Gift For Syria: Mig-29 Fighter Jets Spotted At Russia’s Hmeimim Air Base

Russia has deployed a number of Mig-29 fighters jets at Hmeimim Air Base on the Syrian coast, new satellite images revealed.

The satellite images, which were released by defense observer Obretix on January 15, show at least six Mig-29s parked in the western part of the Russian air base. The images were taken on January 12.

The version of the Mig-29s deployed at Hmeimim Air Base is unknown. The fighter jets may be of the advanced M\M2 model.

The fighter jets were likely deployed to support ongoing operations, to test new weapons and systems or to be handed over to the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF)

In June of 2020, Syria announced that it had received a “second batch” of Mig-29 fighter jets from Russia. The fighter jets were handed over to the SyAAF in an official ceremony held at Hmeimim Air Base.

Gift For Syria: Mig-29 Fighter Jets Spotted At Russia’s Hmeimim Air Base

Click to see full-size image.

The Russian military support has enabled Syrian government to recaptured vast parts of the country from terrorist groups since mid-2015.

Today, the cooperation between the Russian and Syrian militaries is better than ever. Russian troops have been actively operating throughout Syria to fight terrorism and promote stability.


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John Tosh

Youtube keeps removing videos, comments appear on websites but cannot be read by others, the whole internet is being censored by Western Intelligence officials…. the West now lives behind an iron curtain… we know what happens to countries who live behind an iron curtain!

Dick Von Dast'Ard

A Cyber curtain has been constructed with fuckwit neoliberals like Dorsey and Fuckerberg as PR heads for it.


excellent news if true and should make it possible to use lebanese air-space or iraqi air-space or jordan air-space and take out the ever evil trash jews’ f35s or whatever they are using while perpetrating yet another war crime and yet another crime against humanity and so on.

the world has no use for a group of people that can’t stop themselves from murdering or stealing or lying and that group (jews in palestine for example) must be evicted from planet earth in order to give the remaining part of mankind peace and tranquility!

Mr T

flying garbage bins for Hafter?


arent those the jets that destroyed multiple Turkish airdefense systems in Libya? Calling them flying garbage bins is a bit ironic dont you think?


Rather the flying garbage bin than cia flying coffin!


6 MiG 29s are fine, they need 20-30 more units and some used Suk 30 M all equipped with Khibiny ECM pods to assert control of fSyrian skies against unauthorized Israeli air attacks.


no the MiG-29 is enoth the SAAF can afford to maintain a larger aircaft.


I do not follow you, MiG 29 can do well against Israeli F16, the Suk 30 can easily defeat F16, and measure up to Israeli F15.


the SAAF cant affoard to maintain any SU-27 family jets why do you think so few nations operate the SU-27 family compared to the MiG-29? The SU-27 is very expensive to maintain and fly compared to the cheaper MiG-29.
the MiG-29 can combat the F-15 as well if the pilot is good a aircft is only as good as its pilot.


You need a heavy aircraft against the F15, Uganda, Ethiopia Angola field Suk 30, Syria needs to make Suk 30 part of its Air Force.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Or more big Buk’s.


Buk M3 instead of M2, or S350 if Russia is willing.

Jim Allen

As can MiG-29. (Upgraded versions)
How many F-15 does IAF have ?


that goes for any aircraft a upgraded MiG-21 with modern radars and avionics will have superior long range performance to a old F-15 ofc upgraded aircraft will be better then none upgraded ones. and ofc the MiG-29 can go up against a F15I.
Also the IAF F-15 fleet consists of around 80+ aircraft.

Jim Allen

Interesting, IAF relies heavily on F-16.
Far as I know India is the only country that’s upgraded the radars on MiG-21.
These are said to be phasing out, after a million years in service even Russia thinks they’re obsolete. Russian military hardware doesn’t go obsolete, it goes upgraded. 21’s are Vietnam era fighters, still as fast, and agile as most things flying, N. Vietnamese pilots loved them. They accounted for more B-52, and F-4 losses than USAF/USN will ever admit. Syria uses their as ground support.
Both Germany, and US bought about 20 MiG-29A, and B models from Monrovia, and Moldova when these countries put them up for sale as being unable to maintain them. To deny Russia buying them, as it was buying every 29 it could get it’s hands on. The Luftwaffe flew a number of theirs, one pilot logged some serious hours, even in Top Gun competitions as “enemy” to the Western fighters. He loved the plane, even with it’s shortcomings, no mid to long range radar, poor internal fuel capacity, being the main drawbacks.
Said, the best dogfighter ever, not even F-16 can turn with it. Western fighters used their advantage in radars to attack MiG-29, but avoided short range encounters, as these were often fatal. (except “K” models) as they vectored off the carrier for mid to long range radars. The later electronics were finally small enough to fit the space available. It’s also true Western fighter’s never engaged Russian Aerospace MiG-29, with Russian pilots, only export models with a variety of pilots of varying experience, and skill/talent levels.
US, and Germany were bright enough to deny Russia these 42 planes. So they wouldn’t be facing them with upgrades in future. However, not bright enough to steal their own use.
After claiming Russia stole the design from US. Of course Russiadidit, blatant theft of the design of a non-existent airplane. That’s just too sneaky…. Russia kept the most upgraded 29’s (SMT) these have increased internal fuel capacity, the most difficult, and labor intensive upgrade. Gives perspective as to how small these planes are.
Sukhoi calls his planes: “super size” MiG-29’s.


Israel has 58 F15.

Jim Allen

SAAF already have a bunch of upgraded MiG-29, I dont recall the numbers at the moment, at least a dozen. Six more would put SAAF at 18 min. The pilots are Russian trained if/when their training is complete.


Syria has decent air defenses, it needs to build its Air Force, I don’t think 18 upgraded MiG 29 are enough to complement its air defenses. They also need an answer to the Israeli F-15.

Jim Allen

The 29 can deal, 4+ to 4++. Su-57 is the only actual gen 5 flying.
I’m not exact on the numbers, and Syria has some original MiG-29 as well.
SAAF is handling everything being thrown at it pretty well with what it has. Iran has advanced air defense systems, roughly a half-step to a step behind Russia on average it appears, the two share technology. Iran is said to be close to having hypersonic, and advanced EW ready for production.
Iran doesn’t have a big air force, a mix of US, and Russian made fighters.
Having gained the steel production, and Aluminium production technology to make the exotic alloys required, along with the heat treating, hardening, and precision machining capabilities the US made planes, are up, running, and reliable. Commercial, and military aircraft. Not dependent on often substandard parts supplies.
Iranian junk doesn’t fall out of the sky like it used to. It’s military hardware is world class.


I’d say the Iranian Air Force has capable aircraft, upgraded F4 that can be platforms for cruise missiles, upgraded F5 that can be used in interception mode, F14 that can be used in air superiority role, MiG 29 and Suk22….etc.

Jim Allen

F-15, as well.


They do not have F15, the Shah when given the choice picked F14 instead F 15.

Blas de Lezo

Arabs-Muslims could have state of the art stealth fighters and go against second generation fighter jets manned by Christians or Jews and they would still lose. They lack initiative and technical skills.
Just look how a tiny banana republic like Israel has kicked their behinds every single time. All Muslims are only good for is Aloha Snackbar Banzai charges.

Jim Allen

Sanctions may have something to do with this. Troll.


Not so, Egypt’s Sadat was content with inferior F16’s and its missiles, instead of insisting of getting the F15 Israel got as a precondition of the peace deal they agreed.
Syria did not upgrade its equipment because of the fall of Soviet Union, while Israel received the best planes with latest available missiles and avionics.
In conclusion Egypt’s and Syrian armed forces were denied up to date equipment because of political weakness and dissolution of Soviet Union.


MiG-29 is kinda cute when it upside-down. Looks like a deadly cartoon character. Couldn’t the png or jpg.

Lone Ranger

Could be Mig-35s.
Testing them in real life conditions.


i higly doubt it the Russian airforce dosent really like the MiG-29 family of jets they have almost compleately been phased out of Russian service in faivor of the superior SU-27 family the MiG-29 is mostly centered around export now.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

MiG-29 are front line medium weight multirole fighters, they are the first to engage in actual conflict. More robust and needing less runway than the heavyweight Sukhoi fighter family of combat jets. Can be deployed from rough airfields and roads. STOL fighters.

I think probably only 250m (800ft) is enough for a combat scramble.


issue is that the MiG-29 platform is still inferior in evry way to the SU-27 platform that is a fact and the Russian military seems to think so as well the fact that they are buy up alot of SU-27 variants and replaceing MiG-29 squadrons with SU-30 and SU-35 squadrons is enoth to prove my point the MiG-29 just dosent cut it they still might keep some MiG-29 platforms and modernize then and buy some MiG-35’s as well but the matter of the fact remains the SU-27 family is the primary fighter in the Russian military and it will stay that way.

Jim Allen

No one said it wouldn’t stay that way.
For now.
If the 29 wasn’t liked, then Russia wouldn’t have put so much effort into acquiring, and upgrading the planes in the numbers it does.
When Algeria rejected their order of upgraded MiG-29, Russia refunded their money, and brought them home. Russian Aerospace pilots took some out for a ride, and not having another buyer, and the pilots loved them, Russian Aerospace kept them.
So does the Luftwaffe pilot that logged untold hours flying “A” & “B” models Germany bought to deny Russia the planes. (22) US bought 21 at the same time, for the same reason. The Luftwaffe pilot did a video on the plane, it may still be on YT.


Ummmm the MiG-29 platform was modernized to he MiG-35 standard mainly for export…also what are you talking about? Russia’s fleet of MiG-29SMT’s is 54 in total (i am counting the UBT as well since its just a 2 seater version of the SMT) the Russian airforce has littearly replaced whole squadrons of MiG-29’s with ether SU-30SM’s or SU-35S’s infact quite alot of Russian generals have stated they ought right prefer the SU-27 platform over the MiG-29 and the numbers show that.

Jim Allen

That’s not what I heard. Russian Aerospace keeps the MiG-29SMT For itself.
You do know Sukhoi say’s his fighters are just super size MiG-29, right ?
Russia sells Sukhoi fighters too.


The Mig is a very nimble, responsive plane to fly and good for an all round average deployment. The Su being a heavier plane is more difficult to control and it will out perform the 29 except in very low altitude where the 29 excels.


ummm no it dosent the SMT’s had been rejected by algeria…not to mention a whole 50 aircraft are in Russian airforce service…compared to the now over 120 SU-30SM’s and ~90 SU-35S’s…
Also how can “Sukhoi say’s his fighters are just super size MiG-29” when the SU-27 flew first before the MiG-29? If anything the MiG-29 is a smaller version of the SU-27 but its not really since both aircraft are very diffrent both structuraly form a mechanical perspective also plz link me a source that backs your claim up.
Also ofc Russia sells Sukhoi fighters but not the same ones they use.

Jim Allen

Poor deflection.


what exactly is the deflection? Its a simple fact the Russians prefer the SU-27 over the MiG-29.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Once the furball starts, the MiG-29 is the perfect fighter jet to have
The MiG-29 takeoff speed is 162 mph to 174 mph (260 km/h to 280 km/h) and it has an extremely low take off distance. The Fulcrum can take off from a strip of only 240m (that’s 787 ft). The F-16 Fighting Falcon by comparison needs about twice that. Also – it is made to take off from unpaved runways. That is thanks to its rugged landing gear and protective air intake. They open and close automatically. And even with closed air intakes the MiG-29 is able to do an afterburner take off. Soviet war planners expected to encounter damaged or under-prepared airstrips during a rapid armored advance. It is also comparable easy to maintain and robust – made in a way that technician can do their job with gloves in Siberia for example. Regardless of the Design Bureau – Mikoyan/MiG is the most famous one, Sukhoi, Tupolev, Ilyushin or Yakovlev are others – . all Soviet fighter jets share this common ideology: Ease of maintainance, simplicity of the design, toughness and the ability to operate from rough, unpaved airstrips of the shortest possible length.

Fog of War

” Once the furball starts, the MiG-29 ”
Furball against who ?

Icarus Tanović

I think it’s obvious.

Fog of War

Not to me. Who will Syria hypothetically fight with these ?

Icarus Tanović

Those who attack Syria, isn’t that obvious? What is your opinion?
Do you see what is happening in USA? And why these MIGs are there?
All those that worked for US interest are going down the drain.
Don’t you see that people are frightened there, while others exploits that very situation.
Like entire south of USA is very pro Trump.
So it is easy to figure that out.

Fog of War

” Those who attack Syria, isn’t that obvious? What is your opinion? ”

All the major players who might attack Syria in the future has already done so and both Russia and Syria haven’t really resisted them. These jets might be useful in a last ditch defense for Syria against the US , Turkey, or Israhell but they wont change the final outcome of that battle unless Russia joins in , and they wont.

” Like entire south of USA is very pro Trump.
So it is easy to figure that out. ”

There wont be a traditional civil war in ZioAmerica as the sheeple there are done for mentally, physically, spiritually, and socially . That is not to say that it might splinter into fiefdoms, warlord areas, racial enclaves, drug gang zones, and so forth. However, that development is a couple years away at the latest. The political fiasco going on in the US right now are just smoke and mirrors to confuse its adversaries. Dont fall for the illusion the blood thirst ‘merikans are gearing up for war.

Icarus Tanović

What a comprehensive answer! Brafo, brafo!


Nice…but use those Mig-29…CAP mission for early warning of any new israeli attacks?

Fog of War

Of course they wont.


Better use then before israel destroy them in theirs hangar..

Willing Conscience (The Truths

More good news, especially if they’re for the Syrian Government.