Written by Eric Zuesse
America creates, imposes, and enforces the sanctions against Russia, which are forcing up energy-prices in Europe, and are thereby driving Europe’s corporations to move to America, where taxes, safety-and-environmental regulations, and the rights of labor, are far lower, and so profits will be far higher for the investors. Furthermore, America can supply its own energy. Therefore, supply-chains are less dicey in the U.S. than in Europe. There is less and less reason now for a firm to be doing anything in Europe except selling to Europeans, who are becoming increasingly desperate to get whatever they can afford to buy, now that Russia, which had been providing the lowest-cost energy and other commodities, is being strangled out of European markets, by the sanctions. Money can move even when its owner can’t. The European public will now be left farther and farther behind as Europe’s wealth flees — mainly to America (whose Government had created this capital-flight of Europe’s wealth).
Europe’s leaders have cooperated with America’s leaders, to cause this European decline (by joining, instead of rejecting, America’s sanctions against Russia), but Germany’s companies can also enjoy significant benefits from relocating or expanding in America. Germany’s business daily newspaper, Handlelsblatt, reported, on September 25th, “More and more German companies are expanding their locations in North America: Washington attracts German companies with cheap energy and low taxes. This applies above all to the southern states. Berlin is alarmed – and wants to take countermeasures.” (Original: “Immer mehr deutsche Unternehmen bauen ihre Standorte in Nordamerika aus: Washington lockt deutsche Firmen mit billiger Energie und niedrigen Steuern. Das gilt vor allem für die Südstaaten. Berlin ist alarmiert – und will gegensteuern.”) It says that “Numerous German companies are planning to set up or expand their U.S. locations. … U.S. states such as Virginia, Georgia, and Oklahoma, show increasing interest” in offering special inducements for these firms to relocate, or to at least expand, their production in the U.S. For example, Pat Wilson, Commissioner of the Georgia Department of Economic Development, tells German companies that, “Our energy costs are low, and the networks are stable. … Companies coming to Georgia [from Germany] are reducing their carbon footprint.” Considering that one of the major reasons why Germany’s Government is squeezing-out Russia’s fuel-supplies (other than to ‘support democracy in Ukraine’, etc.) is that those Russian supplies are fossil fuels, an important benefit by which America can attract European firms (even on the basis of ‘Green’ arguments) is by advertising bigger ‘energy efficiency’ than in Europe — not necessarily in a strictly environmental sense, but definitely in the bottom-line sense, of lowered energy-costs, since America’s regulations are far less strict than in the EU.
Also on the 25th, the Irish Examiner bannered “European industry buckles under weight of soaring energy prices: Volkswagen, Europe’s biggest carmaker, warned last week that it could reallocate production out of Germany and eastern Europe if energy prices don’t come down.”
Also on the 25th, Oil Price dot com headlined “Europe Faces An Exodus Of Energy-Intensive Industries”, and mentioned especially that “the U.S. Steel giant ArcelorMittal said earlier this month that it would slash by half production at a steel mill in Germany and a unit at another plant, also in Germany. The company said it had based the decision on high gas prices. … ArcelorMittal earlier this year announced it had plans to expand a Texas operation.”
On September 26th, the New York Times bannered “Factory Jobs Are Booming Like It’s the 1970s: U.S. manufacturing is experiencing a rebound, with companies adding workers amid high consumer demand for products.” In total, “As of August this year, manufacturers had added back about 1.43 million jobs, a net gain of 67,000 workers above prepandemic levels.” And this is only the start of America’s re-industrialization and economic recovery, because the hemorrhaging of jobs from Europe has only just begun. These German firms are getting in on the ground floor in America, leaving Europe’s workers behind, to swim or sink on their own (the ones that can).
Also on September 26th, Thomas Fazi at unherd dot com headlined “The EU is sleepwalking into anarchy: Its sanctions are crippling the bloc’s working class”, and documented that this hollowing-out of Europe’s economies is being experienced the most by Europe’s lower economic classes, who are the least capable of dealing with it but are being abandoned by the higher-wealth group, the investors, who are sending their money abroad, like banana-republic oligarchs do, and who might easily relocate themselves there too.
On September 19th, the New York Times headlined “‘Crippling’ Energy Bills Force Europe’s Factories to Go Dark: Manufacturers are furloughing workers and shutting down lines because they can’t pay the gas and electric charges.” For example, a major employer in northern France, Arc International glass factory, doesn’t know whether they will survive: “Nicholas Hodler, the chief executive, surveyed the assembly line, shimmering blue with natural gas flames [gas that came from Russia and that now costs ten times as much as just a year ago]. For years, Arc had been powered by cheap energy that helped turn the company into the world’s largest producer of glass tableware. … But the impact of Russia’s abrupt cutoff of gas to Europe [forced by the sanctions] has doused the business with new risks. Energy prices have climbed so fast that Mr. Hodler has had to rewrite business forecasts six times in two months. Recently, he put a third of Arc’s 4,500 employees on partial furlough to save money. Four of the factory’s nine furnaces will be idled; the others will be switched from natural gas to diesel, a cheaper but more polluting fuel.” The “Green” Parties throughout Europe, such as in the persons of Germany’s Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, and Germany’s Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action Robert Habeck, had led the European movement against importing Russian fuels, and could turn out to have led Europe actually to increase its carbon footprint, if the end result turns out to be to switch to more coal and diesel fuels, as they now are doing.
It could not have happened without the leaderships both in America and in Europe, who are leading the way for Europe’s economies to decline, and for America’s to boom from this — attracting more and more investors, and their investments, into America, from the U.S. regime’s vassal-nations (such as Germany and France), especially in the EU and NATO (these new banana-republics). The beneficiaries of all this are not only America’s weapons-manufacturing firms, such as Lockheed Martin, and extraction firms such as ExxonMobil, that are growing because of the plunge in Europe that’s due to Europe’s cutting itself off from the cheap energy that it had formerly enjoyed. The future is opening up again, for investors in the United States. It’s come-one, come-all, to investors from Europe, and leaving everyone else in Europe simply to sink, if they can’t get out.
Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.
European “leaders ” their combined IQ when obeying America is less than 50 -they are so subservient you squirm listening to their Serf like obedience to anything American – all should be on pills to boost their mental weaknesses – I have seen more masculine thinking in primary school Females.
There doesn’t seem to be a cure unless the public rise up against them and Revolt.
Yup. This is the result when parazyte soy boys and cunts decide that they are much smarter than everyone else.
It is so funny to see right now how all these Europeans talking shit about Americans and that they are screwing Americans and Russians with these scams 😆
Poor people don’t rise up they starve.
Rich people don’t rise up either they just relocate.
Revolutions only happen when someone really rich pays for them.
I disagree with the beginning of your comm : It’s not an IQ pb, unfortunately they aren’t idiots. They are well payed traitors working for their (((masters))). But i’m totally agree with the end : “I have seen more masculine thinking in primary school Females.”XD.
Europe had been Russia’s main foreign customers for its fuels. It isn’t “Worldwide.” Europe is being crushed by Europe’s sanctions against Russia, which were originated by the U.S. regime.
“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety”.
That’s Europe.
Go fuck yourself with your libartd idiocy.
I prefer to fuck your family you dumb retard. There is nothing libtard in that comment you stupid faggot so go suck your boyfriends libtard dick along with Bidens saggy balls.
Eenglyish is my noon-language, cuck?
liberty = libtard. Same word.
English is not your language either you retarded sissy shemale hooker, you murican mutants don’t have your own language. Wtf is “libartd” you illiterate inbred hillbilly retard?
“liberty = libtard.” wtf? hahaha you fucking inbred moron. Look at dic-tionary instead of nigger dicks, bitch.
In Germany now the worlds highest pries for Gas, Fuel and Electricity.
The USA now a big winner while theyr biggest competitor EU destroys itself due to the idiotic sanctions harming more the EU than russia.
…lassen wir uns überraschen, wie lange es dauert, bis sich deutsche Politiker vom Schlage eines Robert Habeck, einer Annalena Baerbock oder eines Christian Lindener, via Atlantikbrücke in die USA absetzen werden!
Diese Schergen und Claqueure Washingtons werden in Deutschland nicht mehr viel zu lachen haben!!!
America is not crushing Europe stoopid as those who own America are yet to murder Germany and those white folk.
Those folk have did it two times as those folk murder flower of Europe.
We will remember them of course with sunflower instead of poppy.
Can’t wait for SF’s announcement on this one https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/us-blew-russian-gas-pipelines-nord-stream-1-2-says-former-polish-defense-minister
Our guess is it will be a week from now… If at all???…
What sanctions on gas or oil has Russia imposed upon Europe?
What sanctions oil or gas has Russia imposed upon Europe?
Iron curtain is coming… no more business with Russia and limited deals with China. West has finally woken up. This will create prosperity from EU to USA only experience back in 70s… and guess what? Back then there was no deals with ruskie crooks… you can built your great russia or whatever, just stay away from us…
Europe is chained to the sinking ship. It will get dragged like an anchor and then crushed by the wreckage