Hezbollah special forces kill top rebel commander in Al-Zabadani, Syria

Hezbollah special forces kill top rebel commander in Al-Zabadani, Syria

AlMasdarNews reports: Hezbollah reportedly carried out a special military operation inside the resort-city of Al-Zabadani on Monday that was geared to destroy Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham’s command-and-control center in the downtown area.

According to a Syrian Arab Army (SAA) source in Damascus, Hezbollah destroyed the Ahrar Al-Sham command center and killed the aforementioned jihadist group’s top emir in Al-Zabadani.

The dead Ahrar Al-Sham emir was identified by the same source as “Ziad Abu Hamid” – he was the top leader in Al-Zabadani for 4 years.

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