowly diplomatically engaging with it and that is causing acute desperation in Zionist ranks as they can see their doom.
Read what he said (Lebanese News and Updates translated part of his speech). The guy is unusually aggressive and smart. You seem to be misunderstanding reality.
So says the MEK retard sitting in Albania LOL
turkey is $600 billion in debt and itself a failed state. Why would shia Iranians migrate to turkey? where they are intensely disliked by muslim brotherhood mongoloid turks?
Turkey is not failed state and thousands of İranians in Antalya living already you pathetic racist dumbass..go lick your shrine before the spring.
turkey #1 spotted
Why did you get mad? Is Turkey not $600 billion in debt? You’re in a lot of trouble. Biden will come after you for not being a good muzlim toady soon. It’s coming.They will coup you again.
1)They cant coup anymore all their assets were eliminated.
2)Biden co. will have to compromise .
3)Not so much debt and after pandemic it will recover.
4)ı am not getting mad but when ı see bullshit ı feel myself responsible to react sometimes.
Its not just from the pandemic. Your association with the GCC camel jockeys who pumped in billions into Istanbul/ Ankara property and the hundreds of billions in soft loans from the EU banks taken over the last 20 odd years. Turdo-gan did as told. Now all that is gone after you failed in the SyRaq. Then they tried to coup you. Eastern European lower caste tourism dried up too because of Covid. All the westernized moneyed turkish elite has migrated out long ago. You see…….things ain’t looking flash for you. I hold Russia, China and Iran responsible for being merciful on you, instead of outright dismantling you. Your behavior in Xinjiang, NK and the SyRaq has been reprehensible.
Right not just from the pandemic but it will recover, coup did great damage but was necessary to get rid of cia(gülen sect) which was embedded in state organs more than 40 years.it has nothing to do with syria-ıraq.
İran,russia,china has to be merciful(such a stupid choice of word btw) because Turkey is great asset and they have investments like iran gas contract or your assets operating in our soil which brings you money.
Hardest days were passed and Turkey is evolving and in right direction at the moment.
Don’t fool yourself…….you are being watched by the troika. Evidently, we know you are a jihadi country. The trust is just not there. Playing both sides of the fence and then the jihadi angle. Nobody trusts you now.
bs again..you can only fool yourself in this web-site nothing more…Turkey is not jihadi country still have overwhelming secular majority.There is no understanding of ”trust” between states only interests.
yeah we know that your ‘interests’ are jihadi. If you can back Al-Qaeda and Daesh, you are capable of anything imaginable. Your society is jihadi……Don’t you bullshit me. We know you.
Ha!obviously you know nothing about Turkey..and no you dont bullshit me with your baseless,clueless statements.
lol….says the guy whose gubment is backing Al-Qaeda in Syria. GTFO!
lol…says the guy who uses Al-qaeda elements as bargain chips…roflmao
It ain’t Iran … hello?
Who cares? That guarantees that only those who truly support Iran will remain.
Abandoning ship … lol
He is definitely a terrorist based in the west. Same old worn out barks.
The reality is that aliens like this Kohavi are on stolen land.
Yes or no?
Let’s get real, the Zionist criminals will NEVER fire a bullet in Iran’s direction as they know the consequences. This Jew man retard is just a joke and desperate and posts the same crap the whole day on multiple sites and people laugh.
Everyone looks “aggressive and smart” until they get their asses handed to them on the battle field.
You are right, the Zionists are all bark and will never fight Iran face to face. They were counting on the idiot Trump and Kushner, now that is a pipe dream from the dream time.
Boy, he looks like he “returned home” back to his people,
the Arabs, huh? Where do the Goldberg’s and Bloomberg’s
find new names such as “Kohavi”?
Is this the same bum who got beaten by Hezbollah in 2006?
Still playing that one note tune?
Ugly as hell.
Ah my hero, thank you free Man. Wait and see, too bad he didn’t get the greenlight from the political leadership as he wanted.
There. Fixed It For You.
the idf chief has written a missive to the ministry of defense in washington dc asking to have his purse replenished or topped up with another billion bucks. and will he get it. sure, the feds will print another cool billion to help the jews to survive the onslaught from the hostile neighbours, iraq, syria, lebanon and so on.
but at the end of the day, the jews will prove to be a slight bite for Iran and their allies and then they will be found at 6 feet under, pushing up daisies (the only environmentally sound a jew ever done) and a liberated palestine returned to the palestinians.
pls note, the world does not need the jews! the non-jewish part of mankind will celebrate the day when the jews are gone and peace has a better chance then ever before, i. e. since the jews started their thievery and murder and whole-sale lying.
Iran’s presidential chief of staff Mahmoud Vaezi dismissed Kochavi’s
remarks as “psychological war” and said Israel “in action, they neither
have a plan nor the ability to carry it out”.
“Some officials in the Zionist regime think Washington would accept
whatever they say,” he told reporters on Wednesday after a cabinet
meeting. “But I believe the new US administration has its own
independence – just like other countries have their own independence.”
Barking out of fear as usual.
Dear chap you are the real mad barking mutt here and on other sites with just spite for Iran. You are not even worth laughing at. In Hindi you would be classified as a chuytiya or eunuch.
Indians have historical good ties with Iran and their intelligence cooperation is excellent, you seem to know Iran quite well.
A f/kn Shia apologist
Stop pleasuring yourself in the closet Shlomo. You will be late for your Bar Mitzvar . .
non sequitur
Eunuchs were castrated so they would have no sex drive while they were serving princesses and queens. If this guy isn’t already, I would volunteer to eunuchize him . .
2021 ranking of military power. The US and Russia are
almost at the same level. The International Jew is at no.
20, which is stunning for a little stolen so-called
state. The entity has been sliding and now Turkey, Egypt,
Iran, Saudi are much more militarily powerful than the
entity. This entity exists only by attaching itself to
the US empire like a tick.
1United States PwrIndx: 0.0721
2 Russia PwrIndx: 0.0796
3 China PwrIndx: 0.0858
4 India PwrIndx: 0.1214
5 Japan PwrIndx: 0.1435
6 South Korea PwrIndx: 0.1621
7 France PwrIndx: 0.1691
8 United Kingdom PwrIndx: 0.2008
9 Brazil PwrIndx: 0.2037
10 Pakistan PwrIndx: 0.2083
11Turkey PwrIndx: 0.2118
12 Italy PwrIndx: 0.2139
13 Egypt PwrIndx: 0.2208
14 Iran PwrIndx: 0.2522
15 Germany PwrIndx: 0.2529
16 Indonesia PwrIndx: 0.2697
17 Saudi Arabia PwrIndx: 0.3241
18 Spain PwrIndx: 0.3274
19 Australia PwrIndx: 0.3393
20 “Israel” PwrIndx: 0.3481
The Zionists will be worn out in less than a week and the battered Uncle Sam is not coming to help as a million Americans will be dead by end of February as the cost of supporting the Zionist cancer is now even obvious to the US deadbeat taxpayers as lack of health care takes it toll and millions are now homeless and even without basic food supplies US is falling apart.
Still counting on America’s collapse? LMAO
I was in Iran recently and as I posted a detailed analysis, Iran is locked and loaded for a long war if need be. Iranians are brave nationalistic people and historically rally around the flag when threatened by outsiders. Israel is weak and just hollow ranting to get more aid from the west.
I served in Iran in during the Shah’s era in the MAAG. One of the reasons the US, especially the military advisers, alienated the proud Persians was that they failed to respect Iranian culture and traditions. Iran is a conservative country by nature, very civilized, sophisticated with subtle cultural nuances which some ignorant foreigners don’t understand or respect. Israel struts on US power and money and that is slowly disappearing and there is a corresponding rise in embarrassingly hollow Israeli threats, bluster and hollow plans. It simply does not have the ability to act against Iran.
Cultural traditions disrespected? lol
Your generation is finished … the vile Mullahs have driven Iran to the brink … the youth want an end of the Mullahs but the IRGC grip is on theIt throat … eh?
Israel will attack Iran directly when Yossi knows the nuclear breakout is imminent … eh?
The Future is About to Land …
Not shabby for a country that has been under sanctions, wars and terrorism for 42 years. Iran is an amazing story of tenacity.
What was the consequence of the 911 attack? A military alliance among Hezbollah, Syria, Iraq, and Iran, and the Russian military presence in Syria. Hezbollah, Iran and Syria have missiles that can destroy every Israeli airbase and airport, and all US military bases including every oil production facility allied to Israel. If Israel carries out its threat to bomb Iran’s nuclear research facility, Iran will do the same in Israel’s Nuclear Research facility. Every country in the Axis of Resistance is prepared for an Israeli aggression. Shalom.
There is nothing European about them.
Is there anything Middle Eastern about them?
That’s irrelevant to my point. I already told you where they originally come from. Not Europe.
Tell me where they came from?
Look at your comment history. I don’t feel like repeating the same things 1000 times.
For the goal of the Axis of Resistance is mutually assured destruction in the Arab/Israeli conflict. Once that is achieved, the Zionists game is over. Why? Zionists want to live and plunder; whereas, Arabs want revenge and martyrdom. Two ideological differences that cannot be any more clear. Shalom.
A million Algerian lives were lost during the 8-years of war
of independence. Was their motivation independence or
‘revenge and martyrdom”?
For Algeria, revenge and martyrdom led to independence. Its a symbiotic relationship.
And for Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania?
Arabs have abandoned the revenge / martyrdom bs
The vile Shia Iranians are clinging to it … lol
They’ll get their war … MAD isn’t the issue … Iran will meet its ‘Waterloo’ … eh?
The Future is About to Land …
Only America is what has kept the foreign Jews
clinging to Palestine where they do not belong.
Telegram From the Department of State
to the Embassy in Portugal
Washington, October 12, 1973
Subject: Lajes Flights. Eyes Only for Chargé.
You should inform the Foreign Minister that you have been
asked to see him to explain that over the next several
weeks we will wish to use the Lajes Base for the flight of
chartered civilian aircraft to Israel. The aircraft are
chartered by the United States Defense Department. The
flights will be carrying urgently needed military
assistance equipment to Israel. We will average 10 to 20
flights a day. They will stop in Lajes for crew change and
refueling. They will touch down nowhere else on their way
to or from Israel. We will want to begin flights tonight.
That is so absurd,I mean what if this big bad iran wolf hits on israel,then what?
‘Oh please,please gimme a billion,gimme,gimme’ it be over by then surely would it no?
And them supposed to be supa rich zios,by msm + co,what ever happened jews own the world if they sulk,we are so broken in dissaray,please give generously that be red shield appeal,no?
This is starting to look like germanic jews enemys of the world +(kharaz incest,exiled from within)
And the orthodox jews the ones being persecuted by the others whoms agendas to subdue them,
call it what you may,the deep state,fascists,protestants,roman catholic pope,dud orthodox priests,
lgbtqs,pink swastikas,neo-liberal-socialisim,fake phoney and false communism,capitalist/digital/corporations,or those other viles like raab+ media + co put in there by the fascist sects eu-epp,
just some of it,take your pick.
2 shekels worth.
hmmmmm, theft in progress?
No-one should care about this “news” we seen it before, the fact is Zion can’t attack Iran which would start a war…Zion can’t be the one’s to start it and if a war between Iran and US happen. Goodbye Zion, Wahhabi and yankees, you terrorists will never be miss.
The goys need money as “Zion State” was and is fail state that survive on aids/support of West. Billions send to Zion each year from
ZionUS government, billions from EU block. What a fuking joke LMFAO.You sound scared … irrational … eh?
Israel can start and finish Iran since as you pointed out … Israel will be targeted anyways … eh?
The Jews/Zionists/Israelis have NEVER started a War they haven’t finished in a superior position … eh?
Now they’ve developed a 4-tier anti-missile umbrella … along with 2 stealth F-35 squadrons … ballistic missiles … submarines with muti-warhead cruise missiles and nukes of their own … eh?
The Future is About to Land …
I’m sure the bill will be sent to the US State Department.
Why should you care?
The high-tech mouse brat is snarling and baring its teeth in the hope that Momma rat will take action against Iran personally. It’s called emotional blackmail, by the way . .
I don’t wanna play into more basic jingoistic notions but that number is only for the operation itself (supposedly). But I can’t help to wonder how many 100s of billions Israel has in store to repair their battered nation once Iran massively retaliates.
Guess we just have to wait and see…
Yep …
i guess we will.
rodent uses megaphone with enhanced wolf howl
I suspect that all invasions are preceded by a hall mark card warning one month before —
They’re going to have to borrow 600 billion to rebuild Tel Aviv and Haifa if they get that 1 billion.
There will be harm done to Israel … no doubt
BUT … Iran’s nuclear ambitions will be ended … along with their ballistic missile warfare capabilities … eh?
If Israeli civilians are targeted … Iranians will suffer catastrophic losses … unimaginable pain and suffering … eh?
The Future is About to Land …