Global Britain and King Charles’ Great Reset

Global Britain and King Charles’ Great Reset

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Written by Matthew Ehret. Originally published on The Canadian Patriot

This week, the world was exposed to a disturbing, archaic and bizarre bit of pagentry not seen in over 70 years with the coronation of King Charles III as head of the Global British Commonwealth, head of the Anglican Church, and spokesman for a program dubbed Global Britain that was brought online as the official mandate of the Conservative party in 2021.

From managing a global empire of economic enslavement and having invaded nearly every nation on Earth at one time or another[2], Britain continues to exert vast control over the mining concessions of Africa with over $1 trillion of direct mining interests controlled by British and/or British Commonwealth-based corporations. According to the 2016 report produced by War on Want[3]:

101 companies listed on the London Stock Exchange (LSE) — most of them British — have mining operations in 37 sub-Saharan African countries. They collectively control over $1 trillion worth of Africa’s most valuable resources. The UK government has used its power and influence to ensure that British mining companies have access to Africa’s raw materials. This was the case during the colonial period and is still the case today.”

The City

As outlined in my new book The Anglo Venetian Roots of the Deep State, the “square mile” dubbed The City of London (a separate legal entity from London itself) is the nerve center of world finance, with the Bank of England and Commonwealth offshore tax havens directing trillions of dollars of drug money laundering, terrorist financing and other corrupt practices globally. The City’s sovereignty beyond all national jurisdiction was enshrined in the oligarchist ‘Magna Carta’ of 1214 which established the financial hub as a supranational corporation capable of running its own police force and judicial system… which it continues maintain 800 years later.

During the 183 years between 1763 to 1946 which saw the greatest direct influence of British unipolar supremacy over the world, the impoverished nations of the world found themselves more impoverished, less capable of acquiring means of industrial production and more at war with themselves and their neighbors via divide-to-conquer tactics. Since this empire took the form of the Anglo-American “special relationship” after 1945, this trend was only exacerbated.

The Causal Hand of British Intelligence

From the standpoint of global intelligence operations, Britain is the creator and central command structure of the Five Eyes intelligence apparatus and has also been dubbed “Londonistan” for having provided safe havens for international terrorist groups who have found sanctuary under the liberal surface ideology of tolerant Britain[4].

British intelligence has also been found to have either helped create and/or continued to support terror groups internationally as outlined by EIR researcher Michael Billington in the 2020 reportBritish Creation and Control of Islamic Terror: Background to China’s Defeat of Terror in Xinjiang[5].

While nurturing global terrorism and radical Islam, British intelligence also lost no time cultivating the most rabid variants of political zionism, and crafted the state of Israel itself out of the Roundtable/Fabian program that came to be called ‘The Balfour Accords’. The story of Britain’s creation of political zionism and rapturist Christianity too is outlined in a 2021 episode of The Great Game here;

While China has provided large scale loans for transport corridors, new industrial zones, and coal, oil, natural gas, hydro and nuclear power investments to countries desperately in need of real development, Global Britain and her American/EU cohorts have spent decades only providing conditionality-laced loans with strings attached and “appropriate” green technologies that will forever prevent Africa or other poor nations from ever standing on their own two feet.

The idea of Global Britain has always had at its heart the concept of an integrated British Commonwealth with the Five Eyes at the head of intelligence, City of London at the head of finance and the hereditary structures of power centered around the Crown as the titular fount of all honors through which all branches of the international deep state derive their powers.

Crown Agents

Since 1833, Global Britain has been managed by a pseudo private system of Crown Agents today named Crown Agents for Overseas Government and Administration. This vast body exists as a semi-official status and describes itself as “an emanation of the crown” and is extremely active in Central and Eastern Europe with its greatest focus on Ukraine’s economic, energy and health management system. The agency is partnered with the World Bank, UN and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and acts as a giant holding company with one shareholder called the Crown Agents Foundation based in Southwark London.

Having been set up in the 1930s as the new face of the British Empire, today’s British Commonwealth occupies 12.2 million square miles of territory, holds 2.4 billion people and represents 21% of the world’s land area. For those who still believe in the myth that the British Empire disappeared after WW2, it is worth contrasting both Commonwealth and Empire maps.

Global Britain and King Charles’ Great Reset

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Global Britain and King Charles’ Great Reset

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The fact is that the British Empire continues to exert a vast top-down influence over world affairs. Despite having nominally disappeared after WWII, giving way for an “American Empire”, Global Britain is simply an attempt to make explicit what has always been true. Today’s strategists managing the Global Britain agenda “coming out party” are in a desperate attempt to position the Commonwealth as the center of a new post-reset age.

Being an institution organized entirely around hereditary institutions, the centrepiece for the continuity of this reform is hinged upon a ruling family occupying the position of official Prima inter pares around which the entire structure of controls can exert its influence.

In today’s age, this role has fallen onto a certain inbred creature by the name of Charles.

The Queen is Dead, Long Live the King

“London Bridge is Down” were the code words delivered by the Queen’s Private Secretary Edward Young to high-ranking officials upon the death of Queen Elisabeth II.

This code was selected as part of a larger protocol dubbed strangely enough “operation Unicorn” for reasons beyond the wildest imagination of this author and which sets into motion a set of actions culminating in the anointing of Prince Charles as the new King of Britain and the Commonwealth.

For Canadians who had thought they would no longer be forced to endure watching their Prime Minister slavishly declare his oaths of fealty (and oaths of secrecy) to an inbred monarch sitting on the other side of the ocean as had occurred in 2017 they will be very disappointed.


Canada’s Parliamentary Oaths Act of 1866 demands that both houses of Parliament are required to take pledges of allegiance after the deaths of all sitting monarchs. That’s right, every single member of the supposedly “elected and democratic” government of Canada must declare their oaths of fealty not to the people or non-existent constitution, but to some inbred family bloodline on the other side of the world.

Similar oaths were read by elected officials across every other Commonwealth Five Eyes member state.

It is thus worth asking, is this institution of hereditary powers which Charles has inherited just a ceremonial gig with no real substance or influence behind it?

Although the majority of citizens including British subjects believe this to be the case, the facts point to a very different reality.

Prince Charles: World’s Largest Property Owner

This may surprise you, but the British Crown happens to be the world’s largest property owner clocking in possessions amounting to 6.6 billion acres across Australia, New Zealand, Northern Ireland, Canada, Great Britain and the Falkland Islands[6].

On top of the “Crown Lands” and “Crown Corporations” which are legally owned by the monarch of Britain, an organization called ‘The Crown Estate’ is one of the world’s largest property groups. Describing the institution which sends 25% of its earnings directly into the Monarch’s purse every year, Die Welt Business had this to say[7]:

“The Crown Estate owns property all across the UK, from castles and cottages to agricultural land and forests plus retail parks and shopping centers. It owns more than half the UK’s entire seashore, giving it hugely valuable auction rights for offshore commercial activity, such as wind farms.”

The Crown controls nearly the entire seabed (and half the seashore) around the UK with any business wishing to build offshore windmills as part of the Green New Deal forced to rent their sea beds from the Crown Estate. It was noted by Byline Times that the Crown will stand to become “the biggest beneficiary of UK’s Green Agenda” which recently unveiled a 10 point plan for a “green revolution” and full decarbonization by 2050. For anyone confused about the exploding prices of inefficient energy sources across England, they wouldn’t get far without appreciating the tax-payer subsidized boondoggle of windmill farms.

Prince Charles himself has demonstrated that he certainly doesn’t see the Crown as a symbolic entity and was accused of “incontinent lobbying” in 2013 when dozens of personal letters (dubbed the “Black Spider Memos”) to MPs and the Prime Minister were made public after an intense legal fight to keep them secret. Charles’ official biographer Jonathan Dimbleby even wrote in 2013 that upon Charles’ succession to the Crown that things would become much more hands on, and “that a quiet constitutional revolution is afoot.”[8]

Prerogative Powers are Real

Although much effort goes into portraying the Crown’s prerogative powers as merely symbolic, they cover nearly every branch of governance and have occasionally been used… although those British spheres of influence where they most apply are usually so self-regulating that they require very little input from such external influence to keep them in line.

These powers were first revealed publicly in 2003 and in an article titled ‘Mystery Lifted on the Prerogative Powers’[9], the London Guardian noted that these powers include (but are not limited to):

“Domestic Affair, the appointment and dismissal of ministers, the summoning, prorogation and dissolution of Parliament, Royal assent to bills, the appointment and regulation of the civil service, the commissioning of officers in the armed forces, directing the disposition of the armed forces in the UK (and other Commonwealth nations), appointment of Queen’s Counsel, Issue and withdrawal of passports, Prerogative of mercy. (Used to apply in capital punishment cases. Still used, eg to remedy errors in sentence calculation), granting honours, creation of corporations by Charter, foreign Affairs, the making of treaties, declaration of war, deployment of armed forces overseas, recognition of foreign states, and accreditation and reception of diplomats.”

When a 2009 bill was introduced into parliament proposing that these powers be limited, a Privy Council-led Justice Ministry review concluded that such limitations would ‘”dangerously weaken” the state’s ability to respond to a crisis’ and the bill was promptly killed[10].

Acting on Provincial levels, we find Lieutenant Governors who (in Canada) happen to be members of the Freemasonic Knights of St John of Jerusalem.

King Charles and the Great Reset

Charles demonstrated this “more hands on” approach to governance on June 3, 2020 when he became the official patron of the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset and even officially launched the project Tweeting out #TheGreatReset. 

Global Britain and King Charles’ Great Reset

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On his official website, the Prince launched the project saying “Today, through HRH’s Sustainable Markets Initiative and the World Economic Forum, The Prince of Wales launched a new global initiative, The Great Reset”.

Eco-Warrior King of a New Crusade

Charles has demonstrated the sort of enthusiasm for decarbonization of the world which one tends to only find in a religious fanatic setting himself up as the eco-warrior of monarchs, a Crusader King of a new religion, except instead of Muslims in the Holy Land, our new Davos-connected eco-crusaders have targeted carbon dioxide and the industrial civilization, farming and useless eaters who cause it, to be the poisonous threat that must be destroyed. Charles appears to see himself walking in the footsteps of his WWF-founding father as the new leading spokesman for a total transformation of society under a WEF-green governance priesthood.

July 2022 edition of Australia’s Spectator aptly characterized Charles’ misanthropic activism in the following terms:

“The environmentalism that the Prince has decided to occupy himself with while he awaits to ascend the throne is not a harmless sort of apolitical tree-planting or rainforest-saving activity. He’s not hugging pandas or funding wildlife sanctuaries. Instead, he has engaged himself in a hybrid business and political uprising that threatens the survival of the political system which he is meant to oversee. In addition to being a betrayal of the ordinary citizen, his actions represent a failure to his sole duty as future king – to protect the constitutional monarchy from rising climate fascism and globalism.”

Nazi Roots of House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha

The role of the Crown in leading a revival of practices of global totalitarianism, population control and fascism is not unprecedented. An uncomfortable fact which has recently unveiled by the documentary Edward VIII: Britain’s traitor King on Britain’s Channel 4, this fascist heart of the Crown was alive during the darkest years before and during World War 2.

This film, based upon a soon-to-be released book by historian Andrew Lownie, uses recently declassified reports from the Royal Archives to tell the story of Britain’s Nazi King Edward VIII who not only desired a Nazi victory in WWII, but actively worked towards said goal from the moment he was forced to abdicate the throne in 1936 (allegedly to marry an American divorcée Wallis Simpson) throughout the darkest days of the war itself.

Global Britain and King Charles’ Great Reset

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As this documentary proves, teaching his young niece Elizabeth II how to do a proper ‘sieg heil’ wasn’t his only dance with Nazism.

While in exile in Portugal where the royal hob knobbed with Germany’s elite, the documentary cites diplomatic cables sent by Edward to German officials demanding that the Nazis relentlessly bomb England into submission in 1940 encouraging the deaths of millions of innocent civilians. The film also cites a little-known speech where Edward called for Britain’s surrender to the Nazis in 1939 which the BBC refused to air. Even after being sent to the Bahamas by imperial officials who had decided it more expedient to put down their Frankenstein monster than continue with their earlier plans for a fascist New World Order, the Nazi would-be king had cabled Hitler’s officials indicating his willingness to return to Europe when needed and retake his rightful seat on the throne as an Aryan king.

Beyond the Film: More Nazi Roots of the Windsors

Beyond the case of Edward VIII, there are many other embarrassing Nazi connections to the house of Windsor (formerly Saxe-Coburg-Gotha) which the film failed to mention, some of which implicate the late Prince Consort Philip Mountbatten (aka: Duke of Edinburgh) directly.

All of the Duke of Edinburgh’s three sisters were married to Nazi princes, and the husband of one of them (Sophie) became a Waffen SS officer with the rank of Oberführer (senior leader).

Philip’s sister Sophie’s husband, Prince Christopher of Hesse-Cassel, was chief of the Forschungsamt (Directorate of Scientific Research), a special intelligence operation run by Hermann Göring, and he was also Standartenführer (colonel) of the SS on Heinrich Himmler’s personal staff. Philip’s four brothers-in-law, with whom he lived, all became high-ranking officials in the Nazi Party.

Philip himself maintained the family tradition, first having been educated under a Nazi curriculum centered on eugenics in the 1930s, and then going on to found the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) with fellow one-time Nazi Party member Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, a lifelong eugenicist and Bilderberg Group founder, in 1961. Philip and Bernhard were joined by Sir Julian Huxley (then president of the Eugenics Society of Britain) as WWF co-founder.

Global Britain and King Charles’ Great Reset

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In an August 1988 interview with Deutsche Press Agentur, Prince Philip proclaimed his desire to return in the next life as a deadly virus to help “solve overpopulation”.

Prince Philip exuded cold misanthropic “musings” throughout his life as he contemplated the human zoo asserting:

“You cannot keep a bigger flock of sheep than you are capable of feeding. In other words conservation may involve culling in order to keep a balance between the relative numbers in each species within any particular habitat. I realize this is a very touchy subject, but the fact remains that mankind is part of the living world. Every new acre brought into cultivation means another acre denied to wild species.”

It should be noted King Charles continued his fathers’ legacy as president of the British World Wildlife Foundation which he has headed for over 30 years.

The Nazi pedigree of the royal family and its loyal managers raises the question: Why has their continuation of Nazi eugenics doctrine in the form of the euthanasia and zero-growth movements not become more widely known? What type of world do we live in, that such startling facts could not be general knowledge?

The true Empire has always been a financial oligarchy which is used by a vast network of power structures to advance the interests of the aristocracy of Europe; The current epicenter of power is the Anglo-Dutch monarchies.

It is this power that controls the Bilderberg Group, its junior appendage the World Economic Forum, and steers American policy through the New York-based Council on Foreign Relations (the American version of Chatham House).

It was to leading Chatham House member Lord Lothian in 1937 that Hitler laid out his concept for the Anglo-German New World Order saying:

“Germany, England, France, Italy, America and Scandinavia… should arrive at some agreement whereby they would prevent their nationals from assisting in the industrializing of countries such as China, and India. It is suicidal to promote the establishment in the agricultural countries of Asia of manufacturing industries.” 

Any number of technocrats pushing a “Build Back Better for the World” scheme or “Global Green New Deal” could have said the same thing.

Today, the Canadian Institute for International Affairs has been renamed the Canadian International Council (CIC). The CIC is Chaired by Oxford-trained regime change specialist Ben Rowswell who worked closely with Privy Councillor Chrystia Freeland in attempting to overthrow the government of Maduro in favor of WEF-puppet Juan Guaido which continues to this day.

A key pillar in the control over colonies of Anglo-Dutch influence remains the Privy Council system, which is centered in Britain, but has secondary branches in select Commonwealth countries. It is under the Privy Council’s influence that lower-level operatives are instituted in the form of deputy ministers, the Treasury Board, Select Committees, and other appointed officials in the Civil Service. Other key nodes in the public and private sector manage the interests of the Crown. All cabinet members of government are made Privy Councillors and all Privy Councillors are sworn to an oath of secrecy and allegiance to the Queen including oaths to keep secret those things spoken of in privy council meetings.

The Crown as the Key to the Continuity of Empire

Of course, it would be silly to believe that Charles (or any previously reigning monarch) were their own person, while ignoring the armada of handlers, courtiers and deeper Byzantine grand strategists who revolve around the Crown as an institution sometimes dubbed “the Fount of All Honors”. The Fount of All Honors is an official term which denotes the legal idea that all authority for the public and private affairs emanates from the single source of the Crown and its unbroken bloodline.

Continuity is everything for empire, and the importance of maintaining institutions that transcend individual lifetimes has always been a point of high concern.

In a post-1776 world that began to get a taste for self-government, freedom and democracy as a new mode of self-organization, the “stability” of hereditary institutions came under grave threat.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the past 250 years has been shaped by the clash of these two opposing paradigms of organizing society. Where one paradigm assumes as self-evident the existence of inalienable rights of all people, the other system presumes that the only inalienable rights are those held by an oligarchical master class who wish to rule over subjects (aka: useless eaters) whose population levels must be periodically culled for easier management.

The supposition that rights cannot be granted or withheld by a superior bloodline is truly anathema to any system of oligarchism even if it masquerades behind the costume of a species of democracy designed to placate plebs but not allow them or their representatives the means of influencing anything truly meaningful about their reality.


[2] There Are Only 22 Countries in the World That the British Haven’t Invaded By Matt Soniak, Mental Floss, Nov 7, 2012

[3] The New Colonialism: Britain’s Scramble for Africa’s Energy and Mineral Resources by Mark Curtis, published by War on Want, 2016

[4] The ’emirs of Londonistan’ and the alleged UK-jihadist collaboration

By Nawaf al-Tamimi, New Arab, Aug. 11, 2015

[5] British Creation and Control of Islamic Terror: Background to China’s Defeat of Terror in Xinjiang by Mike Billington, EIR, Jan. 10, 2020

[6] The World’s 15 Biggest Landowners Thornton McEnery, Business Insider, Mar 18, 2011

[7] The mysterious property empire behind the Queen

Arthur Sullivan. Die Welt, June 9, 2021

[8] Prince Charles at 65: a pensioner waits for the job of his life by Jonathan Dimbleby, The Guardian, Nov. 13, 2013

[9] Mystery lifted on Queen’s powers, Clare Dyer, The Guardian, Oct. 2003

[10] Royal powers review warns against further reform, by Alan Travis, The Guardian, October 2009


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Judge Dredd

Rather hilarious that an admitted adulterer and philanderer is the head of the Anglican Church!


Perhaps it is just Camilla who he philandered

Erik Nielsen

Correction: “rapturists” should off course be “rape tourists”. We apologise.


You have no idea…..I heard the Deceiver and the harvesters were shocked at what was going on…

good ones are running….

Vitalic – waiting for the STars


Oh mephet alderan….those eye stalk things going backwards always a bad thing or just a change in fashion…..


Is it the stupid where its name is actually some mad curse but people go and try and talk to it to figure out where they are in their lives?


There is going to be a FAKE alien invasion which the anti christ is going to FAKE stop so everyone worships him. The 666 mark is Bill Gates and without it we cannot buy or sell.
By 10kg of rice, seeds for growing and sprouting, corned beef, tuna, sardines, evaporated milk, coconut milk powder, olive oil and tinned tomatoes to last for 7 years.

Uncle Ho

Fake see aye aay psychological operations , all these “sightings”.


The english king lost power with Magna carta which transfered power from the king to the parlement / oligarchy (oligarchy = city of London)
Rothschild took over the bank of england, so the venetian root of London power, after Waterloo.
As result of this Charle is only a figure head.
Mr Ehret made some desinfo on mass formation and is likely part of deepstate himself, but this article is interesting anyway.

Erik Nielsen

Rothschilds is only financial advisor to the British Queen/King who owns 10-100 times more trillions than Rothschilds.
The British King has unlimited legal Royal power over the British Commonwealth, Parliaments and its people.

Just me

I think Putin is also playing his part in this big pile of shit that our kidnappers call ‘civilization’. This article proves that the world isn’t much different than it used to be, when all our leaders were oddly related.

Player Unknown

The British empire controls over 50 trillion dollars worth of natural resources


KIng for a day


Hes got to protect hismothers legacy…..wasn’t all bad. Like chess with her wizzing around fixing everything until she couldn’t play a part anymore. Led into an ambush…..

Flying liard people – money


Good article. However to clarify. The ” Crown ” or the “British Crown” is not owned by the Royal family. It is a commercial trademark owned by the Bank Of England. The royal family was forced to “sell it” to the owners of the Vatican when England went broke due to war spending. Apparently the “Crown by right ” is currently domiciled to the BAR ( British Accreditation Registry ) and many of its’ traditional power is now exercised by the Venetian Black Nobility operating from Switzerland.


As usual Mr. Ehret misses the finer points. The City of London is not just “a separate legal entity from London itself”; it is more significantly a separate legal entity from the United Kingdom. It is a city-state in the manner of Monaco and Vatican City. Londinium started life as an “offshore” financial haven for the Roman Empire, and the fact that “the Vatican’s banker” has figured prominently in its history would indicate a similar relationship to this day.


I dont think the crown is owned by PC either.


Not that long ago, all parks and manors in London were owned by Rothshilt, then transfered to the state as they tried to be somewhat forgotten (so people cant see the enemy). The point being, its not black nobility that owns City of London. They did migrate their from Amsterdam before all war against France started

gordon bleu

This imbecile fails to understand that the ‘Crown’ is actually a private corporation run out of the square mile..Owned and run by the same tribe he belongs to…

it has fuck all to do with king big ears who like all his slimy ancestors is keen to keep the ‘firm’ at the corporations table… and sell out the limey peasants..

Ehret is a fraud and limited hangout..he also wants to trans-humanise you all… ‘they’ all do..

Last edited 1 year ago by gordon bleu

“Limey peasants”? Oh, you mean “Little Englanders”, a Norman epithet coined a few centuries prior to Brexit (Dorothy L. Sayers use the term in one of her Lord Peter Wimsey novels in 1926)…..

Emanuel Gomes Bueno - Brasil

Monarquia nazista, ratos imundos da sociedade global, que se dividam entre si e nunca possam tomar o poder novamente.

Uncle Ho

Oh how he wishes Jimmy Saville was there in that evening to pound his arse after his coming out big day of “pageantry”.

Uncle Ho

What a great empire: i’m so “crowning” that i need to find a toilet 🚽


It’s sad to see that people get so enthusiastic about their own enslavement and the pending deterioration in living standard. Had nobody turned up it would have sent a message. I suppose the elite use it as a gauge for more pain.


Charley Coburg aka Battenburg “Windsor”, boss island monkey from Pirate Rock, evil pedovore and best buddy of poisoned juice necromonger and pedovore supreme, the diabolicJimmy Saville. The angloZionaZi empire of shit is getting flushed and Charley horse face can’t do a thing to stop it. Karma is more powerful than Satan and its maggots.


Well, what they were saying about population control in the 1930s, was common sense. Obviously they didn’t get their way because places like India and South America are over populated slums. And so what if a few royals agreed with Germany; maybe they could have avoided the worst war in human history and not destryoed Europe; is that so bad?

L du Plessis

Pure evil 👹

Erik Nielsen

What are you gonna do about it?


a lot of breathless conspiracy-mongering here, of course.
“the crown” actually has nothing to do with the british monarch; it relates more to the crown of jewish kabbalic satanism; so charles derives cash from the duchy of westminster, which owns a lot of land in the uk, but certainly he has no access to the revenues of 25% of the foreign crown holdings; whose incomes go to the city of london jews, not to any brit.
