Houthis Are Drowning Western Hegemony

Houthis Are Drowning Western Hegemony

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The Houthi struggle against the Western powers brough the first significant victory. The British Bulk carrier Rubymar, which came under attack on February 19, sunk in the Red Sea.

The ship was hit by two anti-ship missiles. The crew failed to eliminate fire that broke out on board and was forced to evacuate. Despite the attempts to save ship, it sunk as a result of the attack.

Rubymar became the first ship that sunk as a result of the attack in the Red Sea. Previously, dozens were only damaged. The Houthis confirmed the destruction of the ship and announced new attacks.

UPDATE: The video was fake. It shows the Atlantik Confidence ship, which sank in 2013 off the coast of Oman:


After the sinking of Rubymar, Houthi forces also attacked 2 more bulk carriers. The Yemeni armed forces announced missile attacks on the US commercial vessels Sea Champion and Navis Fortuna, which reportedly suffered “catastrophic damage”. According to unofficial reports, one of the missiles landed next to the side of one of the bulk carriers and caused limited damage by shrapnel and an explosive wave, the bulk carrier maintained its course. There is no data on damage to the second bulk carrier.

Houthis Are Drowning Western Hegemony

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Another Houthi victory in the past 24 hours was the destruction of the American MQ-9 Reaper attack and reconnaissance UAV with a surface-to-air missile. More footage showed the wreckage of the drone:

Houthis Are Drowning Western Hegemony

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Houthis Are Drowning Western Hegemony

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Houthis Are Drowning Western Hegemony

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The US military responded with new strikes on the Yemeni territory; but amid the ongoing escalation, they seem meaningless. The Houthis do not stop their attacks but even increase their intensity, including with naval drones. At the same time, the Houthis let Chinese and Russian ships pass the canal unhindered.


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how would people in jerusalem face starvation as warned in the bible in today’s day and age? if hezbollah or hamas manage to shutdown israel’s ports, they are straight out of luck and ammo. strange that hezbollah doesn’t do that. destroying the port terminals seems like a natural target after getting border surveillance. the oct 7 standown/false flag and subsequent slaughter of gaza looks like a bad idea after all.

Mr Fudge

while i know gazans are suffering a lot – the other players are going about their side of the game with skill. they are slowly ratcheting up learning as they go along. if israel attacks lebanon that will be the next step in the process. i really want to see them lose.


almost all israeli ports have been hit. especially haifa, eilat, ashdod and even ashkalon and tel aviv. they just don’t tell us…they don’t want anyone to know just how f’ed they really are. this is why the houthi op is so important…eilat is virtually closed by them. they would be in worse straits if the saudi’s and others did not open a land route for israel…but even that is inadequate.

Edgar Zetar

if you believe in the christian bible you definitely need a psychiatrist to help you out to get above that psyop warfare from two millennia ago (repeating itself, time after time in the sheeps minds). the bible its extemporaneous. please read friedrich nietzsche to learn about.


the bible was inspired by the one who genetically engineered basically everything on the planet. from its inception, a general outline of what was to come was known. history repeats because of similar underlying conditions. drugs upset the body’s biochemical balance, and anyone who prescribes psychotropics prima facie doesn’t know what they’re doing, or is evil, and it always leads to more severe outcomes than fixing the underlying issues causing mental disturbances.

Edgar Zetar

hahahahahaha lol! are you another jens holms account? come on! your same comment refutes you? read again: “it’s inspired by….” (who wrote that? some ancient jews the fathers of the primitive christian church? to do what? they wrote because it was a working weapon against the ancient roman empire, to destroy them from the inside. read your bible… and then read friedrich nietzsche and all others who saw the greatness of nietzche. christianism is the westerner way of doing civilization.

Last edited 1 year ago by Edgar Zetar

are you aware of all the prophecies in the bible that came true, like alexander meeting the jews, the death of jesus and many details around it, many prophecies against israel too, like being taken to babylon and the destruction of jerusalem in the past and the one unfolding before us? we are obviously genetically engineered, things like green and blue eyes, the position of the moon just so, the flood on mars and earth. the hebrews were held to a higher standard and are failing badly.


something like musks neuralink but much more sophisticated is responsible for the prophets. so it was inspired by the being who is responsible for making us. adam was put into a deep sleep and his rib removed and used to make something similar but with altered dna. these are things that are not out of the realm of tech that is near. i have dreamt of leaving this filthy planet and having one pure, even if it takes making all the life on it. not dissimilar than the founding of this one maybe.

Edgar Zetar

bla bla bla i’m jens holms, i believe in western propaganda, i’m a bot, i barely could do text, speak or do solve basic math, but i believe everything that my “android” cellphone show me. sorry friend, you are a western bot, the children’s of the western empire. your father the tv and netflix and facebook should be really proud of you.


we agree that most people who profess their religion are full of it. dogmatic dunces who mouth words. i was never very religious because i judged the bible by them and they were a pack of hypocrites who never thought, by and large. translations of the bible are often lacking and some of them are downright manipulated. i was good at math, but don’t use advanced math enough to remember it all.

Last edited 1 year ago by BunkerDwellers

and i have hated my murderous government since i was in high school for their many crimes and the nonchalant attitude of most people, including the supposedly religious ones justifying the murder of tens of thousands. in ezekiel it is clear where this leads, and they will be judged. i have learned to always look at as many sides as possible and use critical reasoning to come to my conclusion, i am no bot. tv is repetive and boring.


further, organized religious beliefs are often manipulated purely for social control and for the manipulators to put themselves above the masses and feel special. most churches and organized religious gatherings don’t adhere to coherent beliefs based on the texts they supposedly follow. i have found through prayer the answer to many seeming contradictions. it is worth reading and discarding previous preconceptions with an eye to the original languages.

Edgar Zetar

i’m not against the jew, hebrews or christianism, jesuschrist or whatever tribe or religion group trying to be above others. but i do had an issue when you try to discredit all others beliefs, and try to erase them and to attack them, or to kill them then we will have an issue.

Last edited 1 year ago by Edgar Zetar


Peter Jennings

all of a sudden, the consequences of bombing yemen and supporting a isreali apartheid regime in its genocide of palestine has become all too real. the western political shysters can no longer protect their ‘investments’ in the area. hundreds of years of western interference in the me is coming to an end. the days of military diplomacy are done.


you mean gunboat diplomacy

Joseph Day

good on the houthi, give em hell. their too scared to put boots on ground


yes i would love to see those criminals try and fight in yemen on the ground, flag draped coffins arriving back in the us don’t go down well with joe public.


good job boys.


beautiful work houthis!
look at the colossal greed of these companies who think “oh if we take the longer route, we will lose 20% profit!” and then they end up losing 100% profit along with their ship haha! also worth noting is the egoism of the western military who claim to be able to provide safe passage when in reality they can’t but won’t admit it!

jens holm

me terrified of big bad houthi—they no like homosexual jens holm


good shooting by the houthis. next objective is to sink a destroyer or aircraft carrier.


always wondered why they previously failed to sink a single ship . why didn’t they use anti ship missiles or torpedoes before?


a 250+ million usd ship and a 20+ million usd drone in one day. not bad and a nice kick i the cohones of the transatlantic-globalist-anglosaxian mafia. keep on the good job.

jens holm

i want drown in mulatto cumdrop


yemen needs hypersonic missiles.

c’mon russia and iran, help out yemen and watch the anglo/american zionist empire crumble.

Edgar Zetar

more issues in the horizon to the western empire and the usa/british/zionist empire. guess israel committed a huge mistake and miscalculations in gaza, and usa could not stopped them to unleash a non declared war between muslims and the empire and their advanced outpost in the middle east named ‘israel’. big issues in the horizon.


excellent good job keep it more and more if god willing

Huckelberry finn

another insurance claim to make a rich jew richer…


they’re going to find out that stacks of papers with pictures on them or digits in a bank account won’t get them what they need. that will be a very unhappy day for them.


i dont think you can claim an insurrence in a war. the compagny will ask you why you dint take the longer way via cape the goede hoop? you took the risk and loses !!!


oh no! the britards just lost their beloved dildo cargo

Icarus Tanović

mashallah, mashallah and more to come, inshallah.

Emanuel Gomes Bueno - Brasil

glória e poder aos houthis! um navio britânico menos! vitória sem fim ao yemen guerreiro!

Satan is Allah

southfront proudly reporting a war crime commited by these satanic idiots in yemen poking a non-military sea vessel.


if you can’t join ’em beat ’em….

Edgar Zetar

where you come from? it seems to me you came from middle ages, religion wars were fought almost a millenia ago, and they were divided in the middle east. not everybody who rejects your faith is the devil and satan you xenophobic westerner.

Icarus Tanović

yes, the prick ass is from longdong.

Icarus Tanović

just advise: don’t come anymore here cos you’ll be more and more upset and anxious.


reaper drone equals 30 million dollars

Boycott USA the world's bully

britishers already had a bad time in yemen in the 1960’s when they were forced to give up their aden colony in a freedom war. probably the britishers wanted to keep it, in view of its strategic location, like gibraltar,
