Hezbollah, Israel’s Worst Nightmare In Southern Lebanon

Hezbollah, Israel's Worst Nightmare In Southern Lebanon

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The security situation in the northern borders of occupied Palestine is still tense, and there is a possibility of a large-scale ground conflict at any moment. After the recent assassinations, the Israeli regime has increased the number of its special units and military forces near the borders of Lebanon due to the possibility of retaliatory attacks by Iran and Hezbollah. Additionally, new concrete trenches have been constructed in the border areas and more equipment has been deployed to the borders.

On July 30, Fuad Shukr, a prominent commander of Hezbollah was assassinated in Beirut by the Israeli regime. The following day, on July 31 in Tehran, Israel assassinated Ismail Haniyeh, the head of the Hamas political office.

The Israeli newspaper Ma’ariv recently stated in an article that Israel is extremely worried about the infiltration of Hezbollah’s Redwan forces into the Galilee region. Israeli army officers believe that Hezbollah forces, especially Redwan’s elite forces, can infiltrate Israeli settlements or capture Israeli bases.

Lebanon’s Hezbollah has tens of thousands of trained military personnel. Many believe that Hezbollah forces are stronger than the Lebanese army. In fact, the military wing of Hezbollah is known as the most powerful non-state military force in the world.

Various military units of Hezbollah are stationed in the southern fronts and other parts of Lebanon. Some of these units include Wahdat Brigade, Aziz Unit, Badr Unit, Khayyam Unit, etc. In general, detailed information about Hezbollah’s military units and charts is not available as the organization never publishes such information.

However, the Rezwan unit is one of Hezbollah’s most famous and well-known military units. It is considered one of the main elite units of Hezbollah and plays a key role in advancing the goals of the operations. Although the exact number of Rezwan forces has not been announced, estimates indicate that at least 2,500 special forces are active in this unit. Rezwan’s forces have significant combat experience and have participated in past battles in Syria and Qalamoun. The main mission of this group is to infiltrate the territory of Israel, with specific attention to Galilee and northern Israel.

Hezbollah, Israel's Worst Nightmare In Southern Lebanon

Redwan forces

The Rezwan forces are highly skilled and have undergone rigorous training. They are proficient in using anti-tank weapons and explosives. They possess the ability to travel long distances and perform difficult missions in mountainous areas. Additionally, they excel in carrying out secret and sensitive military operations in a thoroughly professional manner.

Rezwan forces are said to be divided into seven- to 10-man squads, each operating independently without constant orders or logistical support from a central command. Their main feature is actually the operational independence given to its commanders, and these commanders are allowed to make quick tactical decisions on the battlefield. They have the speed, flexibility and noteable striking capability that characterizes any military force.

Yediot Aharonot quoted Israeli security sources as saying, “As long as the Rezwan unit is on the Lebanese border, the residents of the northern settlements who have been evacuated have no hope of returning to their homes.”

Military operations along the northern borders have led to widespread evacuations of settlements. The Israeli Ministry of Housing and Immigration reports that hundreds of thousands of settlers have left the occupied territories since the start of the war.

According to the latest reports, more than 250,000 Israeli citizens have been displaced by the war, with some 164,000 ordered or recommended to evacuate with government compensation and nearly 150,000 evacuated without being asked. The number of Israeli refugees increases daily.

Avichai Stern, mayor of Kiryat Shmona, said that the Israeli settlers’ fear of returning to their homes stems from the images they saw on October 7.

Lebanon’s Hezbollah has a formidable rocket and missile arsenal in addition to its strong ground forces. According to recent estimates, Hezbollah has 150,000 mortars, rockets, and missiles of varying ranges. Experts consider Hezbollah to be one of the world’s top five missile powers based on this significant arsenal.

Hezbollah says it has missiles that can target all areas of Israel. Hezbollah is also equipped with drones and anti-tank and anti-ship missiles, many of which were built in Lebanon with Iran’s help or delivered directly from Iran to Lebanon’s Hezbollah.

Unguided rockets form a major part of Hezbollah’s missile arsenal. Among these rockets, we can mention Burkan, “Fajr” and “Zelzal” rockets.

For example, Katyusha and Burkan short-range rockets have an explosive payload between 300 and 500 kilograms. The solid fueled Zelzal rockets have a range of about 250-300 km and carry about 400-600 kg of explosives.

Hezbollah, Israel's Worst Nightmare In Southern Lebanon

Zelzal rocket

Hezbollah, Israel's Worst Nightmare In Southern Lebanon

Burkan rocket

Due to the mountainous nature of southern Lebanon and the experience of the 2006 war, Hezbollah is widely equipped with anti-tank guided missiles (ATGM). Hezbollah has a wide range of anti-tank missiles in its arsenal. Russian Kornet missiles and various types of Iranian anti-armor missiles such as Toofan and Almas are among Hezbollah’s anti-armor missiles.

During the recent war in northern occupied Palestine, Hezbollah has repeatedly targeted the positions of the Israeli army with Almas missiles. Hezbollah has released video clips of ATGM attacks on Israeli military installations and tanks and military vehicles since October 7.

The release of the video showing these operations has attracted a lot of attention. The Almas missiles are actually the reverse-engineered version of the Israeli Spike anti-armor missiles, which were produced by Iran. Hezbollah has inflicted significant casualties on the Israeli army with these missiles.

Hezbollah, Israel's Worst Nightmare In Southern Lebanon

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Hezbollah is equipped with a significant number of man-portable air-defense system (MANPADS) missiles. Based on available information, Hezbollah is reported to have air defense missiles, but specific details about these missiles are not readily available. In recent conflicts, Hezbollah successfully used these missiles to shoot down several Israeli drones, including the Hermes 450 and Hermes 900, over southern Lebanon.This was the first time that Hezbollah used these missiles to shoot down drones.

Another important component of Hezbollah’s missile power is anti-ship missiles. Hezbollah first demonstrated its anti-ship missiles in 2006 when it attacked an Israeli warship 10 miles off the coast of Lebanon, killing four Israelis and damaging the ship.

According to the available information, Hezbollah has been equipped with a significant number of anti-ship missiles in recent years. The Noor missile, which is the Iranian version of the Chinese C-802 anti-ship missile, is one of these missiles. The Noor missile has a range of up to 170 km. There are also speculations that Hezbollah has acquired the Russian “Yakhont” anti-ship missile, which has a range of up to 300 kilometers.

Hezbollah’s missile capabilities, including anti-ship missiles, have significantly increased due to Iran’s support. This poses a serious threat to Israeli and US warships. Consequently, Israel’s naval power is affected, prompting the country to take different factors into consideration in potential naval confrontations with Hezbollah.

During the recent war, Hezbollah has repeatedly launched suicide drones towards the bases and positions of the Israeli army. Hezbollah mainly uses Mersad and Ababil suicide drones to target Israeli army positions. These drones are assembled locally. However, due to Iran’s support for the Lebanese resistance, there is a possibility that more advanced Iranian drones such as Shahid-136 are also available to Hezbollah.

Hezbollah, Israel's Worst Nightmare In Southern Lebanon

Hezbollah, Israel's Worst Nightmare In Southern Lebanon

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Since the start of Israel’s military aggression on the Gaza Strip, the Lebanese Islamic Resistance has initiated operations against the Israeli regime in northern Palestine, aiming to divert a portion of Israel’s military might and help the Palestinian resistance in the Gaza Strip. It is estimated that Lebanon’s Hezbollah alone has engaged around half of the Israeli regime’s army in the northern front and has hindered the Israeli army’s complete deployment in the southern front of the Gaza Strip.

Recently, several drones of Lebanon’s Hezbollah penetrated into the north of occupied Palestine and successfully filmed critical bases in the port of Haifa. This is a major challenge for Israel, which considers itself the high-tech superpower in the region and insists on using drones and other surveillance tools against its enemies near and far.

The Hezbollah drone operations in Israel are a clear warning to its enemy, indicating that Hezbollah has extensive intelligence on sensitive and vital locations in Israel. Hezbollah is not interested in prolonging the conflict and explicitly seeks an end to the military aggression in the Gaza Strip.

Nevertheless, Israel continues to ignore Hezbollah’s warnings and insists on continuing military aggression in the Gaza Strip. Therefore, the war between Hezbollah and Israel is about to enter a new phase. All of Hezbollah’s intelligence and technical combat capabilities indicate that in the event of an all-out war on the northern front, Israel will suffer significant and staggering losses.


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Zelensky's Flaming Nostrils

send in the little jew hochstein to the rescue with fake jewish diplomacy

📜⏳🌬️🌊☢️, Russia!

“all of hezbollah’s intelligence and technical combat capabilities indicate that in the event of an all-out war on the northern front, israel will suffer significant and staggering losses”
i’m sure hamas said the same thing, but yet after the war started, israel was dropping leaflets, taunting them, saying is this all you got! and stripping captured soldiers and civilians alike and chaining them up and making them dance and sing to israeli propaganda!

Last edited 6 months ago by 📜⏳🌬️🌊☢️, Russia!

the nazis did exactly the same thing to the kikes and it didn’t do them much good in the end. stripping civilians. making them sing and play violins for them. talmudistan is going into the dustbin of history, with the 3rd reich and apartheid s.africa.

Cornish Gamehen

@anon —> most if not all the stories about the nazi were written by the chews. now you see the chews acting the way they do and you should ask yourself —> did all the stories of the nazi come from their imaginations?


@cornish thank you, for pointing out this truth. reading the idiotic post of anon, where he repeats all the stupid jewish propaganda lies spread against germany, really made me thinking that only idiots were on this forum here. unbelievable that no-brainers like anon is still buying into all the old jewish propaganda crap. jews (regardless if in usa,europe,ru or israel) are liars, always – not only now. but anon is too stupid to get it.

Last edited 6 months ago by Gurki

you may have a point, but it’s definitely true that on 7 oct. 6 million babies were beheaded and baked in ovens, and 6 million women were gang raped, and all 12 million were turned into soap and lamp shades. biden and the daily mail said so, so it must be true.


but sofar the jews haven’t been able to defeat hamas and they never will. add hezbollah to the fray, the jews will soon be a lost and homeless tribe disliked by the rest if the world!

Your Move!

remember that time hamas was fighting in syria on isis side and both where supported by israel? well we do!


promesses faites, promesses non tenues – effectivement, le hezbollah fait des promesses qu’il ne tient jamais tout comme l’iran et tout comme le monde arabe. nous attendons de voir, nous attendons depuis longtemps et c’est précisément parce que nous attendons que nous sommes très à l’écoute du monde arabe, de l’iran et du hezbollah.


avec d’autres mots, c’est bien gentil de montrer son zizi et de dire c’est moi qui est la plus grosse. mais faut-il savoir s’en servire.

📜⏳🌬️🌊☢️, Russia!

hezbollah is their own worst nightmare! their stupid actions are going to get them and their entire country destroyed, just like what happened to the gazans! and none of their muslim so called brothers in the neighboring countries will do anything to stop the second genocide, when isreal bombs lebanon! hell isreal has been killing their top chain of command left and right, even the president of iran couldn’t save himself from the jews! let alone pathetic hezbollah!


be patient, shlomo. it’ll all happen in time. don’t wait for it to happen, just watch and see what does happen. it’ll all happen in time. patience is a virtue.

Cornish Gamehen

israel’s and usa’s economic burn rate is high. every day that passes is billions of dollars spent.


the problem is – that it is the plan. the financial important jews (like for example rothchild) already 20 years ago started shifting all their money & valuable asets away from the west and brought it to asia (mainly china). usa&eu where marked for destruction by them. and to achieve the destruction they use left&communists infiltration, russia federation itself as well as africa&me-migrants.

Last edited 6 months ago by Gurki

all this so-called “outsourcing” of production-capacities from usa to china as well as from eu-to china (which started in the late 1990’s & early 2000’s) was jewish driven. they infiltrated everything with jewish-communist & leftist pseudo-green ideology – while at the same time full-intentionally destroying the economies, educational & health care systems as well as the ethnic culture of the target places like usa & europe.

Last edited 6 months ago by Gurki

jewish global terror reign – is camouflaged & positioned to be implemented worldwide under the pseudonym of “new world order” – “one world” -“4th industrial revolution” etc.etc. and is nothing other then jewish world domination – with jewish one world government – a jewish worldwide communist police state. jwo – jewish world order. thats also why jewish controlled west (usa&eu) & jew-controlled east (ru&cn) are forced against each other now.

Last edited 6 months ago by Gurki

but as long as souveran nations, with solid mono-ethnic structure exist this jewish plan for world domination cannot be fully impletement, what is why they need their agent pootin to forcefully liquidate the nations (nations stem from national entities with people national identity). the jewish created ideology communism (the state ideology of china & as well as of pootins regime) wants to destroy this – and i therefore fully supported by the jews.

Last edited 6 months ago by Gurki

jews shifted away from usa because there people have the constitution with rights to bear arms & freedom of speech. which is deadly to the jewish plan of jewish world communism.
europe has different highly advance cultural and ethnic societies, and history – with lots of old knowledge which is itself highly dangerous to jews itself. hence they want also it, european nations to cease existence.

Last edited 6 months ago by Gurki

through their medias & brainwashing, jews managed to degenerate both usa&eu a lot. and through money& greed schemes they split the societes very deep. ..

Last edited 6 months ago by Gurki

..but nevertheless this alone did not bring implosion & total destruction to this places – hence the migrant invasions were started – and following jewish leftist-communist infiltration – now direct war + aggressive open bolshewism & red government terror & fake courts judical papers, elections& laws are to finish the job.

Last edited 6 months ago by Gurki

that’s absolutely right, g’, but it misses an important point. netanyahu said that america was just a golden calf that they would bleed until there was nothing left. he’s done that now, so who is he going to leech off? who is going to fight wars for him? the american tik tok lgbt army of trannies, dykes, rabid feminists, arse bandits, druggies and diversity hires?


hezbollah and the iranians will die laughing. netanyahu is a victim of his own success. the parasite has destroyed the host.


correction last sentence: jewish created ideology communism (the state ideology of china & as well as of pootins regime) wants to destroy this – and is therefore fully supported by the jews.

Last edited 6 months ago by Gurki

it’s unfathomable to cowards without a conscience, but there are things worse than death, and one of them is being around a bunch child murdering and torturing bastards. you people should stop desecrating everything if you actually want a longer life.


what happened to the lebanon july war threats by israel?? omg…. coming israel, don’t be a chicken.


by now it’s unlikely that the jews can defeat hamas and a two front war including hezbollah a certainty that the jews will be defeated. if iran join the fray, the jews will be finished in palestine for good, even if the disunited states of a and the faggots from uk join. it’s similar to ukraine, a smaller country trying to defeat a much larger one with the help of usa and everyone else and it’s a no go. the jews must go for a more peaceful world in the future,

Zionist child killers

zionist subhumans must be destroyed.

R. Ambrose Raven

hezbollah’s failure to aggressively attack zionist air bases from the beginning of its involvement remains a gross strategic failing. not only does the immunity of zionist air bases assist the murder of hundreds of thousands of palestinians, it continues to be a missed opportunity to spoil zionist preparations to attack lebanon. netanyahu knows that crushing gaza resistance will silence hezbollah guns.


iran will have to go all in on targetting zionist airpower if they want a more lasting deterrence factor, saturate the doom, drop hypersonics on the f35s… and haifa refinery.


i agree. the moment israeli jets start falling from the skies en masses – gods heavenly reign will begin ! fact is: jews do not belong in sky or heaven but deep down underearth into hellfire. therefore it is very important that iran, syria, hezbollah, yemen etc. prepare highly effective anti-air capabilities to knock these parasites out of the sky & shoot them down in big numbers. because the moment these hook-nosed imbeciles lose their air-superiority, they are basically done.

Last edited 6 months ago by Gurki
R. Ambrose Raven

aug 16, 2024 – isw press – “iran update, august 16, 2024
“the united states and foreign mediators seem to be attempting to delay or indefinitely postpone an iranian and hezbollah attack targeting israel by both threatening iran and presenting a potential ceasefire-hostage agreement as an off-ramp from further regional escalation.”. as with libya, they con then ultimately attack and destroy those that defy their diktat.


hamas shouldnt release any israeli hostages. not after israel killed mr. haniyeh. the main task now is hezbollah, which needs to do well-calculated move,& deliver very painful asymetrical strike to israel now.

Last edited 6 months ago by Gurki

personal i feel the best & most clever way to achieve this aim, would be sinking every merchant (+ military) ship trying to reach israel from the mediterrain sea. this move would totally isolate israel, starve the israelis, make it dependend on air-supply to stay alive, & bring horrific economic & social situation to them.much better than rocket strike on military bases.


hezbollah has enough anti-ship rockets, & to fully achieve aim, they should develope advanced submarine drone-boats – and long range torpedos (maybe can even buy hypersonic ones from russia – and re-engineer so torpedo can be launched from small fishermen boat or start as a kind of rocket but then goes into sea-mode 6 continues as torpedo).

Last edited 6 months ago by Gurki

in addition hezbollah also needs large stock of small but very fast attack drones. combi of these 3 elements should be enough to easily block or even eliminate all ship traffic reaching israel trough the mediterranian sea.

Last edited 6 months ago by Gurki

can you see the jews releasing all of the palestinian hostages w/o their homes being on fire? i certainly can’t, decency isn’t in their behavior. a few dissidents are all that is there doing anything serious like leaking abuse videos, not even many of them refuse service. the worst abuses happen with people who are vetted for their willingness to go along with and participate in evil. evil people don’t stop until they are bleeding on the ground.

theresa from omaha

hizbollah cannot challenge israel


they’ve done so before and will do so again. the jews can’t defeat hamas ( as is proved every minute since oct 6) even when the jews resort to slaughter of women and children. and hezbollah is hard to catch on the ground with some formidable missiles in their pockets, remember 2006!


and it’s better for the world when the jews are kicked to kingdom come never to be heard from again!


well, one day others caught up and the us and isreal have no way out and will likely look to use the nuclear option. this is who we were dealing with all along, the zionist joos.


when you go back into the history books and mark down the names of the jews and freemasons and their actions, everything becomes excessively clear.


israel has air superiority. maybe lebanon is deliberately trying to sacrifice their excess male population. sick, but its a possibility. they wont use condoms so they have to figure out what to do with all the extra boys so they tell them that attacking israel is a good idea.
