Submitted by Eric Zuesse
The U.S. Government spends on its military, annually, in not just its ‘Defense’ Department, but all of its departments taken together, around $1.5 trillion dollars. (Much of that money is hidden in the Treasury Department and others, in order to convey to the public the false idea that ‘only’ around 800 billion dollars annually is now being spent for the U.S. military.)
On 25 April 2022, the Stockholm Internal Peace Research Foundation (SIPRI) headlined “World military expenditure passes $2 trillion for first time”, and reported that, “US military spending amounted to $801 billion in 2021, a drop of 1.4 per cent from 2020. The US military burden decreased slightly from 3.7 per cent of GDP in 2020 to 3.5 per cent in 2021.” However, they did not include the full U.S. figure, but only the portions of it that are being paid out by the U.S. ‘Defense’ Department. Consequently, a more realistic global total would have been around $2.8 trillion, which is around twice the approximately $1.5T U.S. annual military expenditure. All of the world’s other 172 calculated countries, together, had spent an amount approximately equivalent to that.
Prior to the creation by U.S. President Harry S. Truman of the U.S. ‘Defense’ Department, on 18 September 1947, replacing the U.S. War Department that had been created on 7 August 1789 by America’s Founders (shortly after the U.S. Constitution had become effective on 4 March 1789), the U.S. was a democracy — however flawed, but a real one, nevertheless. The U.S. actually began its transformation into a dictatorship (serving the owners of the military corporations and of their extraction-corporate dependencies such as Chevron) when, on 25 July 1945, Truman decided that if the U.S. wouldn’t conquer the Soviet Union, then the Soviet Union would conquer the U.S., and, so, he started the Cold War, on that date, determined that his top priority as the U.S. President, would be to place the U.S. Government onto a virtually permanent war-footing, even though World War II against imperialistic fascisms (the “Axis” powers) was just about to end at that time, and would clearly be a victory for the U.S. allies — mainly, the Soviet Union, and the UK empire. Truman, very much unlike his immediate predecessor, FDR, who had been a passionately committed anti-imperialist, had previously been on the fence about empires; but, going forward after that date, he would be totally committed to making the entire world into the first-ever single global empire, which would be in control over the entire planet by the U.S. Government and shared only by its ‘allies’ (vassal nations). That was Truman’s American dream, and it contrasted starkly against FDR’s dream of a future United Nations that would possess a global monopoly on all strategic weaponry and serve as a democratic global federal republic of all nations, each of which nation would have its own legal system for internal affairs, but all of which nations would be subject to the sole authority of the United Nations regarding all international matters. Truman despised FDR and got rid of FDR’s entire Cabinet and close advisors, within less than two years. Truman enormously admired General Dwight Eisenhower, whose advice to him had clinched in Truman’s mind on 25 July 1945 that Winston Churchill was right that if the U.S. would not conquer the Soviet Union, then the Soviet Union would conquer the United States. (Eisenhower, at the very end of his own Presidency, warned Americans against the military-industrial complex that Truman and he himself had jointly created. He was one of history’s slickest liars, and wanted history to remember him as having been a man of peace. He was actually just as much of an imperialist as Truman had been.) And that decision, by Truman, on that date, is what placed the U.S. Government inexorably onto the path toward future rule by a military-industrial complex that would rape the U.S. Constitution — undo the most important achievement of America’s Founders.
The U.S. Constitution had been written by people who loathed the very concept of “standing armies” — any permanent-war government. They had rebelled against an empire, and condemned all empires. This is the reason why they did everything within their power to design a Government that would prohibit any such thing here. And their Government, designed in this way, served the nation well throughout the years from 1789-1947, after which their Constitution gradually became practically abandoned.
A document dated 21 January 1946 from the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, and titled “STATEMENT OF EFFECT OF ATOMIC WEAPONS ON NATIONAL SECURITY AND MILITARY ORGANIZATION”, opened with a “Memorandum by the Chief of Staff, U.S. Army,” which itself opened:
Upon reading the Joint Strategic Survey Committee’s statement on the above subject (J.C.S. 1477/5), I obtained a somewhat unfavorable over-all impression. While most of the specific statements made seem reasonable, the over-all tone seems to depreciate the importance of of the development of atomic weapons and to insist unnecessarily strongly that the conventional armed services will not be eliminated. While I agree entirely, so far as the immediate future is concerned, with the latter concept, I have not felt that there is strong public demand at the present that the services be in fact eliminated. The general tone of the statement might therefore be misconstrued by Congress and the public, and be looked upon as an indication of reactionism on the part of the military and an unwillingness under any circumstances to reduce the size of the military establishment.
That was at a time when the widespread American assumption was that there would continue to be no standing army in this country. Within less than two years of FDR’s death on 12 April 1945, such a permanent-war U.S. Government became officially created. FDR’s plan for a U.N. that would internationally outlaw all empires became replaced by Truman’s plan for an America that would itself become what Hitler, himself, had only aspired to create: the world’s very first all-encompassing global empire. Truman’s dream is today’s American dream, in today’s Washington DC; and here was how the Nobel Peace-Prize-winning U.S. President, Barack Obama (the other of history’s slickest liars), stated it to graduating West Point cadets, on 28 May 2014:
The United States is and remains the one indispensable nation. That has been true for the century passed and it will be true for the century to come. … Russia’s aggression toward former Soviet states unnerves capitals in Europe, while China’s economic rise and military reach worries its neighbors. From Brazil to India, rising middle classes compete with us, and governments seek a greater say in global forums. … It will be your generation’s task to respond to this new world.
It’s endlessly onward and upward, for the U.S. All other nations are “dispensable.” And that objective is backed-up now, by half of the world’s military expenditures.
This is how it happened. It happened by deceit, at every step of the way.
America is built on racist violence and genocide so wars and weapons are part of US expansionism and lack of respect for humanity. It is just greed and plunder.
US banana republic is a continuation of the Anglo-Zionist global genocide and plunder franchise. In the shortest plan of history as a once major power, the so-called dehumanized “Americans” have brought nothing but destruction and misery to the world and their own hapless people. The Anglo criminals who colonized North American continent by committing total genocide of the native “Indians” and then uprooting millions of Africans for slavery. US and Britain also institutionalized racism at home and globally, hence the terms Islamophobia, Russophobia, and Sinophobia, intended to demonize large chunk of the world’s population. These despicable racists have no respect for anyone.
US is a shameless racist trash and global warmonger, who so far has only attacked small defencless nations and for the first time in its pathetic 240 year old murderous existence has taken on a superpower like Russia in a quest for its immense resources. The US and its NATO hyenas have attacked or destroyed 44 countries since 1945 and killed millions of civilians, but still lost all the wars.
That is why the whole free world is cheering for Russian victory in Kiev-Rus. JAI RUS!
You seem profoundly ignorant of the country you live in. If it is India that is.
You do the same thing Keith does over racial resentment towards “Anglos”.
Classical Marxist Keef Woods tries to scapegoat Anglos for Judeo-Marxism, owed to Irish racial resentment
Cultural Marxism is more hostile to all people of European stock, many of whom are distantly related to the original Aryans. Although at the time most were either red-haired or blondes with blue or green eyes and an overall Nordic type of physiology (lean, well-built, tall and fair).
Slavs are probably the closest living relatives of the ancient Aryans.
Srila Prabhupada, on Vedic Origins of Europeans & Americans
What you describe is more in-line with China, India, Africa and Latin America. However the West is certainly declining into third-world status as our demographics change under non-stop immigration and predatory economic practices planned through the UN and World Economic Forum. This is all done by design, it is very deliberate.
More info on the ancient Aryans:
Origin of the Swastika:
Rig Veda (Ralph T.H. Griffith, [1896].
“He, much invoked, hath slain Dasyus and Śimyus, after his wont, and laid them low with arrows.
The mighty Thunderer with his fair-complexioned friends won the land, the sunlight, and the waters.”
“Indra in battles helps his Āryan worshipper, he who hath hundred helps at hand in every fray, in frays that win the light of heaven.
Plaguing the lawless he gave up to Manu’s seed the dusky skin;
Blazing, ’twere, he burns each covetous man away, he burns, the tyrannous away. ”
Indra the Vṛtra-slayer, Fort-destroyer, scattered the Dāsa hosts who dwelt in darkness.For men hath he created earth and waters, and ever helped the prayer of him who worships.
One car-wheel of the Sun thou rolledst forward, and one thou settest free to move for Kutsa.
Thou slewest noseless Dasyus with thy weapon, and in their home o’erthrewest hostile speakers.
“O’er Sire and Mother they have roared in unison bright with the verse of praise, burning up riteless men,
Blowing away with supernatural might from earth and from the heavens the swarthy skin which Indra hates.”
“With him too is this rain of his that comes like herds: Indra throws drops of moisture on his yellow beard.”
“At the swift draught the Soma-drinker waxed in might, the Iron One with yellow beard and yellow hair.”
“That is why the whole free world is cheering for Russian victory in Kiev-Rus.”
It is more accurate to say you are anti-White, meaning you hold racial animosity towards Whites, mostly for other reasons that have little to do with anything the Jewish-dominated West is doing.
I think there is a great deal of envy you feel towards Whites, I reckon most of it is subconscious. You refuse to confront your shadow, I am referring to one of the archetypes postulated by Carl Jung.
For if it was as totalitarian as you say it is, why do all races massively immigrate to Western countries in the tens of millions? Don’t you think that is suicidal for the West? Jews control our countries, they control your country too and just about every other country on earth.
They implement Marxian policies intended to disempower, oppress and destroy the White race in every White country. You will never care and probably welcome the plan, no matter the final goal of enslaving you and every other race under a Jewish worldwide Communist totalitarian regime as prophesied by Isiah.
David Ben-Gurion predicts a World Government out of Israel (1962)
Zionism long predates Israel and Theodore Herzl, the fictional Hebrew conquest of Canaan sets the precedent for Zionist ideology and plans to rule the world from Jerusalem. Although I believe
If you want to solely blame the West for establishing Israel over Palestine, your argument falls flat on its face. Stalin supported the establishment of Israel, until they refused to turn Communist. That is when Stalin opposed them. However Russian is the 3rd most spoken language in Israel, consisting of approximately 1/3 of the Israeli populace.
They too have shown their support for Russia against Ukraine, you are pleased to see innocent Ukrainians die for wars their military never fought in. Of course, now Russian politicians and government owned media outlets openly encourage the so-called “denazification” of Ukraine. If you investigate what they mean by “denazification”, it is essentially a codeword for subjecting Ukrainians and other Slavic nationalities to genocide and banning their national identity.
This is almost synonymous with the “denazification” of Germany, the original intent held between the Soviet-Anglo American axis of power was to exterminate all Germans and erase their nationality. These plans were eventually abandoned and kept secret for over 70 years.
As for the British, they took 3 decades to handover Palestine to the Jews. From the time they signed the Balfour declaration in 1917, until the time that the Zionist terrorist organization ‘Irgun’ bombed the King David hotel in 1947; killing and injuring British civilians and military personal alike. When Arab militants fought against the British occupation forces in WWII, Irgun was known to have also attacked and killed British soldiers in Palestine.
I realize that SF focuses mostly on military issues. And that this is a BIG mistake. Compartmental thought processes lead to tunnel vision retardation IMO.
The purpose is the USSA is war. This has always been the case. The USSA corporation has been at war for over 93% of its entire history. For those of you interested into the background of The USSA corporation (military head), City Corporation of London (financial head), and The Vatican (religious head), as well as, understanding other important events, check out his video:
It is a bit lengthy, so break it up into smaller digestible pieces for consumption. For those of you who still have a functioning brain stem and are able to use critical thinking, please decide for yourselves the validity of the information.
The location of the Pentagon impact was not insignificant. The Globalists think global peasantry are REALLY stupid. Prove them wrong.
Ignorance is curable for those who desire it. Talmudic mental deficiency is not.
Ask yourselves about WTC 7 and how could TWO airplanes collapse THREE skyscrapers? What do you think is the significance of this?
Yes Ashok– approx- 50 MILLION World Citizens killed by the USA since 1945.
Cash manufacturing easy and fast strategy to figure partially time and procure further 15,000 or a lot of over this on the web.oip02 by operating in my time beyond regulation I created 17990 in my earlier month and I’m exceptionally cheerful currently as a results of this work. you’ll try this presently by follow subtleties here…… 𝗦𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗝𝗼𝗯𝟭.𝗰𝗼𝗺
It was not built solely on the things you describe, I recommend you brush up on your knowledge of history. If you are indeed an intelligent person, you should be capable of understanding what I typed out below. Or the fact you no longer seem to care about the Transatlantic slave trade being started by Marranos (Sephardic crypto Jews who were forced to mock convert to Christianity under the Spanish Inquisition) within the Dutch, Spanish and Portuguese empires?
Nor do you seem to realize that Muslims also enslaved blacks, as did the black tribes that bartered their slaves to European slave traders in exchange for muskets. Furthermore, only 5% of the slaves made their way to North America. 95% of the other negro (Spanish word for “black”) slaves ended up in South America, especially Brazil. Brazil abolished slavery in 1888, 21 years after the USA fully abolished slavery upon the conclusion of the American Civil War.
They Were White and They Were Slaves: The Untold History of the Enslavement of Whites in Early America
ATLANTIC JIHAD on White Women – The Untold Story of Muslim White Slave Trade
“lack of respect for humanity. It is just greed and plunder.”
You definitely know little about how other countries operated through the ages.
If you bothered to study history, you would also know that every race, kingdom and nationality has engaged in slavery and conquest.
I will further add that you are repeating Marxist lies and exaggerations, whilst ignoring the Jewish monopoly over the Transatlantic slave trade and the Islamic enslavement of blacks, Whites and others.
“Marxist Jews came up with what is called cultural Marxism in the early 20th century already, such as founder of the American communist party Israel Cohen and his plan of instigating racial warfare and weaponizing minorities against white Americans in order to establish Marxism instead of traditional Marxian economic class warfare in 1912, which later spawned things like CRT by fellow Judeo-Marxist Noel Ignatiev. And it were Jewish Marxists from the Weimar Republic which pioneered all this sexual deviancy and degeneracy in the 1920s, like Magnus Hirschfeld. Not to mention that the classical Marxist-Leninist Bolsheviks which founded the Soviet Union were pro-LGBT anti-racist globalists which legalized gay marriage under Lenin, before it got banned by Stalin. Some more socially conservative-minded Marxists like Stalin, Mao and Che Guevara rejected some of this cultural Marxist stuff such as the LGBT stuff, but it along with race warfare has been part of Marxist thinking and ideology since the beginning of the 20th century at least.
And no doubt early 20th century Italian communist party founder and leader Antonio Gramsci’s remarks on how the native working class of a nation would always retain a conservative core and therefore had to be replaced by foreigners and immigrants to bring about revolution after he got arrested and imprisoned by Mussolini played a major role in western Marxists rethinking their strategy and switching from traditional economic class warfare to things like racial warfare in order to instigate their desired revolutions and get into power. Western Marxists eventually realized that attempting to instigate class warfare between white western countrymen was a fruitless endeavor, and that whites therefore had to be abolished and replaced by non-whites with a grudge which they could weaponize against whites to instigate their desired revolutions and takeovers, a replacement which could only take place through cultural change.”
The History of Racial Anthropology and Human Taxonomy
“This article debunks the modern myth that race was “invented” in the 1800s by Europeans who, for some bizarre reason, needed a convoluted scientific excuse to justify slavery and colonialism (unlike every other race on earth, who just enslaved people for the heck of it). It provides a brief history of race concepts dating from Classical Antiquity to the Modern Era, and contextualizes the progressive evolution of “race” through time. Please note that this article is a rough outline of major developments and by no means exhaustive.
4. The history of racial anthropology and taxonomy
4.1. Antiquity (3000 BC–50 AD)
The practice of cataloging and dividing humanity into distinct tribal, ethnic, or racial groups dates back to the beginning of recorded history, e.g. the Egyptian Book of Gates (1500 BC). Ancient civilizations, from Rome to China, produced lengthy ethnographic texts, comparing and contrasting the behaviors and appearances of the various peoples they encountered throughout the world. These include Herodotus’ Histories (430 BC), Sima Qian’s Records of the Grand Historian (94 BC), and Pliny’s Natural History (77 AD).”
Imperialism and Colonialism: White Guilt and Historic Non-White Conquests of European Territories
“4. Why Does Whitey Get All of the Blame?
Why are Whites expected to apologize for imperialism when every other race on the planet is not only completely unapologetic for their conquests, but smug about them? Long story, but here’s the short version:
The pseudo-religious founding myth of the postwar global order is that “Whiteness” (lit: White people) must be crushed in order to protect “our wonderfully tolerant, racially diverse, Democratic Utopia.” White Supremacy is the ultimate enemy; “dismantling” “Whiteness” is the highest social goal; the Straight White Male is the singular most “oppressive” force in the Universe; White people as a collective — including women and even children — are solely responsible for all worldly suffering, and an unrivaled force of tyranny that must be usurped, impoverished, disenfranchised, and, fundamentally, destroyed; all for the good of “human progress.”
Under this system, Whites must always be framed as the oppressors and aggressors, and non-Whites as the eternal victims. Any inconvenient victimization of Whites at the hands of non-Whites, historic or contemporary, is a direct refutation of the founding myth of the postwar global order. Any historic non-White imperialist aggression against Europeans — of which there are countless examples — is point-blank denied or hurriedly brushed under the rug. The Arab, Barbary, and Ottoman slave trades, responsible for the kidnapping of millions of Europeans, mostly women and children, are flat-out ignored. The Leftist myth of “Systemic Racism” claims that any non-White who criminally victimizes a White person is actually the true victim in the scenario. This is due to the “systemic oppression” that “People of Color” face in their day-to-day lives, relative to the “systemic privilege” that Whites are born into. The criminal blame, thus, fundamentally lies with Whites themselves, the mythical “great oppressor.”
This anti-White bias exists to destroy Whites’ sense of racial and ethnic identity, to trick us into embracing our own ethnic displacement via an endless torrent of violent and hostile mass migration, to destabilize our societies, to prevent us from speaking out against these injustices, and to prevent us from uniting against the tyranny of our globalist, technocratic overlords. In other words, if the White masses understood that our European homelands have been under constant invasion for the past 2,500 years, they may start to view modern mass migration in a slightly different light.
Note: These anti-White narratives are primarily derived from Western Marxism and Critical Theory, see: Post-colonialism, anti-imperialism, Third Worldism, decolonization etc.”
“We need to have a serious conversation on how anti-American Soviet propaganda became mainstream ideology in America.”
you are right without Gaddafi in Libya is shit now
Jews own America. America is an Israeli vassal state. It doesn’t matter how much they spend. Their mRNA bio-weapon injected, multicultural, transvestite military got embarrassed by Arabs in Afghanistan. They have ZERO chance against Russia or China.
So why is average trailer park braindead American not getting rid of the Jew plague?
And yet their living standards are still higher than Russia’s. This was pretty much always the case. Russia never had high living standards, and were always abused by their rulers. Their conception of freedom is more in line with serfdom.
Compare America and the West how they are now to 50-80 years ago. Things were quite different in every Western country. It was almost utopic by comparison to how it is now.
Here is what changed all of that:
Yuri Bezmenov – Ideological Subversion
The Frankfurt School:
Culture of Critique Documentary:
Cultural Alchemy Special Berlin Sin City of the 1920’s
You answered to it: jews are smarter than any brain-dead persons. I don’t think jews are smarter than Putin, that’s why he 1) not afraid of jewish community or international jewry; 2) successful enough in game against other opponents; 3) makes jewry work for his purposes. Do you know about V.Solovyov? He is called as main propagandist in Russia. He is very talented journalist and TV presenter, who is working a lot, that’s why enemies hates him and EU/US put restrictions on him personally. Though he had quite liberal views in 1990s. He is a jew himself and stated it openly many times. But now he created a team of jewish emigrants to Germany, Israel and US, which is “russian propaganda machine” now.) This is funny, but very clever move, because all their opponents can be treated as judophobes. Are you against Russia? So you are a judophobe, ha-ha-ha! Anti-semite is wrong word, because vast majority of semites are arabs, so it would be more proper to call anti-arabic intentions as anti-semetic.
Judging by the Russian performance in Ukraine, I beg to differ. Either way, you’re correct about the fact that jews own America. However the jews own Russia and China too.
“embarrassed by Arabs in Afghanistan”
1. Corrupt leadership (not as corrupt as China and ex-Soviet countries).
2. They left the country after conquering Afghanistan.
3. The war was nothing like the Soviet-Afghan War.
4. NATO’s war with Afghanistan was more accurately described as an occupation.
Afghanistan & Iraq: The RAW Truth from a White American Soldier
It is obvious that what entity controls the USA, it is the JEW!!! Anybody not getting it has an IQ less than his/her shoe size!!
Why are russian oligarch private yachts more expensive than russian naval vessels, the answer is money.
Jews have infested Ukraine and Russia too, this is a Jew war on the Orthodox Slavs.
It’s pure lies. 1. There are no oligarchs, because wealth ones doesn’t rule the country, have no own TV stations to influence public, have no economic power combined with administrative, which means oligarchy; Russia is state capitalism bureaucracy now, it was oligarchy before 2004 when Putin defeated oligarchy and put thief and murderer Hodorkovskiy in prison. 2.Frigate’s cost is 600 million dollars (export version of project 11356 to India). Cost of nuclear submarine of 885 projects is more 1 billion, project 955 – 2 billion. There are no yachts of such size in hands of wealth people with RF passport. The largest yacht in the world is “Azzam” from UAE, 170 meter long and 7000 tons of displacements. There are many ships in RusNavy which are bigger (project 1144, 1164, nuclear submarines) and cost more with same displacement.
You mean americunt oligharchs like gates,bezos,soros and tranny breeding musk +co,sure there are corrupt russians,but they all live in london,new york,california,germany and kiev with those big boats
USA has alywas been an warmonger and war only sustained economy. Since Trump was was ”peaceful” and refused to go to war with Iran, 80% thus the rich elite of the Beverly Hills, Bell Air residents will go banckrupt have to move in suburbia’s ;)
Republicans like the money, Democrats like the power…………….in the end, both parties are corrupt, and the welfare of the American people is not part of their decision making.
Russia rebuffs America , American mercenaries could be put to death if the Court decides to that verdict-Columbia goes left and upsets USA – Kherson,s transmitters realigned with Russia.
Why is it that every time that the Putin cockroaches talk about America’s military industrial complex they’re always drooling with envy? Vladimir Putin hates America because he’s drooling with envy. Because the shitty Russian army is so shitty that the Russian military industrial complex now has to use obsolete Soviet tanks and has lost 34,000 Russian soldiers in Ukraine. 20,000 more dead Russian soldiers and Ukraine will be worse than Vietnam.
If it makes them happy then why not ? Dont be so butthurt russobots, ok ? Better mind about high HIV rate and low standard of living in russia aka africa of europe :D
In Jew We Trv$t –
Where blackmail, coercion, extortion and bribery R’ U$!…
America is ruled by satan 👹
Is the Pope Catholic?
NO, he is worse than a rino, he is as RC as PP.
“Prior to the creation by U.S. President Harry S. Truman of the U.S. ‘Defense’ Department, on 18 September 1947, replacing the U.S. War Department that had been created on 7 August 1789 by America’s Founders , the U.S. was a democracy — however flawed, but a real one, nevertheless”
Disagree. America was and still is an oligarchy. It never was a democracy, it wasn’t even conceived as a democracy but as a republic. Imitation of the Roman republic (+ freemasons ideals).
I rest my ca$e!…
תן לחופש לצלצל
America is owned by the british crown company that also owns the FED and these military companies. Democracy is an act of theatre in US and in the EU
Most of US residents/settlers are migrants who murdered the native inhabitants of the land, who arrived from foreign nations with individual ambitions driven by greed to enrich themselves pillaging the resources of the land, devoid of sense of patriotism and belonging, since they recognised their roles as outsiders identical to the thieves ransacking a victim’s house of everything they could steal and dash out quick with the loot. That’s the American (outsiders) dream. How sad.
america mainly lost its land to the jews around 1913 when they made the federal reserve. its not really the military industrial complex, more the jewish financial world order. and that financial world order indeed owns the military industrial complex, the oil trade and so on.
amerikans are under socialized immoral boorish inferior species
Amazing that the world cannot see what is in plain sight for decades- the US is a Military Dictatorship masquerading as a democracy
Eisenhower warned Americans about the industrial military complex in his 1961 farewell speech.
The Jews that own, control, and run the US Tyranny, and the rest of the West.
USA’s expending so much money in their Military, while the soft power diminished and their diplomacy is failing worldwide. Guess if USA keeps going in the wrong path they could loose their Status has the only World Hegemon and their exceptionalism would be over… guess USA citizens are not prepared adapt to this new environment and their society would collapse. Welcome to the XXI Century.
nazi lgbt Sawyer alert–you impersonate me—half wit hillbilly not convincing
I admit that I impersonate Yuri…I am depressed since my 77 year old transgender lover left me for obese less ugly 72 year old transgender in oklihoma trailer park
LOL the usa “indispensable”? to whom? oh look its the tired line “russia bad”