The Ukrainian military does not shocking the world with their ingenuity. A Ukrainian soldier showed how to use an F-1 grenade as a mine but something went wrong.
The Ukrainian military does not shocking the world with their ingenuity. A Ukrainian soldier showed how to use an F-1 grenade as a mine but something went wrong.
the warriors of tik tok showing their intelligence in front of everyone 🤣🤣🤣
us says we ban tiktok because tiktok can kill peoples.
oh nose!!!! now they will never win the “last utard” medal from das zellermann
this is fucking stupid, nothing happened. if they had died, they couldn’t have uploaded the video and you never see an explosion. fake and gay.
the grenade was probably not armed.
you might want to alert the ukrainian news services publishing the “fake” story and showing pictures of them scraping dumbass off his front porch.
he dead, and he mangles 2 children and another adult.
because this is the brain of a ukropt, much like yours.