Hezbollah Has Already Expanded. Zionism Has Given Carte Blanche To “Hezbollahization” Sham

Hezbollah Has Already Expanded. Zionism Has Given Carte Blanche To “Hezbollahization” Sham

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Written by Damir Nazarov

Against the background of the magnificent resistance of Hezbollah, there was talk about the weak role of Iraq and Syria in supporting the Islamic resistance of Lebanon. If in the situation in Syria we observe the old problem of the Baathist worldview(the ruling party simply does not want to take part in the battles against Zionism), then in Iraq the problem is of a different nature.

Since the beginning of October, information has been received about the visits of important Hezbollah members to Iraq, some figures conveyed a message from Muhammad Kawtharani himself to a number of Shiite figures from the Sadrist camp, ISCI, prominent ayatollahs of Najaf, a number of commanders of resistance factions, key politicians from reputable political parties and various social organizations. According to information sources, the message contained a call for readiness to “fight the Zionists for a long time to the bitter end,” the message also contained strict instructions to begin the process of “distancing oneself from internal conflicts and internecine strife.” Actually, Hezbollah hints that the sweet time of the leaders of the Iraqi Shiites is over, now they will either have to adopt new rules, where the main goal of the Shiite community of Iraq will be to resist the invaders, or they will be forced to ignominiously go to the sidelines of history.

If, politically, Hezbollah’s task is to find a consensus between Sadr’s supporters on the one hand and Maliki on the other, then in terms of ideology, the Lebanese are going to restructure the “coordination center of the Islamic resistance factions.” The disagreements between Kataeb Hezbollah, Asaib al-Haq and Kataeb Sayyed Al-Shuhada are too much tired of each other. This will be followed by a stage of “universal inter-Shiite unity”, where all the mentioned parties will play a major role. By the way, it is interesting that the supporters of BADR and his shadow leader Hadi al-Ameri and the Harakat al-Nujaba faction were not listed in the plans, since both organizations are already mentally prepared for the plans of Hezbollah and their friends from the IRGC.

Hezbollah Has Already Expanded. Zionism Has Given Carte Blanche To “Hezbollahization” Sham

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The eternal conflicts within the Shiites of Iraq and the weak resistance to the Zionists became the main motive for Hezbollah to seize Iraq into a new base of support and create a new “model of existence” for Shiite society. From a strategic point of view, Hezbollah chose a convenient moment to form its foothold in Iraq, because eventually the Hashemite autocracy will collapse in neighboring Jordan, which means that there will be an opportunity for a new front of the holy war against the Zionists. This is where the pro-Hezbollah Iraqis will prove themselves. Due to the reluctance of the Syrians to expand the front against the enemy, Jordan will become more than enough territory for resistance.

Conclusion. Hezbollah has already established an operational base in Syria. Now, the Lebanese are ready to fully settle in Iraq, it will not be something like a branch of the party or a “reserve foothold”, as in Syria, something more is expected, dimensional and sustainable for decades. To be clear, the activities of the “revolutionary Lebanese” in Iraq are reminiscent of the 1980s, when Iranians traveled to Lebanon to create the very Hezbollah. Thus, attempts to unsettle the Islamic Resistance of Lebanon turned into a real disaster for Zionism. In addition to the fact that Hezbollah already has at least three leadership (local Lebanese, additional military command in Syria and a religious branch in Iran), the symbol of the Axis of Resistance has finally settled in Iraq and is preparing for new rounds of struggle against occupation.


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i think the summation that syria is reluctant to expand the front is a bit unfair considering their position. if they had a more reactionary attitude, they would likely find their role of facilitator far more difficult. syria is irreplaceable in the long run, as they connect the parties, physically and operationally.


but today turkey is maintaining or supporting terrorist in idlib, in the east there is kurds and the syrian democratic army and the yanks stealing syrias oil and giving it to the kurds in iraq. difficult to break out and become a fierce opponent of the jews, who regularly bomb damascus and so on. it’s the jews that need to be eliminated.


thank you southfront for deleting the rest of my post.


hear ya brother… annon can have multiple conversations with himself, thred spam levels… yet we get moderated every third comment, and lots of censored posts…


the middle east is now a thorn in the side of the world. its quite simple there has to be an international conference to sort out this post ww1 settlement once and for all before the whole world is destroyed. everybody needs to lay their cards on the table and play straight. no ifs, no buts, no it wasnt me that started it, or i was here first crap.

Ken Scotts

remove the jew scum.


israel is a thorn in the side of the world, fixed it for you.


jews are alien parasites from hell and thus a demonic thorn in the side of an otherwise beautiful and human world, fixed it for you.

Last edited 4 months ago by Gurki

us jews used sadam to attack iran in 1980, gave him wmd to kill iranians. they promoted war in irak in 2003 to destroy what they called the “shiite crescent” and remove their former pupett sadam. with the us army they destroyed irak, killed one million people but in the long run it seems useless. jews created this atrocious cycle of violence and will probably suffer légitimate conséquences.


1.jews attacked osirak atomic reactor in iraq long before usa attack iraq. according to lancet study it’s between 1.4 – 2 mio dead from us 2003 attack to 2011 – not counting the dead from usa du-ammunition radiation in iraq, and negropontes & iran-sponsored badr death squads.

Last edited 4 months ago by Gurki

btw. usa sold weapons to both sides already before millenium, + they gave special oil drilling gear to kuweit to drill cross-border into iraq and steal iraqi oil etc already in the mid 1980’s. moreover not forget that usa used nuclear weapon (neutron bomb) in 2003 against iraqi saddam international airport defenders aka fedayeen & iraqi republican guard. so iran khamenei should expect this too regarding israel.

Last edited 4 months ago by Gurki

zionism has facitated the preoccupation of iran with israel so that they aren’t able to effectively support putin against ukraine duh chess biden played queen setting up oct 7.


if syria does not participate in force and reinforcement, the reason is that: it is held by putin, an essential point that many forget, as proof, he installs military posts next to the golan to protect israel and the proof: israel bombs syria with russian duplicity

The American

this article has a “broken clock is right twice a day” vibe. iraqi shiites know that they will face israeli retribution for helping hiz or iran too much. they are not that strong and they are at war with each other (figuratively and sometimes literally).
also, assad has already sent messages to israeli via france that he is not going to war for hiz (sucks for the 3000 dead hiz in syria).
hiz will face idf on their own with iranian money, period.
