the russian government officials lack the will and motivation to do right by the russian people let alone worrying about anyone else or brics, etc.
why would the russians use nukes they won’t even fight normally like a modern army, instead they fight napoleonic wars style and literally destroyed their entire army smashing it head on against fortified targets.
today on south front forums, a variety of users (like vanya here) will showcase their supposed moral high ground by endorsing the extermination of brown populations. they’ll justify actions like sniping infants with precision rifles and running over unarmed individuals with tanks, as long as it’s done by a democracy. meanwhile, they’ll amplify every small mistake, proving their inability to think critically, to distract from the larger reality and how dire their situation truly is.
while others will deny the genocide even exists, some will embrace it and show, by their complete lack of empathy, how their western countries are morally bankrupt and showcase another sign of a sinking empire (other signs being excessive debts, internal and external conflicts, use of mercenaries, corruption etc…)
your utter concocted bullshit is only surpassed by what can only be deduced as misogynistic , lying gaslighting. troll, you are a frustrated entity with no valid line of logic in your rambling 💩
crazy that you artuclate all that based upon your assumptions lmao i hate commis and capatilists..imagine being as fkn braindead as old macz here assuming theres only those two ways of life.
imagine being the trog reading his bs being wooed by fancy articulation when in reality your acting like a gas lighting narcisist.. keep yappin that cnt flap on your low iq head, you fkn embarrassment , id love to meet you keyboard warriors irl.
russians are a bunch of low iq slobs who population was declining due to their degenerate way of life, talking as if those backward nation of drunkard slobs have any sense of professionalism 😂😂😂😂😂
clyde doesn’t play the bogeyman game, li’l nafomosexual. but he sure does rankle the ukretards and the jewish supremacists!
3 months ago
@16.15 he said the message that we wanted to sell. it was at this moment he messed up because it showed a sign of weakness by saying it’s a message that there trying hard to make people believe. but i do feel as though the russians will come out victorious because they are motivated by the preservation of their culture. to put it simple they just want to live and compete on the international stage fairly
3 months ago
🇷🇺=🤡 😆😆😆
3 months ago
at this point, the crazy threats from russian leaders (armageddon) only mean: i don’t know how to modulate my nuclear deterrent, because i’m a real idiot.
since i am a coward incapable of using tactical weapons to expel you from my house, i am willing to burn the entire block.
the idiot is not russia. russia openly advertises its nuclear doctrine. the idiots are the west who act like pathetic infants who have zero comprehension skills
i heard that he’s a poof. this pedo business language is really out of control now, thanks to useless f’wit yank media
3 months ago
a real leader, with character and fury, like peter, catherine or stalin, would have stopped nato (which wanted to seize crimea with its naval base and threaten the kremlin with decapitating missiles) from the start with tactical nuclear weapons against the puppet state. but the sissy had no courage and found himself involved in a war of attrition that has cost him the economy, syria, hundreds of thousands of dead and crippled soldiers, destroyed cities and hatred among slavs for a century.
i just don’t buy into any of this anymore.
the russian government officials lack the will and motivation to do right by the russian people let alone worrying about anyone else or brics, etc.
why would the russians use nukes they won’t even fight normally like a modern army, instead they fight napoleonic wars style and literally destroyed their entire army smashing it head on against fortified targets.
today on south front forums, a variety of users (like vanya here) will showcase their supposed moral high ground by endorsing the extermination of brown populations. they’ll justify actions like sniping infants with precision rifles and running over unarmed individuals with tanks, as long as it’s done by a democracy. meanwhile, they’ll amplify every small mistake, proving their inability to think critically, to distract from the larger reality and how dire their situation truly is.
while others will deny the genocide even exists, some will embrace it and show, by their complete lack of empathy, how their western countries are morally bankrupt and showcase another sign of a sinking empire (other signs being excessive debts, internal and external conflicts, use of mercenaries, corruption etc…)
the side of vanya is the side of genocide (ie nato).
your utter concocted bullshit is only surpassed by what can only be deduced as misogynistic , lying gaslighting. troll, you are a frustrated entity with no valid line of logic in your rambling 💩
yap yap yap what a gaslighting cnt you are, we need a purge so cnts like you cant breath your shit ideas onto others. parasite
crazy that you artuclate all that based upon your assumptions lmao i hate commis and capatilists..imagine being as fkn braindead as old macz here assuming theres only those two ways of life.
imagine being the trog reading his bs being wooed by fancy articulation when in reality your acting like a gas lighting narcisist.. keep yappin that cnt flap on your low iq head, you fkn embarrassment , id love to meet you keyboard warriors irl.
i think the russians have thought about those things a hell of a lot more than you. keep quiet and let the professionals handle their business.
the russians can’t fight their way out of a paper bag thanks to all the ridiculous deals the supreme made with all his western ‘partners’.
they are actually dogshit warriors amd coward subhuman marxist shit
when western propagandists run out of facts, they always start barking. always. barking. doesn’t that show how childish they are?
russians are a bunch of low iq slobs who population was declining due to their degenerate way of life, talking as if those backward nation of drunkard slobs have any sense of professionalism 😂😂😂😂😂
power on in lvov by the looks of it. 😄
hahahaha what is this history ?
putin is a cuck and is getting fucked doggy style by everyone even turks
okay expert
this “clyde” is indeed quite the expert in cuckology and getting fucked doggystyle.
speaking of cucks, whats with you and the coloreds?
crazy how much sht sone gutless cnt kafir pig like you yaps online
he’s seen a lot of it online. naughty naughty.
he is a cuck though, shut your cnt mouth before we start doxing you marxist cnts
c’mon, start with your ‘doxing’ then 😏
clyde doesn’t play the bogeyman game, li’l nafomosexual. but he sure does rankle the ukretards and the jewish supremacists!
@16.15 he said the message that we wanted to sell. it was at this moment he messed up because it showed a sign of weakness by saying it’s a message that there trying hard to make people believe. but i do feel as though the russians will come out victorious because they are motivated by the preservation of their culture. to put it simple they just want to live and compete on the international stage fairly
🇷🇺=🤡 😆😆😆
at this point, the crazy threats from russian leaders (armageddon) only mean: i don’t know how to modulate my nuclear deterrent, because i’m a real idiot.
since i am a coward incapable of using tactical weapons to expel you from my house, i am willing to burn the entire block.
the idiot is not russia. russia openly advertises its nuclear doctrine. the idiots are the west who act like pathetic infants who have zero comprehension skills
lavrov the alcoolic pedo
i heard that he’s a poof. this pedo business language is really out of control now, thanks to useless f’wit yank media
a real leader, with character and fury, like peter, catherine or stalin, would have stopped nato (which wanted to seize crimea with its naval base and threaten the kremlin with decapitating missiles) from the start with tactical nuclear weapons against the puppet state. but the sissy had no courage and found himself involved in a war of attrition that has cost him the economy, syria, hundreds of thousands of dead and crippled soldiers, destroyed cities and hatred among slavs for a century.