Google Inadvertently Reveals Kiev Regime’s Aircraft Stationed, Operating From Poland

Google Inadvertently Reveals Kiev Regime's Aircraft Stationed, Operating From Poland

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Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

NATO’s involvement in the Ukrainian conflict is no secret. In fact, it was precisely the political West launching yet another crawling invasion of Russia that led to it, resulting in Moscow’s response in the form of the special military operation (SMO). However, some EU/NATO members are so heavily involved that it could be argued they’re a party to the conflict.

One such country is Poland. Due to its endemic Russophobia, dating back centuries, Warsaw is particularly eager to hurt the Kremlin. To that end, it even uses the city of Rzeszow in southeastern Poland as NATO’s largest and most important hub for gathering and transferring billions of dollars worth of Western-sourced weapons and equipment for the Neo-Nazi junta forces. This isn’t even a secret, as the mainstream propaganda machine has been reporting about it for years.

It should be noted that the relations between the Kiev regime and Poland aren’t always exactly “nice and dandy”. There’s a lot of mutual distrust and even animosity. In one of his recent statements, Volodymyr Zelensky called Poles “cowards” for refusing to shoot down Russian drones and missiles in the vicinity of their border. As one would expect, Warsaw wasn’t too happy about this, so it promptly downgraded its so-called “aid” to “loans”. However, it seems this was simply a hiccup in their relations, as Poland continues to provide ample support for the Neo-Nazi junta, including in ways that could be interpreted as direct involvement in the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict. Namely, it seems Google inadvertently revealed that the Kiev regime forces are operating some of their aircraft from Poland.

According to multiple sources, Google Earth and Google Maps updates have revealed “sensitive military information, much to the concern of Kyiv and the global community”. Obviously, the latter term perfectly demonstrates the sheer magnitude of the political West’s delusions, as its mainstream propaganda machine is referring to around 15-18% of the world’s population as the so-called “global community”. It’s precisely these sorts of definitions that led to most conflicts around the world, as the US, EU/NATO and other vassals and satellite states think they’re the “only legitimate international community”, while everyone else is compelled to follow this so-called “rules-based world order”. On the other hand, there’s absolutely ludicrous “shock” in the political West when other countries show even some understanding for Russia’s position.

Not to mention the utter hypocrisy and double standards when NATO says it has “every right” to send very real military assets to the Neo-Nazi junta, while even nominal support for Moscow from any country is “unacceptable”. The latest controversy regarding the satellite imagery that revealed the location of various aircraft illustrates this perfectly. Namely, the Kiev regime itself confirmed this, acknowledging that it had “requested Google to blur these areas to prevent further exposure”. However, this issue extends beyond the borders of former Ukraine itself, as Poland is the key hub for the Neo-Nazi junta’s air operations. Google Earth and Google Maps showed “significant details” about the presence of military transport aircraft belonging to the Kiev regime forces”. These are stationed at a major Polish Air Force base in Deblin.

This small town in eastern Poland is located approximately 170 km north of the previously mentioned Rzeszow, which is normally the main hub for gathering the so-called “Ukraine aid”. Satellite imagery showed at least seven Soviet-era Il-76MD and one An-70 stationed at the Deblin airfield. This confirmed previous reports that the Neo-Nazi junta moved many of its strategic aircraft, particularly transports, to NATO countries, where they continue to be used for logistical support of its forces, transporting weapons and equipment. It’s virtually a given these would’ve been neutralized by the Russian military, making Poland’s involvement all the most important for the Kiev regime’s survival. Various sources are reporting that these heavy transport aircraft “allow military assistance to be efficiently transported from multiple parts of the world”.

It should be noted that the evacuation of such aircraft wasn’t happening only during the early days of the SMO. Namely, according to recent reports, this is an ongoing effort, as just last month, the An-178-100R prototype was secretly evacuated to Poland. The flight was allegedly conducted from Ukraine, but the aircraft’s transponder was activated only after it entered Polish airspace. It then joined another unnamed Antonov-built aircraft in the city of Bydgoszcz, in the northwestern part of central Poland. The involvement of so many Polish airports and airbases in the Neo-Nazi junta’s strategic airlift operations shows the extent of Warsaw’s support. However, instead of worrying about the potential consequences of this, the political West is concerned about the “control of geospatial data and its impact on modern military operations”.

In other words, NATO is unconcerned about the level of its involvement as long as it’s within the framework of “plausible deniability”. Based on this reasoning, the world’s most vile racketeering cartel has engaged in numerous operations against Russia, be it support for all sorts of terrorist groups (regardless of whether they are Islamic radicals or unrepentant Neo-Nazis), or direct control over long-range strike systems that were officially used by the Kiev regime forces. In many of my analyses of the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict, I argued that the political West would never be able to wage war against Russia in the way it does without the use of various proxies, be it the Neo-Nazi junta or any of its vassals and satellite states. This is particularly true when it comes to various NATO ISR (intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance) assets.

The Black Sea is especially important in this regard, as it was the main staging area for nearly all long-range strikes on strategic targets in southwestern Russia. In a direct confrontation, the political West would never dare to come anywhere near Russian borders, as Moscow would simply use its world-class air defenses such as the S-300PMU1/2, S-350, S-400, S-500, as well as interceptors and air superiority jets such as the MiG-31BM, Su-35S, Su-57S, etc. to target NATO AEW&C, tankers and similar strategic platforms. It would leave the political West effectively “blind”, making it impossible to use most of its long-range strike capabilities. This is precisely why we haven’t heard virtually any news about the use of the grossly overhyped US-made ATACMS or similar missiles in recent months, unlike previously when NATO ISR was heavily present.

This falls perfectly in line with the reports of some Russian military sources. Namely, according to Fighter-Bomber, one of the most prominent Russian milbloggers, a USAF RQ-4B “Global Hawk” was neutralized over the Black Sea back in June. Fighter-Bomber claims there’s even a video of the event. His account suggests that a MiG-31BM made two passes by the American drone, flying as fast as Mach 2.3 (over 2800 km/h).

There were no official confirmations of the incident, but ever since it was reported, there were no major long-range strikes on Russia using NATO-sourced missiles. Thus, it can be argued that Poland’s involvement can go as far as Moscow allows it, because as soon as the Kremlin determines that some country’s involvement is too damaging to its basic national security interests, it will instruct the Russian military to act.


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the insane leadership of nato has only a few months to get world war 3 going..!

Denied _ Snowing

think… is putin such a “leader” who can hold poland “accountable”? maybe it’s opposite, putin is a jeeewish asset, they chose him as lenin, planted him into russia to destroy it from within, and putin is so stupid that he still thinks he’s patriot. it is a more likely option than the official one about the evil nato and the good putin.

Denied _ Snowing 2

with all putin’s recent disasters, such as the minsk agreements, sabotage of the nord stream and kursk offensive, i think putin is not just stupid, bribed traitor, but is directly “controlled” from abroad.
i had serious doubts about him a long time ago, but the last straw was the murder of prygozhin, the abolition of the wagners, and their slow and inconspicuous death somewhere in the middle of africa


no matter which government it is. so called war heroes who go rogue and think they know better are allways a liability. prigoshin was one of those as was girkin/ strelko and the original donbas group around sachertchenko. on the ukrainian side the asov and pravi sector groups will become a liability at some point as well. polititians will either send them on impossible missions to get killed or get rid of then in other ways at some point. khadirov is one of those as well.

Last edited 3 months ago by kotromanic

you don’t think, apparently….


and who are they


they should start small – maybe surveillance drone buzzing the airfields.

Denied _ Snowing

russians ? you mean the same army who let israeli to fly and bomb at will over syria for decades ? who allowed nato to make black sea a nato lake ? who just watched how the nord stream was blowen up and let it go ? lol. you have quite high expectations from these drunken scumbags sitting in kremlin.


easy to say this when the entire world has been subservient to the usa since 1990.
the russians know that every partner and ally is one “undeniable offer” away of stabing them in th e back. just like they did in the past.

Last edited 3 months ago by kotromanic

russia has not promised to protect syria from israel. the black sea is not a nato lake, turkey wants to join the brics. nordstream’s biggest losers are the eu and germany. inflation and rising prices are shocking. russia is selling more gas to the east than ever. russia’s economic growth has been the highest in the world for two years already. look at the numbers for yourself and don’t believe the news propaganda


churchill said that the polacks were the jackals of europe. they have a vastly inflated sense of their own importance. periodically they bite off more than they can chew and get an almighty bitchslapping.

Denied _ Snowing

i totally agree. moreover i can continue further. russians are 10 times worse then poles and ukrainiens are ten times worse then russians. i will not mention all the bad features these nations have common. but the most prominent are : stupidity, laziness, false christianity, moral emptiness and propensity for crime. as for as britons, it is more complex. they tend to oscillate anywhere on this scale between poles and ukrainians. but no nation can be worse then ukraine.


perspectives can can vary based on geography and ensuing religio political propagandas .to set poland up as a victim is popular with certain places who don’t like rivals.


chicken kiev. natos best, hiding in pooland, who were in an alliance with nazis back in the days.

you cannot make this shit up. oh well, they also both voted in favour of nazism again at the un. what else is there to say?

eurotard flathead nazis. as back then, as today.


how many pollacks does it take to screw a lightbulb? 25 you see. 1 to hold the light bulb, the other 24 to turn the house around. and how many catholic priests does it take to screw a lightbulb? zero you see. they are all busy screwing the kids.


we should stop with this “nazi” non-sens. the real powers driving this conflict are globalists. ukrainian nationalists are the canon fodder used by the globalists in washington to harm russia. in the begining of the conflict lot of them were nazis (azov, kraken and so on), but now most of afu soldiers are regular men sent in trenchs by forced mobilization.


if russia uses any other province than moscow for military equipment it is illegal and automatically belong to kiev.


i agree that we all write in english because it is the easiest language in the world and affordable for everybody and specially for anglos, the most ignorant people in the world, unable to do anything better. the real question here is therefore: why anglos are so ignorant?

Jewish pimp

servians chearing isireal in amsterdam.
