Captured mortar
This morning, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies, led by the Tiger Forces, have repelled a counter-attack by members of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), Ahrar al-Sham and their allied militant groups on SAA positions in the town of Taibat al-Imam in northern Hama.
However, intense clashes continued in the area.
The SAA has captured a mortar site and a suicide vehicle borne improvised explosive device (armoured bulldozer) belonging to HTS militants in the area west of Taibat al-Imam.

suicide vehicle borne improvised explosive device
From its side, the US-backed Jaish al-Izza claimed that it had destroyed a SAA 37mm artillery piece in Jabourin in the Hama countryside.

A mortar position captured by the Syrian army
Jaish al-Izza and HTS militants shelled civilians in Muharada, Al-Majdal and Qumhana with dozens of Grad rockets. They also targeted the electricity station in Mahrdah and Rahbat Khattab with rockets. But no causalities were reported.
Separately, the Syrian and Russian air forces have destroyed the headquarters of HTS and its arms depots in Al-Lataminah, Al-Shayfuniya and Lahaya, and bombed HTS fortifications in Halafaya.
According to opposition sources, over 15 attack helicopters are participating in the SAA attack in the Hama countryside.
According to pro-government sources, the SAA has sent more reinforcements from the 5th Assault Corps to the northern Hama countryside. The SAA intends to expand its military operation to include the entire area.
Some pro-government sources even speculate that the town of Khan Sheikun in the province of Idlib will become the target of the government forces operation.
Yeah sure,why would you try to break the fortifications near Aleppo when you can do it near Hama.Once you are behind the fortification battles will become easier.
The rebel March Hama offensive is going to end with SAA in Idlib in May.
c’mon, this is exaggeration.
In some sense, it is, in another sense, it is not. The army is probably going to stop after taking Khan Sheikhoun, which is in the Idlib region.
oh, I see.
Sounds like you stacked the deck :)
I wounder if SAA has the strength to open a 2nd front in W Aleppo.
This would be a card well played.
Language matters ;). I think the Aleppo Front will heat up after the Hama offensive ends in Khan Shiekhun. SAA is rushing to deal with multiple fires. ISIS is acting out near Deir Hafer, and this can not go indefinitely as casualties are mounting. There is a race to Raqqa. In the south, the jihadists are taking territory. In the desert, the jihadists are growing stronger and linking up with Americans and Gulf monarchy special forces reinforcements. Deir Ezzor requires rescuing. The FSA is acting out from the Turkish triangle. SAA is trying to put these fires out two at a time. The plan is to deal with FSA, decisively, and then to resume the fight against Isis. while the turkey supported jihadists are annoying, assad is in danger of losing eastern syria to the americans.
You make many good points.
I think most of E Syria will be taken by SDF and weak Jordanian FSA. they will take out ISUS before SAA can show up.
Deir Ezzor has been a pain in the ass for Daesh for many years.
The coalition can not attack it with SAA and Ru forces there.
This would be an act of all out war.
right, but they have a plan. They are going to allow ISIS to escape from raqqa the same way water is guided down the Euphrates. While simultaneously pushing isis from iraq. The goal will be to pop the SAA in Deir Ezzor like a pimple. If the plan was anything else, the SDF would have cut off west raqqa from the west side of the Euphrates, this will not happen until all heavy assets leave the city.
Daesh has been severely degraded. The plan is a non starter.
Will they be coming down the river in small boats?
I think you underestimate them. Also the geographic area of Dier ezzor makes it vulnerable to being overrun. Its a question of numbers and methods. Frontal assault might need 10k, with heavy artillery support maybe 6k, with suicide bombers maybe makeshift gas attacks, 3k. I think they can muster that. My reference to the river is simply a metaphor for the steady flow of jihadists with heavy equipment coming from raqqa.
I think you have over estimated ISUS numbers in the Syria/Iraq area.
(those that are still alive)
Just a few month ago, ISIS was able to organize 6k soldiers and heavy equipment to take palmyrra, and they didnt lose it all there, the bulk of the force is out and about around Deir Ezzor.
Then why are they about to lose Tabqa and the dam ???
The reason tabqa is abandoned is because the ISIS force is not planning to have a show down over tabqa, so its been mined, snipered, and ambushed out. It will be used to bleed the enemy and the main bulk of the force will be saved for the rainy day, and that day it maybe raining in Deir Ezzor.
Actually ISUS like to attack on a sand storm day.
Sure, let them them move into more open areas.
Where their assembly points will be bombed by TU-22 and others.
They are going to make raids, and do other things to threaten and slow down the SDF, but no one is going to fight a major battle with SDF and American Air power for tabqa. Isis is just using the threat of the Tabqa facility destruction to force the SDF to deal with this obstacle prior to taking raqqa. The Isis has no interest in drowning the valley. Most of they troops are entrenched all over the valley and floods would make them far more vulnerable to air raids. The SDF is using ISIS to attack SAA in Deir Ezzor, this is intentional. Similar strategy was done to palmyra, by allowing troops to escape from mosul during the initial stages of the iraqi army assault on mosul.
They’ll have to snorkle past the SDF.
Who is they?
The sdf/us Syria martial plan backers
It is in the SAA’s best interests to eliminate HTS as a fighting force. Don’t simply stop at Hama, run them down even if they have to chase them all the way to the turkish border.
Today AMN reported HTS calling on Jihadist groups to send in more reinforcements to the N Hama front (before it becomes the S Idlib front) :)
Sounds like they have taken a real beating. They can’t hold up against the heavy air and arty bombardment very well. Does anybody have any videos of the TOS 1 in action?
This weapon may be hurting Jihadi dirtbag morale (a trench will not protect you).
It seems their troops are not superior enough to offset their lack of air support. Not against the 5th Legion and the Tiger forces, at least.
The Germany lost in Western Europe due to a lack of air support. Their soldiers had a grim joke: If the planes are blue then they’re British, if silver then they’re American and if invisible then those are ours.
Now the big problem is SAA can only fight this war on one front only. Palmyra front is stalled. On Daraa front SAA loses important positions. East Aleppo is stalled, West Aleppo too. on Damascus front there is no gains.
you must have been reading too many jihadist news reports
That’s good news since that means HTS doesn’t keep any fighters in reserve nor has a central command that has the authority to order regional commanders to deploy units where needed.