O October 6, the FBI questioned a Russian lawmaker, Inga Yumasheva, when she landed in a New York airport to attend the Fort Ross Dialogue forum in California. Yumasheva is a member of the lower house of Russian parliament – known as State Duma. She coordinates relations with the US Congress.
According to the Russian embassy, Yumasheva was questioned for an hour. Russian Ambassador Anatoly Antonov said Yumasheva “was offered to meet with the FBI officer in a different, informal setting and to continue the conversation.”
The Russian Embassy in the United States sent a note of protest to the US State Department in response to this situation.
A similar situation happened in November 2018, when the FBI questioned a member of the Russian Civic Chamber, Alexander Malkevich, at a Washington airport after his trip to cover the midterm elections in the US. He came to the US as an observer of the November 6 elections in the US state of Maryland.
Malkevich is the head of USA Really, an English-language affiliate of the big Russian-language news agency, Riafan.
Both these cases got a wide coverage in Russian media and promoted Russian citizens involved. From Washington’s point of view, these ‘horrifying events’ were just cases of questioning of persons needed because of the specific of their work in the US.
However, by these actions, the US side added fuel to the fire of anti-US sentiments within the Russian media, and thus the Russian society.
This situation is further complicated by real diplomatic scandals involving the US. In September, Washington refused to issue visas to 10 members of a Russian delegation traveling to the United Nations General Assembly. This outrageous move was a real violation of international commitments. At the same time, there is a number of Russian citizens that were imprisoned or detained by the US out of political motivation and under evidence-free accusations.
It looks like somebody in the White House intentionally carries out a campaign to provide the Russian side with facts and evidence of US aggressive actions against it. This plays into the hands of Russian forces that are interested in exploiting an image of the foreign foe. The US itself is also actively exploiting images of foreign foes like Iran, Russia and China to achieve own political goals ahead of the 2020 presidential election.
If the version above is wrong, this short-sighted policy may be explained by the lack of consequences analysis or an excessive act by some local official.
Putin and pals are screwing the Russian populace and I guess they cannot say shit or they die .
Yeah, which is why President Putin took over a bankrupt Russia, and completely turned it around. Including throwing out the oligarchs, who refused to be loyal to Russia.
As Sergei Shoigu explains it so well:
Defense Minister Shoigu: US Has Been Waging Hybrid War on Russia for 20 Years… https://russia-insider.com/en/politics/defense-minister-shoigu-us-has-been-waging-hybrid-war-russia-20-years/ri27780
Ya the shitthole is a better shitthole right , ask the populace that question .
Ask the populace that question. The rational, or the over 40s, that still live at home with mummy and daddy and pick up their 30 pieces of silver from the NED?
Compare Russia with the US.
Russia creditor nation – US debtor nation with the world’s largest national debt.
US National Debt: $21, 178,379,172,855
Interest per Year 169,242,512,117 $
Interest per Second 5,367 $
Debt per Citizen 64,814 $
Debt as % of GDP 114.04%
GDP 18,570,300,000,000 $
Population 326,760,450
Russia National Debt: $200,004,135,712
Interest per Year $ 12,729,013,936
Interest per Second $ 404
Debt per Citizen $ 1,390
Debt as % of GDP 19.99%
GDP $ 1,000,334,349,258
Population 143,964,638
Russia – free healthcare
US – average citizen cannot afford healthcare.
Russia – freed education, including university level.
US – Citizen finances their own university education
Russia – no problems with human faeces and clean streets.
US – problem with human faeces on the streets and unable to afford street cleaning services.
Russia – no debt. Any debt can be easily covered by healthy currency reserves and also healthy gold reserves. One of a few countries that can claim zero debt.
US – reliant on printers.
Really this forum has brilliant economists, Micro economists, Historians, Analysts,real debates, truth tellers, defenders, critics,liars, time wasters and defenders of speechless people. It is really amazing how you put out those economic figures.It is convincing and informative.Thank you.
Cheers. Must admit, I have found out a lot from many of the comments, excluding the trolls, from these sites.
Link for debt clock: https://worlddebtclocks.com/russia
the shithole = your mouth
Israel is a shit hole that is dependent on U.S. aid, never forget that kike.
Fuck off solomon kupek.
Do you really believe this is Solomon K ?
I think he is no longer posting on this site. Note the spelling, grammar, and style of posting.
It is strange to say, that I miss arguing with him over many years on this site. :((((
Trump is completely owned by Putin.
Based on Trump’s actions this is very evident.
Russian agent in the White House. Tremendous success for Putin and Russia.
OMG, so 2016. Amazing how some believe the MSM or will just recite anything, for their 30 pieces of silver.
Upvoting your own comments is really pathetic…
Who is the US Special Agent Sexton and what is he upto in Russia? Why can you always find Sexton, when trying to lay down the regime change/colour revolution script. Did Russia even know he was in the country, before he turned up to visit the protesters in prison?
Special Agent Sexton Tried Out “Colour Revolution” Technologies in Serbia Under the Order of Hillary Clinton… https://www.stalkerzone.org/special-agent-sexton-tried-out-colour-revolution-technologies-in-serbia-under-the-order-of-hillary-clinton/
Must admit, I did wonder why NATO and the Atlantic Council were so focused on Pride Parades. Guess they come in handy, when looking for ways to kick start a colour revolution. Taken from the article mentioned in previous comment.
Remember, Peter Tatchell, the UK weirdo, who keeps turning up in Russia, as a Human Rights Activist, and trying to cause problems with the lack of LGBT empathy in Russia, started off in Paedophile Information Exchange? where many UK Labour MPs cut their teeth. When the snuff videos and abuse in children’s homes, came to light, PIE went underground and re-invented themselves as Stonewall. Tony Blair, took a shine to Stonewall and encouraged the activists and lobbyists with Government funding. You can see the influence they have had over in the UK, where we have got rid of traditional education, but, now focus on same sex education in kinder garten. Tony Blair, a member of Common Purpose, and how many LGBT activists and also UK MPs are members of Common Purpose, with links into Integrity Initiative?
‘…The organisation of so-called “pride parades” is the favourite method of the State Department. In Washington new ways of using people with a non-standard sexual orientation are constantly being studied, and special groups for LGBT community issues operate. In one of the photos from a meeting of this working group in August 2016 Stephen Sexton was captioned for the first time on the website of State Department. Thanks to this we were able to understand what this secret special agent looks like…
Literally a few months after the emergency meeting in the Serbian parliament described above, the holding of another gay parade was planned in Belgrade with the personal support of the US Ambassador in Serbia Mary Warlick, who participated in correspondence with Clinton.
Ambassador Warlick has participated in a Belgrade gay parade in the past too. Thus, in 2010 she headed a column of 400 LGBT activists completely openly. Together with her there were the head of the EU delegation in Serbia, the ambassador of the Netherlands, the deputy ambassador of Germany, and diplomats from Austria, Spain, Sweden, and Great Britain. Back then the police barely managed to restrain several thousand indignant Serbs who tried to disperse the procession.
Sexton, on behalf of his unit, posted on the website of the embassy an announcement of the event, in which instructions for the actual organisation of mass disorder were presented in a very veiled manner. From the abstract “warning” to American citizens in Belgrade posted on the website of the US Embassy it was possible to learn the exact time of the beginning of the action, where the police cordons will be, and where it would be more convenient to gather for those who were going to attack the “sexual opposition”.
However, because the really heated situation in the city threatened to develop into the most brutal clashes with the police and the loss of human life, the authorities of Belgrade, despite the objections of the US diplomatic mission, cancelled the gay parade at the latest moment.
The US Embassy repeated this manoeuvre in the summer of 2019 in Moscow when it published on social networks the detailed route of an illegal rally with an appeal at the end to avoid the procession. “But, as we understand, 90% of the information just urged people to be involved in this event,” commented the Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Maria Zakharova concerning the activity of the US Embassy.
Clinton’s “revenge” against Russia for her failure in the US election
As we can see, the special agent Sexton possesses all the necessary technologies for the purpose of fully destabilising society. It is quite logical to assume that, having worked for many years under the leadership of such odious American politicians as Vershbow or Clinton, Stephen Sexton continues to promote their aggressive anti-Russian line. Most likely, Hillary Clinton wasn’t able to accept her shameful loss to Trump in the 2016 US presidential election, and lays the “blame” for her failure on Russia. Now she can use any tool that is available in her arsenal, including financing Russian “oppositionists” and organising mass disorder as her “revenge” against Russia and a demonstration of force…”
Special Agent Sexton – Colour Revolution Must Have
Regime Change Script
Inga Yumasheva is an extremely attractive looking Russian law maker, not beyond the realms of possibility the FBI officer was trying to get to know her more intimately, could very well have had the hots for her.