How MSM And Pro-Militant 'Media Activists' Lie You About War In Syria

A Twitter user, @jadinho123, has collected some notorious examples of how the mainstream media and pro-militant media activists have lied about the war in Syria creating a pretext for the US-led military action against the country’s government.

Another widely-known “victim of the Assad regime”:

Staged scenes:

Fake photos:

How MSM And Pro-Militant 'Media Activists' Lie You About War In Syria

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How MSM And Pro-Militant 'Media Activists' Lie You About War In Syria

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Fake heroes:

Fake rescue groups:

Jad: “Coincidence or her luck is just shit?”

How MSM And Pro-Militant 'Media Activists' Lie You About War In Syria

More fake photos:

How MSM And Pro-Militant 'Media Activists' Lie You About War In Syria

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However, this picture was made in Gaza:

How MSM And Pro-Militant 'Media Activists' Lie You About War In Syria

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Bana accidentally became popular in the MSM during the battle for Aleppo when the Syrian Army was working to liberate the militant-held part of the city.

This is her father:

How MSM And Pro-Militant 'Media Activists' Lie You About War In Syria

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How MSM And Pro-Militant 'Media Activists' Lie You About War In Syria

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How MSM And Pro-Militant 'Media Activists' Lie You About War In Syria

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How MSM And Pro-Militant 'Media Activists' Lie You About War In Syria

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Bana meets Erdogan:

What happens when somebody tries to told the truth:

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Law Se

O so they learned from the first gulf war lies.. Who remembers the young girl who testified in america about Iraqi atro cities and later admitted she lied

Hassadnah Abraham

Dear President Putin..

There is only one way to stop Syrian War. Shoot down all US ant it allies plane that enter Syrian air and bomb all US and its allies armies and its brother ISIS that moving at Syrian soil and water.

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US-Navy Revert Shia

This Nut who promotes this Google Ad works for the CIA/Mossad Google is a Spy Outfit

Jens Holm

That only one of many.

You childish men also could give all Your weapons to the vomen and children and let them shoot anyone, they wish. You certainly has shown how You mainly are more minus then Syrians.


RT need to follow up on the interview with the former commander of British Forces in Iraq, General Shaw. This is of course assuming he hasn’t slipped while out walking his dog and broken his neck since above interview.


Or suffered a deadly sniff of Novichok poisoning.

jerry hamilton

That deadly Novichok has not yet hurt a fly.


Aye, rather underwhelming if you ask me. I’ve been to public toilets that were more deadly.

jerry hamilton

That’s the truth.


Last week in Australia 7 people died from eating rock melon. Perhaps it was an attack by Russia.

Eouz Cuemarz

What on earth!


Syrians and their allies should bother US, UK and France so much that they leave Syria.

jerry hamilton

Love that.


Only today my blacksmith who was shoeing my horse and who is not political in any way said that ‘ I don’t believe anything the government says anymore’.

Theresa May, Tony Blair and friends have dragged the UK further into the gutter and betrayed the unwitting ( witless) British Public with lies and fabrications that are dishonourable at best.


One should never believe ANYTHING the government says, even if you actually did vote for them and you feel they represent you 100%. They will still lie. But hell, what do I know, I’m a cynic.


Trump, May and Macron looking for excuses to prolong their stay in an independent Islamic country of Syria.

Rüdiger Preiss

Read Yanis Varoufakis ‘adults in the room’ – this will give you a brilliant example and insight on how politicians play their games.


I have also been a cynic for many years Barba :)


Trump, May and Macron crossed all crimes boundaries.


They crossed so many boundaries that they are now on a different planet Rob. The planet Zog.


If a country has no S300, nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and short, medium and ICBM missiles then that country is a favorite country for US, UK and France to enjoy their stay there. Examples are Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen etc.


And the reason General Gadafi was pressured with false promises to surrender his nuclear weapons of course.


A Jew said to his son to jump from the wall, I will hold you in my hands. But as the son jumped from the wall his father pushed his hands backward. The father told to his son that this is my advice that if Jew is your father still don’t trust him.

Jens Holm

Has nothing to do with any jews. Its normal procedure all over the world. 2/3 of all crime is among family and family close related, so You have to ass theft, rape, killing and all other things too.

I can one made by myself – i think. How do you see Jews are less primitive then muslims ?? ´Well they eat the same things but jews use more pots and pans for it.

jerry hamilton

I would hate for you to be my father.

Jens Holm

Facts are like that. You are less protected inside Your family. All statistic says so.

Winnie Eldrup

It isn’t April 1. today

Jens Holm

No, but the crimerate i 2:1 for being unsafe in the family and by close related.

Those know You better and often has more power then You. Inside the family they also can hide better and say irregulaties are none of our business.

Its an illusion a rapist and killer is someone comming from some bush wearing mask. 2 of 3 are well known and buy themselves free with threats or compensations.

But of course You think its better if its inside the family and kept there.

Check the world for it in stead of telling its aprils fool.


Gaddafi is American moronic abusive translation. They twist the name of every single person in the world. His actual name is Muammar Qazzafi.


Thank you for the correction Rob.


You are welcome.

Jens Holm

No, its not or too.

The problem is how to spell most semilar to how people talk and aldo where You are from Yourself and how You know a person, a mountain, a fruit and like that.

I have learned Muhammad named as Muhamad. Its also well known he started his regime as coronel and never was a general, but became leader and president.


I will try and remember that his name is spelled so many different ways in the media.


Thanks Rob I have seen his name spelt many ways but did not know the correct way.


These morons have also changed the names of Russian weapons and have given disgusting names. Even they have also change the names of religious figures forexample of prophets. So you should know these evils.


Grenada was the best, they have no army at all, the only casualties were caused by marines shooting each other and American students.

Jens Holm

Grenada had an milisia.


No, they had a police force, Grenada had a population of less than 100,000, was a peaceful place where even the police didn’t have any guns.

When Raygun announced the invasion, the Governor General told everyone to remain in their homes. The only people to disobey the GG, were some American students on holiday, the marines shot them, and some farmers who tried to stop the marines killing their livestock.

There was no resistance and no threat, just Americans itching to kill.

Meanwhile back in Fantasy Land USA they even made movies about how the brave marines fought off the vicious people of Grenada and of course the obligatory Cubans.

The US can create any reality it wants, because Americans will believe any BS, as long as it’s wrapped in the Stars and Stripes.

Jens Holm

If You say so.

Jens Holm

And Afrin and Rojava-region.

jerry hamilton

Mate… Save up and buy a car, they are far more comfortable. lol


And cheaper to run. A set of shoes is £65 and last 6 weeks :)


And you have to feed them even when they are parked, but they are truly beautiful animals.


The ‘parking space ‘ needs cleaning twice a day as well :)

jerry hamilton

OMG. That is expensive. Will they not wear slippers?


Either. The foot grows rather like our finger nails and at the very least should be trimmed every 6 weeks or so and steel shoes replaced every 6 weeks. The tend to work lose after that as well.

jerry hamilton

lol. Can Dunlop not do an alternative?
I am happy with it as long as you do not chase foxes.
Please tell me you don’t.


I do not and I never have.
I only take part in Mounted Military Skill at Arms these days

jerry hamilton

I knew that would be the case.


There is a man who recognises horse shit.

Shakeel Haider

Wow so much donated by russians to southfront.
U need live video of assad massacres?
What about those no building’s cities?

Dmitry Lunyov

Are you talking about Raqqa and Mosul ? ))


This has nothing to do with Southfront.
You avoid accepting the fact by attacking the publishers.
Would you react in the same way if this were shown on CNN?
If I donated money to the publisher, it could be a Southfront, CNN in no case.
Live video of Assad massacres? First, some of that “massacres” are busted by content of this article. Second, LIVE?!! Do you, by that, mean that there are non stop massacres, or live from a studio where fake news is being made?
We are somebody and something if we stand behind our words and our deeds.
You are accusing (massacres and destroyed cities), but you do not defend your words with any information, or the source of information, so that what you have presented is just as important as the fart in the wind.

Jens Holm

Hard again to see people refer only to CNN and sometimes BBC. Where are all the other newsssites, which You easy can take by internet.


I don’t need to take the other news sites.
For a good discussion, it is necessary to determine the boundaries – on the one side, a source of perfect precision and truth, and on the other, a source of complete mischief and falsehood. This lower limit is firmly kept by CNN and that’s why we all invoke him when we are talking about the etalon of lies and when we compare the accuracy of a source in relation to the etalon of lies.
The upper limit might exist, but such a source of information is not yet recognized. In any case, the upper limit can be determined in an approximate way because we can find quite a number of very reliable sources of information.

Concrete Mike

What that I can’t understand you, get MBS’ dick out of your mouth before talking, I throw bacon at you and your ancestors.

Want more troll?

Jens Holm

Its an honor to be trown with bacon in most of the world. The best animal to eat in the whole world. Cleaner then most people, when it gets the same conditions as fx You.

Next time some muslims are starving, we only will send You pork.

Concrete Mike

Also yes the same no building us sends cruise missile to, or airstrikes against Isis right???

Face it bud, YOU are the evil one here, no where no way can you justify your cause a righteous one.

How does it feel to know that the entire world hates you, dance puppet dance.

Rüdiger Preiss

I have donated and I’m Austrian :P


Australia here.


Two types of people:
First – those who do not need to see this because they are more than able to see, understand and correctly evaluate information and to extract the fact from the sea of information. They are the Lions.
Second – those who do not see the truth because they do not want, or are unable to think about themselves and simply absorb what was served them, which is, as a rule, a lie. They are gnus.
You guess who the king is!

Rüdiger Preiss

The ‘gnus’ are in fact the sheeple :D!

Jens Holm

Seemes like You have forgotten those who drowns in conflicts from all over the world and not even has a chance of caring for them all, if they want a life for themselves too.

Is it really a probæem for us, You go on killing each other. You never talk about the future apart from all others are enemies and You should kill them or make them obey as the second class humans they are.


I’m not talking about people who are drawn into a conflict. I’m talking about an endless flock of sheep that, like zombies, noddle their heads and support the ruling elite’s decision that the state moves to conquer and enslave another nation.
And, I definitely did not forget about the people who were drawn into the conflict.
Ја сам из Србије!


This, is journalism, if I could I would give you an elegant french bow, cudos, hats off etc, nice work, and in synk with the facts, not theirs, but just facts, facts have the hiddeous ability to cut thru bullshit, and stands by it self, no need of atrifical suprot of more bullshit, and spins, where there is no limit in how much manure one can spread around, because they never will report the facts.
Its like the use of narratives, like Sarin and Gas, where they simply didnt know what they where writing about when they created this theaters for making this propaganda videos, period, and now they shamelessly pimps this event when its an full blown lie, there have been no gas attacks what so ever, if anything, done localy by the Happy head chopping moderated, just ask the Norwegians, whom made Trumpstein to an instant hero this days, protecting the “rebels” from the Dick Assad.

Yeah, what now, and their whining have morphed into an witch hunt, yeah, I grew up close to Ultima Thule, the only danger is me laughing hard enoug to rip my hernia.
When the old timers died (the genuine an intellegent scumbags), I knew their trail will be consiting merely of drooling idiots, in an world of yes men/women, ignorant as an brick, with an history base, as solid as an bras fart, reads sites where they are even more ignoRants, and lies about everything, and on top of it, dumb enoug to belive their own bullshit.
What could possibly go wrong.
My humble advice to the “not Russian Trolls” is to loose the dipers , abit, since its obviously hindering fresh blood to circulate, and your brain is crashing from the lack of it and its obvious and its not healthy, Hasbartmjiks, so, run for mamy, hush, hush.

This article is an ray of light.


Java Ape Timelord

I remember about Bana who at 7 years old communicates in perfect English and had internet in Aleppo.
There were no Mobile masts, no telephone lines, not much electricity.
Yet this “wonder” girl was on the internet.
Reporters stated they had no connectivity in Aleppo, they had to go back to their hotel rooms.
The cost of sat phones is prohibitive for most people in Syria. There is only basic data connectivity, even at the top package.

So I believe Bana was never in Aleppo.


Remember the blogger “ A Gay Girl In Damascus “ who turned out to be an American named Tom MacMaster?

Jens Holm

You can be right about that, but I do have internet by old copperline in a rural district and get from 20 and now 50 MB. It takes videoclips and youtubes right away. In the same line I have many TV channels. When everybody see football It can slow down and loose connecrion, so Yóu can get in by only small phonelines and locale village centers.


How was her internet powered given that her area was bombed so often? I recall one of her posts saying her house had been bombed by the Government but somehow despite the destruction of her home her internet service still allowed her to transmit her message. Unfortunately people today are very gullible, otherwise we would all be living in peace.

chris chuba

So Jad is an investigator discovering these lies, very cool but what’s the story of the kid lying next to his ‘two dead parents’, how did Jad get the picture of him popping up and giving the piece sign, were the militants really that stupid to post such a picture on social media?

Rodney Loder

I think it’s not appropriate to include the President of Turkey in that line up of scurrilous cut throats, what is this a seeking the puritan in the house of perdition, not likely to succeed if that is in your cup of tea, definitely not mine, why expect a white knight using a lily for a lance when it’s obvious that there is nothing like that in a physical state born from a mental state of shaddow and schadenfreude.


They made a movie about it called “Wag the dog”.
Actually there are many movies that portray the monster that is the US/UK.
Avatar, who were the bad guys destroying the alien planet? Americans.

There have been many attempts to display the crimes of the US/UK to the people of those countries, but the people do not want to see, because deep down they know that the affluence they enjoy is paid for with the lives and suffering of others.
The media merely tells the lies the people want to hear.

jerry hamilton

Thanks for that, I am downloading Wag the dog now.
Do you have any other recommendations?


The Tailor of Panama.

jerry hamilton

Thank you.

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