Hezbollah Official: Hezbollah Will Withdraw from Syria When Political Solution Is Reached

Hezbollah Official: Hezbollah Will Withdraw from Syria When Political Solution Is Reached

On October 27, the deputy secretary-general of Hezbollah, Naim Qassem, said at an interview with France 24 TV channel that Hezbollah will withdraw from Syria when a political solution is reached in the country.

“Hezbollah is in Syria to protect the resistance axis, and to protect the resistance and Lebanon, when a political solution comes in Syria, and Syrians chose what they want… We will have no role or mission, when this happen we will go back to Lebanon… The issue is linked with the political solution and how much it will be executed on the ground, because Hezbollah has no interest in Syria not geographically nor politically. Our only interest was to eliminate the terrorism that threatens us, Syria and the region”, Qassem said.

During the interview the deputy secretary-general said that Hezbollah does not believe that Israel will attack Lebanon soon. However, Qassem stressed that Hezbollah is always ready for any sudden developments.

Qassem also said that the US is punishing Hezbollah because it worked with the Lebanese Army and Lebanese people for a “strong independent Lebanon”. Qassem added that Hezbollah didn’t allow the US to use Lebanon as tool in Arabian and International political projects.

“Hezbollah became the daily bread [daily topic] for the speeches of US president Donald Trump and his administration… He accuses the party [Hezbollah], calls it a terrorist group and threatens it with sanctions and confrontation… The US Congress approved the sanctions against Hezbollah, all of this because Hezbollah succeeded in liberating the ground and disrupted the naturalization [of the Palestinians refugees] project in Lebanon and opened the roads to liberate Palestine,” Qassem added.

Qassem’s statement came after the US House of Representatives backed new sanctions on Hezbollah on October 25. The US will likely take more measures against Hezbollah in Syria after ISIS is defeated. However, this US pressure will likely have little if no effect on Hezbollah.

Israeli Defense Forces: Military Capabilities, Scenarios for the Third Lebanon War

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This a very wise statement.

Serious Dude

Hezbollah should not go to war with Israel because Israel is not the enemy. Wahhabism is the enemy.


Israel a FALSE Criminal APARTHEID entity on Stolen land , IS THE ENEMY ! Wahhabiists are controlled terrorists – controlled by Israel, as is Saudi Arabia their home base.

The FACTS to prove that are easily available, even from Jewish sources, if you CARE to research, and are not a Zionist.

Did you receive your Education in the UNITED STATES or ISRAEL, by chance?


“.. in the UNITED STATES or ISRAEL..”

Good point, though there are others in the ‘West’, these are the main antagonists.

We certainly need to give credit to Britain for unleashing the curse of Israel on innocents.


Absolutely and sometimes I do, depending on the topic or comment I am rebutting


I know. I just like to embellish for any newcomers from propaganda and censorship filled countries; surely they must exist.


I’m “baaaaaack” …………. PLEDGES and PANDERING to ISRAEL or any
foreign country, for that matter, are
totally ANTI-REPUBLIC and the Constitution, thereof: https://www.veteranstoday.com/2017/10/31/pandering-to-israel-has-got-to-stop/


Most definitely!


My comments were deleted in ERROR and now they ell me they cannot be restored.


Welcome back. Who deleted them?


A Southfront “moderator”

Yes, even I am wondering about his REAL motive.


Wow! I have to agree with you. Strange it is and you should be given an explanation and even an apology for deleting everything without question.


I did receive a sort of apology and got my account back and it was stated the Moderator was wrong to do what he or she did but my comments are all gone, just the same.

I can only hope they at least change the policy and not allow that to happen without a discussion with the target, and even then hold the comments for 30 days until the Target( me ,in this case) can explain the point and meaning of his/her comment which is the subject of dispute


Agreed. More than likely, they’ve learned from the experience.


Yes and hopefully


As wahhabism is much older then Israel, it seems to me you might be the one to be a teeny, weeny bit deluded.

Brother Ma

Wrong, wahhabism is a crypto jew philosophy just as the house of sauda is a crypto jew family.

Secondly,wahhabism is modelled on the zealots of early years AD.
Same cruelty,same hypocrisy about acting for GOD but raping children and being homosexuals etc.

Furthermore, the jewish himaryotes acted exactly the same way.

You need to read more broadly and not just believe what you are told by your soros and nato sponsored zio thinktanks.



Serious Dude

You have no proof that Wahhabism is Jewish. Wahhabism wants to eradicate the Jews.

Brother Ma

Plenty of proof; look it up on internet.
Wahhab and israel, pals.
Why isis not decapitating israelis in israel?
Why many israeli commandos among the isis dead?
Why israel nursing sick wounded isis members in its hospitals?
Why israeli spokespeople saying they are not afraid of isis?
Why does isis apologise to israel for its rockets going astray into israeli land?
How was it that isis oil ended up in israel?
Sorry pal, this average joe isnt a sucker for your bs.try someone else in zioyanquistan or merkelistan.

Serious Dude

Because Israel is too strong for ISIS.


Are you still chasing you tail?

Serious Dude

You don’t make sense. Wahhabists want the elimination of Israel.

Robert Duran

Do they though?

Serious Dude

They can’t, because Israel is strong.


PROOF please, such as, when was the last time they committed an act of terror on what is called “Israeli” soil……or even a PROTEST of ISRAEL ANYWHERE on this planet ?????????????

Serious Dude

You must be joking right?


Proof please

Serious Dude

Don’t troll me please.


Thanks for proving to me you CANNOT prove your nonsense when you say Wahhabiists are enemies of Israel.

They are PROXIES for Israel, as is Saudi Arabia and YOU KNOW IT

Your DIVERSIONS don’t work with me, ZIONIST SHILL.

I am too wise for you AHSKENAZI and so are many of those commenting here


Can a TROLL troll a TROLL?


I never joke about things like that


In fact, extremism from any side is the enemy. Sunni, shia, fascists, everybody.

Reason is the way to cohabit this world we share.

Serious Dude

Personally, I wouldn’t say that Hezbollah is extremist. It is just anti-Israel.

Robert Duran

Anti Israel???Hezbollah just wants Syria and Lebanon to be sovereign state as they should rightly be..And Israel wants to prevent that from happening

Serious Dude

Do you know some time ago that Syria aligned with Saudi Arabia against Israel?

Robert Duran

You mean against the genocide of Palestinians by Israel?

Serious Dude

There is no such thing as “Palestinians”.

Brother Ma

So you are a zionist!

Serious Dude



I don’t believe Zionists understand reality, they live in a fantasy land of their own creation where greed, murder, genocide, terrorism is something to aspire to. In that respect, they have so much in common with Saudi Arabia, and helps one understand why the love-fest between them.

Serious Dude

Saudi Arabia is opposed to Israel.


As to lovers are opposed to each other.


I cry inside for Palestinians, just as I do for the Indigenous of America, Africa and Australia:







Extreme genocide is too, wouldn’t u agree?
Its a shame the Kurds were the main perpetrators of the Genocide against the Armenians on behalf of the Ottomans! But I can see why they did it, they wanted land! Looks like they finally got it!
Seems the Kurds will team up with anyone to get land! Even the ones who supplied chemical weapons to Saddam!

Go ahead, explain your way out of that one!

Go on!

Waiting for the “But”.
Kurds admit to the Genocide so don’t even go there!


Israel is very adept at using proxies to inflame the Middle East. Perhaps a war directly with Israel where their towns and cities are laid waste would benefit the rest of the Middle East. Move the Israelis into Gaza and see how they like it :)

Serious Dude

Israel are using no proxies. On the other hand, they are friends with Kurds and Assyrians. You seem to support the so called “Shia crescent” just because you are against Anglo-Americans. I am against Anglo-Americans but I don’t support the “Shia crescent”.


Israel has and is assisting ISIS and Al Nusra + Some FSA terrorists on her direct borders with Syria. Often with overt actions such as air and ground launched attacks against Syrian and allied forces .
In my mind that is proxy terrorism, especially with the military assistance given to ISIS ans Al Nusra that are UN designated terrorist organisations.

Serious Dude

Unproven falsehoods.


Israel has said that its forces have attacked Syrian forces in the last too weeks. One ground based attach was with a Spike Missile. The Syrian Army at the time was attaching Al Nusra.

Serious Dude

Israel is completely different from Al Nusra.


I said that Israel is supporting Al Nusra on the border, which they have been. Israel has also been treating their wounded, along with ISIS.

However there is much evidence that Israel has itself become a Terrorist State. Perhaps she always was :)

Serious Dude

Exaggerated claims…


Lol. four hours ago you said ‘unproven falsehoods’ :)


Serious Dude

I have read this many times.


If only the Israeli’s treated the Palestinian wounded in the same way .


Serious Dude

Many Palestinians support FSA and HTS.

Serious Dude

Those that do and those that don’t are killing each other. And Israel laughs.


That is why Israel has promoted internecine terrorism in the Middle East.

This will backfire of course and then others will laugh as Israel is turned into a wasteland.

Serious Dude

Israel has done nothing. Arab fanaticism has done everything. Your wet drams about wastelands are slowly going to an end.


So you are saying that the continuing theft of Palestinian Landsby Isrealis, the De Facto Concentration Camp of Gaza ( the largest the world has seen) and the Gulag of the Palestinian Left Bank are examples of ‘ Israel Doing Nothing’ ?

Serious Dude

There is no such thing as colonization. The Ottomans lost the war and the Jews resided in Palestine after a deal. There was no theft.


There we must disagree .

Serious Dude

Enjoy the little kids that Assad has killed!


Who believes the Zionist media anymore but Blanked Brain Libtards?

A woman from Raqqa was interviewed last week who witnessed 24 families killed in one US Airstrike on Raqqa by the USAF. She was lucky to survive the horrors of the 80% total destruction of that city , largely due to the USAF and US artillery, that was once home to 440,000 people.

Serious Dude

And because US destroyed Raqqa then Assad has the right to destroy every other city. Great logic. Oh and libtards support third world dictators.


The US proxy terrorists are essentially rabid gangs of thugs controlled by local warlords.
I am sure you must have seen this but in case you did not ,here is evidence from the horses mouth of US involvement in terrorism.


Serious Dude

Again you are changing subject.


That is what you do .
I just follow the thread of terrorism and it usually ends in the US or Israel. Its a well trodden path.

Serious Dude

But not Iran or North Korea?


Because Iran has not invaded another country for 214 years and North Korea has never attacked another country, the attack on the south was essentially a civil war. I cannot find any country that Korea has invaded.

Iran supports the Houthis and Hezbollah. I would argue that both those groups are fighting Zionist oppression and are Freedom Fighters.

Serious Dude

Hezbollah’s drug dealing is against Zionist oppression? Or the invasion of South Korea by North is freedom?


” In June 2015, former Israeli defense minister Moshe Ya’alon said “(w)e’ve assisted (anti-government terrorist groups in Syria on) two conditions. That they don’t get too close to (Israel’s) border, and…don’t touch the Druze.”


The reason why the Saudi’s are scared of Iran is not because of sunni vs shiaa rift, its because the Shiaa don’t believe in the “leaders of men and lands” doctrine as the Sunni’s do which means a revolution against the Saudi Monarchy is mostly likely the outcome! It is the Saudi Monarchy that is scared of Iran’s revolutionary ideals! Wahaabism is just a sunni ideal pushed by the Saudi Monarchy to use and protect it!

Israel without a doubt is the number one enemy of ALL countries in the Middle East! WHY? Oil and Land, thats why!

Do u really think jews and the USA don’t want the oil and land in the Middle East? At the very least they want complete control of it. Control of its markets, its transit routes, the currency in which it is traded and the extraction of it! They want it all! And if they want it all it means they must take it by force (or by manipulation of sect vs sect, to ‘stir the pot’ so to speak. Thats why ISIS exists!)

Serious Dude

Israel is hated by Arabs because most Arabs are misguided.


Wait a minute! Are u telling me that they dont hate israel for stealing palestinian land and pre-emptively bombing many arab nations aircraft, air bases, nuclear reactors, scientists, military bases? Its not because of that right? Its because they are “misguided”! Yeah?

What kind of an idiot are u?

The simple minded kind?
The biased kind?

jim crowland

Yeah right!