A Bundeswehr gunner aboard a 122nd Infantry, Company 5, Marder IFV fires a MILAN wire-guided anti-tank missile at Grafenwoehr Sept. 21, 2004. By Paula Guzman, 7th ATC Public Affairs. Source: http://www.hqjmtc.army.mil/feature/bwtrain/
Germany had refused to supply 100 Marder infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) to Ukraine, German news outlet Welt reported on April 3.
Ukrainian sources told Welt that Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov sent a letter to his German counterpart, Christine Lambrecht, asking for the IFVs and other heavy weaponry. However, Lambrecht rejected the request in a phone conversation with Reznikov .
The German Defence Ministry confirmed the Ukrainian request. However, it noted that all Marder IFVs are bound by NATO commitments, therefore their withdrawal from positions would then have to be resolved within NATO.
The Marder, which was developed more than fifty years ago, can carry up to nine personnel and has an operation range 520 kilometers.
The IFV is armed with a 20 mm Rheinmetall MK 20 Rh 202 automatic cannon MILAN ATGM [anti-tank guided missile] launcher and a 7.62 mm MG3 machine gun. The vehicle went through a number of upgrades that included fitting night vision equipment and a thermal imager, as well as an upgraded ammunition feed to the main cannon.
Germany has been supplying weapons to Kiev forces since the beginning of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine. The weapons supplied by Germany included hundreds of Stinger anti-aircraft missile systems and Panzerfaust-3 anti-tank rocket-propelled grenades.
On April 1, Germany announced that it had cleared a planned transfer of 56 Pbv-501 IFVs, which are upgraded ex-East German Soviet-made BMP-1s, from the Czech Republic to Ukraine.
Germany’s refusal to supply Ukraine with Marder IFV was clearly the result of a technical issue, not a shift in Berlin’s policy. Like the rest of Western states backing Kiev forces, Germany hopes that its military support to end up foiling the Russian special operation in Ukraine. In reality this support is just prolonging the war.
Won’t pontificate, will not provide sources. Resorts straight to slander; no evidence, won’t list any author. Provides no argument whatsoever, won’t discuss and childishly insists I am wrong without proof of any sort.
I doubt you read the book, PMA. You won’t look into what the Greeks said of Scythians and Dacians. Nor will you consider this Roman quotation:
“Nearly all the Alani (Sarmatians) are men of great stature and beauty, their hair is somewhat yellow, their eyes are frighteningly fierce.”
— Ammianus Marcellinus
* Alani is a colloquialized pronunciation of “‘Iran’/Aryan”.
So why did you post this on a different article? No one wants to see your stupid debunked Nazi mythology and to be honest not many people are even going to take the time to read over it. You should stick to shouting “Sieg Heil!” at the mirror in your mom’s basement faggot neo-Nazi. Imagine having all the information available from the internet today and posting a quote from ancient history. Keep blaming “Da Joos” for your financial problems, the reality is you’re too stupid to sit down and read a educate yourself.
Except it’s not debunked, it’s verifiable!
Its verifiable… but only by Ukro Nazi high school dropouts.
“to be honest not many people are even going to take the time to read over it.”
To be honest, I don’t care what you think. Second, how about you call me up on Telegram and tell me that on there? Instead of hiding behind your computer in mommy’s basement?
Fuckoff douchebag.
grunting nazi massively cares—otherwise the inferior alabama nazi would not expend enormous effort at southfront attempting to recruit senile lgbt nazi bf
But no, you won’t agree to debate. You’re a brainwashed, mindless faggot that knows absolutely nothing about what I said and is only capable of repeating jewish propaganda.
Debate about what? How Jews oppress white people? LOL! White people have the highest standard of living by far in the world moron. I know you don’t reap the benefits as the extent of your employment history is flipping burgers at McDonalds, but trust me, it’s not that bad if you take time to educate yourself. I believe Israel is a Middle Eastern problem, “Da Joos” have nothing to do with what’s going on in the West moron. On a personal note it would be impossible to live with my parents, the majority of my family was dead by the time I was eight. I started working construction at twelve and now in my late 20’s work with the most advanced artificial intelligence in the world. Contrast that with you, most likely a white male given every tool and advantage to succeed and still failing and blaming your shortcomings on others. God, please get your mind out of the gutter and take some responsibility.
You can’t debate me because you can’t prove me wrong.
Impossible to prove an idiot wrong. By definition, an idiot is too stupid to know that s/h/it is wrong, thus proving the universal maxim that ALL Ukro Nazi Dorcs are idiots.
You’re a gaslighting liar and a coward that is too afraid to debate things you know virtually nothing about.
You are a coward and refuse to debate me face to face.
You are a chicken shit loser who doesn’t care that I am right.
You only want to be a jackass because you are angry and think it’s funny.
You don’t know the history or virtually anything else beyond what you are told by the lying media.
You are stupid to the extent that no amount of information would lead you to admitting you’re wrong, you have no moral standards and essentially verify everything I have ever said about you.
You would never behave the way you do on here if this interaction occurred face to face, since you don’t fear a consequence you feel you can be a piece of shit without consequence.
coward insecure feminized nazi hillbilly in alabamy bitter upset–no papa, mama a toothless hooker. “only in USA is the father vestigial: the American mind an conscience is feminine”. Geoffrey Gorer
I cannot imagined if both of you were in power of your goverments. This is how some wars started in the past. Avoiding beign political and diplomatic could bring us into lot of troubles Gunth3r and everyone thinks he is ok from his point of view. Dont expect an Israeli to blame himself for the world issues. He is fighting just like everyone of us.
“Da Joos have nothing to do with what’s going on in the West moron.”
Then tell me why they admit to facilitating mass immigration and miscegenation? Or why with their media monopoly they pursue the propagation of degeneracy, such as the LGBT among other themes intended to break down the family unit, solicit unpatriotic attitudes and provoke racial animosity towards Whites? Western governments and universities actively promote the racial hatred of Whites with lies and exaggerations about the past and present.
I’ll bet you work for the Mossad you Dimwit…
Could it be. They are getting ‘Intelligence’ about Jews perception on this forum. The israelis are so smart they can make you believe in almost everything. Also Mossad is only one of the Israeli Intelligence institutions, the are many of them collecting data worldwide.
The Jews are a parasitical species, they can know more live on their own than a tapeworm thrown out on the sidewalk. Without a host they are just deteriorating organic matter.
ATLGA you are so thought. You are acting like a child for not being diplomatic. If all your family is death sorry about that. But then it means the Russian Government is your father mother and brothers. The Russia has US teached during the fall of USSR were not so corrupt has the USA think about it. Hope you are going great. Good luck and also to Gunth3r.
only crack head in arkansas trailer park bothers to debate with senile nazi
Lol! You are a beast Yuri… Ha ha ha
“read a educate yourself.”
How about you learn proper grammar before you try to lecture me?
You confuse education with “indoctrination”. You can’t tell the difference, you only heard anti-white Marxist propaganda and accepted it without question, all at face value.
You are profoundly brainwashed and highly uneducated. Narrow-minded and unwittingly project your own characteristics onto myself and others.
Since you are a coward, I do not suppose you will ever debate it huh? You will continue to childishly insist I am wrong, screaming profanities left and right whilst proving you are exactly as bad as you disingenuously claim I am.
“the American mind puerile and primitive…” Julius Evola
ols senile nazi grunter proof
If no one read my comments, neither you or anyone else would be commenting. You hate it you cannot prove me wrong and lack the courage to admit it.
“Keep blaming “Da Joos” for your financial problems”
I present FACT from JEWS themselves. I have no financial problems, I presented authentic information on this site before that ABSOLUTELY NONE OF YOU HAVE EVER DISPROVEN.
In other words, you are the retarded ones who cannot think for yourselves.
I do not read your peurile insecure nazi propaganda—I observe your nazi name and respond—you have nothing that resembles truth–primitive nazi merely recycles the same drivel repeatedly—you need better meds a new lgbt therapist
Dear Gunth3r, you are almost trying to discuss what happen two milleniums ago when the fights between powers were carried with Religions Belief weaponized to destroy neighboors powers. The Jew, Christian, Islam have evolved to a triage first weaponized against enemy cultures, the second to create an internal policy environment you can call it society and also has a way of survival…. So Gunth3r, have you already learn what you came looking here. Stop discussing what happen two millenial ago please, this is XXI century
I did read it and it s interesting, actually it is of a level far higher as most Putin adapts are even able to read let alone understand, thats probably the fundamental problem of all those brainless uncritical Putin followers.
Johan? Is that you?
Yuri, what does ATLGA stand for? Is it a code word? How is the weather in Tel Aviv? When the nukes arrive, will you duck and cover underneath a desk?
Various Jewish Rabbis calling for the TOTAL GENOCIDE of ALL PEOPLE whom they claim are of Edom/Amalek (Whites)
“49 Jewish groups including the ADL demand a “pathway to citizenship” for illegals but not in Israel.”
The story of MARY PHAGAN, LEO FRANK and the ADL
The clip in the quote below from Barbara Spectre (e.g. 2010 or earlier)
Barbara Spectre in the 1950s Explaining Why She Thinks There Should Be No White Neighborhoods in America
inferior nazi grunting, polo molo, frizzy humiliated—needs alias; something I never do…pathethic alabamy hillbilly again projecting her inferiority, insecurity
nazi inferior jens—name change
“debunked Nazi mythology”
What I stated long predates National Socialism, the supposedly “debunked mythology” you are referring to is corroborated with DNA evidence from ancient human remains, religious texts, and archaeological artifacts.
Not to mention there are identifiable similarities in the mythos of various Indo-European pagan belief systems and practices.
There was no “nazi occult” either.
You watch too much ancient aliens from the American history channel, everything you think about these subjects boils down to misinformation (war propaganda) and sensationalism.
After reading verses from the Talmud it is the Joos.
bubba hillbilly inferior nazi envious of superior Jews—required in USA to govern you incompetent racists—back to trailer park and crack pipe
He’s dumb. I don’t mean that as an insult. Remember average iq in a population varies. Gunther was born in the lower part of the 95% confidence interval.
ATLGA. Dont be so rude with Gunth3r. He is trying to learn just like everyone of us did it in the past. Nobody born knowing. Lol! Maybe he is here thinking he could teach us something but in reality Gunth3r wanted to learn from us, so dont shut the door off to Gunth3r. I read a week ago an English Writer John A. Hobson and it really blowed my mind, they described almost every act of UK ans USA Imperialism. Also predicted the Unipolar World momment who now is on retreating.
You have serious issues.
Hercules was Ukrainian too…
senile nazi inferior in alabamy trailer park—competes w jens for village idiot prize
Heavenly Father. DYS PYTR Zeus Iupeter.
The description of a 10 month winter followed by a short 2 month summer sounds much further north than the Russian steppe. The Arctic circle.
What’s your point? In all your posts?
What are you trying to stir up? You clearly support Ukraine or you wouldnt be on an Ukraine board.
Yet Kolomoisky told your own nazi friends, the Ukrainians, to not target Jews.
So who are you here to support lmao? You confused moron.
Hitler was empowered by the Jewish people in different countries.
You are lost dude.
Germany should not compromise his defence capacity and it is better to supplier Ukraine with know material, this results in the very upgraded thousands of bmp s from east Betmany and Tsjech republic. That will do the job and we still can produce other material.
Time to invest in English lessons hohol trash.
illiterate jens nazi name change
Once liberated territory must not be surrendered without a fight to the enemy, no matter what, as it happened in recent days west of Kiev. It looks like Putin’s will is weak/soft, maybe Putin dream to be the new Gandhi or surrender monkey French Marshal Patain. Putin must fear the reaction of angry patriotic Russians, not the reactions of pro-Western traitors (Nevalny and co.). For every killed pro-Russian civilian and Russian soldier, there must be a retaliation. The largest nuclear-armed force should not have such a weak leader, Putin showed a weak and defeatist mentality, it’s a danger for the whole world, because Putin’s attitude strengthens the self-confidence of World’s second nuclear power and it could eventually lead to a nuclear attack by US on Russia, because it will make US think that such a weak leader as Putin will not be able to order nuclear retaliation vs US.
By “pro-Russian civilian”, I think you meant anti-CIA. Donbas republics declard independence because they rejected the CIA-installed coup regime. Russia has taken US stooges to the cleaners several times in the last twenty years. The failed Ukrainian CIA operation is already the worst ass-beating the Russians have given the Americans.
Germany, the country that has nazified Ukraine, Poland, the Baltic states, Kazakhstan, Moldavia and that has deceived the whole world with the EU concept, hiding it was only a bridge to the 3rd Reich.
Yet its own politicians are traitorous scumbags who pursue open borders policies and criminalize German ethno-nationalism, while conditioning Germans to hate themselves.
Anything to redirect attention away from jewish activities, eh? Go fuck yourself, rotten whore. You call non-jewish women ‘Shiksa’ meaning ‘whore’. No one is as much of a whore as any jewess harlot.
Your Purim celebration is a celebration of genocide, specifically the extermination of 100 000 Persians. This was orchestrated by a honey pot through Esther, Haman’s concubine was a jewish spy.
“Most people today would just scoff if you told them about the history of White slavery, as the jews have successfully hidden this history from mass consciousness.”
Atlantic Jihad: White Slavery
German holocaust
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
How is weather in Tel Aviv?
Ha ha ha lol!
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very wise the Germans. They need Russia and the Ukros do not know how to use Modern Armor
lolz retarded Ukrops crying so hard about not getting their upgraded bmp from germanystan! :D
but but i thought they had 1 trillion tanks still?! I thought AFU captured the entire Russian army?
lol you lost a $100 million dollar jet to a $30 thousand dollar stinger missile MANPAD today. su-35 down the drain. that is embarasing
You lost $500billion tho…
Money is not ore issue!
nazi should not consume LSD
Russians bringing in weapons and men from the Kuril islands and South Ostenia etc, losing half of the front line to Ukraine to be able to keep the other half and being not able to produce more because of sanctions! I would be not happy to that they get massive help.
It’s actually a good sign for Russia that Germany is very hesitant sending armament to Ukraine. Germany just wants to do business with Russia but foreign policy is dictated by ZioUS so German government is sending old junk to Ukraine and playing dumb. We need to get Nordstream pipeline running and f**k ZioUS Ukraine in the bud.
For every Russian casualty another year without gas, oil, or food for The Fourth Reich and Germany.
Collective punishment has been popular with the collective West for decades.
Time to send some their way.
Slava Rossiji!
The juice, they are such shepherds that everything will go well for the people. Oy vey!
Dirty german rusky kissers.
Praise Adolf and Bandera.
Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦
No wonder Minsk agreement was not upheld. How could it when Lindsey Graham & John McCain preparing for a proxy war with Russia 2016.