IMAGE: Leaflet dropped by the Syrian Air Force in western Aleppo
Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS; formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda) has announced that its special operations forces infiltrated the Mallah area in western Aleppo last night and killed some 20 pro-government fighters, injured 10 others and damaged a BMP vehicle.
Accoording to the Hezbollah in Syria, government forces repelled the infiltration attempt and inflicted heavy casualties to the terrorists. The National Defense Forces provided the same information.
The recent developments once again confirmed that the Syrian army and its allies have to secure the western countryside of Aleppo if they want to increase safety in the city and prevent further attacks from HTS.
The picture above is an alleged image of the lefaflets dropped by the Syrian Air Force in the western Aleppo countryside. The leaflets show the “death zone” where government forces are set to combat any militant presence.
This is a precursor on what I predicted. HTS starting even sooner than I expected (not hoped to be sure).
What will happen if HTS breaks through the very small SAA held area west of Sjeikh Maqsud?
Will they go for SDF of go north and isolate Nubbol again?
HTS failed in their attack and were repelled by the Republic Guards which killed half a dozen in this futile raid attempt. The SAA have the area under control this is just misinformation by HTS on their failed raid. Their is little chance of HTS doing anything right now considering they are targets of the US Coalition and are going to disband factions into smaller groups to not draw attention to itself.
Haha yes they just wasted time doing this the rat bastids :)))
I believe there is a simpler answer here!
If HTS is weakened in this “Death zone” then this opens the door for Al rah al sham!
I think it doesnt take a genius to realise that this rebel civil war can be used against itself!
Why not SECRETLY accept the AASham deal where Russia bombs HTS positions, equalize the rebel civil war so they can be back at each others throats again!
In my view, this is an easy fix!
A secret deal will be made!
Sorry can u explain more?
AAsham has informed Russia that they will fight against ISIS and HTS if Russia delivers airstrikes upon HTS!
This was about 10 days a go!
Despite the regular claims from the self appointed Internet Generals with self awarded Bravery Medals, Terrorists are still loose and roaming around Aleppo city and many towns, cities, areas and provinces.
The fact the Republican Guards repelled this attack killing half a dozen members of HTS , which they admitted as a failed attempt at light raiding. Your nonsense is exactly that you troll.
Terra Cotta Woolpuller
Bottom line remains:
Despite the regular claims from the self appointed Internet Generals with self awarded Bravery Medals, Terrorists are still loose and roaming around Aleppo city and many towns, cities, areas and provinces.
You are hurling abuse because you cannot face facts published in this news article:
“…The recent developments once again confirmed that the Syrian army and its allies have to secure the western countryside of Aleppo if they want to increase safety in the city and prevent further attacks from HTS….”
HTS is just making a LITTLE noise against SAA, and nothing more. If they make any major move the Idlib province will no longer be a deescalation zone, and HTS will suffer loss of men, material, and support from any serious escalation.
These Terrorists are hardly going to announce they are leaving Idlib and entering Aleppo province.
Even if the Terrorists are few in numbers they come and go as they please and can tie up the Syrian military for days or weeks at a time.
This scenario is typical of Battleplan Failure to maintain proper Checkpoints and gather Intelligence on movement of Terrorists in Syria.
Idiot Idlib as is Afrin Canton in Aleppo province you must be really stupid with geography. The assumptions you make are baseless and not sound stay with US military buffoonery and you will end your life quicker.
Terra Cotta Woolpuller
You are so over excited , LoL:)))
At present Idlib will be classified as a separate area all together as the Syrian government has been denied ability to have any say so.
If they are in articles…. why bother making comments!
U think we believe u because u say so?
We all think youre a troll!
If u want respect, link your shit or STFU!
Justin Ryan
Your opinions are those of a stupid person unable to face reality of Syria swarming with Terrorists
You truly are pathetic with your naive paranoia of terrorists are everywhere , they are mostly in HTS ,ISIS and FSA groups these foreigners are dying fast.
Terra Cotta Woolpuller
If the Terrorists are being wiped out there would be peace and tranquility in Syria.
Reality is the opposite.
War, Conflict, Chaos and Economic Ruin Reigns in Syria.
Check with more than one source this is a big problem with those who know too little. Sending the Army to deal with terrorist cells is very amateur westpoint graduate nonsense , those trained to deal with terrorist cells such as the police are best suited since they train as counter terrorist tactical teams. Aleppo has watchful forces there and are doing their best to deal with this , no country is perfect at this.
There was no articles than this so this was just HTS propaganda, but SF is not biased as some sites are , but we will leave those nmees out since they are known.
Terra Cotta Woolpuller
There are plenty of reports of Terrorists embedded or overrunning areas of Aleppo, its a regular occurrence.
There are the same issues in the rest of the world in regards to these happenings but to a lesser extent. Takes only time to catch them and monitoring suspects which they have already caught 3 suicide bombers today.
Terra Cotta Woolpuller
“…There are the same issues in the rest of the world…”
Now you have stopped arguing and stopped hurling abuse.
This is the reality:
The Syrian Military is stretched fighting the same battles over and over whilst trying to regain major cities, area, provinces, examples:
Homs v1 2014, Homs v2 2017, Palmyra v1 2015, Palmyra v2 2017, Al Tanf v1, Al Tanf v2, etc etc.
Reports shows Terrorists are still embedded and fighting in
Damascus area / region (July 2017)
Hama area / region (June 2017)
Homs area / region (June 2017)
Aleppo area / region (June 2017, July 2017, August 2017)
Palmyra area / region (June 2017)
You are just being an idiot by saying all this , neither do you understand much by this. Then the whole world is spread to thin and why these terrorism happens, the belief you have is very narrow and only substantiated by a small minded few such as you are. Al Tanf region is being collapsed and the US is expected to make a full withdrawal soon leaving their Hashemite mercenaries on their own. These places you mentioned were all aided by the US which is on a short leash now and very constrained with its limited capabilities.
Try to find other interests such as knitting and macrame it will help you in using the yarn you are spinning.
I totally agree with you!
He is a guessing troll!
What a loser this “More” guy is!
He is on my list as the number 2 “fuck wit” who comments on this site!
Are you guessing or do u have proof?
If you are going to make these comments, send links to your sources!
Otherwise u are just trolling with Keyboard, wannabe war General!
Link or STFU!
Justin Ryan
“…Are you guessing or do u have proof?…”
The proof is this news article and many others on South Front.
I wonder if this has something to do with the Kremlin announcing Russian volunteers?
Hahahaha “death zones” I really love it!!
Aleppo city must be secured . The moderate terrorists are 300m from the western part .
I hope SAA has some good units there ready to hurl back any invading rats