A Hezbollah fighter stands at a watch tower at Juroud Arsal, the Syria-Lebanon border. Photo: REUTERS
On March 18, Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary General of Lebanon’s Hezbollah, denied that the group had been fighting alongside Russian forces in Ukraine.
A number of Arab news outlets have been circulating reports claiming that Hezbollah dispatched fighters and advisors experienced with urban warfare to Ukraine since the beginning of the Russian special military operation in the country. The source of these claims has been mainly the Ukrainian Military Staff.
Speaking at the 37th anniversary ceremenoney of the Hezbollah-affiliated al-Mahdi Scouts, Nasrallah denied these news reports, calling them “lies” and “rumors”.
“I categorically deny such rumors. These are baseless lies and rumors. Hezbollah did not dispatch any fighter or expert to Ukraine,” the leader said.
Nasrallah went on to call on the Lebanese government to form an emergency committee to cope with the economic repercussions of the war in Ukraine. The economic crisis in Lebanon will likely worsen as a result of the war.
Hezbollah has been blaming the West, mainly the US, for the war in Ukraine. The group attacked a statement by the Lebanese Foreign Ministry condemning the Russian special military operation in Ukraine. During a speech on March 8, Nasrallah revealed that the statement was writing in the US embassy in Beirut.
The false claims of Hezbollah presence in Ukraine are likely meant to mount internal pressure on the group, as well as to provoke Israel.
Tel Aviv has refused to supply Ukraine with any weapons, so far. Furthermore, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett has been mediating between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
Hezbollah has urban combat advisors attached to Spetsnaz since 2015 Syrian operation. The Iranians are also allies. Mariupol has been liberated and Odessa is next, while the dumb Hoholassholes are digging themselves rat holes in Kiev for western Jew media entertainment, the Red Army is sweeping all the way to Dnieper basin. SLAVA ROSSIYA!
We will see the next days if Russia can make ground.
How many soldiers they will need for all the countryside to secure it and their supplies and convoys?
Turning everything to rubble to make ground will piss of people in Ukraine a lot. We will see how that turns out for Russia’s invasion.
Calling upon Chechen, Syrian and now even Hezbollah? Sounds desperate.
> Calling upon Chechen, Syrian and now even Hezbollah? Sounds desperate.
Desperate or not, the puppets of the Anglo American empire are smashed.
Nobody is calling upon Hezbollah to do anything. Except perhaps the people of Lebanon. Chechnya is part of Russia and so the Russian armed forces is comprised also of Chechens. You didn’t read the article Loki, you illiterate dumb-ass.
Only Kadyrov could be relevant.
I think you missed the point of the article ? In this story the leader of Hezbollah, is pretty specific in saying they are not in Ukraine. They were not asked, nor will they be. Its probably pretty hard to grasp if you are retarded and you have the reading comprehension of … well in your case a retard? but the part where they quote the fat Shiite and put that quote in a large different colored box for you not to miss….
“I categorically deny such rumors. These are baseless lies and rumors. Hezbollah did not dispatch any fighter or expert to Ukraine,” the leader said.
See the above? This is where it does not get confusing , not confusing at all. This is where you got lost. I would try and go over it again for you but the truth is whats the point. The above is basic as hell and your a moron. So there really is not point. This is what happens when you are spoon fed propaganda all day. You hear the truth you see it, but your brain will not allow it to register.
Its very strange to me any can assume something like that.
Its well know Russia let Israel bombarde Hesbollas and Iranians as they wish because they cant by themself because they all support Assads.
They are indeed desperate. They thought it would become a cakewalk, something like a big holiday party with a little extra adventure – resp. going in – saying “boo hoo – here we are – hands up now – this is the big bad Red Army” – and that’s it. They really were so infantile believing doing like this, would frighten and scare the Ukrainians into panic mode and immediate submission.
But then reality kicked in, and the kicked ones were the russians themselves, being blows to pieces and torn to shreds whereever their stinky heads came up in Ukraine. Their tanks, even in large columns, were attacked and destroyed. Thousands upon thousands of their tiny little underage muppetshow wannebe soldier-caricatures vanished into flames and dust, or surrendered completely shocked about their own defeat, which they had just being witnessing.
So much that, the moment we speak here, russia needs to ask even Syria for help and for recruits willing to come to Ukraine to help the defeated Red Penis Army, and save it from total annihilation. The Ukraine developments pushed the russian government in shock, that’s for sure. But they realized there is no way out from that Quagmire anymore.
So Putin, in all his frustration resorted to taking out his dick, and ran around like mad in the Kremlin, doing some chaotic dance, before then clutching it tightly, storming forward, screaming and hunting for the counselor guy who had told him that Ukraine would be an easy-to-go target. Finally he found him, and (for deterrence reasons) did some unspeakable, really unheard of penis-spectacle to him and then ordered the guy be thrown into jail forever.
So it is clear from all this, that things in Ukraine didn t work out the way Putin expected them to do, and that he is now craving and moaning like a wounded rat in a corner, biting in every direction, and hoping for a wonder to free him from his self-created idiocity and demise.
Well, that was a waste of 5 paragraphs. Just think of all the advise you could have given them too. More wasted paragraphs.
Thats normal knowledge, where I come from.
Mr Sörenseon might be a little biased but he refer to what the one with too much gas has told in TV.
Try some paragrahps in the Holy Choran itself. It tells twice You can lie but it dont say You has to do it all the time about everything.
Assads has no capasity and qualifications to fight in Urakine.
They cant even make things calm in Dara and protect all the way to DEZ and their riverbanks.
Thats right. It must be science fiction on captagone.
My partner was in Odessa last week before evacuating, and she told me that ukrofucks were closing down air raid shelters and leaving military equipment right next to apartment buildings to deliberately expose russian-speaking civilians to airstrikes.
Please make that known to as many people as possible. If possible. I realize that the West is getting more totalitarian by the day: LGBTQ indoctrination, cancel culture, covid dictatorship, mass hysteria, illegal seizure of money from Russian citizens, banning of Russian tennis player unless he makes political statements in favor of the Western regime, blackmailing against great powers like India and China if they conduct normal trade with Russia etc.
You are kept
If she need a job I can recommend her to my worst enemies. I hope she would like to be in the urban warfare sector.
Thats crap. Hesbolla and Iran are enemies to Russia,
Why would he want to fight in Ukraine? The fat greasy slob is so busy putting all that pork into his mouth and now he’s so fat he can’t even walk.
Trolls are losing too LOL
Trolls are not getting burned to death in Kiev, Scooby. I’m sure that the fat greasy slob terrorist Hassan Nasrallah must be fully aware of it.
A matter of time before trolls get burned to death in Kiev, Scooby. I’m sure that the nazi loving slob terrorist Zelenskyyy must be fully aware of it.
Good thing you mentioned burn to dead. Is what will happen when the acts of war reach Kyiv. Imagine all the fires that will be ignited by the many Molotov cocktails that stand in the many homes. Russia will be accused of using napalm bombs when Kyiv burns down in the same way as Dresden in Germany during WW2.
Zelinsky is public lected just as the Parlament in a 30 years old country recognized by UN as such.
The nazis there are not even in the Parlament being 2,17%.
In 2014 Ukraine went to be a no Russian Oblast. 17,8% ussians should not run Ukriane anymore.
How does someone like you who believes in Jewish supremacy square that racist creed with support for Nazis in the Ukraine?
He’s an infidel. He worships wrong allah.
Abu is a Taliban demented cockroach. Allah told me.
If You ever need food, UNICEF will parashoote pigs and grasshoppers for You.
I don’t think they eat white man’s food, kimo sabe.
So the Easternbunny has left You clyde.
Did she take Your brain or have You ever had one?
Pedo Andy is a Pollacky.
Why would westerners want to fight in Ukraine? Those fat greasy slobs are so busy putting all that processed food into their mouths and now they’re so fat they can’t even walk.
They shut down all the McDonalds in Russia, Scooby. What else would they have to fight for?
They shut down all the McDonalds in Ukraine too, Scooby. What else would they have to fight for?
The Whopper is still there Burger King cannot get out!
That’s because in the West people actually love the Russians. They see Russians as survivalists who created a great nation in the middle of the freezing cold. Plus the women are smoking hot. But they hate the Putin cockroaches. And that’s why they only have the shitty Whopper now.
It amuses me to no end when you Klowns talk about “the West”. Do you mean the United States, the sickest, fattest most imprisoned population on planet Earth? The “democratic” state that has overthrown sixty governments since 1945, and launched major wars against peasant nations a half dozen times? How about Western Europe? They gave them welfare states after WW2 to keep them from going communist, and then tore down their welfare states once the Soviet Union had been turned over to US bankers.
Ukrainian nationalists tearing their hair out to join the “West” in which national sovereignty is under assault at every turn by the globalized financial structures. It’s like you lived in caves for the last fifty years exposed to nothing but Radio Free America.
See my point, Scooby? These are the Putin cockroaches that they hate in the West. Because they’re the brainless morons that’ll eat anything that they’re told because they can’t think for themselves.
See my point, Scooby? These are the NATO cockroaches that they hate in Russia. Because they’re the brainless morons that’ll eat anything that they’re told because they can’t think for themselves.
Im like that. I work hard to get more windturbines instead of Putin.
Quote: “Soviet Union had been turned over to US bankers”. Wrong, because you didn t mention the beginning.
Truth is: “Soviet Union had been designed, established, financed, led and finally returned to the jewish US bankers”.
Speaking out the truth will set you free, Clyde.
Ever tried it ?
So why are the Russians not as rich as us, when we are a kind of nothing in this?
Facts are we prefare that and are able to choose. We want that for Ukraine, Belearus and Russia as well.
Your Eatsernbunny must be happy now. She left.
Wait, why the fuk that sound better.
That was good.
He is in science fiction or is one himself.
If the few Jews really run so much, where You are, You all must be stupid or something.
If jews really run so much, where I am, so happy about it. GDP in 60.000 dollars. Some are mine ha ha. 🛀🏼
Take a toaster with you next time when you 🛀🏼 bitch.
Its very easy. We want to be with them again and let them have their own decidings in normal relations for the world.
If Muslim Chechens will fight in Ukraine, the Muslim Lebanese, Yemenites, Syrians and others will too.
It is foretold in Sura Ar-Rum.
Ar RUM is a kind of flee market to me. I even can see the weather for tomorrow and will use sunglasses and hat.
Good old jens. Still an idiot after all these years of hanging out on S.F.
No cure for stupid.
Zionist still mad about 2006?😂😂
Hezbollah will be the hammer that will drive the Kikestanis to their graves. There is no escaping your fate O’ Israhell.
Nasrallah cannot even walk down the street without worrying about being targeted by drones. I doubt he or his fighters are going anywhere, they have enough to worry about in their neighborhoods.
Why down vote this comment? I am not Hezbollah and I don’t have drones. Those are the facts, why don’t you go outside and play hide and go f*ck yourself?
Keep your cannabis psychosis and paedo tendencies to yourselves you bunch of rent boys and stop trying to ride my dick.
I downvoted your comment because it’s dumb.
What you call ‘facts’ are complete lies.
Clearly Hezbollah has been everywhere from Syria to South Lebanon, even while Nasrallah is under lockdown. That’s a fact, isn’t it?
You have not mentioned a single fact that matters thus far, you low iq drunkard.
You think Zionist would kill Nasrallah? You idiot, Hezbollah fighters morale is beyond imagination, now imagine when Nasrallah killed what would happen. The day anyone tries to kill Nasrallah will be the last day on earth for those people.
You can always try. They need food there.
Nobody who matters can walk the street without being targeted. Even Ghandi.
As for Nasrallah, he terrifies ‘israel’ even while hidden in a bunker under ground.
That’s power.
Russia is the greatest friend of humanity and all should support Russia.
From South Korea
Which kind of pinquens do You have?
Are you seeing what the Americ*nts are doing to your country with their Covid bio-weapon, 400,000 cases of infections per day???? Time to kick them off your peninsula! I think Kim Jong-Un has been tasked with that and is getting ready for it as I write this!
North Korea represents the whole legitimate Korea and Mr Kim Jung Un is the only legitimate leader in Korea. south korea is just a Yanqui colony and currently being occupied by yanquis. south korea is not a sovereign country and yanquis even select who becomes president of south korea.
no way russia doesn’t take over kiev. It is a matter of time kiev will be under the control of russia. that is where russian civilization started. all the ground work has been done around kiev.
They are probably in Ukraine. The US is existentialist to the whole world.
Banderas have asked openly for the whole world to help. Having mercenaries from many countries and why the screaming now about Hezbolla?
That propaganda trick is used to legalize expelling poles, germans and others from there.
Your Banderas should be Poland of today and that includes Belarus to almost Minsk.
Why are the 3 million jews, which was no evacuated by Stalin. Zelinskis parents was killed by the nazis. Should he and west support nazis.
I can see it well. The alternative was worse and still is.
“Russia will not put forward initiatives to improve relations with the West: let’s see how they themselves will get out of the impasse into which they have driven themselves,” – Lavrov. Perfect strategy. There is no point speaking with deceptive liars who do not even recognise their own laws and codes of justice.
I think Hezbollah will eventually join. They’ve joined the Bosnian war to train the muslims, they’ll most likely do it for the Chechens or personally fight ISIS.
Hezbollah will benefit from it, so why not. They’ll gain experience, they’ll collect NATO weapons from Ukrainians like they did in Syria, Putin will give them some badass weapons as a thanks, it will make a greater more loyal relation with Russia and other allies seeing that Hezbollah does abandon allies when needed. Russia will also try and help Lebanon, though it will be hard since the puppets in the Lebanese government won’t allow it because they don’t want to upset US/Saudi
I never heard any hesbollahs should join anything in Bosnia. In those days Hesbollah even was lower then today.
The rest is babling nonsense too unless You are a childish Mossad making the rest of the world laughing.
In Syria, the Hezbollah earned reputations for being ferocious, fearless infantrymen. ISIS was terrified of them. Hezbollah used to launch full frontal assaults of ISIS positions, and almost always overran and crumbled ISIS defenses.
In the later stages of the war, ISIS frequently surrendered to Hezbollah up front. The Hezbollah fighters had so thorough demoralized ISIS that the latter regularly opted to negotiate conditional surrenders.
If Hezbollah units fought in significant numbers in Ukraine, UAF would lose their will to fight before long. We’d probably start seeing large scale UAF troop surrenders.
And I have two golden bathtubs. One is for my left foot. The other is for my right foot. I drink champagne from a golden bidet as well. My wife makes yellow champagne.
I don’t expect you to be like an African Grey Parrot and repeatez vous everything from udder media sauces, but it has been some hours now since your last saga and I am worried about Southfront.
Belorussia is throwing their hatty bombatty into the ring, call me now!
I highly doubt that Hezbollah is fighting in Ukraine…they’ve got their hands full elsewhere.
“they’ve got their hands full elsewhere”
Care to explain tho?
I know what you mean but I disagree with you.
Hezbollah used to be a small group but now they are like an army.
Also, what do you mean you “highly doubt it”? They said they aren’t in Ukraine.
It is the BS MSM of West shit again, they also said China going to send weapons and troops to Ukraine to fight against Neo-Nazis. Was that true or did anyone buy that? NO
The West MSM saying this BS to put a fake image of countries/Groups they don’t like – China, Iran, and Hezbollah are anti-NATO.
You know it is BS because the West MSM doesn’t say anything about how NATO+Ukraine are trying to hire Wahhabis/terrorists that were shipped (by Turk-isis-stand) to Syria and Iraq to fight with Neo-Nazis in Ukraine now.
Im sure none reliable ones has told anything like that here in west.
My best guess is some arabistanis are the sources.
I only has written Putin will resign and merry Sara Palin in Fairbanks. They the next many years will make icecreme to make the polarbears cool.
So please check your sources.
Who talked to you again tho?
Anyway, clown read, it is from the Foreign Policy website so pls do stfu.
“Syrians may turn up on both sides of Ukraine’s war, too. Individual survivors of the Syrian revolution have already stated their desire to fight for Ukraine against Russian invaders. The most notable, and likely the most famous, is Suheil Hammoud. Hammoud has been given the nickname “Abu Tow” because of his facility with the BGM-71 TOW anti-tank missile anti-tank weapon. According to open-source analysis, he is possibly the most effective destroyer of military vehicles in history—or at least the best documented.
“How can I go to Ukraine and fight alongside the Ukrainian army[?] Is there a way[?] I’m ready,” Hammoud tweeted. After being told that where there’s a will, there’s a way, he replied, “There is a strong will[.] I am in Idlib now and ready to go to support the Ukrainian army. I want to help someone.”
For you to understand what they mean is Wahhabis fighting side by side with Neo-Nazis.
“During a speech on March 8, Nasrallah revealed that the statement was writing in the US embassy in Beirut” – “written”, not “writing”