HTS And Allies Reach Outskirts Of Homs City After Win In Hama (Videos)

HTS And Allies Reach Outskirts Of Homs City After Win In Hama (Videos)

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Militants led by al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) reached on December 6 the outskirts of the central Syrian city of Homs, just a day after capturing the city of Hama some 45 kilometers to the north.

Moving in small units, the militants reached the towns of al-Rastan and Talbiseh in the northern Homs countryside in the morning. The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) failed to stop the militants’ advance despite blowing up the main bridge on the Orontes River.

Later in the morning, it was reported that HTS and its allies have reached the town of AlDar Alkabera, which is located less than 5 kilometers away from Homs city center.

Intense Syrian and Russian airstrikes hit the militants as they advanced towards Homs. The Russian Center for Reconciliation in Syria said that the strikes neutralized 300 militants, nine multiple launch rocket systems, seven tanks, 28 combat armored vehicles, 14 motor vehicles, a command post, an ammunition depot and a drone depot.

The SAA is reportedly preparing defenses and deploying reinforcements in Homs city. Many of the civilians were evacuated overnight.

The militants attack in Homs is a part of a large-scale offensive, codenamed Operation Deterrence of Aggression, that was launched by HTS and its allies on November 27. The militants have so far captured more than 800 square kilometers, including the cities of Hama and Aleppo.


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all the syrian army is on the vacation or what?
it looks like in next week hts it will be in damasku. :(


they don’t want to die, they want to party. as the bible says “he who flatters his friend sets a trap beneath his feet” the syrian army got lazy from all the praise, they forgot you need to fight, and like afghan gov troops, they don’t care for defensive positions, but for their position on tiktok. anyway, assad’s army, folded like a cheap suit. syria is next


the problem is there is no partying for them cause if they have to flee syria there wont be a place for them in europe. it takes only the terrorist suppoerters in not the normal people.


there can be an amnesty. any democratic government will be obligued to preserve it.

it seems the next phase of this war will be between america-backed and turkish-backed forces. who will iran side with? russia for sure will withdraw if assad falls.


this is another brilliant background work of the turkish intelligence. they studied and exploited all the weaknesses of assad, his soldiers, and his allies. hezbollah didn’t show up. a sign it’s been severely weakened.


putin and assad & cucks


the syrians have been under unrelenting assault from the us for well over a decade. the u-owned jewish supremacist terrorist entity launches attacks on the syrians at will. what army could be expected to succed under these conditions?


the army of a democratic government can succeed. assad squandered his best chance to end the war when he rejected erdogan’s offer for talks.

Last edited 3 months ago by Obj.
Janne Kankaanpää

if militants take homs, it is pretty much game over for assad. from homs all the way damascus is expected fast advance as well.

also daraa rebels are kicking syrian army out of the south. when southern rebels meet northern rebels, it is battle for damascus. when it is certain defeat, syrian army is expected to surrender in large numbers.

muqtada al sadr said yesterday that iraqi shia militants should not interfere.


i am very much pro resistance, but this is beyond my comprehension. arabs have collapsed into surrender monkeys or boot kissing slaves. its sad to watch, i wish they were not like that. but what can you do. if syrians wont fight for syria, nobody will


syrian army consists of sunni soldiers. the generals are alawi. sunni’s allegiance is to ideology and then to country. shame for bashar assad for not having naturalized the shiite hazara afghans during all these years. afghan shiites fought and died, while syrian sunnis were promoted and given high salaries.

Janne Kankaanpää

that makes the loyalty even less. the basic sunni soldier sees, he is discriminated against. and south front said in an earlier article that they get half salary of alawi soldier. what do you think that does to army cohesion?


i don’t know how much alawi fighters get. but shia afghan fighters did the fighting between 2011-2016/17 and won and didn’t even get the syrian citizenship. syrian sunni fighters never win, even if you give them $ 1 million. even hamas said they are neutral, while in fact they support hts. and how much did iran give to hamas?

Janne Kankaanpää

hamas is muslim brotherhood like majority of the rebels. moderate islamists not imposing sharia. of course hamas is with the rebels.

the point is that syrian government and iran did not play it smart. they tried to destroy rebellion with killing civilians, bombing cities, torture chambers. any sunni arab is very disloyal to his own family and own ethnic group, if he let this just pass.


what are you even on about? where did i say raise their salary? i said assad should have given the hazara shia afghans the syrian citizenship at least. hazaras can earn their own money. naturalization is something many countries do, especially when they work in national interests. you seem quite a sunni stooge. why are you digressing?

Last edited 3 months ago by JamL
Janne Kankaanpää

hazara is not enough. assad needs sunni support base to succeed. if iran and syria were smart, they should have given food for free for sunni masses and made life better for ordinary syrians. moreover they qouls have been equal with all. 10-15% of population is not enough to hold a rule. now they instead use forced labor and extort them. assad should have written a book about how to be an unsuccessful dictator.

Janne Kankaanpää

by this level of cruelty resentment against government is all time high. even druzes in suweida made demonstrations and shia ishmaeli city and christian city surrendered without a fight. they are both assad natural allies.

when shias and christians side with rebels, you can not blame hamas who are exactly the same group as all the islamists, except hts and isis.


if that’s the case those christians can expect a head chopping squad to knock on the door.


sunni soldiers don’t have half the salary of shia ones, that was just propaganda from damir nazarov (idk why southfront allows sectarian wahhabis to write articles here) who is a well know erdoganist and pro-fsa propagandist. if you listen to nazarov, you will think that assad is pro-zionist and fsa are anti-zionist while in reality it’s the opposite.


if you want to know why hts is the most anti-zionist force in syria, read my latest article at


all the syrian army is on the vacation or what?
it looks like hts it will be in the damasku in next week. :(

Janne Kankaanpää

outside of just in damascus. now rebels are reaching their support areas. they are expected to have tens, or hundreds of thousands of new volunteers, sleeping rebel cells to join. also syrian army soldiers switching sides in their thousands very soon. amnesty sounds nicer, than death or 20 years in jail.

Janne Kankaanpää

also parents of syrian army soldiers from hama and homs start calling their sons to join the rebels. 50% of syrian army is sunni muslim and they are not very loyal. when their parents call them, they are expected to change sides. locals are very loyal to rebels and they know each family where someone is in the army.

Last edited 3 months ago by Janne Kankaanpää

why don’t you cut and past this a few more times, asshole?


wtf is this, the way they started they will be in damascus next week lmfao, but these jihadists are coming in bulk why airstrikes don’t hit them hard, while parading on streets or as they move along the highways? this is unacceptable. this kind of progression on land taking reminds me of daesh formerly known as isis, when in 2014, started to take everything with columns like this one from mosul to all of syria. like deja vu tho.

Last edited 3 months ago by Иван
Janne Kankaanpää

even if air strikes killed and wounded a few hundreds every day, their full number is well over hundred thousand. and they are in their support areas. they get far more recruits, than losses, when they gain territory.

they dont move only along highways. they move on very wide front. they already took all areas northeast of homs.

Janne Kankaanpää

also instead of fighting for every meter, syrian army when they lost hama, they fled to homs. means they always give around 50 km to rebels for free without fighting.

syrian army are acting like iranians acted during mongol conquests. always retreat to the next city. mongols were more than happy to take all villages without fighting and get the next city for free.

Last edited 3 months ago by Janne Kankaanpää

it’s almost over and it was also predicted 1400 years ago.

Last edited 3 months ago by JamL

don’t be any stupider than god made you.

Just me

the rebels are supported by us air strikes launched against syrian soldiers.


yes, yes. but the real question is not why or if assad’s army will evaporate to dust an be gone within the next 1 or 2 weeks. no that’s obvious already.. but the real question is, where are the friends of assad. where are the iranian troops ? where the libanese hezbollah ? where are the houthis ? they all have large amount of footsoldiers, and if they are wanting syria to survive, then now i the time to put in their weight (troops) before it is too late.

Last edited 3 months ago by Gurki

this is unbelievable. the syrian govt and saa are beyond useless. they might as well surrender syria to al qaeda. shameful for the resistance axis.


the greater israel plan in action.


how long have the syrians been under assault?


seems the saa cowards, traitors and diletants are in total decay.
cant even stop the terrorists with blowing up a bridge and take defense positions behind a river?
and what is the syrian and russian air force, bomber and attac helicopters waiting for, while the terrorists drive around in largest colums?
if iran and hezbollah didnt send urgently a few brigades, damaskus and the russian bases will be in real danger.

Last edited 3 months ago by TomB.
Janne Kankaanpää

are you crazy, or just handicapped? the river whose bridge russian af blew was around 7-10 meters wide. shorter than my living room. we are not talking about amazon. plus there is another bridge a few hundred meters away. and you think the masterplan would have been to fight for this river with all syrian army?


lol you clown.
even this is enough to stop or at least show down non amphibien wehicles and terrorists mostly use jeeps and motorcycles.
of course not only this but all bridges had to be blown up there.


and to make things worse, many saa run away leavng behind large ammo and arms depots, tanks, ifvs, afvs, artillery, rocket launchers….
unbelievable and insane!


and to make things even double if not triple worse, iran will not act fast enough and sent troops to syria, because iran legitimate president was killed by mossad (helicopter assasination) and replaced with an israeli agent (pezeshkian). and putin was tricked into invading ukraine and is now pinned down with all his forces to that quagmire total war, and therefore he too cannot help assad.

Last edited 3 months ago by Gurki

krazy how all this happened after hezbollah accepted a ceasefire with the zionists, let’s not forget how iran decided not to launch retaliatory strikes on israel cause trump clown @ss won the circus elections.
all the martyrs that sacrificed their lives in liberating all that has been retaken now by terrorist scum was in vain.


i fully agree with your post. and moreover please realize how the things developed and why. hezbollah was swearing to fight till israel is leaving gaza and stops genocide there. then killed a whole generation of top-level hezbollah leaders within a few weeks (of course due to treason of pezeshkian in iran giving all the locations and other secrets to mossad) and then suddenly hezbollah…

Last edited 3 months ago by Gurki

… instead of continuing their path of fighting the israeli beasts, and trusting in allah, hezbollah decided to trust in foul peace agreement with the pissraelis and sold out the palestinians fighting in gaza to the jews, leaving them alone to fight against usrael.

Last edited 3 months ago by Gurki

when instead of trusting in allah and yourself, you start trusting in jews and smelly peace agreements with them.. guess what’s the result of such behaviour ? of course: total defeat! therefore hezb has to fight! and syria can only be saved by houthis. because putin is pinned down in syria, and iran is infiltrated by israel, having an pro-israeli agent as their president now.

erkan dogan

der untergang

erkan dogan

assad will leave country one week later or be leader of lattakia tartus alawi state


allmost all the alternativ media in the last months sounded the same, israel colapsing, hezbola defeated israel and so on, its a joke, the zionist project is doing verry well as we can see, after syria iraq and lebanon are history too, greater israel under trump administration becomes reality


this is all wwf show.
it works because most people are dumber than a can of worms.


most of so-called “alternative medias” are jewish-owned fake-opposition medias, full-intentionally putting people in false hope, and telling them that they don t have to fight, but need to stay calm and reject violence always. this way the “alternative medias” are sedative instruments hynotizing and paralyzing the energy and anger of the people by catalyzing it into dead ends of fake victory stories and relax & peace traps.

Last edited 3 months ago by Gurki

homs will fall to the rebels today, the battle of damascus won’t last long. 🇷🇺=🏃‍♂️🤡 😆😆😆


instead of reorganizing the syrian army, making internal concessions to ensure the perenity of the country, destroying external treaths its control zone….. he continued his corrupted system based on tribal selection (alawi). he’s a weakling and an idiot and the syrian people will probably gonna pay dearly for it. syria’s future look very dark.


this proves russia is part of the deception.

no one in power is out of the loop. no one in power is opposed. they are all in this scheme together.


@imho 100% true. fully agree with your comment !

Conan M

why isn’t the prc and india involved in shoring up russian forces???

Last edited 3 months ago by Conan M

yes, why don’t these two countries want to fight the most powerful empire in history? derp on with your derp self.

Huckelberry finn

they’ve “captured” fck all, they’re not holding anything in a military sense. there’s no structure following on to run the cities. the syrian army is being targeted by the iaf before the “rebels” arrive. and the russians are not engaging the iaf, so logically the saa pulls out.


clearly assad’s role in this story in coming to an end and he should exit, he has failed. redoing the civil war and this time with foreign armies instead of assad’s troops is unacceptable and contradicts the preservation of sovereignty that motivated the support for assad in the first place


putin bad, mm’kay? assad bad, mm”kay?


yes and no, in realpolitics its not about feeling or else. if syria wants to survive it right now needs foreign troops, or it will be finished an soon cease to exist as a nation, and then be absorbed into “erez israel”. so if you dont want that, you should support any force like houthis, shia afghans, iranians or lebanese etc. who might want to help you saving syria from falling into usraeli hands.

Last edited 3 months ago by Gurki
the waffen goyim know

jewtin is betreying syria and assad for the favor of his jewish friends, he is doing absolutely nothing


putin is protecting his country, that is his only obligation. if arabs are helpless and useless, that’s their problem and soon to be the problem of whoever next tries to govern or do anything there


all of russia’s allies are in grave danger if the kremlin dwarf remains in power. china, in particular, should use its influence over the russian elite to replace him. of course, russia’s power and prestige are also in grave danger.


yes, but it is nearly already too late for that i think. putin already ruined the ru army. most of the large soviet time military gear and vehicles stocks are already gone, 450-700tsd russians dead. losses so high that russia is now begging nkorea for soldiers, so please come on ! this clearly shows putins army is on the brink of collapse. nevertheless i agree with you that putin needs to be replaced before all of ru is gone + becoming fully bled-out, indebted & chaotic like current syria.

Last edited 3 months ago by Gurki
Lance Ripplinger

so the corrupt saa continues wave their diapers and run away. i’m starting to think assad has no control over anything at this point. he needs to find competent commanders who will actually fight for syria, not take bribes and run away like cowards.


syrian assad called israil and said,
help me stop turkish proxy hts now.
if you help me, i will give you golan.
but israel rejected for now.
allies turkey,israel,usa destroying syria…


syrian assad called israil and said,
help me stop turkish proxy hts now.
if you help me, i will give you golan.
but israel rejected for now.
allies turkey,israel,usa destroying syria….

NDR 7652

so let me get this straight dudes driving around in pickups with no air power are able to take whole cities without a fight

arabs are the worst always talking a big game the come up small when it counts watch the excuses about zionists and cia with magic powers appearing


cunt-face, the jihadis are us assets, as are the jewish supremacists. keep up the stupid.