HTS And Allies Widen Control Within Syria’s Aleppo City (18+ Videos)

HTS And Allies Widen Control Within Syria’s Aleppo City (18+ Videos)

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Militants led by al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) widened their control within the northern Syrian city of Aleppo late on November 29, a few hours after storming it as a part of a large-scale offensive against the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), codenamed Operation Deterrence of Aggression.

Video evidence indicate that the militants have reached Citadel of Aleppo in the heart of the city after capturing many districts in the west, including al-Hamidiyah, al-Kallaseh, al-Firdaws, al-Hamidiyah, and Saif al-Dawlah, in addition to the University of Aleppo.

While the militants didn’t meet much resistance during their initial push into the city, the advance seemed to have come to a halt after midnight for no clear reasons.

Also late on November 29, HTS and its allies managed to impose control over the key town of Saraqib in the southern Idlib countryside, further solidifying their control over the strategic M5 highway that links Aleppo city with the coast and the capital, Damascus. However, limited counter-attacks by the SAA were being reported.

Russian and Syrian warplanes continued to launch strikes against the militants overnight, targeting them not only between the western Aleppo countryside and the southern Idlib countryside, but also within Aleppo city and in the Turkish-occupied town of Marea in the northern Aleppo countryside.

Meanwhile, the SAA continues to amass a large force with troops from elite formations such as the 25th Special Mission Forces Division and the 4th Armored Division in two main directions, the eastern outskirts of Aleppo city and the southern countryside of the governorate. Kurdish forces present in Aleppo city’s Sheikh Maqsoud neighborhood were also reported to be preparing for combat.

The army may be planning to outflank HTS and its allies from outside Aleppo city. However, it is still early to speculate how the counter-attack will go.

The offensive was launched early on November 27 from the Greater Idlib region, which includes Idlib city and parts of the governorates countryside as well as several towns in the northern Lattakia countryside, the northwestern Hamas countryside and the western countryside of Aleppo.

The Turkish military maintains a large presence in the region. However, HTS is the de-facto ruler. The terrorist group’s offensive put an end to a ceasefire agreement that was brokered by both Russia and Turkey on March 5 of 2020. Ankara likely knew about the offensive beforehand.

HTS and its allies are paying a heavy cost of the offensive. The Russian Center for Reconciliation in Syria said on November 29 that some 200 militants were killed by Russian airstrikes in the last 24 hours.


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ald renatimoroz

russia needs to keep laser focus. syria, aleppo, etc. is a distraction. let iran and the rest of the axis of resistance worry about that for now. once the empire of evil has been dealt the strategic defeat that is coming to them this winter, any territorial loss in syria will be reversed as long as the russian naval and air bases there remain operational. long live the motherland.


if russia ignores the recent developments brought by usa and israel, which it did thus far, it will finally have to leave syria. shias can live outside of syria, let’s see how much independent russia is from syria geostrategically.


true its is just the beginning, as there are more regions, that will slip away from russian control very soon. hezbollah gave up – and allowed idf to win – because hezbollah vowed to fight till idf retreats from gaza and lets all gazas back to gaza strip, but instead hezbollah agreed on foul deal with israel “peace -agreement”.
now hezbollah will be forced to waste thausands of troops to saveguard syria from usrael sponsored idlib rebels.

Last edited 3 months ago by Gurki

my advice is: hezbollah restart fighting israel ! let syria be irans problem. iran can bring in own troops or foot soldiers from yemen to stop idlib rebels, but this time assad, iran etc. need to fully finish them off. idlib needs to be captured and the usrael sponsored rebels eradicated. same goes for the whole illegal us bases in al-tanf and the oil stealing. iran & yemen need to erase that us bases including all inhabitants.

Last edited 3 months ago by Gurki
Turd in US cesspool

nobody want advice from moron amerikunt talibanned hillbilly

Al Bosni

agreed to that.

Just me

they divided us into teams and gave us stupid sayings to repeat… “long live the motherland” is such a stupid, meaningless nationalistic saying. there is no motherland, there is just a bunch of crazy people who lie to us and lead us into more and more wars.


these are fighters of opportunist turkey/erdogan taking advantage of the weakness of shia fighters in wake of israeli bombardments. i hope russia understands us/israeli influence and makes sure to hit back next time when israel/us bomb shia fighters in syria. else they will have to withdraw all together because of salafis supported by usa, israel and turkey.

The Objective

the russians will lose little withdrawing from syria. the iranian brand of shias will be the biggest losers. they are losing everywhere and iran itself would be lucky to survive the coming 4 years of trum. syria and the shias have largely been a liability for russia. shias are cowards, so it’ll be difficult for russia to use them in a hot war against american forces the way america is using ukraian troops in a hot war against russia.


sorry to say, but yes i agree


trumpo will do f… all. he is less than nothing, just a bloviating windbag. hezb./ hamas/ houthis/ iran have fought like lions and will continue doing so. the so called “ceasefire” has already broken down. these groups are both shia and sunni – that is a red herring and a zio/ western dirty divide and rule project.

Al Bosni

yes, those are muslims, while thise are zio-wahhabis.

Al Bosni

what a piece of bitch ass you are.

The Objective

had russia allied with turkiye and the sunni forces in syria, the americans will have a very tough time occupying syria. sunnis do not fear all-out war with the americans like shias do. imagine that russia allies unofficially with the taliban. convince and arm the taliban with what it needs to deploy forces to syria via turkiye. the taliban can do this to help an oppressed syrian sunni population. russia could get significant influence in return.

Turd in US cesspool

nobody trusts turks

The Objective

imagine how the shias would flinch were the russians to tell them to initiate war against american troops in syria. i feel sympathy for russia that it ended up with cowards as allies. while i dislike russia’s policies towards sunni muslims, i admire the courage of russians when it comes to warfare. their problem is not courage or weaponry. their problem is the choice of allie, timing, and wars to engage in. you can call russians anything, but definitely not cowards.

Keyboard warrior

those “sunni” you are so proud of are nothing but useless cowards tools for the israhell and americans. not a finger did they lift for their sunni brothers in gaza!! you think they could take the bombing hezbollah took? let me remind who ran from who in the battle of al qusayr. your so called “brave sunni”, i wouldn’t even call them sunnis, put their tail between their legs and ran away like dogs.


you are confusing the bought and paid for cringing whore dictators with the people they rule over, rob and oppress.

Al Bosni

thise are actually just like in crocus, wahhabi scumbags.

Last edited 3 months ago by Al Bosni

@the objective. russians, same as germans are often to naive. that’s why it is so easy for the jews to always play these two people against each other. solution (to make germany & russia truely great again is: 1. realize and recognize the jew as the sole and main enemy of mankind. 2. tear out and erase these vermin from everyplace in your reach. …

Last edited 3 months ago by Gurki

… 3. do trade and economical contracts between your nations 100% bypassing all jewish ways, companies ,banks, financial systems etc. 4. forbid judaism& jewry as organized crime because it is the highest form of satanism and thus against god, nature and mankind in a whole. 5. allow your people – the adults to be armed. 6. abolish all asylum laws.)

Last edited 3 months ago by Gurki

βεst !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Turd in US cesspool

turk turds are amerikan nato colony

Last edited 3 months ago by Turd in US cesspool

your tik tok shlomo chums are the only cowards in town. all they can do is murder women and children. when they have to face real men in gaza or lebanon, they s*it their pants and run whining to uncle sugar.

Al Bosni

that is good enough, schlomo.

Last edited 3 months ago by Al Bosni
The Objective

this is the first sign of the consequences of the lebanon war for iran. turkiye opened a window of negotiation for assad for many years. but he acted arrogantly, refusing to reach a political solution with the opposition (who still make up the majority of syrians). you can bet your last buck that europe and probably even trump’s adminstration would arm and fund the rebels. what a surprise achievement for the rebels. capturing half of a city within hours.

Shlomo's little weenie

it would be a high achievement “capturing” half of aleppo within hours. mainstream media and myriad web sites have been nearly co-opted by a concentrated hasbara psy-op here. inbred hook nose crossdresser bullshit after bullshit apparently. exploding pagers, oh yeah ?🥱the next few days, different stories. saa/iraqi slow mop up vids then. ratbag ragheads on a downhill roller coaster here 🎢 smoking powdered pork joints , made in china 🤪


what turkey (erdogan) did was provide a safe haven for tens of thousands of head choppers and throat slitters, serving his neocon masters, and invade and loot northern syria. he is a jackal serving us and zio interests. and his reward was a us orchestrated coup attempt, millions of refugees, terror bombings in turkey and a wrecked economy with the lira worth less than toilet paper. there was no “negotiation” of any description whatsoever, just a terrorist war intended to destroy syria.


i tell you that every country fully controlled and under the boots of usrael has so-called “antisemitism” laws, and forbid speaking the truth about the jews (usa not because of their constitution). but look at germany, russia, austria, uk etc. then go to turkey and you will understand that turkey is not under usa control and people there hate usa.

Last edited 3 months ago by Gurki

turkey is allied to usa&eu yes, but they are shifting away from them. and “northern syria” is turkish territory – it was stolen and made “northern syria” by foul french&british worldwar1 treaty that was forced on ottoman empire. treaty of sevres – and finally treaty of lausanne. same style as palestine being made “israel”. but obviously you, anon, know nothing about true history anyway.

Last edited 3 months ago by Gurki

erdogan beat putin in lybia.he beat putin in armania nagoro karanak.erdogan lost in ukraine against big shoes double tongue erdogan collapse the fake agrement of peace in promoting take over of syria and oil pipeline installation via syria to georgia.

US is becoming a shithole

it was nato that brought down libya not erdogan

The Objective

erdogan didn’t lose in ukraine. he doesn’t have any interest in that war. ukraine is neither muslim, turkish, nor a turkish ally. why would erdogan risk anything for kyiv? erdogan wants cooperation with putin’s russia. he never wanted war with russia. he hoped that russian cooperation might help liberate the middle east from america’s grip. but putin, for some bizzare reason prefered a cowardly shiite iran.


@objective the reason why putin refrained from erdogan is because putin himself is a jew (his mother is a jewess). iran has – apart from israel the highest rate of jews living in a middle-east country – follwed closely by armenia. no clever government would allow such amount of jews to stay free and run around in the country doing sabotage acts- but iran does.

Last edited 3 months ago by Gurki

now iran has even jewish spy president pezeshkian. putin is part of the global jwo show and against national people and states like ns germany, nationalistic turkey or saddam’s iraq. he (putin) also let national gaddafis libya go down (and rothchild put central bank there immediately). putins government is jewish-communists. the real ruler of russia is chabad lubavitch – and they even state it openly. see:

Last edited 3 months ago by Gurki
Turd in US cesspool

loser amerikunt guki inferior to jews

Shlomo's little weenie

iranian jews are the real middle eastern deal. been there for many centuries. live freely, peaceful, and probably well off. apparently (could be wrong) not allowed into power positions. islamic control with the hierarchy et al.


iran’s joo’s want nothing to do with israel, and the iranians know it.


joo’s stay joo’s, their fake religion aka satanism is what drives and forces them to poison, oppress and massmurder all other people on earth. so everybody trusting in a jew not wanting to harm him, is 100% stupid. the genious nikola tesla knew it. he said it openly, when a lady asked him about a jew. tesla’s answer was. quote: “miss, never trust a jew!” prove see:

Last edited 3 months ago by Gurki
Turd in US cesspool

why r u turds so insecure afflicted by inferiority complex

Al Bosni

what a jackass talk.

Shlomo's little weenie

medvedev was rf president then. putin pm.

Turd in US cesspool

russia indifferent to libya and armenia—amerikan turds stupid

The Objective

what will it take for russia to understand that cooperating with turkiye is the best way to fight back against america? if the americans could cooperate with turkiye to defeat the soviet union, why can’t russia do so to defeat the western union? what exactly is russia getting from iran? turkiye is as much an enemy to the west as iran. turkiye is better armed and has the stomach for war. it is technologically and economically more advanced.

Keyboard warrior

f turkey. they are nothing but backstabbing bast*rds that can’t be trusted at all! they are in hands with israhell is long time. they were the first muslim country recognise israhell as a country. they always had an eye on syria and its territories.


true – but turkey is also more ambitious than iran. and they are nationalistic & proud national people. what is exactly what commi-putin – and what is more important – his masters the jews – hate most! jews & communists hate proud national people. christians & muslims ! ns germany was nationalistic and erdogans turkey is nationalistic too. for sure they are tougher & more against israel & jews than iran. but that’s exactly the problem for putin & his chabad masters !!!

Last edited 3 months ago by Gurki
Turd in US cesspool

japie–dumb amerikunt turd

Keyboard warrior

if turkey is so against israhell, why does it still have an israhelli embassy in ankara? why is it still selling cheap oil to it from azerbaijan? they are just hot air. doesn’t move a finger for gaza. 14 months!! nothing!


yes because of russia & usa. turkey is officially allied to usa&eu, they don t want direct war with russia, but ottoman empire included israel as well as terriotry up to chechnya (if we take tartars into the equation than even up to south eastern ukraine resp. crimea).

Last edited 3 months ago by Gurki

it is very clear for turkish government that to reestablish the ottoman empire they need to move forward in a smooth way, not fully destroying ties with usa or russia. ask turks if they want pissreali embassy closed and they all will say yes. problem for them is that israel-usa& russia have mio of kurds installed everywhere inside turkey – therefore being able to ignite war inside turkey at will.

Last edited 3 months ago by Gurki

turkey will look exactly like syria does now. and of course turkis government doesn t want that. that’s the main reason why turkey is blocked from going forward against israel in a more harsher way. you have seen the coup d etat attempt against erdogan some years ago, didn t you ?

Last edited 3 months ago by Gurki
Just me

all politicians are criminals and we must abolish politicians, their owners and the rest of this global dictatorship. with these “father countries and mother countries” etc. we will never be able to build a real civilization on this planet.


looks like the bandits in the idlib region have gotten bold, the saa should have taken the province ages ago.


big kurdistan , america wants to create kurdistan in the syria.

Moon Of Alabama

usa is carving syria like a thanksgiving turkey…heheheh


this is just a western proxy war against syria. the leaders are probably mossad agents like they were/ are in libya. these head choppers are just the scum of the earth given a licence to murder, loot and rape by their western intelligence handlers.

Al Bosni

yeah, just like jolani who have yacht and villa in florida worth 300 million.


saa is s big fckin joke. morons, cowards and traitors. 6 years building defense lines and got overrunned in only 2 days? despite having 5 times more troops, armament and air superiority including russian air support. reports on the ground say most saa troops rund away or surrender and terrorists move forward with no or only sporadic resistance. wtf?! assad, puti and mullahs beeing fooled again like in minsk 1-2.

NDR 7652

strange how muslims only fight when zionists tell them too

Turkish Control in Aleppo

1.turkish military educated these rebels.

2.turkey paid salaries to these rebels.

3.russia’s and iranian backed esad loosed aleppo city.

4. winners (turkey,usa,israel,pakistan, ukraina) 1
– looser (russia and iran backed esad 0)

5.putin fires general after major losses

syrian 2nd biggest city aleppo,
entered under turkish control before trump with ukranian help
