Government Forces Liberate More Areas From ISIS South Of Al-Bab

Government forces have retaken two more villages – Afrin and Rasm al-Abed – from ISIS terrorists in the area south of al-Bab in the Syrian province of Aleppo. The Syrian army has also entered Shamer, but the village still remains contested.

The Syrian army, led by the elite Tiger Forces, launched an offensive against ISIS in northern Aleppo on Monday. Since then, government forces have liberated 3 villages and Moscow and Ankara have intensified airstrikes against ISIS targets in the area.

If Damascus, Moscow and Ankara agree terms and conditions of cooperation, they can launch a major-scale anti-ISIS advance, aiming to retake from the terrorist group waste areas in eastern Aleppo.

Government Forces Liberate More Areas From ISIS South Of Al-Bab

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An interesting article, relating to (allegedly12-13 million pages) of declassified files that were released today, many years earlier than expected.

The confession of the criminal John Kerry
by Thierry Meyssan…

CIA releases 13m pages of declassified documents online

John Whitehot

Did Brennan actually made a veiled threat to Trump when he stated “I think Mr Trump has to understand that absolving Russia of various actions that it’s taken in the past number of years is a road that he, I think, needs to be very, very careful about moving down”


Looks like it, but Brennan will be out of a job on Friday. I wonder if it will all come tumbling down, because if Trump does not go for them immediately, there is no way he will be around for the full 4 years.

Jahangeer Niyazov

Whosoever wrote this article clearly has no knowledge of Northern Syria’s villages. Rasm al-Abed is the full name of Abed, a village already liberated yesterday. And there is no Afrin to south of al-Bab. SAA reportedly captured Rasm al-Alam and Mushayrafa (