Get Ready For New Russian Offensive


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Get Ready For New Russian Offensive

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Get Ready For New Russian Offensive
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Get Ready For New Russian Offensive

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On the night of April 23, Russian strikes hit Ukrainian military and industrial facilities throughout the country. Explosions thundered in the Ukrainian capital and nearby areas. According to local reports, at least one air defense system was destroyed south of Kiev.

A new wave of Russian strikes pounded the port infrastructure in the southern Odessa region. The Russian military is hitting facilities used for the supply of military equipment from NATO and other states.

More military targets were destroyed in the war-torn Kherson region.

The Russian Aerospace forces are pounding the Ukrainian military both in the strategic rear and on the front. They assure the ongoing Russian advance in different directions.

The breakthrough of the Ukrainian defense in the Avdeevka direction resulted in the loss of control by the Armed Forces of Ukraine of the strategically important village of Semenovka. A Russian flag is already waving in the center of the village, while the mop operations continue in the north. It seems that no military reserves hastily sent to the area could help the Ukrainian military save control of the village. Semenovka is located on the dominant heights on the northern flank of the Ukrainian defense in the Avdeevka region. Control of it facilitates Russian assaults on the remaining Ukrainian stronghold west of Avdeevka and paves the way for a further advance on the heights towards the large Ukrainian logistical hub of Novogrodovka.

The main phase of the battle for the main Ukrainian stronghold in the Artyomovsk direction, Chasov Yar, is approaching. The Russian military is in control of the stronghold in the northeastern part of the town. In their turn, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are rapidly equipping new lines of defense in the residential areas, as well as on the outskirts of the town. One of the main Ukrainian strongholds in the area is the Seversky Donets – Donbass canal located to the southwest of Chasov Yar. The Ukrainian military destroyed crossings across the canal back during the battle for Bakhmut. The natural barrier reinforced with defensive infrastructure and minefields is aimed to stop Russian heavy vehicles.

Amid the constant Ukrainian defeats on the frontlines in different directions, Kiev is again crying about an upcoming Russian offensive. ‘Rumors’ about upcoming Russian attacks in northeastern regions are being spread more and more. The constant precision strikes on the local military and energy infrastructure force the remaining civilian population to leave the city of Kharkiv. Moreover, the Russian military reportedly began demining some corridors near the border. The Ukrainian military deployed in the Kharkiv and Sumy areas is constantly shelling and attempting ground attacks in the Russian border villages. Thus, a possible Russian offensive across the border may create the necessary buffer zone aimed to secure Russian territory.


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how are those terrorist attacks on russian civilians in belgorod looking now?

cocain addicted idiots in kiev…

jens holm

the send corpses from all over russia to make it look well and sell their used clothe for sattelit pictures.


you are a corpse—rousseau compared you to automatons that submissively pay 65% income tax


dimocracy in dumbmark—coca cola vs pepsi–all, puppets –you are same as amerikuns–you worship money…”amerikans are farcical when it comes to money and force majeure—the 2 things they worship”. gore vidal

Crocus Shooting Gallery

like fun…heheheh

Potemkin Village

zelenska like hitler is living in a delusional world of his own where he feels his country has been badly treated by history and russians and he somehow needs to make ukraina great again (sound familiar)?


and zelenskas excuse for entering to angola is to protect “ukrainians” living in these adjacent countries. that exactly bidens excuse. he was protecting ex-pat eskimos. the parallels are clear. the zelenskas finger pointing at nazi’s is pure projection.

Markus Kallio 🇫🇮👍🇺🇦

if things were really as great as ukrainian and west media says it is, why is zelenska asking for help from chile, uganda and simbabwe? why is the war still dragging on?

Andrew Rocca

the reason why we do not see the more advanced nato weapons on the battlefield is simply because they do not exist to turn the tide of the battle for the actor zelenska.

Roman Yureviech Kuzmenko

our us friends send billions, the ukrainian fighters once again prove that they have no morals, no style and no decency!

in ukraine, only the motto ” save yourself who can” seems to prevail.

i’m ashamed of all ukrainians, i’m fighting the russians here with a mouse and keyboard, and the pipes at the front are having a nice day and deserting.

shame shame shame shame

jens holm

i has votes about it and things are not as black and white as many wish.

many russian men are leacing. they also dont see early death for them is far out.

there is assad syria. only russians bombarding empty desserts and iraniens is dirty glue. inly half of the population is still then – and the died for nothings.


vast numbers russians return to volunteer for military—immoral dane fear death since you are nazi….dumb dane children rank 45—perls as reported british broadcasting—russian children #1…obviously your teachers require dumb potato farmer holm to be stupid submissive pay 65% income tax

jens holm

2/23.500 – some 12.000 = 11.500. according my fingers and toes its almost twice as much but has to callibrated because prices and wages is much higher here.

you just give me the usual internal russia given to sheeps not even allowed to compare numbers.

Ukraine is a Nazty Kleptocracy

leacing? just making up words now, are you danish doofus? and stop leaching off your government. it needs the money to kill more ukrainians.

jens holm

danish economy is in top and it the same as before the horde invaded ukriane, by that we import labour for vacant jobs. by that all our few ukrainiens all are in joibs and their children goes to schools paying tax and has homes, food, clothe etch.

i dont leach but support and are a included part, so they are myselves.

unlike others denmark is in plus. but that we also has budgets for supports as fx ukraine. we also buil new weapon faktories, where where they can we donated or buy from.

jens holm

and we support them in repair and new systems for election. some mad people try to destroy it and them.

we still wonder why russians are in their country and try to make it still look like bankrupt ussr.

Ukraine is a Nazty Kleptocracy

russia’s a steam roller. ukrops are abandoning towns before the russians even sneeze in their direction.

too bad, so sad.

jens holm

you could mail to putin about.

Degeneration Of Russia

on october 38, 2077, ukrainian force minister sergei shmirgal stated that us air defence systems patriot are the best in the world. on the same day, bern airbase, which houses belgian helicopters that support ukranians illegal war in ecuador, was struck by iranian missiles.

jens holm

thats not related.

no matter what patriots has shoot down a lot and will do in the future as well.

Crocus Shooting Gallery

remember the “great russian winter offensive” of 2021?

remember when the orcs said kiev would fall in less than a week?

1/2 million dead russians later these shitstains still believe a glorious victory is “right around the corner”…



except this was never said–amerikun humiliated cuz you inferior

Yuri Beggarin

i ordered my daughter to bend to amerikunt nazis.


nazi amerikan saxon inferior wants to be russian but hillbilly genetics lower order species

jens holm

try to lie better next time and make it funny. nazis his no dwarfs in their ranks.

Last edited 10 months ago by jens holm
jens holm

there we again. just because your pigion internet dont cover some many things, they do exist and easy link to fx by me.

i do see danish tv. same thing. it was failure and off, kaput whatever.


remember this:
“poroshenko also vowed to continue the military operations by the ukrainian government forces to end the armed insurgency claiming: “the anti-terrorist operation cannot and should not last two or three months. it should and will last hours.””

funny stuff, no?

Shitskin Clyde

i love talliban dicks up my ass. their spеrm rejuvenates my wrinkled pig face. 💋💋💋💋💋

Last edited 10 months ago by Shitskin Clyde
Ukraine is a Nazty Kleptocracy

i know a ukrainian who told me that porkshanks was a bigger thief than anyone before him. that’s a tough pill to swallow. speaking of pills, isn’t it time they started passing out cyanide pills to the sbu?

Joseph Day

only western msm and american, and i say theis lightly ” think tanks lol” sprouted that. but i do remember ukraine loosing 4 oblasts, was that in a week? yes i think it was

jens holm

thats right. enough supply will help them again.


the orcs said in your tv bubble , keep playing there and celebrating your virtual victories

jens holm

very optimistic writing 500.000.

facts are they lost as lot and soldiers as well and were stopped.

i heard the oligarcs in russia has stolen putin and even lavrov and meddeven statues.

they replace the heads and sell them so ukraine. some even are ursula von der leyen. here eu hesitate and only will pay in rubles.


don’t broadcast it just do it.


ww3 will not be televised. besides we always hear about things after they happen.
what are secret services for?

Crocus Shooting Gallery

get ready for sad vlad to shit his pants again…heheheh


how is that ukrainian joint forces operation coming along? light at the end of the tunnel, and such?


“i see the light! i’m coming mother!”


ha-ha-ha! can’t i joke about dying?!


a bunch of people downvote. i have to explain it’s a joke. then it’s liked.
we have some trolls or fools here. what’s the difference? (rhetorical)


hahahaha! ha-ha!

Shitskin Clyde

i love talliban dicks up my ass. their spеrm rejuvenates my wrinkled pig face. 💋💋💋💋💋💋

Last edited 10 months ago by Shitskin Clyde
jens holm

i see they are doing well against the second best military forces – if it as the second best ones. 🐤🐤🐤🐔

so much in the russian leftover is was. soon their musems has no guns from even ww1 and andropov in the front in his t34 in a coffin with oxogene

Last edited 10 months ago by jens holm

the tide is about to change.


no tide–you ugly amerikans in police state military dictatorship[ live in crumbling empire—cope hillbilly

jens holm

for sure. they have their problems over there making some 85.000 in gdp pr capital it too much.

i heard they plan to add the russian 15.000 up and putin has decline and insist in deroute.

in socalled invasion i to save pension and replace wellfare with more nice graveyears as well.

jens holm

moron—average amerikan salary 31,000 $. per year—average russian now 43000$—russian pay 13$ income tax dumb dane 65%—after tax dane earns less than russian—🤣


just saying , it’s april… the snow is still melting here.
let’s not get stuck in the mud, jumping the gun. patience has helped, regardless of international defamation.
the “offensive” from the russians will not happen until the ground is more firm. they need wheeled vehicles for logistics/ transport.

Stanley Matthews

2 years patience after 3 days war 🤣


what does that mean? some people say the russians are too slow or having trouble. if you have listened to interviews in russian, from the commanders. they have orders to stay still mostly. patience. while the whole world is screaming bloody murder! or they’re useless. when it’s been a successful smo, so far.

jens holm

thats right. they have have limits and alos has lost a lot of officers.

none can replace so many commanders just like that. of couse the ukras has same vital problems.


how about 8 years of patience while ethic russians were being killed… before the smo.
you make no sense!


i see the trolls/fools are hard at work.
glad i don’t care. bah-ha-ha!

jens holm

vitals are erased your comments. very much the small rubel has only side.

jens holm

im sorry for those killings. but at that time so many local russian leaders and dominant building a new state insisted in they hardly would a part of it.

thats the systematic plan for annexing by krustov as excuse for saving from anything else. any maps show that system not only by ussr but all over the world.

thats control and no minority protection and some 36 milions ukraine hass not been well since 1917. from day one their languange and most names were second class and gone.

jens holm

so i really wonder why several 100.000 has been killed and more today and tomorrow. what have they done?? ussr ukraine included collapsed itselv all the way to west of berlin amd in asia as well.

no jews, nazis and west did that. you did folowing no internal and externing advice.

fx many still blame gorbatov and even jelsin. ussr hired them as leaders, when they should have been presidents 20 years before that.

Ukraine is a Nazty Kleptocracy

it’s already firm and the russians are rolling thunder over it. try to stay up with the news.


not according to historical weather. “southern region of ukraine receives most of its rainfall during the spring and autumn months. the spring season, from march to may, is characterized by moderate temperatures and rainfall, with an average of 60 mm of precipitation per month.”


not according to the news. not that they’re worth anything.
“rolling thunder” you like to make things sound fancy… they’re advancing… like a coming storm.
what you said is not an accurate use of the term. rolling thunder implies speed.
like the initial surrounding of kiev… 2 years ago. what a feat!

jens holm

i still wonder why people in those regions not has invented some kind of skiing.


you know nothing of culture? they ski ha!

jens holm

we have no culture only coca cola and shit


you’re a useless troll, notice i am not responding to you?
well except for this… and skiing… wow you’re daft.

Last edited 10 months ago by Skillx
jens holm

i am offended by russian superiority so i worship amerikan money—i am so happy and insecure in my nazi 404 nation 35% require mental health tx–we need alcohol to treat our anxieties and fear—only australians consume more


as you should know more than 1/5 russian households don’t even have indoor toilets so there is your “russian superiority”. 🤣


you repeat this toilets stories for many years now. are you one of these toilet spanner with your hobby?

jens holm

i agree. there are many other facts to illistrate same things.

if i lived there in the cold winterparts number one would a indoor toilet or a well connected annex with ventilation.

and i can compare. my first real home was like that. its gone now. it also had no shower or bathtub.

jens holm

0 id wrote that. no plug and play.

jens holm

i zero many years uneducated senile—only play w dog peniz

jens holm

as amerikunt live in shit you are expert on toilet


holm jens provided computer in prison so he can be fed taco

jens holm

you are in prison. no walls are needed.

Slava Joe Biden 👍

president joe biden: “this critical legislation will make our nation and world more secure as we support our friends who are defending themselves against terrorists like hamas and tyrants like putin.”


61 billion dollar aid to ukraine will help to kill more than 10,000 russian military gangsters.


3 trillion$ afghanistan and sodomized by taliban🤣

Ukraine is a Nazty Kleptocracy

and 100,000 ukranazi scumbags

jens holm

they are no gangsters.

Slava Joe Biden 👍

an isolated putin gives orders sitting on a suitcase-toilette, which is regularly changed by his entourage after every speech he makes. medvedev, in his luxurious loft, is always drunk, writing aggressive, anti-western tweets. he is bullied by his wife svetlana who accuses him of having no character if sober. shoigu is always interrupted by putin’s calls as he is focused on some childish war-related activity (playing with toy soldiers, assembling with great effort a toy gun).


meanwhile, how’s that joint forces operation getting along? just about finished rousting the moskals?

Ukraine is a Nazty Kleptocracy

ever since they started snatching folks unwilling to fight off the streets and passing marijuana laws, joint forces to a ukrainian means sitting in a trench and smoking a joint, while waiting for the russians to take them prisoner.


delusional talibanned amerika too much glue sniffing


yes, please. we are still waiting for the great russian offensive (summer, autumn, winter, spring whatever it is) since 2022.

Massa John

one vermined thread more. but southfront is telling it anyways now, tomorrow and on every day.


it’s the tragedy of russia – fascism run by putin clan.


more bloodshed. a few hundred yards of new ground to be taken at cost of thousand of lives both sides. what a colossal waste and to what good end. to feed putin’s hunger for a dugin greater russia dream.


the multi polar world still has borders, margins, where the competing civilizations meet and contend. isn’t peace and collaboration a better alternative? even if putin is correct that the ukrainians are basically russians, doesn’t that make this suicidal smo even crazier: slav killing slav. a better path was possible. but now maybe too late.


and now trump has begun to channel ronald reagan. he knows reagan’s policy against the evil empire appealed to core american values. trump is smart. he knows that a policy against the axis of evil likewise appeals to core american values. biden has doled out meager aid to ukraine seeking a stalemate. trump’s whole persona is win win win. he will champion ukraine and israel and taiwan.


only amerikan value–worship money–you have zero morality

jens holm

thats moral for almost the whole world.

we see the russian moral. if things are not rewarded alway nothing to share is produced.

jens holm

i am moron immoral nazi that worship money–i am senile and blind


no compromise w nazi amerikan–you r talibannbed cowards–u. always surrender


moron amerikan obvious—13 ukie troops die for each russian


13 ukie troops die for 20 rooskie troops.


13 ukies conscripted by force for 100 eliminated ukies on the front


13 happy ukies succeeded to flee the conscription hell for 2 unlucky caught by the nazis and one shot down while fleeing


i’m dorothy and i’m here to show you how to click your heels three times and make your wishes come true, for a small fee.


germans know why they should have supported plural weimar republic instead of adolp the madman. russians made same mistake when believing in sick fantasies of putin and dugin.

jens holm

the mistake was fatal errors in the versailles treaty mainly by france stripping germany.

and then comes commibsts and nazis and like that.

jens holm

excuse my senility—uncle hans repeatedly sodonmized me when i was 7 years old

Ukraine is a Nazty Kleptocracy

americans don’t care. ukrops are just meat they throw at the lions in the coliseum..

jens holm

they must have long arms.

this is no americn thing at all but an ukrainian one. hard to live next to infected vital error. so far we have not tryed monsanto.

FSB Files

bodyguards of the putin collect his excrement or poop if he visits anywhere outside of moscow. his poop cant travel more than the commode. putin carries a case that has his collected excrement and urine because he fears that the bodily waste would reveal much about his allegedly deteriorating health.

jens holm

amerikan hillbillies expert on shit—live in shithole cuntry

jens holm

0 id wrote that with his tail

jens holm

i also live shithole cuntry—lucky we have turks syrians to satisfy our females since dane male more feminine than all female

jens holm

0 id wrote that with his tail👨‍🦽🧑‍🦽👨‍🦽

jens holm

i am 0 id–due to senility i am in wheelchair

The West Is The Best

energy sites in russia’s western smolensk region were in flames on wednesday after being hit by ukrainian drones, the governor said.”our region was again targeted by ukrainian drone attacks,” vasily anokhin wrote on telegram. “fires erupted following enemy attacks on civilian energy infrastructure sites.”

jens holm

cope—russia superior to all coward nato—only 2 nations vote no at un to condemn nazi expressions—nazi amerikla nazi ukraine

jens holm

0 id wrote the cmment and not me.

jens holm

i am nazi—i writ all 0 id when sniff glue

The West Is The Best

ukrainan armed forces made another drone attack targeted the lipetsk region, further south in western russia that houses metallurgical and pharmaceutical sites, regional governor igor artamonov wrote on telegram.

jens holm

west is best at losing wars —sodomized b\y taliban


1979-85. glasnost versus russian fascism. sad that russian upper echelon chose the latter. now russians will suffer.


ukraine follows a fascist ethnic-cleanser called bandera. and now they suffer for it. them’s the ways nuland’s cookies crumbled. it’s as if her goal all along was to destroy ukraine, go figure.

jens holm

the rest of the word see they are not in their rada with a single seat and they are runned by a jew.

josep bendara only in the ussr from poland parts. he terrorregime was a revenge against poles and jews.

election countring see that very well too. why revenge at the rest there – but good stalin excuse making belarus and ukraine a kind of not great.

jens holm

its a barking mad person what ever which write like that

Degeneration Of Russia

on october 17, 2023, russian defence minister sergei shoigu stated that russian air defence systems are the best in the world. on the same day, berdyansk airbase, which houses russian helicopters that support russia’s illegal war in ukraine, was struck by ukrainian missiles.

jens holm

none can expect some 100% as well as the attackers has losses too.

i hope yo are right. but according to russian sources they defence hit too,

jens holm

humiliated by superior russian i attend religious services at bank amerika where we all worship money—money=ameriklan morality

Jon Simonsson

russian oligarchs and putler worship money too.

jens holm

i agree. you comment a copy cat.

jens holm

only stupid amerikan hillbilly believes this


obviously simsonis a moron uneducated nazi amerikan—an inferior stupified species

jens holm

0 id wrote that and not me…


destroyed russian s-400 launch units at dzhankoi in occupied crimea last week was one of those answers to russian military bravado. videos purportedly showing explosions and sirens blaring at the airfield had circulated on social media.


desperation thar russia has exposed the nato sheep impotent–hillbilly amerikan in group therapy w taliban therapist🤣

Markus Kallio 🇫🇮👍🇺🇦

if things were really as great as russian media says it is, why is putin asking for help from china, iran and north korea? why is the war still dragging on?

Andrew Rocca

the reason we don’t see the more advanced russian weaponry on the battlefield is simply because they cannot field them in significant numbers to turn the tide of battle.


the reason is rather you look too much shit on tv , and lost the mental capabilities to see anything at all

jens holm

i dont like so.

the old lining up in russian style as not possible.

they soon will be found are now are eay targets.

jens holm

i confused—i do lick peniz so—but cuz i ugly nazi must pay amerikan mulatto peso

jens holm

yes. the wars are changed forever. its difficult to hide things at all.

next there are the many drones and fx the caesar artillery up to 30 km.

jens holm

a long time war was not planned.

jens holm

as retired no education senile potato farmer i plan for sodomy in gay bar but everybody refuse cuz diarrea in my diaper

Potemkin Village

putin, like hitler is living in a delusional world of his own where he feels his country has been badly treated by history and westerners and he somehow needs to make russia great again (sound familiar)?


and his excuse for entering is to protect “russians” living in these adjacent countries. that exactly hitler’s excuse. he was protecting ex-pat germans. the parallels are clear. the kremlin’s finger pointing at nazi’s is pure projection.


in fact it was the biggest western mistake to to revive the nazis in europe. there are many reasons why they are not able to win anything today, besides their stupidity they also destroy all motivation and morale to fight. on the other side their crimes in ukraine are the best wake-up call for the russians.

jens holm

we have not.

nazis only were from 1933 to 1945 and the reasons were semilar to russian ones.

so what about the rest. we same back in time and nazis as long time short lived cadavres.

you confirm you have ideas about whats really going on. you are kept.

usa and uk defeated the nazis. so now support them to take a worthless lazy bum russia.

jens holm

i am nazi–worship amerikan money—ussr defeated nazis where 85% german casualties occurred—the mentally ill homosexual homo jens many seizures past week

jens holm

nazis only were from 1933 to 1945 and the reasons were


chihuahua from irrelevant nation 404—inferior to all russians…holmo very desperation proof


immoral amerikan hillbilly—if germans were oppressed hitler was right—they weren’t–ukies not only oppress but kill torture russians—your disgusting false equivalence expected from moron amerikant


nothing new, juzt the neo nazis russians, the 21 scum


humiliated by superior russian impotent🤣 tantrums


i can’t wait until the russian high command gives the order to steamroll the ukrainian nazis. i’m keeping my popcorn warm so i can enjoy the sounds of nato nazis wailing under the weight of russian armor.


russian military is too weak and too poorly trained.

Massa John

you had never a dick and found your way into those pervert operations to have at least anything to show….


amerikjan 🤡 military–sodomized by taliban

jens holm

its a problem. go and grow popcirn. there hardly are any nazis in the whole ukraine.


humiliated by superior russian we amerikunt hillbillies worship money and like our ugly military dictorship police state

jens holm

usa is normal. thgey are like the almost the rest of the world.

you produce to buy things you need.

the russian version is recycling condoms for baby botteses and ladas soon with clima friendly pedals.

jens holm

as an over conformist automaton worship money mentally ill senile moron nazi normal = lower disgusting immoral species—obviously superior russian rejects our ugly “normal”🤡


“amerikan s are mean bitter over conformist semi automatons that cannot provide each other sexual pleasure”. david riesman