Government Forces Advancing at Damascus-Aleppo Highway in Eastern Ghouta

Government Forces Advancing at Damascus-Aleppo Highway in Eastern Ghouta

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Syrian government forces are advancing to expand a buffer zone along the Daraa-Damascus-Homs-Aleppo Highway (M5) in the Eastern Ghouta region of Rif Damascus Province.

The Syrian army and the National Defense forces have made a series of attacks on Jaish al-Islam positions north of the Abu Zeid Hill and east of the militant controlled town of Harasta (a shaky ceasefire is ongoing there).

If the army and the NDF are able to secure the M5 Highway in Eastern Ghouta this will positively impact the logistic capabilities of government forces around the Syrian capital.

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Kire Stojanovski

This map is a little confusing, Abu Zeid hill is shown far away in the North of Harasta, there must be some mistake here.