Growing Losses And Mysterious Deaths Of Foreign Mercenaries In Ukraine (18+)

Growing Losses And Mysterious Deaths Of Foreign Mercenaries In Ukraine (18+)

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The end of 2023 and the first month of 2024 were marked by Russian offensive in all directions on the Ukrainian frontlines, accompanied by precision strikes on military personnel in the Ukrainian rear regions. As a result, the number of deaths of ‘foreign specialists’ on the Ukrainian territories increased dramatically.

Over the past days, Ukrainian and other foreign sources confirmed deaths of a lot of foreign mercenaries from different countries on the Ukrainian frontlines, not to mention losses in Russian strikes in the rear areas. The deaths of foreign servicemen are often accompanied by different media campaigns aimed to hide the truth.

For example, the death of the German female mercenary Diana Savita Wagner was first reported on January 31. The woman fought in the ranks of the Ukrainian international militant group “Carpathian Sich”. However, Ukrainian sources confirmed her death only a week later:


Growing Losses And Mysterious Deaths Of Foreign Mercenaries In Ukraine (18+)

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Growing Losses And Mysterious Deaths Of Foreign Mercenaries In Ukraine (18+)

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Growing Losses And Mysterious Deaths Of Foreign Mercenaries In Ukraine (18+)

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Canadian mercenary Latlin Bercier Austin with the call sign Isidore was reportedly killed in Avdiivka several days ago. He joined the Armed Forces of Ukraine back in 2022:

Growing Losses And Mysterious Deaths Of Foreign Mercenaries In Ukraine (18+)

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Georgia lost more its citizens in Ukraine.

The famous members of the Georgian Legion of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Zur Tsiklauri and Gocha Zhvania, were eliminated by Russian forces. They both came to Ukraine back in 2014, during the so-called Kiev’s Anti-Terrorist Operation against the population of Donbass.

Growing Losses And Mysterious Deaths Of Foreign Mercenaries In Ukraine (18+)

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Another victim of the war is Svetoslav Ivanov Slavkov, born on September 17th 1992, from Sofia, Bulgaria. This skinhead came to Ukraine on September 3rd 2023 and joined the 40th Separate Rifle Battalion “Kodak”. On January 4th, 2024, he was eliminated by Russian army.

Growing Losses And Mysterious Deaths Of Foreign Mercenaries In Ukraine (18+)

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Growing Losses And Mysterious Deaths Of Foreign Mercenaries In Ukraine (18+)

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Colombia remains one of the key hubs for recruitment of mercenaries in the AFU. 

Deaths of at least three Colombian mercenaries were confirmed in February, 2024.

22-year-old Steven Brayan Cuevas Cardenas from Villavicencio came to Ukraine in November 2023 where he joined Karpatska Sich unit. He first went to bars and nightclubs in Ukrainian Ternopil. A month later, he was eliminated near Kupyansk. He was first declared missing as well as his companeros. It turned out that their corpses and documents were taken by Russian forces.

Jairo Bahamon Sanchez and Jonathan Chimbaco, brothers in law from the Colombian region of Huila. They left their families and children in Colombia, and joined Karpatska Sich unit in December 2023. In February, their deaths were confirmed.

Growing Losses And Mysterious Deaths Of Foreign Mercenaries In Ukraine (18+)

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Growing Losses And Mysterious Deaths Of Foreign Mercenaries In Ukraine (18+)

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Growing Losses And Mysterious Deaths Of Foreign Mercenaries In Ukraine (18+)

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Growing Losses And Mysterious Deaths Of Foreign Mercenaries In Ukraine (18+)

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Growing Losses And Mysterious Deaths Of Foreign Mercenaries In Ukraine (18+)

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Growing Losses And Mysterious Deaths Of Foreign Mercenaries In Ukraine (18+)

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Meanwhile, a series of ‘mysterious deaths’ of young servicemen was reported in Italy. 

Untimely death at the age of 45 of Claudio Castilla, Lieutenant Colonel of the Italian army, who served in the NATO command structures, was announced by the National Association of Bersaglieri.

Growing Losses And Mysterious Deaths Of Foreign Mercenaries In Ukraine (18+)

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31-year-old Carabinieri Antonio Picozzi, died prematurely in Italy. According to the official version, the reason was an illness.

Growing Losses And Mysterious Deaths Of Foreign Mercenaries In Ukraine (18+)

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Lieutenant Agostino Risorto of the Carabinieri special task force died suddenly due to some “sudden illness” at the age of 54.

Growing Losses And Mysterious Deaths Of Foreign Mercenaries In Ukraine (18+)

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More deaths of young Italian military men are likely to be reported soon. Such a coincidence is highly likely the result of Russian missile strikes in Ukraine.


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JR Gerard

you came for nazi money and left without your life, loser idiots


true. but they are brainwashed, so i assign most of the blame to those evil bastards in the world who do the brainwashing.

the same can be said of all the tv watchers around the world who think that putin is some evil tyrant – i blame the controllers of the media more than i blame them.

captain hohol

you know that german chick was a “true believer” though, a proper zealot.

Last edited 1 year ago by captain hohol

well she has been given the opportunity to die for what she believes on….. maybe she’ll end up in valhalla….


she will end up in nazi heaven :)


nah they are in nazi hell where they are all taking african migrant bbc 24/7 alongside their nazi girlfriends.

Magna Carta

wasn’t she a descendant of himmler or some other nazi honcho?


apparently himmler’s great daughter someone posted last week on southfront but i couldn’t find verification. i think it was a german who posted so maybe its easier to verify using german sources.


if their brainwashed by the 6.00 news then so be it …their lives’s are worthless.

Magna Carta

they’re not brainwashed. they’ve been fascists for years and ukraine just drew them like a magnet.

Edgar Zetar

totally agreed 👍 great comment

Ultrafart the Brave

… and went home to hell.



only the tip of the iceberg…

Last edited 1 year ago by Dstroj

rest in piss.


thank you russia for obliterating the worst trash inhumanity has to offer! press on till none survive, even those who escape back to their countries will be missing some limbs or at least have nightmares as a lifelong reminder!

Last edited 1 year ago by Redguard
Edgar Zetar

nice to read your comments again redguard


fu^k them…foreign merc shits. they all got what they deserved.


waiting for the french ones. profiles still on fb for several in uniform with ukr patching.


stupids, imbeciles, you are all going all to die as hitler.

Peter Jennings

looks like claudio died of a bird strike. i guess fighting holidays are the ultimate thrill seek but there’s no refunds.


i was thinking, why does bro have a giant bird on his hat?


i am a bit disappointed to see a bulgarian there, but everybody chooses its own path. as for these italian clowns called bersaglieris with cockatoo feathers on their hats or helmets, the truth is they are cowards of poor fighting quality as were their ancestors in both world wars. they and the romans to whom they would gladly be compared are obviously not the same breed.

nazi train

you have a good point there. how the fuck can be dead within a week of fighting….really fun when you think about it. they play to much cs and call of duty :d


those bastards are the sons of mussolini, same fascist trash.

Magna Carta

like their president.


yes nato countries often cover up deaths of their military personnel in conflict areas by not reporting the losses or reporting them as accidents! they will never admit losses on active service never. also i noticed two columbians among the casualties they would have done better to enlist with the cartels in south america as it would have been more productive for them. these idiots will never understand that they are simply cannon fodder for nato the the regime in kiev

captain hohol

it’s so bad that i had to do some serious digging to actually find information that m1a2 tanks had actually been “destroyed” in combat in iraq.

the western media and information outlets obscure this by saying they were “disabled” or that somehow western forces “finished them off”.

nah, if a tank gets blown out and people die inside of it, it’s taken out.


i have particular contempt for that german bitch.

captain hohol

all of those upstart types who want to fight for postmodern leftism need to meet the same fate as her.

Magna Carta

she went down like a true carpathian sicko.


tie náhle úmrtia má na svedomí zanedbaná starostlivosť o vlastné zdravie. zabudli sa dať zaočkovať vakcínou od pfizer, ha, ha, ha … debili. tak dostali miesto nej jeden ruský kinžal.

captain hohol

dying fighting for the wef, the fools.

Magna Carta

it’s a crazy world out there. fascists worldwide coming to fight in ukraine on behalf of neocon trotskyists. only thing they have in common is their thirst for ‘full spectrum dominance’. if they were actually to win in ukraine, they’d end up fighting each other to destruction. maybe russia should just temporarily withdraw to the sidelines and watch the show.

R. Ambrose Raven

in larry and stretch novels of the american west, many likewise died of illness – “lead poisoning”.


lots of dead wannabe rambos.


this is no proof for the italians, there are many deaths from sickness of young persons allover (also at my work). only facts please.

Jonas Strandval

don’t ask facts from this pro russia propaganda site.

Magna Carta

you wouldn’t know a fact if it hit you and knocked you over. you live in a ukranotopia.


picozzi had cancer, he’s been sick for months. he died in his hometown. but feel free to believe your daily dose of cope.

crocodile tears

may i shed a tear for picozzi the stronzo? any way he died is a ok by me.

Porta Portese

some have suggested making a specialty pizza after him with lots of little meat chunks and calling it pizza picozzi.

i remove my cockatoo to your dear memory, pico. may you spend eternity in pieces.

depleted genetics

cancer? poor guy, was it from fooling around with all those du rounds?


il était pourtant vacciné ???

Jonas Strangle

so go to a pro western propaganda site you idiot, problem solved


id cards were in the photos. on a large scale, these pages contain pictures of the bodies of hundreds of mercenaries, clearly shot in the field. often with id, but to cover up the truth they often don’t have with them. the reports of deaths after the missile attacks are not a coincidence.

Magna Carta

probably some are cremated on the spot by the ukies, like they probably did in azovstal.

some even shot then cremated, instead of being captured, under a ukie version of the hannibal directive.

Magna Carta

no facts coming from this war, especially from western sources.


the italians are a bunch of pussies, they lick the yankees’ asses and are capable of dying for them, like the ukronazis.

jens holm

fak aff makaroni

carlos der schakal

they fought and died for natzies now they’re in oblivion just like hitler.
if they had chosen to fight for the twenties of thousands of innocent babies, infants and women victims of the genocide of gaza these foreigners would have gone to the next life when they died.

Jonas Strandval

only true nazi is in kreml.


so the ukrainian nazis like biletsky and tyahnybok are fake nazis? thanks for playing, li’l nafomosexual unrinal-puck muncher.

Magna Carta

they were kremlin agents, according to jonas the doofus.

Jonas Strandval

its kremlin, sorry guys, my porn saturated mind can’t even write a simple word it’s the bavarian education system.

crocodile tears

i guess what he meant to say is that all true nazis are being kreamled in ukraine.

Edgar Zetar

the children’s of the western world and usa empire colonialism worldwide, they are puppets without even knowing what they are fighting for, they don’t had future in their conquered and controlled lands so they only opportunity is to fight to expand the empire as paid mercenaries. they deserve to die for sure. scum of the earth.


adventurists who got what they signed up for and paid for it with their lives.


austin really killed in ukrain or just rumours

Magna Carta

alive or dead, his on the job rating is just the same.

crocodile tears

ukraine has turned into one of those nasty roadside accidents where u crane your neck to see while you drive past, also known as rubbernecking.

Degeneration Of Russia

russian propaganda has famous attitude to highly exaggerate enemy losses. this exaggeration is in record highest level when it comes to “deaths” of “western mercenaries”.
the truth is that war has become more unpopular in russia. people are getting tired and bored with kremlin and rf military mod propaganda. even so called growth of economy is smoke on air. it’s growth of munition production. inflation hits hard to russian people.

Stop neo-Nazism in Europe

what would a bankrupt, saturated with nazism and depopulated ukraine living of the mercy of the dirty west give to be as “degenerate” as the russian federation?

Magna Carta

black rock’s larry fink dreams of taking over kolomoisky’s roll of providing the banderite fascists with a barely living slave wage to keep the dissenters in line and him rolling in the dough. they come in handy for hostile takeovers of any business’ the fink covets too. kolomoisky is even signed up as a hostile takeover consultant for the fink. he’s an expert in the field.

Last edited 1 year ago by Magna Carta

so how many dead ukrainian military personnel since the 2014 us coup in kiev? how much territory lost by the ukrainian state since the 2014 coup? how many citizens have left the territory of the ukrainian state since the 2014 us coup? since we’re talking degeneration.

Magna Carta

it’s all a ruse. no ukrainians have died. they’re just beefing up their forces with a tenth mobilization in prep for the march on moscow. lol

Magna Carta

famous attitude? who told you that, zelensky? lol

Degeneration Of Russia

i prefer the western propaganda, my oversized and full of sugar mind cannot see the reality of life so i come here to cry my frustrations, now excuse me guys i have to send more money to zelensky.

crocodile tears

i heard that a bunch of republicans chipped in to buy him a toy yacht and sent it to him with a note: “you’ll have to make do with this from now on.”

crocodile tears

i’m pretty sure it’s been ukraine that lost an entire generation to the neocon cause.

there’s been some talk of putting up a nudleman statue next to bandera. that’d be viciously amusing.

Last edited 1 year ago by crocodile tears
Jonas Strandval

so what has russian armed forces achieved during its “winter offensive”? practically nothing at all. all it can do is pure propaganda of “enemy’s terrible losses”. 2024 will be the year where russian economic issues are becoming nightmare for putin’s gang. it has lost lucrative european markets and is truly now under the thumb of china. the war in ukraine goes on and russians can only hope to keep their front line solid. there is no true chances for any really big victories.


how are things working out for the people of the ukraine since the 2014 us coup in kiev?

Magna Carta

man, give me some of that copium. spare me your intravenous stuff, just the snortable will do for me.


you didn’t understand, it’s over fat buddy.

crocodile tears

if he didn’t understand from day one, he ain’t gonna now.


these animals deaths are of ………….no loss in fact the third picture was beautiful


jenny-wanda barkmann
was denazified


did these drug addicts a favour in life….pure garbage.


dead dykes and transgender mutant retard contract killers sent to hell, wonderful news. urupp thanks mother russia for saving it from anglozionazi fa$cism for another generation. this time however, pull the evil out from the roots. destroying natostan guarantees the collapse of the evil eussr and the snake in the washing town sewer.


also, i can’t wait how many ethnic minorities from far far russian wasteland were sent to the meat grinder so that we can have a direct comparision between the two.