Haftar’s Forces Claim Responsibility For Airstrikes On Turkish Positions At Al-Watiya Airbase

Haftar's Forces Claim Responsibility For Airstrikes On Turkish Positions At Al-Watiya Airbase

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On June 5th, Turkish and Government of National Accord (GNA) targets at al-Watiya airbase were struck.

Reportedly, the LNA struck the targets.

The Director of the Moral Guidance Department in the Libyan National Army (LNA), Khaled Mahjoub said that as a result of the strikes, approximately 80% of the positions that were targeted were destroyed.

According to him, 9 locations were struck, and 80% of the targets therein were destroyed.

He also vowed that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s “military adventure in Libya” would fail.


Mahjoub also claimed that “important commanders” of the Turkish Army were also killed in the strikes.

The official version from the Turkish and GNA side is that “unknown warplanes” targeted al-Watiya, but there was no loss of life. The strikes reportedly targeted recently installed systems, such as an air defense system.


Following the airstrikes, the GNA said that it would respond at the “right place and at the right time.”

Satellites imagery purportedly show that 3 radar stations and a MIM-23 Hawk air defense system were destroyed.

There’s also a video allegedly showing some of the strikes.


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Erdogays dream over lol

Zionism = EVIL

Here kiddies enjoy a Turkey roast, three radar trucks, a command module and 2 Hawk batteries totally destroyed. 9 Turkeys and unknown number of terrorists killed and wounded.



Good old anti zion posting old crap and spreading BS as usual.

Zionism = EVIL

No darling, just the TRUTH, you Turkeys got cooked, more photos coming as I get them.


This pic is atleast a decade old, sweetie, you’re just a pathological lying cunt.

Zionism = EVIL

Nope :) darling do.


It is from 2017 , an attack on ISIS. Posted above , check.

The funniest part is , even southfront became a part of BS as they posted this article without checking the reliability of their source. LOL


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The word “Ⓚ” not add in the web address

Zionism = EVIL

You can earn $200 her hour, if you fucked yourself on Eurovision Nancy.

Brother Ma

Like conchetta from Austria . Hahauau


Can’t believe I’m liking your comment.Geopolitics is strange

Zionism = EVIL

I am just a likeable sort of a guy :)


Old man , these videos and pics are from an attack on ISIS promises during 2017.
Freeze at 1:12 and see yrself. Thats exactly the reason they blurred the upper part of the video.



And dumbasses like him spread these crap.


Not following the kurdish protests all over Europe? Turkey set up 16 camps in N.Iraq the past week, kurds are literraly getting erased LOL. Haftar just resumed the war and will soon flee to Egypt or whatsoever.

Zionism = EVIL

Not likely sweetie, if the Egypt cunts grow a pair than your Turkey is cooked. All Russia has to do is give the green light to the Wagner Group which is currently playing in sand and it is all over for Erdogan and the goat fuckers corps.


Sisi is not doing anything to Egyptian soldiers dying from ISIS attacks in an open desert and you’re telling me he will invade Libya? LOL
Thats a nope, Wagners hands are tied in Libya, AFRICOM is following them closely,
GNA announced they’e gonna take Al-Jufra airbase next.

Zionism = EVIL

I really don’t care as I said intially this is a war between fuckwits and let them kill each other, but am amazed at the sheer operational incompetence of NATO’s “second largest” army. At this rate buddy boy you Turkeys are toast if even Egypt sends a brigade. I am just amused at the sheer ineptitude.


What you mean? LNA’s 6 months gains were reversed in 2 weeks, 15 pantsirs turnd into dust with just a drone carryig 55kg payload LOL. Soon f-16’s will land in Watiya and you’ill see migs crashing down.

Zionism = EVIL

I wait for the movie then :)

Brother Ma

We shall see.

Alberto Garza

israel supports lna-turkey ??????



Brother Ma

I have never believed in numbers and pr. I mentioned France and Italy having the biggest armies in we 1 and two and still being relatively cooked within weeks by smaller smarter ones like Germany and Greece and Finland.

Smart generals ,ballsy soldiers in the right place and time win wars . Not numbers of chumps led by donkeys.


AFRICOM can only bark like they are doing now. What will they do to stop Wagner?

Zionism = EVIL

Basically, fuckall.


When the UN recognized govt invites them, they can do lots of things.


Like what? They are illegally stationed in Africa anyway. A country that violates other countries’ sovereignty on a daily basis has no right to bark.


I see that everyone forgets about the democratically elected Tobruk parliament. You lot, talk only about this magic UN recognized government, which is at war with the country parliament. Don’t forget this little but very important detail.

Also, let’s remember that France openly supports Haftar. They will never let Erdogan eat their oil. This is why France has recently withdrawn from the EU mission in the Mediterranean.

And Greece has entered the arena, by signing a bunch of contract with the Tobruk government.


So why is a rogue, self-accliamed Field Marshal leading the “democratically elected Tobruk parliament” and not the head of HoR? How many countries are recognizing Haftar?

Not anymore, Macron was the only one backing Haftar in the entire NATO and recently claimed he doesn’t back Haftar anymore. France indeed left the mission, now they don’t have any jurisdtiction to stop cargoships.
Don’t forget, France also has opposite interests with Italy— who recently swindled them.


Where do these happen , sweetie ? In your wet dream world ?


Someone tad clever than you should know that we were talking about Kurds in TR/SY and Iraq.

So that you would not make a clown out of yourself by posting a propaganda piece with :DDD in the end.

Gücsög Kis

So you are the clever here? Can you read, what you are replying to? Np. I can help with a quote:
“…Haftar is killing Turks in Libya:)…”
Clever boy…. :DDD


Dear Mr Low IQ , we were discussing about Kurds in ME before you appeared with a trivial propaganda piece about haftar.

Before posting yr :DDD ‘s and imaginery quotes out of yr cheap minion ass, s , may be you should look at the Libyan map in see the changes in last 2 months. So that you wont be making a clown out of yourself.

Now f/off and go cry elsewhere.

Gücsög Kis

I think your reading skills are somewhat lacking to call me low iq. But maybe in your tiny universe (which is a funny one, I have to admit :DDD) high IQ = dyslexia… I’ve just quoted from the post you replied to. It is about Lybia, Sir Clever, so no you Don’t

that we were talking about Kurds in TR/SY and Iraq

I cannot explane it simplier than that to you, sry… :DDD


”Kurds are ripping turkey apart in eastern turkey,syria and Iraq”

Then dont jump into a conversation with yr BS.

Gücsög Kis

Congrats, that is the other part of the comment you’ve replied to. A couple of more hours, and you’ll get the whole picture… :DDD
So don’t give up, It”s only cognitive thinking after all…


So you reverted to a part of the comment without being definitely sure what was being mentioned , tried to present a 80 year old dotard as yr personal saviour , and quoted a propaganda piece from an UAE outlet as yr evidence although it was irrelevant with yr own argument. : DDD

And when doing that , you hoped that no one is aware how map changed with in the last 2 months , and how people are almost certain that Haftar is a goner : DDD

Now here is the question , :DDD

Where they breed butthurt morons like you ?

Gücsög Kis

Highly intelligent people, like you often try to shame others, when doesn’t have a clue, what they are talking about… :DDD
The linked news was about turkish sources, who confirmed, that in Lybia their precious AA weapon system was destroyed. This is common knowledge now, you can check it from turkish sources,, but considering your language skills in english, maybe you will have problems with that too, smart boy… :DDD
So no, I wasn’t off topic, because:
1: this whole news is about that incident.
2: it is confirmed by multiple sources (including turkish)
3: you replied to a comment, which was partly about turkish losses in Lybia
4: you (as I quoted) tried to deny that this thread was about turkish losses, but were only successful in discrediting yourself. :DDD

So go on, I really enjoy this conversation, your deep knowledge and wisdom enlinghtens me, smart boy… :DDD


Go ahead and show me where Turkish sources confirmed loss of AA and lives. You jumped into a conversation without understanding what was going on , with a’ source ‘ which you even did not read as well. :DDD Please also back up that ‘ common knowledge’ by serious sources , other than yr retarded twitter friends. : DDD

And BTW sweetie , dont be one of the people who try to become and English teacher when trashed. After all we both you just another semi-infomed clown who can not express himself with out canned laughters (:DDD )

So here is a list of yr shortcomings ;

1. You jumped into a discussion with a partial reply without being aware of what being ment : DDD

2. You posted a comment from an unrelaible source which you even did not read yourself : DDD

3. The attack is confirmed , with some material losses. The type of the damaged equipment and extend of the damage is not clear yet. No loss of lives reported other than some vogue LNA twitter channels .

There may be losses , but you are speaking out of yr ass without sufficient and sound information. Dont do that next time . Being an uninfoemed twat is always better than being a poorly informed, manipulated clown . Dont be one . :DDD

Anyhow , the question still stands :

Where they breed butthurt morons like you ?

Gücsög Kis

Go ahead and show me where Turkish sources confirmed loss of AA and lives.

I can show you the direct link to official turkish sources, but what is the point in that. You’ve already proved to everybody, that your reading skills are somewhere in the level of a six year old. :DDD
But, because I’m a nice guy, here it is:
“No casualties were reported following the incident, but some equipment recently bought to boost the airbase’s air defense capabilities was damaged.

So my previous link about the incident from AMN was indeed correct.
Your lack of cognitive skills is clear from the fact, that after a day of discussion, you still deny this. Your miserable efforts to explain your countless errors from this conversation just reinforces my opinion about your cleverness… :DDD

Please also back up that ‘ common knowledge’ by serious sources , other than yr retarded twitter friends. : DDD

Man, you are also clearly delusional too. It is a much more serious mental problem than dyslexia, are you on meds or sg? Where the hell you come to a conclusion, that I have twitter friends? By the way, iI the official turkish news agency is not a serious source for you, I clearly cannot help you, maybe the meds… :DDD

And BTW sweetie , dont be one of the people who try to become an English teacher when trashed.

I’m not your “sweetie” are you gay or sg? Please address your boyfriend with this kind of invocation, not people you doesn’t know anything about. But who knows, maybe you are “that kind of person”… :DDD
The remaining part of your “reasoning” is just gibberish. I’ve read the whole article before I replied to you, smart boy. It was funny, because at that point, turkish sources already confirmed the attack. A couple of hours later, here in SF it was also confirmed. If you haven’t read it, you can contact SF, maybe they are skilled enough to write it down in “simpleton language” so you can also undersand… :DDD


Lets recap ;

Your comment : ‘’ The linked news was about turkish sources, who confirmed, that in Lybia their precious AA weapon system was destroyed. This is common knowledge now, you can check it from turkish sources,, ‘’ ( :DDD )

My Reply : : Turkish sources did not tell such a thing . They acknowlegdge an attack, but they say nothing about Air defence systems , they also dont mention about loss lives. Now go and bring me that ‘ common link ‘ and show me where Turkish sources confirmed loss of AA and lives.

Your comment : I can show you the direct link to official turkish sources, here it is “No casualties were reported following the incident, but some equipment recently bought to boost the airbase’s air defense capabilities was damaged..( :DDD)

This is exactly what I am telling you – Are you a fucking moron , or just pretending to be one ? :DDD.

You are also then one claiming to reply a comment which goes as ‘ Haftar is killing the Turks ‘ with a link, and when I tell you that the link you posted does not support loss of lives from serious sources thus not serving yr argument , you revert with another heap of BS and say indeed yr AMN link was correct :DDD.

Now tell me, what you are exactly selling here and how I can be on the same page with retard like you ?

Sweetie, please dont get me wrong , I dont blame you . None of these are your fault. The blame is completely on me as I am the one discussing with an uniformed clown like you since almost a day. :DDD

I will also call you whatever I like. You will just watch it , and you wont be able to do a shit about it. It is a lovely word btw– it is a litmus paper. Healthy and confident people never react to it but others who has sexual securities and supressed sexual orientations immediately start talking about gayness. And I am afraid it is our case with you here. DDD ?

Swetie , I told you to fuck off a while ago. You should take me advice.

Gücsög Kis

You really can”t understand one sentence? Oh boy, I think I’ve overestimated your cognitive skills… :DDD
“equipment recently bought to boost the airbase’s air defense capabilities was damaged”
means in simpleton language:
Some of the turrkish AA (anti air) was damaged (if beyond repair, even destroyed).
That was my only statment regarding this conversation. By the way, congrats for the quotation, it was the first true statement coming from you… :DDD

You are also then one claiming to reply a comment which goes as ‘ Haftar is killing the Turks ‘ with a link, and when I tell you that the link you posted does not support loss of lives from serious sources thus not serving yr argument , you revert with another heap of BS and say indeed yr AMN link was correct :DDD.

Man, or should I call you boygirl? I really confused right now, because of your gay language…. Where did I claim such a thing? I’ve replied to your comment, you retard…
I think, you are going through the 5 phase of grief. At first, you denied even the fact, that turkish AA weapon systems were destroyed. Than, after you epic failure your foul languege could be the anger phase. Now you are bargaining with me about the amount of losses… :DDD
The next phase will be really sad for you, depression. I hope you have a lot of handkerchief for crying… :DDD
You can call anybody anything, you didn’t realize, that it is just amuses me, you give me a lot to laugh about so thanks smart boy, bring it on, come on!!! :DDD


Sweetie , you started looping . :DDD. Calm down , take a deep breath, you will have a cardiac arrest. xD, XD.

Lets go ahead . Let me keep it a simple as possible so that even a moron like you can comprehend. :DDD


Your comment : The linked news was about turkish sources, who confirmed, that in Lybia their precious AA weapon system was destroyed.

My Reply : ‘’ The attack is confirmed , with some material losses. The type of the damaged equipment and extend of the damage is not clear yet. No loss of lives reported other than some vogue LNA twitter channels . :DDD’’

And it went on like that ;

‘’There may be losses , but you are speaking out of yr ass without sufficient and sound information. Dont do that next time . Being an uninformed twat is always better than being a poorly informed, manipulated clown . Dont be one . :DDD’’


My comment : Go ahead and show me where Turkish sources confirmed loss of AA and lives.

Your reply : I can show you the direct link to official turkish sources, but what is the point in that.


You told me that Air defence systems was destroyed.
I told you some material was damaged , extend was not know.. It can be auxillary systems , radars – Truth is we dont know what it is.

You claimed loss of lives
I asked you to prove it , you said you would do it , but reverted with irelevant BS


And now the same moron who can not follow such a simple argument comes and tells me about the stages of grief, and creates imaginery bargaining and acceptance stages in its shallow head. :DDD

Since the beginning what I am accusing you of speaking without sufficient information, pushing yr assumptions, but you are repating the same thing over and over without being able to understand what is being told you .:DDD

As a matter of fact ,I dont think you are dyslectic or slow. I sincerely believe that you are a plain moron. :DDD

Btw , swetie – deal with yr sexual insecurities.. If you are looking for boys or girls, you are in a wrong thread.

Dude , you shud really fuck off . LOL.

Gücsög Kis

Sweetie , you started looping . :DDD. Calm down , take a deep breath, you will have a cardiac arrest. xD, XD.

Oh please little ladyboy, you are starting to be delusional again. I have np. with your insanity, in fact – as I stated earlier, your stupidity amuses me, so don’t worry about me. But if you insist, please, carry on… :DDD

My Reply : ‘’ The attack is confirmed , with some material losses. The type of the damaged equipment and extend of the damage is not clear yet. No loss of lives reported other than some vogue LNA twitter channels . :DDD’’

Maybe in your delusional dreams, I’ve realized, that your perception of time is also damaged, it is even more amusing. Past, present and future, these are totally incomprehensible concepts for you.. :D In fact, you first reply was this:

Someone tad clever than you should know that we were talking about Kurds in TR/SY and Iraq.

So that you would not make a clown out of yourself by posting a propaganda piece with :DDD in the end.

So first you lied (or forget, with a damaged brain like yours, who knows?) about the topic of this conversation (which I’ve proved earlier, I will quote it too, if you like).
(By the way, the article also about Lybia, not Syria or kurds, so I cannot be off topic, but it is clearly beyond your undersanting.)
Second: I’ve already proven to you, that the AMN article, which I’ve linked is not a propaganda pice, by a link from the official turkish source. You cannot be such a dimwit, not to comprehend this? Read the 2 articles line by line, maybe that will help, but only if you take your meds… :DDD

You told me that Air defence systems was destroyed.
I told you some material was damaged , extend was not know.. It can be auxillary systems , radars – Truth is we dont know what it is.

Here we go, the bargaining, as I mentioned, couple more comments, and you will cry out loud, so brace yourself..
Can you understand the basic concept of an anti air weapon system? What parts it consists of? How it operates? If e.g. I destroy a radar in such a system, it cannot function properly, so it can be considered destroyed. I think it is clearly beyond your understanding, so excuse me for the complex argument… :DDD

Btw , swetie – deal with yr sexual insecurities.. If you are looking for boys or girls, you are in a wrong thread.
Dude , you shud really fuck off . LOL.

It is really shame, that you even lack the capability for some genuine thought. You can only parroting what I’ve stated about you, based on your invocation. Come on, you are better than that, bring back the crazy stuff, I beg you, you genius of your pocket universe…
By the way, why do you always try to oust me? If you don’t like my answers, simpy doesn’t read. But I can assure you, I will always answer to you, because you are such a fun boy (or girl)… :DDD


Now that the retard understood what is really going on , it tries some damage control. Too late , sweetie.

I really like your answers , I realy love how you try to keep your head above the water.

Here is another flood for you

Paul : Kurds are ripping turkey apart in eastern turkey,syria and Iraq.Haftar is killing Turks in Libya:)

Me : Where do these happen , sweetie ? In your wet dream world ?

The Moron : Here is Al Masdar news about Libya. Hihihihi

Me : I was talking about Kurds.

The Moron : That was about the second part which went as ‘’ Haftar is killing Turks in Libya:’’

Me : But there is nothing about loss of military personel there in yr link ? I though you were mentioning about Haftar killing some Turks , no ?

The Moron : You dont understand me. Air systems .. They are destructed. May be they are damaged. Damage may be big or small . I dont know. How many parts these systems has ? I never mentioned loss of lives. Kübler-Ross told me that you were bargaining with me now . I am not gay definitely not. Dont call me sweetie. I feel insecure when you call me that. Are you a boy ? I am not asking this because I like young boys or something . Just curious.

Sweetie , you shoud keep commenting on some 3rd class music videos with yr short comments ending with :D’s. If you did , you would not be jumping here in anger like a retarded ape now.

Gücsög Kis

You are hilarious really, like a hamster in a cage, or a dog, chasing his own tail… :DDD
You the (Imbecile Ladyboy) stated earlier:

Dear Mr Low IQ , we were discussing about Kurds in ME before you appeared with a trivial propaganda piece about haftar.

So you mentioned that you only talk about Kurds in ME, but the post you are repliing to was about Lybia too. Oh Wo(man), you are such a fool, and every new comment from you just reinforce your “high” cognitive skills. The arrogance, the foul language and the agression are also sound proof of your low iq, which you attribute to me (that is also a tipical retard argument by the way)… :DDD
I didn’t say anything about loss of life, but if you insist:

The Moron : You dont understand me. Air systems .. They are destructed. May be they are damaged. Damage may be big or small . I dont know. How many parts these systems has ? I never mentioned loss of lives. Kübler-Ross told me that you were bargaining with me now . I am not gay definitely not. Dont call me sweetie. I feel insecure when you call me that. Are you a boy ? I am not asking this because I like young boys or something . Just curious.

That’s again a sound proof of your lack of basic understanding, Imbecile Ladyboy If you quote from sy. do it properly or not at all. But thanks for the help, from now on, I will always use the simplest possible language in conversations with you, because your little mind become confused by the simplest of complex sentences… :DDD

Brother Ma

Whether the vid is genuine or not is irrelevant . The Turks were cooked and some sour es say that pulled out of wattiyah.

Americans and Turks have had a pr disaster . They are apparently the main thing used amongst US forces and if true old Russian planes took them out.

I reckon they were Greek planes .


Yeah yeah sure . Please let me know the ranks , numbers and details And keep on hoping , dreaming with some twitter news. w

They were not greek planes btw , they were spacecraft from Alpha centauri.
When you gtreek boys will come down to earth and start thinking like a normal people do ?

Brother Ma

I presented you with a plausible explanation and you revert to childish comments.

As cigarette said ,Mirage planes from Greece can easily have done it ; having the range and ability to come in low on the sea thus not being seen by friendly -to -the -Turk govs.

Stop trying to laugh off a pr disaster for you. Turk and us arses must be quaking now ,if it wasn’t the US who betrayed you with remote kill switches.

Able to tell me where the two subs from Turkey are?

No Turk here is willing to even offer their thoughts. Seems idealistic blind nationalism prevents them from even thinking that something maybe wrong and they are lost. Not even discuss scenarios with me reasonably at all…


No it can not , brother Ma. They can not fly over mediterranean to Lİbya , fly close to Turkish warship without being noticed. There is no poss for them to fly over med where there are so many radar systems active inluding US ones.

The attack came through the land , not from the sea.

And quit defending that cigarette retard to me That guys is highly retarded with an IQ around 75 -80. And I mean it and we both know. He shud be reading comics instead of posting here.

Brother Ma

Iok , it came over the land as you say.
So did the Turks see it coming?
Why dont they admit they saw it coming and whose planes they were?
Why did they lose the AA and the base then I’d why didn’t they shoot any palnes down?

You know Akar and Guler have not be seen since and some sources says Guler (Joint Chiefs of staff) was killed?


I believe they came from a very short distance like Jufra , or directly from Egypt through southern Libya which left a very short time of reaction for the Turkish radars. IMHO the planes are either ex Russian planes handed to Haftar or some UAE planes took off from Egypt and followed South Libya route to stay out of Turkish radars.

I am sure now they know whose planes they are but not disclosed yet.

I also dont believe about these submarine stories or anything about Guler . You know , submarines are quite rare and missing of 2 would be great news which no one can hide , especially if the owner is a NATO country. Likewise , it is not so easy to hide the death of a very high top rank soldier.

Brother Ma

Ok. Sounds plausible, but so do the things others have said as well.

We will see what details are released further down the line.

Next topic then…

Brother Ma

Ok. Fine. At the time I made the comment the articles I had read said they had not been seen.


they are mirage 2000 not mig29

Zionism = EVIL

Only Egyptian and UAE dumbasses have Mirage 2000. The LNA has either Soviet era Sukhoi, and Migs and a few Czech L-39 armed trainers. Recently, the LNA “mysteriously” acquired unmarked MIG 29 and SU 24, wonder where they came from ;)


Is that the ones that Russia officially delivered to Syria.
No one else than USAFRICOM (NATO ally) have made any claims about delivery of Russian jets that might not even be true.
Even if one reads the statements from USAFRICOM and the wordings it’s Russian jets like only made in Russia now a days but it might just as well be another country and old soviet made jets.
And we know that the recorded movement of jets from Russia was most likely the ones delivered to Syria.
You need to start to read between the lines and carefully review the exact wording of communications.

Zionism = EVIL

Yes, I believe so, but the accuracy of the strike shows good skills and could Russian contract pilots or from ex-USSR like there are many Armenians flying for the Russian Federation. It is time the Turkeys got some payback for the mess they have created in Syria.

Rhodium 10

Wagner PMC have Mig 29 pilots from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazajistan and also Arabs from Syria, Yemen, Iraq…

Zionism = EVIL

Not Syria, Yemen or Iraq. Mostly Russian ex-USSR. Iraq never had MIG-29 as it is a pretty complex and temperamental plane to fly. Yemen did have 24 older Mig 29. Syrian pilots can not be spared to fight in Libya as they have their hands full.

namulit emperor

Iraq certainly had MiG29…

Rhodium 10

Iraq had MIG 29 and were used in Desert Storm operation!…USA propagande told that they shot down many MIG 29 without losses…but many US jets were shot down the first days…then US propagande told it was as consecuence of AAA or SA2….while Iraqi sources told that first days Iraq air force was active and shot down many US jets..among them a F-18C Bureau number 163484 Pilot Capt Scott Speicher(KIA)..2 F-15E..serial number 88-1689 and 88-1692…pilots Koritz and Donnie R. Holland (both KIA),..Eberly and Griffith captured!..

Liberal guy

Yes but they show themselves invincible surely they hide their kia obituaries

Liberal guy

They the Yankees scums didn’t mention kia of koritiz and donnie r. Holland and there f15s? Hiding kia is the part of their policy.its true that they r maximum 30% of their all and every powers out of what they pretend to be

Liberal guy

Why u think sadaam scum didn’t had mig 29s? U mean where it was soviet russian pilots that were flying i heard many times that even from the French ex giving interviews that they flying many planes in the Iraqi air force during the Iran Iraq war

Brother Ma

Sorry who was flying ? French or Russian pilots in the Iraq /Iran war.

Rumours always said that it was American pilots flying Israeli planes that killed Egyptian planes on the ground in 1967.

Liberal guy


Brother Ma

Yes. Most likely given they have the motive ,the type of aircraft seen and the power to do it.

Do you really believe the Turks have no objective means of knowing who attacked them ? Or is it just saving face? Can some one attack you and noone can say for sure whose planes they are?

Can a French plane switch offtransponders ,fly under radar ,never be seen by the radar of any other country taking off , hit a place from pretty much point blank range ,in Sixto nine waves of attacks and noone see what type of aeroplanes they were?

Seems impossible to me.

The Turks know for sure who hit them , as do all countries but the govs just aren’t telling us.

Liberal guy

Hahahahaha what governments its all a matrix. Am not talking about any conspiracy theory but current illusion


” It is time the Turkeys got some payback for the mess they have created in Syria.”
…I agree and increase.

Brother Ma

Doesn’t Greece still have mirages as well?

Rhodium 10

Mirage 2000 dont have enough range loaded of weapons and fuel to fly from Egipt to west Libya and return..

Brother Ma

But they do from Greece.

Zionism = EVIL

As I said before, if the Egyptian cowardly cunts even send a brigade into Libya the Turkeys will cut a run. The problem is that both Egypt and Turkeys are fuckwits. The LNA airstrike did take out a battery of Hawk MIM 23 as the idiots had the radar off and no BVR radar cover. A good airforce would have taken out all the Turkeys undetected.


There’s not any details of the attack around yet.
I don’t see why pilots would have needed to evade the NIM-23 Hawk?
It’s not 1980 any more and most air sorties would use munition with longer range than the NIM-23 Hawk that should be pretty easy to defeat since it’s not an layered integrated air-defense with a lot of different layers and radar/sensors.
Some glide bombs or Small Diameter Bombs would most likely penetrate that air-defense with good results from outside of the air-defenses range.
Israel always conducts attacks in Syria from outside of the range of the Syrian Pantsirs, BUK and so on since the S-300 isn’t used (Israel still conducts attacks from a rather safe distance and mostly from outside of the Syrian border just in case), many Israeli attacks are from over 100km from the target.

Rhodium 10

Hawk missile have a max range of 40km… upgrade MIG 29 can launch its antiradar KH 31 Kripton missile from 110km….



Brother Ma

Excuses even if is is true . Who cares. The Hawk is considered a very good system and is the bedrock of the Army. The planes attacked in 9 waves at point blank range yet the Hawk is meant to take out planes at around two hundred km.
Apparently all Hawk munitions ,rockets? Destroyed?

Either that Russians know how to kill them and go in unseen or the Yankers have sold out the Turks by using self destruct kill switches or led the Turks to think they had Us protection . The Turks were burnt.

If the latter happened then the US sucked in the Turks as it did the Colonels in Cyprus of 1974. It is high time the favour was repaid. :)

Many many dead ,including Turk military intelligence high-ups and headchopper Mercs flown in from Syria.

It is a public relations disaster for the US and Turkey and Turk media is saying they are asking for hulusi acar’s resignation immediately.

Ishyrion Av

I suspect it was the French this time. The rematch for the stand-off with Turkey in Mediterana, few days ago.

Brother Ma

Suits me fine.

So if a palne switched off all transponders and is painted grey or whatever. You can’t tell where it is from?

Surely Greece ,Italy ,Israel ,Us AND Russia with their radars would know where they took off from UNLESS they are all keeping utquiet or

Ishyrion Av

I was just guessing, based on the facts. It can’t be LNA, the hit was highly professional. I doubt UAE has the pilots of that class (some say it was a UAE plane).
Most of the sources also says it was a Mirage 2000. I know, being a French designed plane means nothing. Unless is a symbol.
But if we add the confrontation between French and Turkey navies in Mediterana, I can assume France paid a debt and sent a signal to Turkey. The only kind of signal a turk mind can understand.

Brother Ma

Fair enough

Brother Ma

Wonderful slap to the face to the Turks. I think the radars switched off is a convenient excuse or lie rather than the Turks ,Russians and us admit that either Russia knew how to kill them or the US simply betrayed the Turks with remote killn switchs.

Either way ,it has been said the Turks have left watiya!!!

Ishyrion Av

The radars were on.

Brother Ma

Yes that is what makes most sense but Zion said that they were supposedly off. He must have read it somewhere but implies too much carelessness.

I love how the pompous Albanian Turk Hulusi Acar was there in wattiyah when attacked. Could the planes have wanted to de capitate him in a premptive strike as part of the plan as well ? Symbolic and effective. Let’s kill ex boss of Turk armed forc es and current defence minister to show Turkey who is boss?

Maybe they got Fidan ,top Turk Intelligence head too as some sources say ?

What do you reckon of the Turk subs?

Ishyrion Av

I think France (if it was France, as I believe) just wanted to show the turks who the boss is. Embarrass them badly after turks claimed their victory in the stand-off in Mediterana.
If it was also a hit directed to turks officials, then they get the approval of US first, but somehow I don’t think so. Of course, is possible that turks died in the attack by accident. World will be better.
Anyway, we shouldn’t be that surprised of this incident outcome. After all, is 100% turkish technology. And the last two words of the previous sentence don’t fit together anytime!

Brother Ma

Well if the radars were Turkish Korel? and they were crap then they wouldn’t see anything coming even if the Hawk mim23 were any good.

So it makes sense poor Turk tech was to blame as well. Good.


” ,Russians and us admit that either Russia knew how to kill them or the US simply betrayed the Turks with remote killn switchs.”…
.All this was done with the consent of both. Russia and the United States have agreed to give a lesson to the Turks, because they became arrogant and greedy

Brother Ma

Yes . That makes the most sense.
Which planes did it you think and from where or whose?


Let’s say that 3 countries worked together to do that.

Brother Ma

I hope so. I really want those pimp Turks out of there.

Lelouch Vi Britannia

Its time to bomb Haftar’s house. That little puppet clown crossed the red line.

Zionism = EVIL

Yep, let use nukes too, you kids are a hoot.


American schools at work!


Lol, turkoid invader logic. They invade countries and kill people but when the other side strikes back they cry about a “red line”.


Seems to me that you are describing mother Russia LOL.
When it comes to invasion and killing people , your Russian boyfriends can create miracles.

Ishyrion Av

Eeeee, you didn’t see nothing till now from the Mother Russia. Wait until you’ll see them marching to Constantinople!


140 year ago against a war exhausted 10 nimillion nation
Those were the days for you . . But things are a bit different now.

Brother Ma

Turks are always braggarts in victory and abject crybabies in defeat.


At least unlike you, we have the balls to get into the game taking the risks, my greek friend.

Ishyrion Av

That is not about balls. Is about suicide.

Brother Ma



By the way, those Hawk systems, that are now a pile of junk, cost the Libyan tax payer of Tripoli:

{{Sunday 21/06/2020}}

Sarraj (WHO IS ALSO A TURK) pays $12 billion to Turkey for military protection.

Multi-billion-dollar payment made by Prime Minister of Government of National Accord to Turkey helps Erdogan save his country’s battered finances that have been shaken further by coronavirus pandemic.

Libya’s Government of National Accord gave 12 billion US dollars to Turkey as payment for Ankara’s military involvement in the North African country, revealed Libya Review on Sunday.

The news reinforces the fact that the GNA led by Prime Minister Fayez al-Sarraj is totally dependent on Turkey for its battle against military commander Khalifa Haftar’s Libyan National Army.

Turkey has brought thousands of mercenaries from Syria to the battlefield in Libya, deployed troops and sent sophisticated drones against LNA forces despite international calls against foreign interference in the war-torn country.

Sarraj received on Wednesday a high-level Turkish delegation led by Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu in Tripoli to discuss ways to enhance bilateral cooperation between the two countries.

Sarraj’s government has deposited 4 billion dollars in the Central Bank of Turkey and another 8 billion dollars was deposited to pay for Turkey’s recent military intervention in Libya, according to Libya Review sources.

The multi-billion-dollar payment exposed Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s true intentions in Libya as Ankara is seeking to save its battered finances that have been shaken further by the coronavirus pandemic.

TRT quoted Turkish Erdogan as saying that “our foreign exchange reserves are now above $93 million.”

Turkey has $169 billion in foreign debt due in the next 12 months and gross foreign currency reserves, including gold, of only $84 billion, reported the Financial Times on May 27.

The Turkish and GNA officials discussed how Turkey could help in energy exploration and operations, including cooperation “on every imaginable project” to help resources reach global markets, a senior Turkish official said.

They also discussed payments owed to Turkish companies for past energy and construction work in Libya.

Brother Ma

What a jackass! They even pay Turkey to take them over! Haha

Badis Badis

There are no taxes in Libya. The state just uses oil money.

Brother Ma

Some news sources say that two hundred armoured vehicles from GNA are making their way to Sirte now . In addition ,Turk Hercules aircraft are taking two hundred Headchoppers (turco ) “moderates” from Syria haha to Libya now and have just taken off from Gaziantep in Asia Minor (Turkey).

Now is the time for the Haftar Allies to torch the convoy and shoot the plane out of the air. Let’s see if they do it?


The big question is what launch platforms and munitions were used to accomplish this? The https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIM-23_Hawk system missiles only have a 30 mile range.