The British and Norwegian defense ministries have agreed to supply “Black Hornet” micro drones to Ukraine for free. The supply costs 9.25bn dollars. The amount includes the cost of transportation and training of the AFU (Armed forces of Ukraine) servicemen. The delivery will be paid by the British side, while Norway contributed 41.1m dollars to the project.
The main functions of the drone are reconnaissance and identification. The Norwegian Ministry of Defense noted that drones are quite easy to use, difficult to detect, and well assembled. The drones were developed back in 2014, their mass application began in 2018. It is noted that the drone developed by Norwegians is a leader in the global market. It is used in several countries, including the United States, Britain, and France. It should be noted that the UAV system consists of two drones, a charger, and a control tablet. The weight of the set is 1.3 kg. The micro UAV can rise to an altitude of up to 3 km. It is equipped with two cameras. The device may speed up to 6 m/sec. Thanks to its light weight, quietness, and maneuverability, the UAV can perform operations in different conditions and transmit highly accurate photos and video in real-time to the operator. As a result, soldiers have an overview ща 25 minutes and can assess the situation on the battlefield. The UAVs will be bought from Teledyne Flir, a developer of thermal imaging and sensors.

The AFU test drone
Part of the funds will be used to install special Nightfighter drone protection system, developed by the British company SteelRock Technologies. The total cost of the equipment will be 100 million Norwegian kroner. Nightfighter is a portable jamming system particularly useful to protect small patrols and artillery positions.
The supply of weapons to Ukraine by Western countries indicates two things. They still support Ukraine and they are willing to continue spending their budgets on the Ukrainian army. Norway spent a total of $213.8 million to Ukraine, while London has already allocated $75 billion since the beginning of the Russian military operations in Ukraine.
Nobody spent all these billions of dollars on Yemen, if I were Ukrainian I would ask myself a few questions. Are you fighting for your sovereignty or to submit to the Anglo-Americans?
Ukras already has made answers for those questions for many years. Why dont You read about it.
Its not about submitting the everlasting Anglo-Americans but the rest of the world. For them its mainly to be affiliated with EU as tradepartner and an area for investments and jobmakings.
Ukras are full of lies and accomplish nothing. Huge waste of money to corrupt people. Look at the EU today! Big inflation, lack of energy. Wait until winter comes! EU commits economic suicide.
That is a really bright outlook for investments and jobmakings. How much drugs do you have to consume to really believe this crap?
They haven’t told the UK public yet who are going to starve and freeze this winter.
Yes your absolutely right – total submission to the USA .
Next is the sale of the NHS to Big Medical/Big Pharma USA.
I’ve no pity for the Brits, they can freeze to death.
And I suck dick for rubbles.
I know you do, I raised you as a faggot unfortunately.
I bet you love poop , good stuff , eh , faggot ?
And I’m a danish fascist capitalist feudalist paedophilic and genocidal FAGGOT ! 😀
Not stupid cocksucker after all, the rubble exchange rate is performing very well. Something to aspire to 💵💵💵👍
We know , Rump Ranger , you repeat the same crap every day .Quite frankly , you bore us .
The average brainwashed limey is freezing in poverty and homelessness and these evil bastards keep on pumping junk into Kievan-Rus. As if these Dinky Toys will make any difference.
The ukroNazis should know by now that they’re being used to fight as proxy army playing the losing side against the fearsome superpower whereby even the 30+ country members of NATO wouldn’t dare to face in the battlefield, such a dire situation in which NATO supplies the armaments while Kiev supplies dead bodies to feed the horror of history in the making.
Those cheap toy drones could easily be brought down by magnets, What if RF forces swarm the neighboring NATO countries’ busy airports with similar drones or any menacing unarmed drones just to disrupt their aviation businesses to get even with the illegal sanctions, it’s gonna be a perfect fair games against the sanctionists.
Surely it will be fun how those unfriendlies shutting down the airport operations and activating air defence shooting the drones scattering debris all over the area.
Many do , but remember they are being bombarded with lies. Zelensky and company controls all media, no opposition. People have no idea what’s really going on .
Russian explosive drones might accidentally malfunction and fly straight into North Sea wind farms. Not sure what the British establishment are trying to achieve? Other than receiving the eventual payback they will undoubtedly have coming to them.
You are worse then blind.
Britts fx has been importers of food for many centuries. Cheep basic food by that is a must. By that they can sell their stuff to the Ukras.
I prefer English sperm in my mouth
The politicians are profiting and have already got their shares, greedily anticipating more windfalls from them.
I import cheap semen and sperm with my mouth.
Great Britain is long due for a major arse kickin! Sic em Vlad!
The people are unlikely to complain about striikes on our nation as long as it affects the parasite scum and not us.
“Pre-planned blackouts in the UK” – They are getting fuked without anyone really trying.
Son pequeños y, seguramente, electronica relativamente simple. Creo que seran anulados con lucha electronica.
Thats not impossible. But it would be very strange if they have done no research about it.
Fascist capitalist feudalist paedophilic and genocidal danish scum FAGGOT !!! 😀
On second thought it might be possible to stuff 2 dicks in my mouth at the same time.
only accept 2 penis in my anus—the best is Tajik sperm in my mouth
ss great sheizen britan have a micro brain !! and a big anus to take everything up… !!!
Tranny Truss loves anus penetration.
Looks like stuff you can buy on Ebay for under £100 each!
Most likely its semilar to.
They go up for some minutes look aroubd for targets and geolocate them. Next they contact strikers for the targets.
You can be the striker Yourself by having missiles Yourself in an infantery unit not far away.
Is there any gay here wants to fuk my ass? I accept rubbles as payment.
nobody touch faggot jens unless he pay homo midget 5550 ruble
MIC middle man charge – hence the price upgrade, when charged to the UK tax payer.
It will be tank finders, if russia has any left.
Very good if its true they have some night vision.
If Ukraine has any left, you mean.
One time I got stuffed with 5 dicks at once. Why would anyone want to fck my old ugly ass is beyond my comprehension.
maybe if jens pays 700 rubles to eskimo they will consent to the double taliban–2 anus in jens rectum is love
This is useless junk that can stay in air for 10min max and slow as crap
Another “wonder weapon”! How many more game-changers do the Ukro-fashists need to start a counter offensive?
Not forgetting 8 years of being trained by the best NATO had to offer. How long did it take Russia to sort things? How much has Russia spent on defending the Russian speaking citizens of Ukraine and how much have G7, EU, ‘5 eye nations’ and NATO members spent on Ukraine. Not just weapons, but, also money that allowed the Kiev Government to award themselves a 70% pay rise?
Typical comment. Only the things which dont work well gets a comment. By that you trick Yourself.
NLAW missiles dont work?
Trolls do not work
NLAW Notorious Licking AssWipe.
senile midget nazi jens retired cock sucker
for jens being an ally raped by junkie in arhaus sweeping floors for amerikan is dignity
The financial centres in the city and in manchester are doing this.
There is a company already with politicians owning shares which has already claimed ownership of Ukraine, the Liberated areas, Crimea and Russia and of all of their assets. That is the way that it works. The financial centres are behind the wars, it is always about profits and mass deaths.
Russia should send their drones over Norway, London and Paris. Another lot of legitimate tagets would be the factories where the weapons are made and their offices, research cnetres and HQ. This sould make their shares DIVE and be a deterrent taking out the profits from these nefarious efforts.
It sounds like the Russians need to get a move on with their almost non-existent offensive.
in kansas your offensive 2 ukie penis in your anus
“Nice and Slow” are the orders of the house. Slow & Well grinding.
Now we know that the Rothchild family also own Norway
The Norwegian government wrote that the cost for drones, spare parts, transportation and training is NOK90million that’s about $9million.
The US army wrote when they tested the drones that their hand made (slow production at high cost) and each drone costs $190,000.
Given all the other things included it can’t be many drones.
Good thing the Danish didn’t supply the micro drones…….the Russkies would be in deep stuff if that were the case.
Russia will install table fans to blow away those mini drones LMAO
Do tell me what other weapons that the West send to UA helped again? None and you want me to believe this small drone that Russia also got in Syria can change anything, yeah nah.
UA soldier: “We don’t even see Russian troops and only getting killed by shells on the frontline.”
Fact: The West still see Ukrainians as their slaves, and as we can see the West is using their slaves to attack Russia. The West fully know from the start of the war that UA had no chance to fight Russia. But why would they care about their slaves’ lives… the West choice to use UA to attack Russia and kill UA people. It is a win for them but they also like morons forgot how weak they are and Russia fully knows that – sanctions and after the war ends… yeah what is the West going to do?
Say goodbye to the dollar and West terrorist cult NATO, it is downhill for the West.
P.S. Even now, France is stealing oil/gas from Yemen and talking to Algeria for oil/gas. The US is looting Syria and Iraq even faster. CA is becoming tastier and tastier for the West as they have the gas they badly need right now.
Unfortunately, the dollar is at a 20-year high! The euro is crushed, but that means that the USA plan runs smoothly! You know, the plan to get Europe and Russia against each other in order to bring down both… because “whoever controls Eurasia controls the world”.
Has anyone on SF noticed that China will use TURKEY as its new road towards Europe, because Russia has been cut off by Europe? And Turkey considers to have a “strategic relationship” with Ukraine, signing drone factory contracts and recognising Tatars as “indigenous” in Crimea? This means Zelensky has sold Crimea to Turkey, in order to get Turkey to play its NATO member role when the time comes!
South Front needs a moderator.
Keep it up , ass holes , you will pay dearly for what you’re doing .
Time to drop the Great in Great Britain.
Legoland in loony ville, how cute. My oh my how the angloZionaZi empire of shit is getting flushed. The aZov ukropper naZis are said to be looking forward to these wonderful Christmas stocking stuffers which are guaranteed to keep their spirits up in the gangrenous winter trenches. The only problem might be that under minus degrees the toys (the packaging states) “sometimes don’t live up to kiddys’ expectations”. However, we can be sure that “our guys” will love the little gifts sent courtesy of the island monkeys on Pirate Rock and the Quisling Nation that gave the world such naZi heroes as Mr Anders Breivik, famous through Quisling’s land for offing nearly 100 “do gooders” in 2011.
PS please don’t forget to send the batteries with the little bugs.
Santa’s Little Helper
Quite a difference when you check out the aid that Russia gives and the aid that the US, EU, G7 and NATO Members give Ukraine.
Russian Aid – video on YT, showing Mariupol post ‘Special Operation’ – Title of Video: Мариуполь сегодня Строительство домов Черёмушки Восстановление
Then have a look at the $billions sent, whether cash or lethal weapons from the West. I know which aid I would prefer, if living in Ukraine. Sadly the EU, UK, US, G7 member, Nato member tax payers are being billed for it all, with no bills going through their independent Parliaments, for approval.
No problem, insecticide should get rid of the problem.
If this ends up in Ukraine, my contact Mr. Ignoramusmycov will sell on eBay for good price.
Are you serious? It’s to provide real-time image, for example it allows a team of soldiers to know if the road ahead is clear or an enemy ambush, and to allow THEM to ambush the enemy who’s waiting to ambush! Entering a house with weapons ready and sending the mini-drone ahead. Many-many things it’s very useful for.
That little flying piece of shit (Black Hornet Nano) has a price tag of $40,000!!!