Google Hides The Main Reason For America’s Arming Of Ukraine

Google Hides The Main Reason For America's Arming Of Ukraine

U.S. M1A2 “Abrams” tank moves to firing positions during U.S. led joint military exercise “Noble Partner 2016” near Vaziani, Georgia, May 18, 2016. REUTERS/David Mdzinarishvili

Note by SF: Google’s censorship policy is not new. For example, the search engine removes links to South Front for two years. Twitter and Facebook also began to delete links to SF articles long before any sanctions  against SF were introduced.

Written by Eric Zuesse

On Wednesday, January 25th, at 5:52 UTC, Reuters headlined “U.S. arms exports up 49% in fiscal 2022”. After more than 24 hours, at 22:00 UTC on the 26th, a Google search for that Reuters headline produced Your search – “U.S. arms exports up 49% in fiscal 2022″ – did not match any documents.” Five hours later, at  2:37 UTC on the 27th, the findings were “Your search – “U.S. arms exports up 49% in fiscal 2022″ – did not match any documents.” — exactly the same thing.

If that news wasn’t actually published anywhere, then all of the ‘news’-media fail their most-basic obligation to the public: to provide facts that are crucial in order for the public to understand — instead of to mislead the public to misinterpret and misunderstand — the most important news of the day:  to misunderstand the events that are shaping our future history.

If, instead, that news was published somewhere but Google refused to produce a find of that extremely important news-report, then Google fails its most-basic obligation to the public, because it’s not letting the public understand the world; it is instead hiding crucial important facts so as to encourage misunderstanding.

So, I then did a Yandex search for that headline, “U.S. arms exports up 49% in fiscal 2022”, and it found only four finds, which were the Reuters direct news-report, plus three obscure appearances of that headline, one from Moldova, one from Vietnam, and one from Poland — nothing at all mainstream or even ‘alt-news’ anywhere. And, five hours later, it was the same four finds plus two more — one from Tanzania, and the other an obscure personal-finance site, neither of which two additional sites, when I clicked onto it, actually had that headline or news-report on it.

Yandex isn’t American but Russian. Its main person and founder is the Russian-Maltese-Israeli (all three citizenships) billionaire Arkady Volozh, who resigned as the company’s CEO on 30 December 2022 because he had been sanctioned by the EU for being a Russian billionaire who had kept his Russian citizenship and residence after Russia invaded Ukraine on 24 February 2022.

As for Google, it was, behind the scenes, founded and is controlled by the Pentagon, CIA, and some Stanford University professors.

So far as I can tell from those two Web-searches, that Reuters news-report, which like all such had been sent out from that news-agency to thousands of news-media around the world, wasn’t published by any of them.

It’s remarkable but — otherwise than here — unremarked-upon. And, though investors in America’s suppliers to the military benefit from controlling their markets (the U.S Government and its ‘allies’ or vassal-nations), the actual performance of the U.S. military ever since the end of WW II (in places such as Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, and many others) has been poor. When profits instead of the nation’s actual defense are the main motivation for a nation’s military expenditures, enormous waste and a stunningly unsucessful military are the result. For example, Russia, where the Government controls the corporations that make its weapons, spends one-twentieth what the U.S. does on its military, but no one would say that its military is only one-twentieth as effective.

good case can be made that this Ukraine-war boom in American-made military-equipment sales is the main immediate aim of the individuals who control U.S.-and-allied countries. Maybe that’s the reason why the Reuters news-report is, evidently, unpublishable, at least in any mainstream ‘news’-medium, or by any search-engine. Otherwise, it’s just a total mystery, why it went unpublished (except by Reuters itself).

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.


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The heroic Odessa Brigade against Ukranazis

The USA is making BIG cash out of Ukrainian service men lives. This money (which goes not to the American people but to the US defense industry) is tinted with blood, xoxol blood. The US send the coffins, the Russians bury the nazis in it.


How about Russia. In your view they are making at least equal money, right?


Shalom shalom Shlomo.

Michel LeBlanc

No not how about russia, russia didnt start this mess. Quit derailing the topic. THIS IS USA’S FAULT PERIOD!


google censors based on general violence and extremism and is likely biased in favor of americunts, jews, and faggots, and biased against The Poor, and Islam.

So its not like russia is any better with its similar biases (Afghanistan).

Simply put, russia is just a lesser evil, and simply put not a greater good, and not capable of being any better than the status quo, and no longer worth being given that chance (just as iran are isfahni pedo jews).

americunts and jews are faggots and losers, just as commies and persians are faggots and losers. brit-am r1b and stalinist r1a backed by j2 and j1 should just stfu and die from this planet to make the World A Better Place.

russia is just controlled opposition used to flatten Syria and Ukraine using criminals.

Last edited 1 year ago by JHK

Also sf hides the fact its controlled by mossad jews, and influenced by persian isfahni jews, and full of faggots.


Welcome to US strategy. Make Europe pay for Russian war. This is how the US ally system works. Selling weapons to EU whereas EU NATO has to gift their indigenous systems for free to Ukraine.

John wood

Ponzu scheme
USA gets all countries with soviet Russians weapons to give them up to Ukraine using the stolen 300 billion of Russian assets to pay
USA then replaces the weapons which is again paid for with the stolen Russian 300 billion creating and arms monopoly and energy monopoly for the USA
Now europe not Russian energy dependent but usa at 3 times the price plus all ongoing military up keep fees
The EU leaders have shot their people in the foot but they don’t care as creaming a percentage off every deal in this get rich quick scheme for certain individuals


Price of energy doesn’t matter – what matter is who supply energy and who benefits. With Russia cut off, European and American companies will benefit – Western society will benefit with new jobs created by transformation of Western energy market.

Aunt Polly

You seem utterly jabbed.


Oh, yes, the tripling of the price is inconsequential, not. This is merely the US guarantying future tribute payments, as they keep one foot on the European throat. Do you really think those jobs will come anywhere near the jobs that are being destroyed? Do you think those German corporations that are fleeing to the US are going to come back? Not likely. Sooner or later Europeans are going to figure out this war is not just on Ukr/Russia.

jens holm

We hardly see any lost jobs. Just as for many else we transform to other jobs and upgrade.

Germany and others are not fleeing and the other way around. We own each other by the stockmarkets and the Western Economics.

You still is hit in old days “Countryfobia”.

Its the same for fx Denmark, where I live. 67% of the production and services are owned by foreigners BUT we own much more around the world. Sate and borders are just a smaller part of it to calibrate things to or from all living here.

We by the way export more to USA then they export to us.


LOL you deindustrialize and pay 300% for energy and you benefit , sure. Idiot

jens holm

De industrialize makes no sense as word here. We replace to something better putting out many jobs to where they pay for the job is cheeper and better. They get more and we get more.

By that they becomes a part of western Economics and can buy more needed stuff from us too.

Very much as if You put a banana in Your behind in Your own country before Yoiu eat it too.

And GDP as well as living age is ignored in any of Your statistics about us too. EWell statistics and statistics. More like creations, which fit in any improments, where You most likely are.


“new jobs created by transformation of Western energy market.”

Wood collectors?

jens holm

Its not Our fault You know nothing about those changes. “Wood” shows Your level well.

Even the most blind normal ones fx can see windpowerstaions all over the world.

Captain Hohol

In Canada Trudeau in secret memos is knowingly destroying hundreds of thousands of jobs fully knowing there won’t be enough jobs created to offset the loss.

These WEF politicians have completely lost their minds.


Souls my friend, not their minds, their souls.

jens holm

Only 99% is total lie.

I hope its because of Your censorship.


The majority of French people is happy with this.


sure , like yellow vests


Yellow vests were not the majority.

Max Schmidt

not yet, but the rage is growing

jens holm

I see none of that growing. France do need reforms but most of them has no needed solatuions. Undirtunar´tly it partly goes for Macron as well.

So many Leaders before Macron was elected to do no needed changes. We see the results.

Too many bad productions as well as living in the old days. We also see the many incommers thining they still live in Africa behaving like that.

Denmark work hard for changes. Even so Our succesrates are beter but not good.

In my mind I smetimes has to smile. Beatles made “We all live in a yellow submarine”. Its very much like that. Parst of that yellow is a state living in the state not even trying to integrate.


Yes, but my opinion is to remain pacific. You can fight by not spending anything who can enrich the Europe 1% richest people. So: Just don’t buy anything (no Netflix, no home internet, just 4G, no high VAT produits: just your passions). Never fight everyone. Cut TV. Sell your TV. Build things by yourself or with friendly neighbours. Have fun with people. Go sport or music or art or other. Work less to pay less taxes. Consume less useless things. At least make strategic expenses. Buy old bike to go far without petrol, train every day. Improve your family home materials (bathroom, bedrooms, cave, etc). We can borrow to our parents and give them their 2-3% interest. If we need some money from bank (for primary home), we have to race to give back money the fastest way. Let the others people pay more than you.
Many things more in the same way. By doing this, you fight inside your own country against European current rulers. THIS is the war here.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sylvain

You have a silent majority in France as well, and a large part of it is made up by people fed up with the current situation and direction of France. The country is more or less ripe for a new revolution basically.

It’s boiling intensely under the surface.

But only getting news and information filtered through globalist fascist (American) propaganda, people seem pretty ignorant about reality.


I think 40% was fed up in 2022.
Maybe more in 2023 than 2022.
I agree that France is divided in two parts.

About me, my strategy is to spend the least possible money in useless things each day. I buy only my real estate home and useful materials.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sylvain
jens holm

Thats how Your narrowminded blindfolded world is.

Putin & Co feed You with minority rapports and opinions as represents for the rest of us.

Thats false. Even worse Your master is conluding from that.

Fatal error is You eat it.


How exactly Europe will pay for Ukraine war? West is united – all the money will stay in the West so both EU and US will benefit equally.
Russia is cut of from our money forever – this is for sure.

Hypersonic Tsar Bomba 2.0 locked on DC and London

it’s not cut off at all, Europeans are still buying Russian oil and gas, as we speak even under the table or indirectly. So fuck off and cope.


…and the downside for Russia so far? None. As for the EU…

Last edited 1 year ago by zman
jens holm

Its not Your money. I pay because I support it. No morons should take over Europe to west of DDR anymore and the Baltic Sea shoud be open. It was eve under the Tzars.

Russia is no part of Europe anymore. No solutios lies there. They even make their own Gods.

Wayne Gabler

Rational thinkers don’t need gOOgle to their thinking for them.

jens holm

Well we do need a lot of communication. So its about whats sober or not.

We see the same for undressed and naked. Here things are very well accepted and no real issua at all. We are used to be open and openminded about it.

So why do even Our finist art from famous museums cant be shown.

Its also about equaity between gender. In many parts of theword its a NO WAY. We see it in grat parts tóf Islamic world in extreme. That goes for raping in India seemes to be allowed to some xtend. Great parts of the Indian men see rape as a need just as importat as toiet visuits and a mens right.


You mean aside from the actual main reason, the fact that both parties bow and scrape to AIPAC, and that international jewry is determined to fight this war to the last goy?

Boxwood tree

Jewry and the nations with them are Gog and Magog and they are losing badly in Ukraine as told in Ezechiel 38 and 39.

John wood

It’s clear Ukraine cannot get nato or EU membership without getting back crimea as USA/nato want that as a naval base for them

Hypersonic Tsar Bomba 2.0 locked on DC and London

well then, they will NEVER get nato or EU membership , so cope


he does not need to tell obvious

Mexican Beaner 🇲🇽

He is a hippie-commie. Spreads only manure.


Google is the censorship king. You will not find many things you are looking for there.

jens holm

And the whole world think so because we are stupid or what. As Ireacall it most of the world in billions use it.

You are only right in one thing: If You cant find things at google, You can go to YandexSpandex, Tik-tok and other truthmakers.

I do understand many blockings well. They and many others should be blocking better. But they dont make texts and pictures. They dont.


I did the search and the results are appearing on Google.

Could it be a technical issue?

jens holm

Its a matter of both. SF in many ways is defined as a no go site for sober infomation. Thats only partly true.


Yeah, I found it right away as well.


I’ve been using Dogpile as my search engine for the past 20 years. Lately I’ve also been using Yandex for video searches. Youtube is powered by Google, therefore rare videos hosted on Youtube sometimes don’t show up on the Youtube search engine, but they show up on Yandex.
Here are the results of your query “US arms exports up 49% in 2022” on Dogpile, a real search engine.

jens holm

Its not about that at all.

The main problem is if dogpile is a relaibel source or not. Its a nut.


The international arms industry, international, is free-floating, independent, and is not about to miss an opportunity to make another billion dollars. Or rubles, whatever. Murderbots are coming.

Kenneth Lundgren

When I search with Googel CRome with the phrase “U.S. arms exports up 49% in fiscal 2022” I found the mentioned Reuters article,


Eric Zeusse can be found here, advertising for his day job:


Yes, they simply see the scandal and re-put the results online.

American White Devil

It’s crazy how you have to explain to simple minded people, that obviously once it becomes known Google simply shows the results.

Dan Lavatan

I’ve heard the Yandex just uses Google in the US. That is a common problem. Does anyone know of true uncensored indexing?


Now you see the real reason for the war (and most wars): corporate profits.


He who USe$ Goggle…is already beyond hope.


War orchestrated by jews. Putin and Zelensky both good jewbots doing what they are told

Captain Hohol

I found out about SF from somebody on youtube who posted the address in the comments without it being a proper URL.


And SF is famous for being the Russian propaganda site that even censors its users’ comments. This completely robs you of all dignity and all credibility.

Last edited 1 year ago by Captchaa

And yet here you are….sucker for punishment? or need to get that bonus check from the bot control employment centre?



Last edited 1 year ago by Captchaa

Because since 2014 Ukraine has lost four or five entire armies worth of gear to the South Front they created.
And it looks fucking good on them. Useless bastards
