Hezbollah forces have been brought to the highest combat-readiness level for the next 48 hours amid the growing tensions in the Middle East, the Kuwaiti newspaper al-Raqi reported. According to the report, Hezbollah is ready to react to any possible threats, including attacks from Israel.
Earlier, Lebanese Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil told RT in an interview that Lebanon has capabilities to counter any threats, but wants the stability and peace in the region.
Commenting on the crsisis in relations between Saudi Arabia and Lebanon, Hariri said it is a “good example [showing that] virtually anyone can start a war against us.” He added that the current crisis involves more sides mentioning the US and Israel.
“We should not be provoking Israel into a war simply because it is likely to lose it. We should restrain Israel from starting a war exactly because Lebanon is sure to win it,” he said.
hezbollah is a regional power to be reckon with
Long Live Hezbollah!
Now all that needs to be done is to persuade the American people that their blind support for Israel is not Christian and that it is the biggest threat to world peace. A lot is written about the Deep State. But it is the Shallow State (the US people) who are behind the trouble with their Christian Zionism: http://www.newsilkstrategies.com/culture/the-us-church-israel-first-christ-second
You are quite correct.
Fuck Americans. They are just a bunch of brainwashed terrorists cowards.
I don’t like the way Americans act any more than you do, but generalization is not right.
There are countless Americans who do not agree with what their government does. The brainwashed are victims too. The enemy is the one who keeps them brainwashed.
Please reconsider or if you meant their government, please specify.
Thank you.
PS. One of the heroes of Iran’s constitution revolution was an American named Howard Baskerville, he gave his life for our freedom. There are many like him today.
You have to lower your expectations from Americans to … zero. Just like Hezbollah did. Hezbollah is sucessful because they have lower their expectations from americans and israelis to just ZERO.
That’s it.
Just expect nothing from them. After Vietnam, Iraq (twice), Libya, Afghanistan, ….. just tell me what do you expect ??? Expect just more death from them. That’s the only thing you must expect. Expect that they will try to kill you and occupy your country.
Expect just from you and your people.
I expect nothing but bad from the US. Wherever they go, chaos and death is guaranteed but I differentiate between it’s people and it’s government. That’s all.
The people is not that different from the government. You know, Americans are individuals and selfish and like destruction.
Just build wepaons and inform your people about their plans. Defend yourselfs. It’s the only way.
USA is overrated man.
I dont see ANY americans protesting at the millions murdered by their govt.Give evidence they do or shut the fuck up.
I am ready for any protest against the American gov.
Are you American?
I live in America and am an American citizen but I wouldn’t call myself American. Both my parents are Lebanese.
Well good luck to you.If you do decide to protest,its going to be a lonely experience.
Here’s your evidence:
These are some Americans, now it’s your turn to do what you suggested to me. Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?
Looked,didnt see anything.Guess thats because there is nothing to see
Of course.
I am being pedantic here, but it is not the American people and no offense to them, but they are totally ignorant of what is going on. Whilst that seems insane, it is true……it is quite amazing to see and talk to them, but they really do not have any idea …… generalisation of course, BUT.
They arent ignorant,they DONT CARE.
they are by ans large incredibly stupid and when combined with the world’s biggest brainwashing operations ever truth and justice don’t stand a chance. There are still many many very nice good hearted people here though.
Yes,without doubt there are. those people though, surely know about its govts wars.I dont see them protesting,do you?Instead they praise the people that volunteer to go and do the killing and call them heroes.
US evangelical are not Christians but Vatican stooges.
Is it the people who support israel or the vast political,media, military etc junta? Yes Americans are a bit braindead especially with foreign policy but undougtedly it’s the NWO type neocons pushing the agenda.
Jeez, that ” Preconditions For War ” is a Southfront favorite currently.
It is. But then again if SF is proven right and Israel and the KSA do start a war against Lebanon they will look mighty good. And if proven wrong because no war happens, well, who remembers wrong predictions anyway? Socalled psychics and political pundits have made a very good living out of doing just that all the time.
Hezbollah shows you that you don’t need to be a lot to resist american and israeli terrorism. It’s all about pride and self-respect and smartness and defend yourself against terrorists and refusing to be bullied or balckmailed. That’s exactly what USA and israel hate. They hate that your are free.
On the contrary, sunnis like to be bullied, they like to be USA slaves. They have no self-respect or pride. The same for americans and europeans. They like to be slaves. Americans are so brainwahed, I can’t believe it.
The only reason Hezbollah is left alone is due to its geographic position next to Israel along with their missiles so they can inflict significant damage to the capital of the racist supremacist global Jewish confederate slave empire. Any country who wants piece must target all their military to strike Israel as Hezbolah does letting racist supremacist Israel know that if they are attacked by the racist supremacist global Jewish slave confederate empire that they will immediately retaliate against Israel with their entire military, then they will be be safe and have peace as Israel only fights to the last stupid animal beast Goyim American soldiers, a completely different species who are not worth one Jewish fingernail, with their souls coming from three satanic spheres and they only exist to serve their Jewish masters.
“This is what needs to be said about the body: the body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of [members] of all nations of the world … The difference in the inner quality between Jews and non-Jews is “so great that the bodies should be considered as completely different species.”
“An even greater difference exists in regard to the soul. Two contrary types of soul exist, a non-Jewish soul comes from three satanic spheres, while the Jewish soul stems from holiness.”
“As has been explained, an embryo is called a human being, because it has both body and soul. Thus, the difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish embryo can be understood.”
“…the general difference between Jews and non-Jews: A Jew was not created
as a means for some [other] purpose; he himself is the purpose, since the substance of all [divine] emanations was created only to serve the Jews.”
“The important things are the Jews, because they do not exist for any [other] aim; they themselves are [the divine] aim.”
“The entire creation [of a non-Jew] exists only for the sake of the Jews.”
That’s all nonsense. The truth is that Zionist entity is Vatican creation for purpose of taking control of the most sacred place to three religions Judaism, Christianity and Islam which is Jerusalem. The idea is to make pope rule out of Jerusalem as a supreme authority of the NWO and fulfill an ancient Babylonian dream of creating one world government.
Wrong Jews rule Vatican.
On December 10th 2015 the vatican published a remarkable document in which they proclaimed the Catholicism to be a child of Judaism, praying to the same god andcasually rejecting Jesus as living God, but talking about Him as a Talmudic teacher.They branded millions of Catholics as lesser Jews. They reminded that “The permanence of Israel is to be perceived as an “historic fact and a sign to be interpreted within God’s design.” They said that Judaism is not to be considered simply as another religion; the Jews are instead our “elder brothers” (Saint Pope John Paul II), our “fathers in faith.”
The authors of this documents at the very least ignored Christ’s words “And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.”
I have no doubts that this hastily and poorly written document was published by the Vatican two months after the Russians coming to the Middle East with one aim, to place on the millions of deceived papists an unduly burden to defend “The permanence of Israel” as a part of “God’s design,” And how exactly should we count Jesus’ promise “You see all of these things, do you not? Truly I say unto you, there shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down” into this “design of the permanence of Israel?”
If Jews are the “fathers in faith” of Catholics, then the Catholics must be the “children in faith” of Jews. For the Vatican to dedicate millions of Catholics from the “children of God” into the “children of Jews” is a riot.
This however explains why the Catholics inside the US military are eager to attack Orthodox Christians in the Middle East and Russia while fighting for the geo-political interests of Israel. It also illustrates my thesis made elsewhere, that Christianity exists as long as Russia exists.
Zionist entity is doing Vatican biddings. That’s the reason they are supportive of it. It’s obvious you don’t understand what’s the Vatican ecumenical movement all about. Pope has never denied his claim to supremacy. You give me one single proof they have ever stated otherwise. Vatican claims to be the conscience of the world. There is no trace of them being willing to be subordinate to any other religion or authority on this Earth. Yes they are prepared to do whatever it takes to achieve it.
Are you father of your dad? Jews are not fathers of Vatican since age comes before beauty. Catholic religion is in essence Babylonian pagan idolatry which had originated long time before there was a Jewish nation. Idolatrous Jews got it from Babylonian occult tradition during their 70 years captivity.
Jews are clearly very dominant over and rule Catholics
I show evidence you spout the ZIO disinfo line that Jews have no power or money, when I can easily show they dominate and own pretty much everything through their racist supremacist global Jewish confederate slave empire.
Fake Catholic Groups and the “Catholic Spring” Emails By Anne Hendershott
Global Research, November 30, 2016
Catholic World Report 13 October 2016
Region: USA
Beginning in 2007, orthodox Catholic writers including myself wrote dozens of articles in an attempt to expose the funding and duplicitousness of two fake Catholic groups: the OSF funded Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good and Catholics United. (For example, see here and here and here.) Now, with the release of the leaked emails this week from longtime Democratic Party operative and current Clinton campaign chair, John Podesta, there is confirmation that Podesta personally helped to launch these two progressive groups to infiltrate the Catholic Church in an attempt to provide a liberal revolt against the US bishops. Calling it a “Catholic Spring,” Podesta (Jewish satanist) acknowledged that he “created” these groups to begin a progressive revolution in the Catholic Church.
In a 2012 email to Podesta—with the subject line of “opening for a Catholic Spring?”—a progressive activist named Sanford Newman, President of Voices for Progress, conspired with Podesta to create a “Catholic Spring, in which Catholics themselves demand the end of a middle ages dictatorship and the beginning of a little democracy and respect for gender equality in the Catholic Church.” Podesta responded to the suggestion by claiming that he had already created Catholic groups ready to act when needed: “We created Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good to organize for a moment like this.”
How is Sunday worship Talmudic? Can you please explain it to me? How is the worship of the Queen of Heaven Talmudic?
You present no evidence, “0” that the Vatican runs Israel, nothing. I have presented lots of evidence that Jews now run the Vatican. So I win by default you lose Mossad disinfo expert.
Benedict XVI Affirmed Jewish Noahide Laws
The following article is not a bad explanation of Noahide Laws and their significance to every day goyim – now and in the future.
The first law, prohibiting idol worship, includes gazing upon a statue, erecting graven images, buying products from an “idol-worshipper” and most notably: Christians. Anyone that worships or looks upon Jesus Christ or his Mother Mary with reverence is to be exterminated if the Jewish extremists are to get their way.
Noahide Laws, The Sanhedrin, and the Gentile Servants of Israel
The Jewish Utopia
Extremist Jews have been diligently working to conquer the world for a very long time. The Judaic religion sees non-Jews as mere cattle or “Goyim” to be exploited and preyed upon for the benefit of Jewry. They actually believe that they are God’s chosen people with the right to completely enslave the world. This is laid out for them in the teachings of their various religious texts like the Torah, the Talmud and the Kabbalah.
The Noahide Laws
When the claim is made that Judaism is a religion of peace, this refers to their version of peace, which is a world that has the Jewish people exalted to God-like status, while being worshipped and served by their Gentile slaves.
This requires for all living Gentiles to comply with the 7 Noahide Laws or be summarily executed by decapitation. The Noahide Laws are a of set moral codes said to have been given to the Jews by God in the Old Testament and expounded upon in the Talmud. They don’t seem too outrageous at first glance, but there is hundreds of other sub-laws and footnotes included within them that range from the insane to the absolutely absurb.
They fired missiles at Saudi Arabia.
In response, Saudi Arabia will bomb them in Syria.
Stupid Hezbollah gave the Saudis an excuse to bomb Syria, well done.
You are illogical.
And when did that happen?
I knew you bunch suck at geography, but had no idea it’s that sever to mix up Yemen in the south to Lebanon in the north..
Probably that same geographical error that saw the US, attacked by Al Qaida from Afghanistan, by Saudi citizens from the Arabian peninsula, attack Iraq instead.
You can continue denying the involvement of Iran and Hezbollah in Yemen, but Hezbollah forces in Syria will pay for the Iranian missile that Hezbollah fired at the Riyadh airport.
Adel. is that you!? How are you Mr. Jubair?
Of course I deny Iran’s and Hezbollah’s involvement in Yemen. Any sane person would do that. If you think otherwise, the least you could do is to give us an evidence of their presence. You managed to cram so many lies in a single sentence. How’s your pants?
So far terror groups paid for their atrocities in Syria. The next stop is for their backers to pay for it.
You think the crimes Saudis do in Yemen would go unnoticed and unpunished? For the blood of every unarmed man, woman and child they murder their ledger becomes more and more blood-ridden. It’s a debt they WILL pay one way or another.
And I hope Houthis land their next missile right over the head of anyone who ordered Saudi invasion of Yemen. But I guess perhaps Houthis leave Saudis to their own device, they’ll kill each other nicely, without Yemeni help!
No need to deny anything. If KSA and US took on themselves to intervene in the internal affairs of the sovereign state of Yemen in violation of the Int law then Yemeni people have right to accept any help to establish their right to defend their country from the foreign aggression. Iran has full right to defend its allies in keeping with Int law.
Please explain how Hesbollah is in Yemen. This will be fun. Do you think Yemen should be destroyed by the Saudis? Should Syria be destroyed? Should Israel be the only government on earth?
It has nothing to do with what I or you think.
It is only about Hezbollah paying for what it did, and unfortunately, Syria and Lebanon will pay for it.
I guess you are naïve enough to think that Hezbollah is not involved in Yemen.
The “Houtis” fired that missile and they have every right to retaliate for the destruction, death and disease brought to the their country by the Wahabbis. On case you didn’t know, Yemen is under a complete blockade, and Hesbollah is busy in Syria and Lebanon. Get your facts straight.
The Houthi’s in Yemen , Black guys . Hezbollah are in Lebanon , Arab guys .
Both groups do start with an H .
No that was the Houthis.
Bring it on Israel, we’d be more than happy to see your ass getting whipped.
Keep your weapons ready hezb!!!
because Lebanon is sure to win it.
HAHaha I love that he said that!