Hezbollah Deputy Leader Says ‘Open-Ended Battle Of Reckoning’ With Israel Has Begun

Hezbollah Deputy Leader Says ‘Open-Ended Battle Of Reckoning’ With Israel Has Begun

Illustrative image.

Hezbollah deputy secretary-general Naim Qassem said on September 22 that the Lebanese group had entered a new phase of its battle with Israel.

Speaking during the funeral for Hezbollah top military commander, Ibrahim Aqil, who was killed in an Israeli strike on the southern suburb of the Lebanese capital, Beirut, last week, Qassem argued that recent Israeli escalation will lead to increased displacement in northern Israel, rather than returning residents to the region.

It’s worth noting that the clashes on the Lebanese-Israeli border which broke out in the backdrop of the war on the Palestinian enclave of the Gaza Strip has so far displaced nearly 100,000 Israelis.

Qassem emphasized that Hezbollah remain undeterred by Israeli threats and ready to face any military challenges ahead.

The leader declared a new phase of the battle with Israel, described as an “open-ended battle of reckoning, where the group will continue to engage in resistance and confrontations in unexpected ways, striking at the enemy when least anticipated.”

More than 70 people were killed in the strike that targeted Aqil on September 20 and in an Israeli sabotage attack that targeted communication devices used by Hezbollah members across Lebanon on September 17 and 18. Israel also stepped up strikes on southern Lebanon, the heartland of the group.

In response to this escalation, Hezbollah stepped up its attacks on Israel early on September 22, launching more than a hundred heavy rockets at an air base and a military industrial complex located some 50 kilometers deep into northern Israel. At least three people were wounded by rocket fire.

So far, the border clashes have resulted in 26 civilian deaths in Israel and the occupied Syrian Golan Heights as well as the deaths of at least 22 soldiers and security officers. On the Lebanese side, more than 900 people have been killed, including 500 fighters of Hezbollah and over 150 civilians.

Qassem’s remarks and recent threats by senior Israeli officials indicate that Hezbollah and Israel may be heading towards an all-out war.


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Fake Name

americans should be tired of paying for the murderous balfour fiasco and move the zionists to springfield ohio where they can murder pets instead of people.


the biggest jewish city in the world isn’t tel aviv. it’s new york.

jens holm

false–tel aviv far more than ny


exactly and these common denominators the jews are the ones who have subverted everything against us the goyim. they are parasites who have stolen and are leeching of our surplus.

Last edited 5 months ago by Awakend

yes, haitians killing pets are far superior to kikes murdering children.


governments now need to create wwiii for like wwii, all of europe defaulted on their debt, britain went into a moratorium, but defaulted on the loans from the usa.”

he suggested that this is the real reason behind the surge in governments exploring the creation of central bank digital currencies (cbdcs).


you’re just another of his fake named clones too no one could be as old as, you are and be so like an uneducated idiot except an actor working as a trollope


wake up. do your homework learn the facts of the matter the bank of england set up the federal reserve using jpmorgan as their asset.rhen they set up reserve banking systems all over the world, around 100 countries last time i looked in between they took common law and turned countries into corporations.
all by the moral authority for rule of law. they want digital because with 8 billion people actually making notes and coins is too expensive.

Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous

which government? deep state vassals keeping starving their own population with their agenda by stealing money, resource? time has changed, these so-called deep state are afraid of losing everything hence desperate distractions. the zionist state exposed themselves as coward and successfully destroyed their own reputation.


don’t be deceived by stuff which they have had centuries of experience at weaving their tapestries.


you have no idea what’s happened or hsppening in haiti obviously.zero. i could point you to lady whose been there for about 10 now years trying to save the children from the predators, but why bother? waste of space.


well at least you’ve told the truth about on e of your names today. expose all the rest too and leave the one or two genuine people to not have to suffer your games your playacting roles and your fake votes

Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous

don’t forget to take your schizo meds tonight.


hahaha your funny whatever your names are how’s the rocking chair going for you gramps?


if shlomo plucks up the courage to go into lebanon, with or without their amerikunt stooges in tow, it will be the mother and father of all shlomo hunts. if shlomo enjoyed his little excursion to gaza, he’s really going to love lebanon. shlomo is trying to psych himself up to do it. it’s like watching a kid trying to dive off a high diving board and chickening out. come on, shlomo! you can do it!! go for it!! you’ll get a really warm welcome in lebanon!

John bannon

warm welcome in lebanon? more than likely a hot welcome to hell inferno


what, are they afraid god isn’t with them or something?


they will have to fight men not children although i have no doubt they will bomb children, when it comes down to cold steel they are cowards.


working overtime today?

Funeral Flowers

“the most moral military”


free will. he’s not working for you as you will soon discover you better get a bunker real. fast


i’ll die before i go into a bunker. an enclosed space with a bunch of gross losers. you will be in one and find out that maybe you wish you weren’t there at all.

Larry M Goldstein

only hashem can judge us jews. your judgement means absolutely nothing. this antisemtic echo chamber means nothing.


tell that to the romans and babylonians huh? god thought so little of you he judged you with them of all people.

Last edited 5 months ago by BunkerDwellers

you invasiv parasites will be exterminated to the last genetic. or’ the us and uk take there zionist bastard back home.


another if your multi fake names fake votes fake fake fake


look at the little nazi squad, working hard doe soros pay you? we all know he said he was going to employ a army of trollopes.

Huckelberry finn

it’s really quiet on sf today. looks like all the trolls are hiding in their bunkers right now hahaha


you’re so transparent little tom thumb

Conan M

l-o-n-g o-v-e-r-d-u-e!


a full war basically started by the jews will not easily be forgiven/forgotten by the disunited states of a if it also brings iran into the war and iran uses its dead mans grip on the world economy and closes down the hormuz and puts a couple of unfriendly missiles in ras tanura and loading facilities in abu dhabi and kuwait and the world economy sinks like a netanyahu with a stone around his neck!


10% of the world’s oil goes through ras tanura.


time to delete some islamic terrorshitballs


1) war on terror = scam

2) 9-11 was a false flag inside-job

3) isis (and al qaeda) are proxy-armies serving mossad & cia


get a grip. talk about deceivers weaving the charlotte’s web for their king. it’s totally obvious you lot will never tell the truth because you hats the truth. as pope benedict said of you all.


haznoballah got pulverized, what a bunch of losers. just like the ruzzians 😂


fake fake fake

Jewish pimp

thise as you say no balls will make israel very mo-sad. and everything will be whiped out and populated with muslims. are you okay with that 👍?
i am.


crocus gay clyde ramses et et al so fake.


you may soon be giggling about yidznoballs. anyone can rig everyday objects with explosives if they are as depraved and degenerate as you. maybe exploding kippahs and menorahs all over talmudistan next hannukah. i’m sure you’ll think that’s hilarious as well. or the pilot’s pager blowing up on the plane you’re travelling on. what jolly jape! what a hoot! genies and bottles. sauces and ganders.

Edgar Zetar

what do i told you since the beginning of palestine’s campaign of extermination. you can cry, argue, yell and do whatever you want but israel will do what they wants into that region. they have been greenlighted by the supreme hegemon, even before israel were born they were laying the land and countries around so israel could born in that land and after that they expanded their influence in the region. the supreme hegemon and the exceptionals are so clever afterall.

Edgar Zetar

israel is the outpost of the western world in the middleeast, should the arabs regain their manhood and remove westerners from that region? i don’t think so in the short term, or midterm, something really big have to happen to the arabs reunite again against the supreme hegemon and the exceptionals and remove the advanced outpost. may the gods show arabs the path to clean themselves from the westerners.


i don’t think it’s something that happens in one day. you’re talking about a dozen different countries. different subcultures. the two main divisions being sunni & shia. the iranians are right in wanting everyone to forget their differences if they plan to survive the murderous ziofascists. and you see the whole arab world inching closer everyday towards unification.


some of the latest developments include saudi arabia inking a 50+ billion deal with china against washington’s very public will … you have severe civil unrest in egypt and sis’s regime in serious peril … serious public unrest in jordan as well and historical disapproval with most of the governmental cabinet quitting .. things aren’t looking good for israeli interests no matter how slow it takes them


and you do have some serious collaboration occurring and coalition already operating with hamas, hezbollah, ansarullah (houthis), iraqi resistance forces, and iran — this coalition alone is too much for israel to handle — even without the sunni arab states and turks .

Last edited 5 months ago by Vegard

you’d be one if the hysterics at a hitler rally you’re so dumb

Edgar Zetar

hahaha again again every two words ‘hitler’ what is wrong with you friend?


talk about suckers fior staged media releases


cia put him. in you twit


wakey wakey england set israel up so that they could maximise instability in the middle east for bp and royal dutch cousins shell. for opec and their yankee dollar. and raytheon boering lockheed of course imo

Edgar Zetar

it’s about expansionism, extend your domains, grab more land and resources so your enemy could not grab it first… if you listen to the chinese and russian diplomats they always talk about usa “cold war mentality” and they are right. the supreme hegemon and their lackeys wanted to take it all and convert them to their own image using propaganda, brainwashing and all the machiavellic methods to achieve their goals.


it take billions of limp-wristed pussies for it to unfold like it does. they chose to do nothing, and the choice will be noted when their time comes.


if not for hezbollah the israeli thugs would be drinking beer in beirut and occupying half the country for years.


another fake name worshipping the king of israel.


liars frauds fakes deceivers all in it together those who say they are one thing but are not.

Larry M Goldstein

israel doesn’t need a pretext: striking hezbollah is defense, not provocation


they’re striking the wrong target. but i think they’re playing the game. they weren’t born yesterday like some clowns.


an invasiv parasite has no rights at all. zionists will be burned to clean the planet . the palestinian , syrian, libanon and yemen resistence will overerun the zionist parasite.

arthur brogard

launched a 100 heavy rockets at an air base and three people were injured ?


all you get here is nazi propaganda pretending to be pro russian news all they publish is the releases from the pc pr teams from the military or msm they’re like foxy pretending to be pro trump and convincing no one.


allegedly hahaha


because “nothing is what it seems” qe2

Jewish pimp

wth? and you believe in decievers numbers? they always, always hide their losses, to keep everyone s moral low. it is mkre close to 22 in pieces and more 45-6 in baaaad condition.

Shlomo's little weenie

three people were injured 200 metres from the blast site. in between, how many chosenites bit the manure covered dirt ? oh, the rapture! 🙏


they set the scene up so islams their proxy imo thou shall not get caught just like they set up z imo.


jews are of satan. their cult is a self destructive one. they are too stupid to see that a military solution will never solve their problems


satan wins every war. give unto caesar that which is, caseaes “…..” for the love of money is the root of all evil “


i was thinking about it the other day, and where i live there were zero problems between european settlers and the native americans. many towns and cities have native american names. nobody reneged on any deals. everyone was compensated and traded willingly. to this day both groups get along just fine. the kikes slaughter and steal, but the talmud is all about the many circumstances the laws don’t actually apply to them at all. why do their neighbors hate the poor kikes?!?!?


the original names for the areas were kept as a token of gratitude. the gall of the kikes, getting kicked out by god so many times and then behaving like they do, is something i would have never imagined until i saw it.

Joseph Day

just nuke israel and the us, that’ll clean most of the filth out, then we can soon strain the rest out, and live in peace.

Last edited 5 months ago by Joseph Day

thanks for the summation zeig heil . clear as an october 7 day


time for a new crusade to protect the christians in lebanon from both isreal and hezbollah.
#deus vult but for that the people in the usa should realise that gods own country in reality
means jehovas own country and has been taken hostage by nonchristians.
the founding fathers would not approve same by the way with the eu and russia as well.

the cohen r khan

haifa is still sleepy town a place 2 chillax maybe the odd random tyre fire 4k photographed from 10 miles away.followed by the words missile or drone hit.

while buildings go pop in syria lebabnon and yemen the mass cull of gaza everything stinks of collusion lockstep


time to repay shlomo in his own coin.
