August 12, 1996: Necmettin Erbakan met with religious leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei during his visit to Iran
Written by Damir Nazarov
Against the background of the Zionist aggression against Lebanon and the murder of the legendary Hassan Nasr-Allah, many are asking the question, has the Axis of Resistance weakened? No, it has not weakened, on the contrary, there is a tectonic shift in favor of the alliance built by the famous General Suleimani.
Today we see the growing number of supporters of resistance to Zionism in all countries of the region. But much more importantly, influential parties and paramilitary organizations are going to join the Axis of Resistance in the near future. A striking example is the Islamic part of the Turkish establishment and a number of supporters of the Islamic Action Front in Jordan.
How did I determine this?
It is enough to look at the news summary about the mentioned organizations. In the midst of the al-Aqsa flood battle, a journalist from the Wall Street Journal wanted to interview SADAT representatives, where a provocative question would be asked – “does SADAT support Hamas?”. The purpose of such a question is to expose the Turkish PMCs as some “radicals” who seek to destroy the “stronghold of liberal democracy” (that is, the Zionist colony), after which, according to the logic of the provocateurs, Western sanctions against SADAT should follow. The Mossad has been looking for a reason to create problems for SADAT for a long time, the Zionists’ fear is related to the growing support of the Turkish consulting company for the Palestinian national liberation struggle. By the way, the late SADAT leader was a supporter of the ideas of the legendary Erbakan, who saw Iran as a strategic ally.
Another fact is related to the Turkish martyrs in the ranks of Hamas and the fight against Mossad in Turkey itself, which also reflects the insistence of the Islamic part of the Turkish establishment to participate in the liberation of Palestine. The participation of Turks in the Lebanese branch of the Al-Qassam Brigade became possible with the approval of Hezbollah and the IRGC, respectively, here we see the fact of close coordination between the Turkish special services and the Axis of Resistance.
Erdogan’s recent statement regarding Zionist plans for the entire region reflects plans to prepare Turkey for the inevitable confrontation with the Zionist enemy. The legendary Hoja Erbakan warned about this, and the facts around Turkey itself speak about it. In this situation, Turkish publicists note that the distance between Beirut and Hatay (province of Turkey) is 278 km. Erdogan stressed that “Turkey will persistently continue to act constructively, conciliatingly and unity for the sake of the security of the peoples of the region.” These words should be interpreted as, first of all, the desire for an alliance with real influential Islamic forces opposed to Zionism.
The situation is much more complicated for the Muslim Brotherhood of Jordan than for Turkey, because the Ikhwans are only the leading opposition party of the Hashemite monarchy, so they are forced to comply with the rules established by the local autocracy. Nevertheless, the pro-Palestinian voice of the streets achieves certain results. So it became known that during the recent internal elections to the governing bodies of the Muslim Brotherhood, the pro-Palestinian wing has greatly strengthened. They are commonly referred to as the “hawks” of the party, and Hammam Said is singled out as an example. It was the former head of the Jordanian Ikhwans who recently made an important appeal, asking the deputy bloc of the Islamic Action Front to “prepare the people for jihad.”
The pro-Palestinian wing of the Jordanian Brotherhood is playing a difficult game of building a new interaction with the IRGC. After all, it is important for the leading Islamic party to prevent a split in the general environment of the Ikhwans and not provoke the autocracy to repression. However, the element of rebellion against the pro-Zionist regime cannot be excluded.
It is important to note that in April of this year, HAMAS spokesman Musa Abu Marzouk said that the Americans prevented Hamas from moving to Jordan and insisted that the office of the Palestinian movement move to Qatar. Apparently, he were talking about the situation in Syria in 2011, when HAMAS was forced to leave Damascus and was looking for a new place for its headquarters. Marzouk added that many Hamas leaders have Jordanian citizenship and therefore have the right to enter and reside in Jordan. Thus, it can be assumed that the Islamic Action Front is preparing the ground for the arrival of part of the HAMAS leadership, which will further open up the prospects for the formation of a new member of the “Axis of Resistance”.
For their part, the Zionists are already threatening Jordan, which also reflects some analytical conclusions that the enemy has come to. The Zionists believe that in the near future Jordan may become a new platform for resistance and the Iranian presence.
Zionism claims that “the time has come for a new reshaping of the Middle East,” hinting at its project of extensive colonization of Arab countries up to Iran and Turkey. However, the facts on the ground show that the main enemy of the Zionist occupation is gaining new followers and allies.
P.S. Zionism has started a great fire throughout the Middle East. But any action is met with opposition. Now even those countries that have recently been on anti-Iranian positions express support for the Islamic Republic and seek an alliance with Tehran. Will we see Pakistan in the renewed Axis of Resistance? Pakistan keeps its distance from the Axis of Resistance, but the military regime of the Islamic Republic of South Asia proceeds from two nuances. 1 – solidarity with Muslims fighting the main enemy of the Ummah, 2 – concentration around the growing role of China, which is displacing Americans from the Middle East, which allows Islamabad to be more open in terms of confrontation with the Zionists.
analysis far from reality, turkey has been linked to israel and zionism since its foundation by ataturk, oil goes through turkey to go to israel, you are a pipe dream, don’t pass
the influx of jews into palestine started about 1920 1925 about and don’t think for a second that turkey has forgotten how the brits robbed them of i a palestine and then turned around and gifted the land to the jews. rest assured the turks want it back a s a p. provide them the opportunity and they will squash the jews out of existence together with iran. no greater israel for the jews and no control of the region’s oil for the white house morons!
erdogan strives to make inroads into the m.e. as a nato member trk happily works with isr/usa to further its aims – as we saw last week in syr.
a partially ‘neo-ottoman’ m.e. would therefore protect and co-exist with isr/usa, with two strong militaries. as such parts of syr, jrdn, ymn and even egpt are now in erdogan’s sights once the dust settles.
wakey wakey lord balfour drafted the balfour declaration, to please his king in 1917, i believe the day after lenin and his crew sent from london, killed the kings cousin and his family. that morning when the king changed his name the same day from memory
that is true, but the population at large is quite different from stooges and crooks like erdogan, sissy and fake “king” abdullah. the people in those countries are seething with rage over the genocide and will play their part. if they aren’t careful those crooks and quislings will find themselves dangling from the first convenient lamp post.
until (1) the illegal occupation of palestine is ended, (2) reclamation of pre-1948 palestinian territory is recognised and protected by all surrounding states and (3) all arabic states that continue to play ‘zio footsy-footsy’ cease contract with psycho-israel and close its cancerous embassies for good then this inhuman slaughter will drag on indefinitely.
ps: turkey / moslem brotherhood have always been pro israel, and erdogan only ever helps himself.
it is well known that the muslim brotherhood is an asset of the cia. all of their history proves that.
it doesn’t matter. 90% of us politicians get free travel and luxurious treatment in israel, then come home brainwashed allowing israel to do whatever it wants. despite what is happening in gaza, us politicians chose not to believe their lying eyes and instead chose to believe what aipac tells them. the same thing happens with the top military brass. us reputation is now ruined in the eyes of the world.
don’t forget the free kiddie fiddling trips to epstein island. and $100 million of adelson money to shabbos goy zion don trumpo.
the more the merrier. there are plenty of shlomos to go round. talmudistan is an alien colonial implant in the middle east. there will never be any peace in the region until the zio regime is removed. no matter how hard the united snakes and its vassals try, all they are doing is trying to bash a square peg into a round hole, using brute force in heavier and heavier doses. they will not succeed. and they will exhaust themselves in the process.
so the west wants to send their creation to jordan so isreal can defend itself there aswell and colonise it?
zionists are cowards in land warfare, they can not even defeat a few starving palestinian kids in gaza who have nothing to defend themselves with. jordan supported by iran will be a formidable force as 60% of jordanian population is of displaced palestinian origin. the zionist bastards are taking heavy casualties in lebanon and another front will destroy them.
evil zionist isreali genocidal maniacs
what bollocks total nazi propgandas imo. for weftypical. axis of resistance are you stupid? there’s no way the vatican nazis are going to allow sharia law to usurp their global. intentions. allegedly.
zionist bastards are worse than nazis.
zionism is an evil satanic cult of genocidal land stealing parasites who are not even human. these bastards must be destroyed to save humanity.