Horrible Year’s Start For US. Will Law Enforcement Draw Conclusions?

Horrible Year’s Start For US. Will Law Enforcement Draw Conclusions?

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The beginning of 2025 in the US was marked by tragic events. Several terrorist attacks occurred in the country almost immediately, and the details are quite intriguing.

On January, 1 in New Orleans, a man rammed a crowd with his car and then opened fire with a machine gun. 15 people died, and dozens were wounded. The terrorist, who was found to have ties to ISIS, was shot dead by the police. The 42-year-old Shamsud Din Jabbar was behind the wheel of the pickup truck, having served in the US Army for 10 years.

Horrible Year’s Start For US. Will Law Enforcement Draw Conclusions?

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On the same day, a Tesla Cybertruck exploded near Donald Trump’s hotel in Las Vegas, at the entrance to the Trump Towers. One person died, and another was seriously injured. In total, there were six injured.

According to the Nevada State Police, at the scene, pipes, traces of chemicals, fireworks powder, and gasoline canisters were found. Authorities are considering the incident as a terrorist act, but it is not yet officially known if it is connected to the one in New Orleans. However, it has been established that both the Cybertruck and the pickup truck used in the New Orleans attack were rented from the same company – Turo. The perpetrator of the attack near Trump Tower is Master Sergeant Matthew Livelsberger of the US Army Special Forces, whose body was found in the Cybertruck. It has been revealed that the deceased was involved in recruiting mercenaries, particularly from the “Green Berets,” to send to Ukraine. Previously, the American military was on a mission there.

The incident involving the Cybertruck could also draw the attention of law enforcement because it demonstrates the potential of the vehicle for future terrorist attacks.

Firstly, the problem with electric cars is that they cannot be extinguished. The burning of a car with a lithium-ion battery cannot be stopped by traditional firefighting methods. In 2023, a ship carrying 3,000 cars caught fire off the coast of the Netherlands due to an electric car ignition, and the fire could not be extinguished for several days.

Horrible Year’s Start For US. Will Law Enforcement Draw Conclusions?

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Secondly, the Cybertruck’s appearance does not meet modern safety standards. In the event of an accident (or running into a crowd), the angular stainless-steel construction, and in the event of an explosion – the sharp piercing elements, contribute to a greater number of casualties than a design with enhanced aerodynamics made of composite materials.

Horrible Year’s Start For US. Will Law Enforcement Draw Conclusions?

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The attack in New Orleans and the explosion in Las Vegas were just the beginning. In fact, on the night of January 2nd, there was a mass shooting at the “Amazura” nightclub in Queens, New York, where at least 11 people were killed. It is not just Islamists who are acting against the new president. It is more likely that the so-called Deep state and the morally supportive Democrats are involved. Essentially, their goal is to prevent Donald Trump from coming to power or to make his administration the most dangerous period for US citizens, hoping to provoke dissatisfaction and unrest.


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Analtranny Bareback

amerikunts dumber than germs do not draw–they swallow in gay bars


both countries have higher national iq averages than russia, and any third-world shithole you root for. not to mention that 2/3s of stds in all of europe come from russia.

https : // thuletide . wordpress . com / 2022 / 06 / 12 / russia – is – nigeria – with – snow /


moron amerikunt saxon expert on iq—not used except in nort amerika–fully discredited : ‘mismeasure of man’. stephen gould….dumb retired janitor “will” regurgitates insecurity frequently at sf…nothing can hide your inferiority


you must be a bot or an extremely retarded chink.


according to un–usa #1 std after thailand cambodia—followed by western europe…of the 6 std tracked by un russia only leads in one…dumb saxon amerikunt lies again


south africa has the highest hiv rates than any other country.

https: // worldpopulationreview . com / country – rankings / hiv – rates – by – country


https : // www . datapandas . org / ranking / std – rates – by – country


spanglish: how jewish hollywood backstabs whites & distorts the usa to the world!

https : // history reviewed . best / index . php / white – man – chat – spanglish – how – jewish – hollywood – backstabs – whites – distorts – the – usa – to – the – world /


i admit i am dumb amerikunt inferior to jews


if ashkenazi jews were superior they would not have the highest rate of genetically inheritable diseases.

https : // archive . is / https : // www . haaretz . com / 2013 – 11 – 26 / ty – article / . premium / ashkenazi – gene – increases – schizophrenia / 0000017f – e04b – d75c – a 7 ff – fccfa3e10000

Last edited 2 months ago by Will

germany alone invented more than russia. russia has less skilled labor and less educated population, compared to germany which remains one of the most innovative advanced countries in the world. even japan is lightyears ahead of russia in so many areas. all russia has is its resources and military. the latter of which has proven itself a paper tiger.


russia adult population 63% university grads; germany half…russia graduated 2.5 engineers scientists annually past 10 years for 1 in usa, 5 times more than germany

Last edited 2 months ago by Will

russia – 4th biggest economy in world. germany – deindustrialised, impoverished, irrelevant shithole.


you also neglect to mention the sexual deviants that can be classified as lgbt are 2-4% of the population in the usa. this demographic intersects with jews that makeup 3% of the overall us population.

https :/ / www . my jewish learning . com / article / the – eight – genders -in – the – talmud /

https : // forward . com / culture / 549587 / trans – book – burning – library – gay – pride /


39% amerikunts 18-45 identify lgbt


saxon aka will typical amerikunt…”amerikunts have been liars and braggarts for 3 centuries”. daniel boorstin


russia’s jewish autonomous oblast has a rainbow flag: https : // en . wikipedia . org / wiki / jewish _ autonomous _ oblast

https : // www . chabad . org / library / article _ cdo / aid / 2770455 / jewish / what – is – the – significance – of – a – rainbow – in – judaism . htm

“since the rainbow is a sign that mankind is sinning, a generation that never sees a rainbow is on an especially high level of spirituality and righteous conduct.”


they do this in order to provide false justification for a worldwide authoritarian superstate. that is why karl marx advocated for the abolition of the nuclear family, national borders and identity.

https : // t . me / thuletide / 2923

“the carpocratians were, essentially, ancient forerunners of the sabbatean-frankists, another bizarre (but incredibly influential (https : //archive . vn / se04b) sect that preached moral inversion and focused on promoting as much degeneracy as possible


this moron amerikunt saxon repeats nazi propaganda long ago discredited–was name change to will approved by social worker?


because, according to the babylonian talmud (https : // halakhah . com / sanhedrin / sanhedrin _ 98 . html), the moschiach “will come only in a generation that is either altogether righteous or altogether wicked.”

https : // www . chabad . org / library / article _ cdo / aid / 1121893 / jewish / who – is – moshiach – the – jewish – messiah . htm

https : // www . chabad . org / library / article _ cdo / aid / 4379679 / jewish / shabbatai – zevi – the – messianic – imposter . htm

Last edited 2 months ago by Will

my only god is scrubbing toilet for shekelstein janitorial services 43 years—no i bitter self hating desperate


“for once the messiah comes, all the nations will be subservient to the jewish people”

https : // www . sefaria . org / eruvin . 43b . 7? lang = bi & with = all & lang 2 =en

https : // odysee . com / @ ava wolfe : d / the – jewish – origins – of – lgbt : f

Last edited 2 months ago by Will
Just Another Day in USA

livelsberger was concerned about anti-gravity weapons. nola attack may have been cia nut job. it has been said that the deep state would kill as many school children as necessary to take the guns from americans.


to disarm them in anticipation .great expectations.



Last edited 2 months ago by Noname

ahh that word deep state like the republicans or some part of the american government are the good guys, smh 🤦.
they’re all rotten to the core.

Niccolo Machiavelli

ewe ass of eh is getting creative. an enlisted green beret commando is killed in ukraine, his body is repatriated, and they use it to stage a ‘terrorist’ bombing is vegas. those hollywood script writers are very handy…..

Joseph Day

law inforcement can draw all the conclusions they want. the media will tell us what they want us to know


these attacks have got “false flag” and cia fingerprints all over them.


it’s a repeat of their entrapment of russua in ww1 .set up a war to engage the military outside ,then create civil.war inside .it’s obvious .transparent as .


who says there’s no imperialists?
” grand impetial conclave 2024 ” you tube .


be it ever so humble… home is where the heart is happy daze kids
see ya ,wouldn’t wanna be ya
£36,000,000, royal greek family belgravia town house &adjoining … you tube .
and you will own nothing and be happy. won’t you .

Last edited 2 months ago by Annon

and here’s clever katie hopkins playing her part.
” katie hopkins : answer this ” you tube.
see why she can use foul language and be crude and vulgar ?
join the dots .
coverage from every angle.


everything’s contrived .it’s all theatre of operations imo .signs and symbols .you have to observe use deduction.
ex green beret who knew las vegas suspect ‘ none if this checks out ‘ you tube.
see the hypnotic magic circle? where’s his evidence he knew him at all ? see his grin ,the timing of triggers for his happiness ?
never trust anybody queen mum .


hmph kennedy says ,save our allies . god bless .
fox y news for faithful in service.
ask not what your gov can do for you but what you can do for it .be a servant beter still a slave.
join dots.

Shlomo's little weenie

idiot mal-programmed bot on the loose again ! ! proceed with laughter 💩💩


americans getting a taste of their own medicine. gaza has been experiencing horrible genocide thanks to uncle sam.


i admit i am inferior amerikunt retired janitor desperate discarded ignored

saxon will glue sniffer

my inferior amerikunt genetics 43 years as professional toilet scrubber qualify me to be mean bitter client in ghatto mental health clinic served by nice mulatto social workers

saxon will glue sniffer

i start year with 2% increase in food stamp in my amerikunt trailer park


2 more false flags from the spook agencies who brought us 9/11, 7/7, manchester arena, and much else besides.
