Translated from Russian. Originally appeared at colonelcassad blog
Following the meeting of Russia, Iran, and Turkey in Sochi, where the end of the war was announced and the beginning of the post-war regulation process meant to decide Syria’s future took place, the US media began reporting on the fact that the US plans to stay in Syria despite the collapse of ISIS, and also will use the Kurds to pressure al-Assad’s government.
- This has been mentioned repeatedly: despite officially supporting Syria’s territorial integrity, unofficially they try to strike back for their strategic failure at toppling al-Assad’s government, which was unsuccessful mainly thanks to Russia and Iran. Washington repeatedly voiced its dissatisfaction with the way war in Syria went, along with anxieties regarding the consequences for the US, Israel and Saudi Arabia concerning the growing role of Russia and Iran in the region.
- The White House does not state this officially, as the US understands the tenuity of its positions in Syria, because as far as international law is concerned, this is just another case of US aggression against a sovereign state. On the other hand, the US couldn’t care less about international law and sovereignty other than its own. But some things shouldn’t be said as they are out loud or you’ll look bad. You have to camouflage what you say, like inviting the unrecognized government of Rojava or inventing a non-existent UN permission to invade. The reporting mentioned above is useful, because it demonstrates real US intentions, and not declarative ones. This is useful because it shows there is no point in hoping that the US wants to negotiate and show “goodwill”.
- Russia has led an informational and diplomatic campaign with the intent of driving the US forces out of Syria. The accusations by Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Defense are officially supported by Syria, Turkey, and Iran as they are also interested in driving out the Americans out of Syria, because the US is the main obstacle to ending the war. Besides having common goals linked to keeping al-Assad in power and keeping Syria’s territory intact, Turkey and Iran pursue their own goals. Iran wants to secure the Shi’ite bridge between Tehran and Beirut (which may be hindered by the Syrian Kurdistan project), and Erdogan wants to weaken Kurdistan Workers’ Party and stop the Syrian Kurdistan from forming under control of Kurdistan Workers’ Party-affiliated organizations. Nobody wants to go to a full-fledged war with the US, but the now popular hybrid wars leave many avenues of combating the hegemon.
- For now, the main strategy is involving reasonable Kurdish Rojava leaders in the conversation, so that the Kurds will be represented in the negotiations allowing them to find contact points with al-Assad regarding the future of the Kurds as a part of Syria. That’s why Russia put a stop to Erdogan’s ambitious plans regarding Afrin and tries to persuade Turkey that the Kurds can be negotiated with, and that nothing bad will come out of sitting with the Kurds, when you already sit down with much more radical organizations, which are considered “moderate terrorists” due to current political climate. Compared to them, some Kurdish groups are much more reasonable and legal, but only until the situation escalates past the point of no return.
- If negotiations with the Kurds fall through, and the US will be successful in cultivating Kurdish separatism, than Plan B comes into action, which entails pressuring the Kurds with the following:
- Syria, Turkey and Iraq can block the oil exports from Rojava, and ban imports to it, the very same threats previously used for trying to keep Iraqi Kurdistan in line. The US won’t be able to provide Rojava with all necessary supplies by air.
- The Kurdish-Arab conflict can be escalated on the territories under the Kurdish control with the majorly Arab populace. This will sow disarray in Rojava, with possible creation of SDF opposed forces.
- The Kurdish groups involved in the US plans can be designated as terrorist organizations (this will also lead to improving Russia’s and Syria’s relations with Turkey).
- Russia can stop protecting Afrin. Iran and Iraq can block the border crossing at Faysh Khabur and cut economic and logistic ties between Iraqi Kurdistan and Rojava.
- The Syrian Army and Shi’ite units can do a repeat of Iraqi Kurdistan: they will make a deal with the reasonable organizations, and unreasonable ones will be crushed like Barzani.
- The final solution: they can “release the Kraken” by letting the Turkish Army into Rojava under the pretense of “fighting terrorism”. This is an undesirable option, as it would make “friend Recep” stronger, but it isn’t out of the question completely.
In the end, there is a considerable amount of options to put pressure on Rojava if the US escalates the situation up to the level of unavoidable conflict, which, as the US periodically demonstrates, it seems to hope for, despite all the claims that they have no hidden agenda in Syria.
So far Russia and friends try to persuade the Kurds that they shouldn’t follow Barzani’s example and risk a scenario they will regret. You can yell “America is with us” and photograph girls holding assault rifles all you want, but when push comes to shove, the situation will escalate to a conflict completely out of the Kurds’ depth. As far as the US is concerned, the Kurds are only a means to an end, a fact that Washington doesn’t even hide anymore. The US wants to use the Kurds as fuel for the continuation of the war in Syria, showing no concern over the losses among the Kurds.
From this perspective, it would be best for everyone, including the Kurds, if Russia can make the Kurdish chiefs see the things the way it does. And if al-Assad and Erdogan soften their stances regarding the Kurdish question, they may find a compromise that would satisfy all sides.
Whether this is possible we’ll see in 2018. Russia is not interested in prolonging the Syrian war. Quite the opposite: the successful results should be diplomatically secured as soon as possible, which the US tries to hinder. This conflict demonstrates that despite the military collapse of ISIS, Syria still has a lot of problems that will have to be solved with the help of Iran and Turkey. But nobody said it would be easy.
“release the Kraken” ha ha, very good.
America always is the obstacle to peace.
Syria should go after american assets. Assad should assemble legal team and sue american before Syria court first for destroying Syria and Reciprocating Syrian Court Order to other countries to confiscate american assets
Joe Doe
1. There are no US owned assets in Syria within grasp of the Syrian courts.
2. Syria has been defanged, it has no teeth with which to bite the Israeli controlled US led “Terror Axis” countries, Turkey, GCC Arabs, UK, France, NATO countries, EU, Canada, Australia, NZ, etc.
Regardless of no US owned assets , the media exposure created would be a win .
Though not always, every now and then the media in the west, US, UK, etc., does expose wrong doing by their government or military.
Unfortunately for Mr Assad’s government the western media has tarnished their image badly along with the term “Regime”, Chemical Weapons”, etc.
So there is almost no chance of anything the media will publish to help the Syrian “Regime”.
Instead its better to focus on the reality that the dishonest Putin – Russia has helped implement the Oded Yinon Plan in Syria, these are its results:
Syria over 500,000 killed, 1.9 million injured, 6 million displaced or refugees, infrastructure destroyed, economy trashed.
While agreeing with you that Assad and his government have been slandered by the western media , the truth has come out .
“The Pen is mightier than the sword” . In any war , if you consed , you have not only lost , but helped the enemy . In effect by no opposition to false claims gives them credence .
The truth can only fly if it has a medium , a court is that .
“The Pen is mightier than the sword”
Yes agreed about the pen and the sword.
Unfortunately majority of the western media not only News channels but TV, Entertainment, Films, Hollywood, etc are controlled by people who are shaping a new Geopolitical future.
This future requires the destruction and control of the Middle East. the Russian Federation, Cuba, Venezuela, NK, etc. (Zimbabwe is off the list with Mugabe’s departure).
“…The truth can only fly if it has a medium , a court is that…”
There is no court that will help Syria, as one of the foundations of Law is those who seek “Justice” must come with “Clean Hands”.
Mr Assad;s government has been tarnished with allegations of War Crimes i.e. does not have clean hands.
you present “only” propaganda – – Clean hands indeed? – the USA has no clean hands anywhere on the planet – the self declared emperors have no clothes – merely putting words in the NYT and its echo chamber the MSM – can influence the sheeple but not critically thinking / fact based adults that look behind the curtain and it doesnt make it true. No one of consequence believes the MSM
which is the basis of your entire argument- chemicals / regime etc.
calling someone a racist (the go to song) no longer means anything – just one use of words that is outmoded
you forget in the Wizard of OZ – the party that exposed the Wizard’s manipulation wasn’t – Dorothy / The Tin Man / Scarecrow or Lion…….but a mere dog named Toto
“…the USA has no clean hands anywhere on the planet…”
You must be leading a sad life regarding the MSM which is necessary for normal western people to review Entertainment, Art, Culture, Music, Travel, Home, Property, Interior Design, Education, Jobs, etc.
Agreed the US is a war criminal state and does not have clean hands in relation to conducting unlawful wars.
There is no propaganda. Face reality:
No one has succeeded in prosecuting the US for war crimes.
However if any of the Israeli controlled, US led “Terror Axis” countries get their hands on Mr Assad, they would have a field day prosecuting him for war crimes.
you said: “There is no propaganda. Face reality:”
silly at best – just take one event – first sarin gas attack which was heavily promoted and Seymour Hersh – Pulitzer Prize winning Journalist – upended and proved was CIA ratline derived. So was the second with fake white helmets picking up debris without gloves, masks, etc moments after attack ???
look Kerry audio with terrorists where he acknowledges US has no rights to be in Syria and it is illegal and Russia is not
so many touch points and you make statement which are easily refuted – but you can say anything sky is green – i get it
US has failed in Syria / Iraq / Afghanistan / – game is over for SA as well – just a matter of time as the Kurds are now surrounded that US will go away and the ME will be at peace.
The past 70 years is not the future for US – anywhere
“…you said: “There is no propaganda. Face reality:”..”
“…silly at best …”
There is no propaganda from my side. There is plenty from the Israeli controlled, US led “Terror Axis” countries.
Repeat, this is the bottom line:
No one has succeeded in prosecuting the US for war crimes.
whether the US is prosecuted is not the end game – it is US removal for the ME that creates value for American Middle Class and the people in the ME
The US strategy has not worked for 27 years! All reverts to Vietnam and the roof of the embassy sooner or later – contrived fixed courts don’t matter which is why no one is focused there – US is beaten on the ground eventually – the players everywhere are dramatically more sophisticated and coordinated compared to any time since WWII
again the past is not the future – your propaganda wont work
“…the past is not the future – your propaganda wont work…”
There is no propaganda from this side. Regarding the future, when Khazar strategists have been asked about the future, they say:
We Create the Future.
US Removal from ME:
This will not happen for the foreseeable future because Israel requires a US military presences in the ME to destroy or keep its adversaries at bay.
US Strategy:
The reason US strategy has not worked in the ME is by design which is to implement the Oded Yinon Plan, cause the breakup of Israel’s enemy countries into “Statelets” which war amongst themselves.
the Israeli’s have lost the core of their objectives which is the “breakup of these countries”
The Shia Crescent is not going away – Iran & Iraq will solidify their existing tactics with Hezbollah on the other side of Syria coupled with – Assad – which has proven to be one of the most resilient men in world history in the face of overwhelming odds.
The solution for Israel is protection framework by Russia – the US can do no more for Israel with outmoded terrorist creation and support tactics by the Military and CIA.
70 year turnaround is in motion.
“…the Israeli’s have lost the core of their objectives…”
“…The solution for Israel is protection framework by Russia…”
You are completely mistaken, the Khazars control Israel and have lost nothing, they are more stronger and powerful than ever.
Israeli and US Terror Axis planes are allowed to fly freely in Syria and can bomb the Syrian Military freely as well as drop supplies to IS and move them around Syria.
Russians are fools as well as born losers, both Putin and the Russian military are weak, feeble and useless as Russia is incapable of standing up against Israel or even one of the following countries or organizations, US, NATO, Turkey, Saudi, Qatar, IS, etc.
Add the icing on the cake, Putin has turned Russia into the most corrupt country in Europe with the highest number of people in or close to poverty with all surplus money siphoned offshore.
There is nothing more Russians love to do than move their corruptly acquired money by the Billions offshore into US$s, Euros, SFr, etc. Russians including Putin love to send their children and families to live in Europe rather than live in Russia.
The Shia crescent is an illusion without any real power which is why Syria and Iraq have destroyed infrastructure as well as trashed economies that could take at least 30 years maybe even 50 years to rebuild assuming they halt their Shia – Sunni – Kurd conflicts.
Iran will be the next target to be destroyed.
“are allowed to fly freely in Syria”
show me the approval of the sovereign government in Syria – doesn’t exist – further Kerry said in a meeting with al nusra / al queda / isis – audio on line available 0-t hat the US couldn’t do what Russia does since they don’t have rights to be in the country
as to Israel – can they challenge sure – but they were defeated by Hezbollah in 07′ and today they are stronger with systems that extend to Iran – with Iraq coming up as a strong partner – for Iran
my interest as US citizen is ending interminable war – US Middle Class has no benefit – in fact huge losses – $6+ Trillion
Israel has to work out a deal with Russia no choice – the US and SA are limited help and has no US State Department worth consideration since the early 70’s especially compared to the Russians.
The game is over Turkey has the Kurds where it wants and so does the Iraqi
NO – it was a mistake to overreach
“…show me the approval of the sovereign government in Syria…”
Syria has an agreement with Putin – Russia to protect Sovereign Syrian territory, the Russians have the S300 and S400 Systems in Syria which remain idle as Putin and the Russian military are weak, feeble and useless.
“…as to Israel – can they challenge sure – but they were defeated by Hezbollah in 07…”
Yes Hezbollah gave Israel a thrashing but in return, Israel bombed Lebanon almost into the stone age. (See Videos below).
In 2006, Israel caused many US$10’s of Billions of damage to Lebanon’s civilian infrastructure which is unlawful under the Geneva Convention and is a War Crime.
Condoleeza Rice even spoke about this saying the New Middle East was being created, (See video at 0.45 below).
Once again please understand the Iran – Iraq – Syria Shia crescent is ineffective, the proof is in the deaths and displacement of many millions along with the destruction of the economies and infrastructure of both Iraq and Syria.
“…ending interminable war – US Middle Class has no benefit – in fact huge losses – $6+ Trillion…”
The Khazars do not care about any person in the host countries they control, i.e. the US, UK, France, NATO, etc. In fact it is part of their “Control Matrix”, they create the money through their Banking Cartels and lend it to Gentile fools who fight their wars as well as pay for them.
These wars are planned and promoted by the Khazars and will continue until Iran and the Russian Federation have been destroyed.
How has Putin aided the Israeli plan? He’s stopped American proxys from destroying Syria and Balkanising it!
That ‘kill list’ is mostly down to US / Allied bombings, ILLEGAL bombing! The mass migration was a deliberate ploy, never heard of the Coudenhove-Kalergi plan? http://www.businessmir.ch/?p=153327&language=en
“…How has Putin aided the Israeli plan?…”
By failing to protect Syria starting in 2010.
Putin – Russia offered to protect Syria starting in 2010 but failed to protect Syria in 2010 / 2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / Jan to Oct 2016, Jan 2017 to now 2017.
By September 2015, these were the results of Putin’s dishonesty, Syria 500,000 killed, 1.9 million injured, 6 million displaced or refugees, infrastructure destroyed, economy trashed.
Also Israeli and US Terror Axis planes without any S300/S400 intervention are allowed to fly freely in Syria, bomb the Syrian Military freely as well as drop supplies to IS Terrorists.
“Putin – Russia offered to protect Syria starting in 2010 but….”
Ever think perhaps Assad said no, we don’t need you? Bear in mind America and her Allies have NOT been invited in! Putin is not in charge of the S300/S400 they are under the command of Syrian Army. The last two Israeli attacks have been countered by S300, as reported in some media and refuted by Israel, as usual.
“…Ever think perhaps Assad said no, we don’t need you?…”
You are mistaken as well as clutching at straws.
Syria was in desperate straits back in 2010 and needed Russia’s protection which it requested during Lavrov’s visit to Damascus in 2010.
I have all the TV news reels recorded in relation to Lavrov’s agreement with the Syrian government to protect it.
As a result of this agreement in 2010, there was great celebration and rejoicing in the streets of Damascus decked with buntings, crowds waving the Russian and Syrian flags, offering flowers to a “Great Hero” Lavrov.
As it turned out there was no help from the dishonest Putin other than lip service until October 2015 with Damascus ready to fall to the “Terror Axis”.
Now Syria has millions displaced or dead, its infrastructure destroyed and economy trashed.
Putin has successfully implemented Israels Oded Yinon Plan on behalf of his Khazar masters.
Putin’s army of Khazar Billionaires who started with nothing and corruptly acquired Russian State assets now own large part of the Russian economy.
Jerusalem Post:
It is the US who has been defanged. U.S. nationals are going to be defendants at the International Criminal Court, and soon. That has pretty much caused Yankee indecision and morass.—KiraSeer
Kira Binkley
“…U.S. nationals are going to be defendants at the International Criminal Court..”
You need to stop your fantasy opinions, LoL:)))
The US does not recognize the ICC and is not a signatory to its principles.
So far no US citizen has faced any trial for war crimes they commit for and on behalf of the US.
The UK Attorney General is now effectively controlled by the Khazarim, people that Putin loves, cherishes, adores and obeys.
UK or Israeli or US or citizens of any country can be prosecuted under UK war crimes law (in the UK), however in practice the UK Attorney General steps in and halts the proceedings.
You need to get out from under the thumb of your puppet masters, the “vile entanglement of Leftism and Global Deep State.”
Start thinking for yourself, if that is possible.—KiraSeer
Kira Binkley
“…You need to get out from under the thumb of your puppet master…”
Your opinions get more ridiculous as well as hilarious, LoL:)))
“…Start thinking for yourself, if that is possible.—KiraSeer…”
Rational thinking is based on facts and reality which you are unable to do.
The US does not recognize the ICC and is not a signatory to its principles.
United States and the International Criminal Court – Wikipedia
The note informed the Secretary-General that the U.S. no longer intend to ratify the Rome Statute
The UK Attorney General is now effectively controlled by the Khazarim, people that Putin loves, cherishes, adores and obeys.
UK or Israeli or US or citizens of any country can be prosecuted under UK war crimes law (in the UK), however in practice the UK Attorney General steps in and halts the proceedings.
UK grants immunity for one IDF general; another stays at home
2 Jul 2013 – 3) PCHR: Suspected War Criminal Lt. General Gantz Offered ‘Special Mission’ Immunity Before Visit to the UK, July 2nd, 2013; …. warrant, but the government promised it would be changed so that only the Attorney General, who is a political figure we can trust, would authorize universal jurisdiction arrests.
Israeli minister Tzipi Livni given diplomatic immunity for UK visit …
13 May 2014 – The British government has granted temporary diplomatic immunity to a prominent Israeli politician ahead of a visit to the UK this week to protect her … the law firm requested the CPS to advise police to arrest Livni for suspected war crimes, and to liaise with the attorney general to approve criminal charges.
The test case in the International Criminal Court (ICC) which succeeded was Nicaragua v. United States, and Nicaragua prevailed. Taking the US and Saudi Arabia to court is a good idea. The legal team that succeeded in this case is still around.
The case was decided in June 1986. Nicaragua won the case. The United States refused to participate. In October 1986 the UN Security Council voted on a resolution calling for full and immediate compliance with the ICC Judgement. The United States vetoed the resolution. Nicaragua, in September 1991, informed the ICC that it did not wish to continue the proceedings. Nicaragua had previously asked for $17 billion in reparations. However the Court never set an amount for reparations before Nicaragua withdrew. The United States paid no reparations.
The problem is that US don’t give a damn about, Syria court or the International Criminal Court…
Yes, it’s a challenge. I never promised you a rose garden. But it WILL be done. With Heaven on our side…
Pity the Kurdish people. They are so brave and deserving. Surely Syria will find a place for them.
They do need to stay away from American, Israeli and Saudi influences though.
While they are America’s contractors, no one will touch them.
Putin knows two things…1º Kurdish can protect Syrian/Turkey border better than SAA in case of jihadist invasion!..2º In case of independence of kurdistan Syria and become an israeli tool vs Assad..Turkish army will star to attack them with the pretext that they are a serious risk for turkish army!
these are not your own ideas
“To put pressure on willing Kurd groups” will not push 13 military US bases out of Syria. They can stay there forever with supplies from Iraq or Qatar US bases.
The only way US and Israeli´s leave your sofa and your house are when a fork is put in their fat butts.
My thoughts as well. The US Military are the worlds most unwelcome guests , except for the purveyors of children and prostitutes, male and female.
русская шлюха
The Saigon picture is fitting…that’s what will happen pretty soon
Yes, Assad will be a dentist in Chremlin or something.
Assad is an eye doctor , not a dentist .
When the SAA and Co, is done with the one side of Eufrat, they should go hunting on the other side, take your time, map it all, where are the Wankees concentrated, they tent to cluster, since war is an dirty game, in safe havens, and pulverize everything else, if it means you have to chase the Wankee rats into one building, leave that building, but crush everything else, they will do nothing, open range, if they are hit, then they have no legitimacy of been there in the first place, everybody knows it, incl the Kurds.
WE can debate, and complain, and dream about making an rational deal with irrational, ignorant psychopaths, huh, you cant, deals with an nation run by paranoiac delusional sycophants, that’s what we face, they dont care other then when they know they are going to loose, so let them loose, ISISrael is per, day, irrelevant, and will stay irrelevant, of not, wipe them out, and then you have solved the problem.
WE have just one big problem, the 800 Gorilla on steroids, bonkers beyond belief, running around and howls for ever more wars, claims so bogus that to just contradict them is an waist of time, we all know this is standard borderline insane nonsense anyway, and have been there for century’s.
Boycott the Terror state UssA to oblivion.
The only thing the Kosher Nostra understand is loosing cash, so, boycott them back to the bread line.
This analysts is all well and good but it does not take into account 2 cards the American deep state has up it’s sleeve, Israel and Saudi Arabia. It remains to be seen is those cards are aces or crap but if they are unleashed upon Lebanon does anyone with a brain think they won’t cross over into Syria at the same time?
I don’t know. With how squeemish the Middle east powers are the higher up you go. I think that the US will consolidate its position in Syria and just be a big ole’ thorn in Syria/Iran ‘s back side. I bet Saudi Arabia does nothing direct as usual. And, I think the most major thing you will see is the Israelis hitting that Iranian base in south Syria.
I dunno about Saudi doing nothing as usual… MBS is turning out to be
one ruthless crazy loose cannon and who knows what he will do? Then you
have the US spending $143 million to upgrade it’s air base in Jordan. As for the Israelis, I just don’t see them stopping at one Iranian base…
With so many moving parts and shifting alliances it’s hard to tell what will happen but I have little doubt more war is on the horizon.
Yah. It is like trying to guess what a lava lamp will look like 10 min. in the future.
Wonder if Newton could have done it. You know, Isaac.
Israel and the MSM claim that the aerial photo of a complex under construction is an Iranian military base in the making, but has anyone seen independent confirmation of this?
Once Israeli aggression begins in Lebanon, Hezbollah can just march into Syria with the Tiger Forces and liberate occupied Syrian and Lebanese occupied territory in the Golan Heights. The IDF, accustomed to combating defenseless women and children in Gaza will be terrified to fight battle hardened and highly motivated Hezbollah and Syrian Tiger Forces.
I wonder if the Syrian Arab Army could surround the 15 American bases in it’s country and simply refuse to allow anyone in or out? The US of I is a terrorist organization. It shows how ineffective the UN is when a bully like America can move it’s army into any country it pleases and threaten their sovereignty. Is it surprising that North Korean is not prepared to give up it’s nuclear deterrent?
They would be destroyed by air assets and cruise missiles long before they got near any US bases.
I didn’t say attack the Americans. I said surround them and prevent movement. Even the Americans would hesitate to begin a direct conflict with the syrian Army, Iran, Hezzbollah and Russia when they are the invaders of a sovereign state. That might be all it would take for the world to finally turn on the U.S.
and they said clerly, if single one assad soldier cross euphrates, they will attack and destroy.
Unless they’re overwhelmed. But for now, laying siege seems to be a sound plan. Remember that it was the USA that set the 50 km perimeter. How useful is that much sand if there’s no place else to go?
The Russians could easily destroy all the U.S bases within an hour or so…..firing their Kalibr cruise missiles from just about anywhere……even Russia itself……but it would mean out and out war, possibly WW3.
this is a circular conversation. Yes, Russia could declare world war 3 in a meaningless way.
It’s time for the dumbass warmongering Yanks to go back home where they belong!
You should leave a note in the suggestion box at the CIA
I would gladly do so….if they have a suggestion box on their website!
And quickly, too. A matter of seconds, actually. One push of the hot button…
As an American, I and some others make differentiation’s that almost all other analysts lack the courage or insight or both to put in writing. And that is that there’s a difference between Jewmerica with it’s government hijacked by the evil Jew pedophile rape cult, and the America that most Americans would like to believe in. Jewmerica is a sick and twisted perversion of what most Americans want America to be. That’s why Trump won the election with America first, which is fundementally anti Jewmerica, anti Israel first. The evil Jew cult should be outlawed to create a Jew free America and planet earth that will be better for everyone.
No wonder. As an American, RD, you are STUPID.
You’re the one defending the evil Jew pedophile cult that rapes 1,000 cult babies every week, not me.
The world would be a better place without Israel and Jews:
“”9-11/Israel did it” …
The US Military Knows Israel did it …
“If these Americans and those like them ever fully understand just how much of their suffering — and the suffering we have inflicted on others — is properly laid on the doorsteps of Israel and its advocates in America, they will sweep aside those in politics, the press and the pulpits alike whose lies and disloyalty brought this about and concealed it from them. They may well leave Israel looking like Carthage after the Romans finished with it. It will be Israel’s own great fault.” …
Dr Alan Sabrosky, Jewish former Director of Studies at the US army War College.”
https://wikispooks.com/wiki/9-11/Israel_did_it –
America’s Jews Are Driving America’s Wars, by Philip Giraldi
The world would be a better place without haters like you.
It’s called truth, if you could disprove it you would, you can’t because the Jews are guilty, so you don’t even try.
American Jews are NOT Israelis. They do not consider making friends of the Muslims in the countries around them a suitable enterprise.
I realize it is difficult for Americans to think rationally, but try to see the differences, will you?
Douglas Feith, Wolfowitz, Perle and others are American intellectuals, lethally inspired by the Nazi atrocities during World War II, and because they are Americans also, believe they are entitled to “save the world” using American power and might, and giving forth the idea that all they want, in the manner of Woodrow Wilson, is to make the “world safe for Democracy”. Thus the neocon neoconversion to Global Deep State.
Unfortunately, in their pathological “zeal”, they have been able to influence evangelical Christians, preying on that sect’s need to see the formation of the state of Israel as the antecedent of the End Times, or Last Days, and because they are evangelicals, they desire what they believe is the Second Coming of Christ.
Sickening. Because this very desire itself could be a choice made by the human race for its very self-destruction.
So what’s your point?
That has to be one of the most rambling, incoherent, confused posts that I’ve read here.
“US Jews strongly support Israel, new poll shows …
94% say that if Jewish state “no longer existed tomorrow,” it would be a “tragedy.””
You wouldn’t be able to understand my point if it jumped up and bit you on the ass. I no longer talk to you. That is because I believe you are involved, or bought, by Deep State.
Well I’m glad about that, I wonder what you think about Trump, how about coming on the OPP question “We must agree with Trump Supporters Now (It’s Time)”, Henery Kissinger is the Deep State Person is he not.?
You know, Rodney, how I feel about conversing with juveniles. Such a waste of my precious time!!
OK and OOOO I’m glad I’m not in that category, no good by today, ??.
What do you mean, “no good by today?”
I mean what I say, I’m a man of my word, but not of my questions , everyday is different up till now you put some of your precious time my way, I’m just asking for more, I don’t mind making a fool of myself better me that you, I’m really too old for you I know that I suppose I just want you to humour me.
You may still be in the wrong time, or maybe the right time, but the wrong place—Kira
I will move only either to go to Damascus alone or to WA but not without you, and as I’m trying to converse with lindajoy on OPP about time on the “evolution of the dragonfly” question and I’m being ignored maybe that is the wrong place for my time we should be on Quora together to discuss my shortfall from the highest rung of the ladder which is you.
Forget lindajoy, Rodney. What did I tell you?
Nothing is what it seems to be.
OK she’s forgotten, nothing is as it seems, which is why I’m not wasting any money on a divorce until I see you in the flesh, with your stylish clothes on of course, and I will take a bath if ever there is just such an occasion, which is an enormous sacrifice for me.
One of them. Is he still alive? I’ll check.
If you were truly intelligent, RD, you would know that the Israeli government has made prosyletizing by the Mormon Church illegal in Israel, because the Mormons believe that when all Israeli citizens are Christians, then the Last Days will begin. I’m not sure what you other Evangelicals believe, but I’m hoping it is not as seriously sick as that.—KiraSeer
What does your reply have to do with my comment?
What does your thoughts have to do with reality?
One more thing, Richard. If there was ever a case where freedom of speech should be derailed, you’re it!!—KiraSeer
You’re the evil Jew pedophile rape cult supporter, not me.
Southfront, please shut this idiot, RichardD, down.
Your hatred of truth is your problem, not mine. You haven’t disprove anything that I’ve written. Because it’s all true. And it shows humanity the true crime and evil of the Jew pedophile rape cult for what it is.
Let’s see who the idiot is idiot. Copy and paste what I’ve written and explain what you think is idiotic about it.
The Jews are repeat offenders, it’s why their evil cult is reviled by so many. Jewmerica is just the latest version of their crimes against humanity over the millennium:
Disgusting Antisemitism.
Really? Raping 1,000 Jew cult babies every week as the evil Jew pedophiles do is anti Semitic, I’m trying to stop it.
Truth hurts, which is why Jews jail people for asking questions! Especially of the Holocaust!
Seemes like many thing in the muslim world are copied form there well.
A crash course on the true causes of “antisemitism” – The Saker
Are you saying that about Marx?
Time to make a spectacle of the US at the UNSC. Demand the Creation of a binding statement that the UN affirms that the US is *not* at war with the sovereign state of Syria. Failure to do so causes China/Russia to propose a non binding statement that reaffirms Syria’s right to self defense as stipulated in the UN charter, including a clause stating No legal sanctions can be passed against Assad or the Syrian gov. as long as Syria is in a state of “defensive action” against an openly hostile force.
Israel has 100+ UN and other international law resolutions against them, because they’re guilty:
You can take take Syrian gas on that and see a russian video too -If You are not dead or has TV in Your refugee camp
(of spoken or written language) expressed in an incomprehensible or confusing way; unclear. …
synonyms: unclear, confused, unintelligible, incomprehensible, hard to follow, disjointed, disconnected, disordered, mixed up, garbled, jumbled, scrambled, muddled; rambling, wandering, disorganized, illogical; inarticulate, mumbling, slurred
To be sure, Jens’ first language is not English. For that reason some tolerance for his communicating in English is commendable. On the other hand, his thinking is likely as muddled and ill informed in his native tongue.
I’ve gotten dozens of similar replies from this member, the stupidity and nonsense gets old after a while.
Standing up Israelistan in SDF areas to keep the region mired in conflict for the Jews is clearly the default setting for the progressing Jew world order loss in the rest of Syria. The Kurds are expendable cannon fodder for the Jew criminals who will shed as much blood in Syria for as long as they can to keep the Syrian government coalition from consolidating it’s gains and turning it’s attention to the occupied Golan and the Israel problem.
For the Jew baby rapers a reasonable political settlement returning Syrian sovereignty to SDF held areas without death and destruction is a loss. They will do everything that they can to shift the war to phase two of a civil war between Syria and SDF held areas of Syria. This includes a repeat of what they’ve done in the rest of Syria with mercenaries, funding, weapons and political support. And while I’m fully supportive of a non violent resolution bringing about the restoration of Syrian sovereignty to SDF held areas.
The Kurds may not have much say in it if they don’t cooperate with the Syrian government in bringing this about. Because not cooperating is just going to result in the evil Jews and their collaborators using outside forces to move ahead with secession whether the Kurds support it or not. Which is going to result in a resumption of hostilities when the secessionists try to block the return of Syrian government administration to SDF held areas. 90% of which have Kurdish minorities from the maps that I’ve looked at.
al-Qa’ed will find recruitment much more difficult with the US supporting Salman’s teaming up with israel and the US remaining in Syria, the NEW BROTHERHOOD led by Brother Erdogan are the real Moderates, and Trump is going to have to accept an Election with this Astana projected SND Congress, the opposition to the Assad Government will only come from there, because the Syrian Refugees now know that NATO is an inevitability that never came to fruition, I’ve actually had an invitation from the Turkmen to share a platform with them when I visit Syria soon.
Truly, Rodney? An invitation from Erdogan? I knew he was a pretty smart cookie. You two gonna talk Turkey?—KiraSeer
Ha ha, Turkmen is not Brother Erdogan we share a Religion not politics, the Turkmen probably want me to forget about Serena Shim October 20 , 2014, or maybe they know that is my best way around Assad to demand an honest investigation and MIT to pay a legitimate price, but Turkey will never control Damascus I don’t intend to away for more than 21 days I haven’t got time to tour the countryside.
Circumstances surrounding the death of Shim might just be a case of “He said, she said…” Wouldn’t hurt to involve other “allies”, RT friend.
Beware of Turks bearing gifts, though. When Erdogan respects the views of Muslims of other nationalities, there will be less need of attention in that sphere.—KiraSeer
I Post on OPP but they won’t discuss very few people will, your very suspicious, my clash with the Australian Government will happen then I go from zero to hero, but I don’t intend to waste it on grubs an vermin, Allah might condescend to be real in our existence or He might not either way I’m covered, that’s what Assad is waiting for, but I keep trying, who would have guessed the internet would be what it is when the Aristocrats were planning the jew Messiah Event using me as the inevitable. Ha ha ha Allah sure got a leg up with that one, lucky I didn’t say leg over that would be blasphemy, speaking of leg over Kira can you give me a clue what my chances really are, please ???
You already know what your chances are. “Chances Are…”
Wonder how long it will take “them” to catch on to us, Rodney? Some probably do…
What is a Jew Messiah Event? Something like the Second Coming of Christ?
Before me and the overt expression of Telepathic Logic which is really just the Person of Fate with Allah impounding Himself into it as the Paradigm Prophecies made at the beginning of our Universal Creation caused by the newly created Personification Fate by Allah and Space making out, well tha is the son of Allah which is really just Allah who jettisoned his memory bso He could be impartial concoc
Well, we were discussing kismet last night, but as usual you lose me sometimes. Guess I’ll print it, and take it home, and try to make some sense out of it. Could be cultural differences…—KiraSeer
So that is where that occultated content ended up, it was only a rough draft, but that is basically the trip I’m going to lay on my Salafist Brothers the reason that my perceived being expressing it’s perception will work and I will still be free and tangible, is because Allah protects me and not some murdering creep.
Mental picture reference requires a graphic beginning and a purpose for it.
Christians don’t care so much when they get wealthy and Muslims don’t either, its really telling wealthy people one thing and poor people another because Religion means different things to these different groups.
People are buying my story, all I have to come up with is a metaphisical event when I go to Damascus, which could be soon, if I knock all other options on the head, but if the powers that are say I can see you then I can’t disagree, your the only way Trump can procrastinate, I think he’ll go for it because if I get to Damascus and come back its a new Era, if I don’t come back its still a new Era, Trump will keep me here as long as possible
We’ll I never would have believed it, I’ve just been occultated while I was in full flight, I guess it’s better than over boiling the water, actually I’m resting today I think I strained a upper leg muscle, I guess Kira that you don’t know how Anthony Mundine the Australian boxer used to enter the ring,- (my boy fough on his show at the Whilam Centre), – over the top rope then, and this is what I want you to try, cross your ankles and do a squat, that’s what exercise I do, but I did too many yesterday and I think I strained a muscle, we could share a muscle strain if you’re interested to give it a try.
There have been two Jew Messiah Events the first was Simon bar Giora 66 AD I should say CE as I don’t want to upset my Muslim sensibility.
The second was Sabbatai Sevi, (The Mystical Messiah) the betting in London was odds on that the Sultan would take the crown of his head and place it on Sabbati’s.
quote, page 896.
The Prophet announced that Redemption would take place on the eve of Passover, 1675, and the wave of penitence that swept Morocco was said to be “even greater than at the first appearance of Our Lord”. end quote.
But it didn’t work out, how sad, however the Sultan did feel sorry for Sabbatai and looked after him in the end after Sabbatai converted to Islam and Sabbatai took a lot of his followers with him, that really gave Nathan the shits.
Can you hurry up Kira the problem I got is your being exploited, look at it this way, I’m not judgmental, but if I befriend people who have used me for over six decades to create the abyss how does Allah judge them people without judging me, He can’t.
They used me, so now my being friends with them is my acquiesce to what they used me for.
As to your last paragraph, just don’t let them know it.—KiraSeer
I am using Telepathic expression as the substance on my claim to be Isa so everyone knows everything, Oh ! I get it what we know is only felt, what we converse about is what we want other to feel, thanks Kira your a genius, Allah judges on quality you qualify.
Telepathy is definitely needed, but so is the Face—don’t you think?
Anyway, I think you already knew…Dune, spice, etc. And Paul Atreides.
Hope that last sentence wasn’t too transparent to the PTB.
Gotta go, Rodney. Talk to you later. Tonight.
OK love you when you go there is something so good night kiss about it, Dune, spice, Paul Atreides are added to Douglas Frith,Trilaterial Commission and CFR, and PTB for my homework, I will report the outcome on OPP Countervailing Powers, but really my opportunities are very limited I haven’t got any wheels at the moment the fire you lit is a consuming passion with nowhere to go.
turkey welcomes, russia sprains shoulder, iran will be annoyed
Kurdish majority vs SDF held areas:
Thats how it is or was. The green areas only show where kurds were 51% and not fx 49% or even down. Its taken from a Turkish propaganda site.
Besides that they are now SDF and the yellow zone by dx Richard just below says 20% of the population as well as 20% of Syria of today. If full SDF`s were est. 4,5 mio people. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/78a3e3b7bd2e0c1d100ae57ebc8b38563a168f27a9d6f777e7f4515e14263413.png
SDF are Arab Tribes….they’re not Kurdish at all.
SDF & ISIL are similar containing many “foreign” Wahhabi fighters…..they probably change fags when they’re relocated by the Americans.
What a mix. The main things are the difference from the Jihadists and also a lot of things should be develloped local by locals elected by locals in the region now named as “Northern Syria”.
The arab joiners are mainly joiners from not being soldiers at all but now, because they get education and structure.
You are right SDF are a mix, which their homepage as well as recruit oictures says. And Yes, You can name them as you wish, but they are not Wahabists. Those never can join sekularism, which is close to the opposite of them.
I dont see much SAA support there. I see moderate FSA`s but not in big numbers. They have very big problems joining SDF 100% and have been splitting up and uniting again. We have even seen some joining FSA by Jarablus and some of them has come back.
I dont believe Your 2,5 mio even Afrin is subtracted(Afrin is to me 180.000 kurds from there as well as 120.000 or a little more mixted).
But its to believe, that Kurds are not a majority. That we have known for years. Old Rojava was estimated to 45% kurds, but after that You can – I think – cut off Afrin BUT add arabs south of it.
I dont the final solutions about areas being in that Federasy because Raqqa and maybee DEZ one side of Eufrat will be, but the whole Eufrat valley from Tabqa to DEZ is heavy populated and the more narrow Khabour as well.
Its about the the whole population and 1 person counts for 1 town as well as rural.
To me its not about dominance of tribes, etnics as well as languages. Its also said in the mainprogram total dominated by tha PYD local Marxisme.
The main things is to unite all by taking out important difference in public as well as private matters, where all get the same .
NO MORE LIKE ISLAMABAD. Some mobs should not claim that some others have the wrong Islam.
Muslim dont go to heaven by Gabriel to Allah as big mobs blocking traffic or not. Here You are responsible one by one as persons. Believers in Christianity are exact the same.
You are equal and a person.
(of spoken or written language) expressed in an incomprehensible or confusing way; unclear. …
synonyms: unclear, confused, unintelligible, incomprehensible, hard to follow, disjointed, disconnected, disordered, mixed up, garbled, jumbled, scrambled, muddled; rambling, wandering, disorganized, illogical; inarticulate, mumbling, slurred
ISIS and Al Qaeda will keep fighting for years, even without territory, so the war against them is miles from over. Both Russia and US should move ALL forces from Eastern Europe and Korea to attack ISIS and HTS, and cooperate with YPJ in doing so. ABORTION RIGHTS IN RAQQA FOREVER!
Free Palestine first!
Why would the US of Arrogance want to attack their own proxy?
This is an equipment picture from my first ET contact op years ago deep in the Rocky Mountain high basin and canyon formations suitable for ET rendezvous work: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/47828f1511333709b8fab415681108ac0017ac5f64ee56a251962f458d5fc4a6.jpg
Area 51. Only the Yanks could believe something like that…
The way to move our transition forward in a safe and peaceful manner into becoming an ET race ourselves, is to get our planet’s security situation stabilized to improve our ability to normalize relations with positive ETs who are avoiding us. Successfully concluding the Syrian conflict and resolving humanity’s evil Jew and Israel problem that is keeping our planet mired in war and deprivation is pivotal in achieving this.
Did you have your aluminum cap on when you wrote this, RD? You know. The one that allows you to communicate with creatures from outer space.
You’re the truth hater who supports the criminally insane Jew baby rapers, and who doesn’t know the difference between the ICJ and the ICC, not me.
Anything that expose internationally the illegal wars of aggression of the empire of chaos (aka USA) is welcome. We know that (for the moment) the International Criminal Court can’t force to the beast to pay for the damage caused, but the discredit added are taking – slowly but firm and sure – its end : the fall of another criminal empire.
The US isn’t going to leave, ever, even after it has control of the Persian Gulf oil, because it want to assert its hegemony over Russia and China, who it wants to block permanently from ever having even one drop of it.
Let me interpret: America’s saying it will remain in Syria, “after the war”, is solely wishful thinking. On the contrary, American nationals are going to be defendants at the International Court of Justice.—KiraSEER
Kira Binkley
Your opinions come across as one of the “Hags with the All Seeing Eye” from the Clash of the Titans.
How may a mere mortal man defeat the “Kraken” the US?
Its better if you used some of your time to study the Classics, Law, Philosophy, Art, Culture, Music, etc. A starting point would be Great Writers of the Western Civilization.
Greek Mythology of the SEER:
The Stygian Witches, in Greek Mythology, are three old women, sisters that know almost everything but the future.
The Stygian witches are blind and see through a shared mystical eye.
And you think I care what you think?—KIRASEER
Kira Binkley
“…And you think I care what you think?—KIRASEER…”
It does not matter what you think especially when you live in your own world of fantasy and fantasy opinions.
“American nationals are going to be defendants at the International Court of Justice.”
Walk us through what you think a plausible scenario for that happening would be. And we’ll see who the idiot is.
Read, RD. Nationals.
“American nationals are going to be defendants at the International Court of Justice.”
A national by definition is an individual citizen, not a state. Cases involving states are tried at the ICJ, cases involving individuals are tried at the ICC:
citizen ,,, of a particular nation who is entitled to its protection:
U.S. nationals”
“the ICJ produces a binding ruling between states that agree to submit to the ruling of the court. Only states may be parties”
“The ICC has the jurisdiction to prosecute individuals for the international crimes”
Kira Binkley
Jack of all trades and master of none comes to mind regarding your fantasy opinions.
Whatever war crime, court or US nationals involved, there has been no successful prosecution of the US or its nationals.
Face Reality
Even Putin and the Russian military not only fear the US but are incapable of standing up against Israel, US, NATO, Turkey, Saudi, Qatar, IS, etc.
So that makes a future tense impossible, you are saying? Because it was never done in the past?
Do you know if the Nuremberg trials were jury trials? I’ll look it up.
Kira Binkley
“…So that makes a future tense impossible…”
You can write whatever you want about the future which in your case is fantasy.