Accordingly to an internal document of the Hamburg police, the mood in the refugee camps is imminent to change after the cold snap. Hundreds of refugees are already suffering illnesses.

Photo: dpa
Originally appeared at Deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten, translated by Karin
The situation in the Hamburger reception centre for refugees is deteriorating dramatically. According to an internal document from the police, the situation, particularly in the initial reception center Schnackenburgallee, is “shortly before the tipping point,” reports the newspaper ‘Hamburger Abendblatt’.
The mood among the 3,300 refugees is “highly explosive”. In the tents of the camp are at least one hundred people who are ill or pregnant.
While some refugees live in heated tents, other refugees have to stay in the cold. This leads to tensions among people and those responsible. A social staff worker from the reception center Schnackenburgallee commented: “A few residents are aggressive or have bad characters. They feel simply left alone. ”
Employees of the accommodations feel let down by the politicians and call for immediate assistance, reports the Hamburger Abendblatt.