German soldiers with 4th Battery, 131st Artillery Battalion carry out a fire mission with self propelled howitzers as part of exercise Dynamic Front 18 at the 7th Army Training Command’s Grafenwoehr training area, Germany, March 07, 2018. (U.S. Army photo by Markus Rauchenberger)
Germany is considering sending Panzerhaubitze 2000 155 mm self-propelled howitzers to Ukraine, Reuters reported on April 29 citing a security source.
According to the unnamed source, Berlin is in talks with the Dutch government on delivering the Panzerhaubitze 2000 to Ukraine.
A recent report by the Dutch ANP news agency revealed that the Netherlands wants supply a “limited number” of the same howitzers to Ukraine. Germany has offered to provide training and ammunition for the howitzers, which were built by German defense company KMW.
A day after the publication of Reuters report a video showing a number of Panzerhaubitze 2000 howitzers moving on a railway in the German city of Stuttgart surfaced online. The howitzers were reportedly being shipped to the east.
The Panzerhaubitze 2000 howitzer has a maximum range of 30–36 kilometers with the standard DM121 Boattail round, about 40–47 kilometers with base bleed rounds, and 67 kilometers with M2005 V-LAP assisted projectiles. It can also fire the SMArt 155 shell which carries two anti-tank submunitions with infrared sensor and millimeter wave radar. The howitzer can fire up to ten rounds per minute.
Reuters report was not a surprise. On April 28, German lawmakers voted in favor of sending heavy weapons and complex military systems to Ukraine in order to support Kiev forces in the face of the Russian military who is currently conducting a special military operation in the country.
The West is attempting to rebuild the offensive capabilities of Kiev forces on the hope of prolonging the war in Ukraine and weakening Russia.
Moscow has already warned that Western military support to Kiev forces pose a threat to the security of the European continent and provoke instability.
Good, best weapon against artillery is artillery
it can fire up to 50km, Russia only 40km so your statement is not working in this case. Russia has to confront these howitzer with other weapons than artillery.
I find that sentence
a threat to the security of the European continent and provoke instability
. even more funny..delivering weapons for sure is more a threat then invading a country :Daj, btw, where is that article about Nazis in Germany (Gauland) supporting Nazis and defending the Wehrmacht and beeing proud of it?
Yes unstable country with weapons in hand of normal citizens far dangerous than powerful country with dictator. USA already said that they cannot track weapons they sent Ukraine. If those weapons spread among Europe this will do more damage than this war.
Bandera Nazis will NEVER RETURN to Ukraine, even with a tourist visa. The White West will have a goose-stepping moron problem for decades.
Why you dumbheads always miss the important points ?
This traitor, Gauland, openly stated that he would never fight, let alone die for Germany, but is more then willing to fight and die for Israel. And moreover that:” German soldiers should be ready to fight and die for Israel”.
(Quote:”„an der Seite Israels zu kämpfen und zu sterben“.
https://www.stuttgarter-nachrichten.de/inhalt.bundestag-debattiert-ueber-israel-kleinteilige-scharmuetzel.b55e6d37-f899-43c8-b526-1da3ededb4b6.html )
So how in hell you asshole dare to title this treacherous pig, Gauland, to be a “Nazi” !??? He is the opposite ! He’s is a goddamned traitor and collaborateur with Germanys arch-enemies, the jews “! He’s is nothing but a zionist agent. Get that, you retarded moron !
He is a first rate populist, changing his “views” with the wind direction. Since being openly NaZi is somewhat, shall I say, frowned upon in Germany, he would not go very far if he’d go on the record with crazy NaZi shit. His party (AfD) was trying to avoid being put on the watch list of the Constitution Protection watch dog at the time for their odious members, might have something to do with it. They ended up on that list eventually anyway.
Bullshit again ! When jewish chancellor Merkel opened the German borders to the asylum hordes from everywhere in 2015, they ( the jews in government ruling Germany) knew that the german people will en masses run to the far-right groups or establish new more radical ones to stop this shit. That’s why the jews put up and founded a “Fake-Right-Extremist”-party called AFD, which is claiming to be pro-german, but at the same time states that they will do everything to help Israel, want german soldiers to die for Israel and have lots of jews in their ranks. It is just another demonic Israeli Psy-Op-Party, to deceive the German masses. That guy, Gauland, is a traitor and so far away from truely national german people as the moon from your ass is. He was even a member in Merkel’s party CDU before being switching to AFD. No, man. Here is knowledge: Just google for H. Hafenmayer, U. Haverbeck, Alfred Schäfer, or Sven Skoda, and listen to speeches of them if you want to see what true upright National Socialists in Germany are like, and what they are saying to all this.
I have it on good authority that Merkel is a Christian, daughter of a pastor in the former GDR even. So, how much of a fuck should I give about your other ramblings? Meh, cannot be bothered anyway.
This utter stupidity is why you are fooled by the medias and governments such easily. Do the research. Her (Merkel’s) mother line goes back to Emma Drange ( maidenname Wachs). With Wachs being a jewish name. Also her name before marriage, Anjela Kazmierczak, is clearly a jewish one. With Kazmiercz being a jewish ghetto part of the polish town of Krakow.
The jews were giving that city part the name Kazmiercz because the dumb polish King Kasimir after long time of them being exiled and forbidden from entering Poland, allowed them to return and even granted these parasites citizenship and citizen-rights. So to honour this traitor to the polish people, the jews called that Krakow town district “Kazmiercz”.
So we have a jewish communist female hellhound called Merkel, which switched here name from Kazmierczak, to Kastner to Merkel, and opened the German borders to all hordes of foreigners, in order to destroy and eradicate the german people once and for all. In addition she throws the german national flag to the ground in a word-wide televisioned ceremony, showing her total hate and disrespect to all germans.
But you fool, still believe the jewish medias, telling you
about these demons like Merkel, Spahn, Sarkozy, Mitterrand, Trudeau, Putin, Lagarde, Mückstein, Roosevelt, Trotzky, Sverdlov, Lenin, Marx, Kagajew, Stalin, etc. being “christians”. No ! They are cryto jews.
You’re obviously not realizing how the satanic sect is working. They are identity switchers since day one. That is their main thing, one day they claim to be french, the other they claim to be german christians, or russians. They are switching there names quicker than their filthy underwear.
There is an old notice warning for kids in an old german childrens-book that goes like this (translate to understand it, or wait I do it for you, because it is merely a rhyme and the translation proggie will likely not be translating it properly):
Quote: ” Damit den Jud’/ Juden man sollt nicht kennen, tat bald er anders sich benennen. Ein Nathan heisst bald Jo-nathan. Herr Levi hängt ein Sohn sich dran, der Abraham lässt weg zwei “a” sodass auf einmal Brahm steht da. Doch andere sind besonders hell. Verschwinden lassen auf der Stell’/Stelle, die fremden Namen sie und gleich, gibts Blühdorn auch und Siebenreich und Feilchenblau und Löwenstein, und Rosenholz und Rosenhain, und Lindenstein und Blumenfeld, und außerdem der Jude wählt, von Tieren sich noch Namen aus, so heisst er Katz und Hirsch und Strauss”.
“In order to not being spotted, the jew quickly switches his names. A Nathan soon is Jonathan. Mr. Levi adds a “son” to his name, the Abraham throws away two “a”‘s from his name, so that finally the word ‘Brahm’ is left (instead of Abraham).
But other (jews) are especially clever. Immediately they make their foreign strange sounding names disappear, and suddenly
their names become Blühdorn and Siebenreich and Feilchenblau and Löwenstein (Lionstone) and Blumenfeld(Flowers/Flowerfield)
and Rosenholz (Rosewood) and Rosenhain (Roseberg) and in addition to that, the jew is choosing also names from animals like Katz (Cat) and Hirsch (deer) and Strauss (ostrich)(in order so that nobody can recognize them, from their names, as jews anymore.”
This is the warning which the german kids where taught and knew and understand, back in the 1930’s and 1940’s when Germany was a souveran country and the people free, ruling themselves and living their culture without foreign armies occupying their land. This knowledge this wisdom from the children’s book was and is stil important, because it made every german realize to not fall into the trap, which you now have fallen clumsily into. They were smart enough to know how their enemy is camouflaging its existence and agents, and kicked these parasites out whereever they found them.
But you, you obviously know nothing, and even today still think that a jew, calling himself a christian is no longer a jew. Af if a snake miracously becomes a Zebra just because someone puts black and white paint on the snakes back.
These cheap tricks is what guys like you fall to, and because the jews know that, they do again easily trick you into following them and doing and saying what they want you to do and say. Thereby easily luring you and your family into your own demise and death. Wake up man ! You are facing the most evil sinister disgusting satanic brute on earth. It is the devilish arc-enemy of God and mankind in a whole.
“This utter stupidity…”
Walls of text that start this way are not worthy of my time.
Nazi and Jews unite.
Plutonium is a fossil fuel and would not be good for the planet . Does our leaders understand the advantages of a peaceful solution .We should we not go green for the planet.
LMAO, are you for real??? Plutonium is fossil fuel???? xD
Why yes, in a way… See, it can be used to make fossils out of all of humanity, so the next intelligent life form, should there ever again be one, can use us as fuel, or some such.
More targets for ka 52
An an observer I must say the Russian should have paralyzed the whole Ukraine railway station and every airport should have been taking out,destroy the runway and control towers, telecommunications should have been dismantle. The Russian wanted to go out only for military infrastructure but civilians one are use for military in time of war
I am having a vision! I see into the future! I see, yes, it is clear now, I see these haubizers shelling Ukrainian towns and Ukrainian civilians which the Ukrainians were pretending to protect just a few months earlier.
I see Western MSM lying about it and covering up hundereds and hundereds of dead civilians killed by German weapons.
I see the Germans continuing to be the dogs of USA and Britain until the Turkic and Arabic immigration encouraged and fascilitated by USA and Britain finally reduce them to a minority in Germany and transform Germany into something that starts opposing Britain and USA again.
USA and Britain’s cunning and viscious plans always backfire against them. But also always create destruction, misery, hatered and conflict wherever these monsters go. That is all the Anglo Empire knows how to do. They destroy everything they touch. Trusting them is a death sentence.
They could send all the weapons they want, but it’s getting harder and harder for Zelensky to get a living Ukrainian to shoot them.
dress up Nato in dead mens kit
In 2014 almost none of the draft classes appeared for induction. Entire units defected to the Donetsk and Lugansk republics with their weapons. This explains the murderous contempt Bandera Nazis have for new enlistees. They know conscripts will not fight for oligarchs and Nazis unless they are threatened with death. They aren’t soldiers, they are another version of human shield.
20% is out of order, 20% is funneld to the black market, 20% is withheld for training purposes and 39% is being destroyed by Wagner sabotage units, Spesnaz or RF Airforce an 1% reaches the battlefront for fotosessions, TikTok or youtube short clips and other propaganda reasons.
Yeah propaganda clips like this one:
That shit can’t exactly be brought into Ukraine by secret. Idk what the Russian General Staff is doing, but there shouldn’t be a single rail line functioning at border crossings. Then monitor the roadways and shoot down all incoming cargo aircraft. Small planes might fly low to avoid radar but not cargo monsters delivering armor.
Croatian Nazis got them too, so why not send those to Ukraine? A CroNazi-UkroNazi friendship collaboration.
How many generals have Russia lost?
we strong and imortal
They arranged for some of them to leave for heaven and pray there for us all.
Today another russian general has been eliminated but ukrainian army, some sources claim that by ukrainian foreign legion. Dumb ruskies ^^
russobots will bark, hans happy ^^
Russian generals lead from the front: US generals lead from a press conference.
Dr. Hunter S. Thompson, “…nobody now gives the United States any respect, apart from a handful of fascist Brits and that simpering little whore Tony Blair.”
Not good news if the Germans get too involved in the war. They are of course great engineers and know how to build complex machinery, which they also can mass-produce, like the Panzerhaubitze and similar armed vehicles. And with the Ukrainian border only half a day away by road, sending it there is easy.
If anything Germany should stay out of this entirely. German weapons against Russian soldiers will not go down well at all, given the well known history.
That is what I am hoping for. It actually saddens me to see them behaving like this. But perhaps they are told to do this and have no other choice but to obey. Hopefully soon, after the Russians have won the war, things will be returning to the way they were.
I agree with your first two sentences, especially with this: ” It actually saddens me to see them behaving like this. But perhaps they are told to do this and have no other choice but to obey.”
That’s exactly the point. The jewish government of Germany pulls the strings, german people decide nothing. That’s sadly fact in nearly every EU country now. So unknowingly you were indeed on point with your assumption.
But, like you might know i am not for any side. Not want “Russia to win” or “NATO to win”. No I want the world to get rid of the jewish satanic hegemon, and free itself from the JWO/NWO world-wide jewish global terror regime including its so-called central banking system.
That’s why I don t thumb up or thumb down your comment but choose to stay neutral this time.
Yes, it does sadden me, seeing the once proud German nation now being kicked around as a common lapdog of Nato. They really should be allies of Russia, not the demonic beast from Hell, who devours all nations it comes into contact with. It is time for the Germans to wake up and start fighting back .
That is correct and also it is not.
You not get it ? Don t you ? Germany is governed by jews since 1945 but even more since 1989. The whole government is eighter jewish, or full-blown communist or even maoist like the economy minister Habeck, who already proudly declared himself to be a Maoist since decades. Or the female foreign minister Baerbock, who cannot even speak proper german. Jews are doing this stupid war, all the weapons deliveries etc. And they earn from all this wars, all the dead christian ruskis and christian eu-soldiers fighting and dying in this stupid war. WW1, WW2 and now WW3 all are ignited by the jewish media-war-machine and their lies, hate and the wealthy satanic jewish bankers which finance the different regimes in order to get them to make war. Is it so complicated to you to understand their evil game !!?
They are doing this since not only hundreds but likely thousands of years. That’s how they (jews) got so influential. Because they brought their enemies to fight each other, instead of the real enemy, resp. the jews. They are a parasitical morph, infecting countries, nesting there and then, like worms, creep and crawl deeper and deeper and finally drill themselves into the brain of their host country and take over all top positions in there including the governments, and then force the nation to fight against another same way usurpated resp. jewish controlled host nation. So they (the two nations) are finally fighting and destroying each other, with the jews being the only winners at the end.
These whole things, the wars, they are carefully pre-planned and scripted like a hollywood movie. Agent 1 (let’s say Biden) shoots at window od Agent 2 (the bad Guy Putin), then Putin does react, then.. and so on and on. This is how it works.
Of course it sells better with some old foes mixed into it, so some actor acting as the very evil monster from the abyss is introduced into the storyline as well (so some fake Nazis from eighter Germany or Ukraine are put into it quick) in order to stirr up the fear and attention in russians heads, and then run the movie. In Cinema if the story is good people are coming and paying. Exactly the same it is with these jewish pre-planned fake wars. There, same as in cinema, the money and profits are only floating and streaming if the story/lies are bought by the masses (which includes people like you) who then buy into them, and believe “Putin is the bad guy” or that “Biden is the good guy” or the other way around, and take all this cheap jewish theater mumpitz, this jerusalem muppets show, for real, and not realizing that it is the jews behind it all, cheating us, and forcing us again into another senseless and likely horrifically bloody world-war. This time Number 3 !
And again, it seems to work even in 2022, with honks like you, believing the jewish medias lies, and starting talking about “The USA”, “Germany”, “Russia” wants this, and does that, seems to blah blah etc. as if they were souveran independent entities. No ! They are slaves to their jewish masters and the jewish world-wide money-system. Rothschild Central Banking system is the name. Here watch this to get some knowledge before you die: Very important video. Russian man tells the truth: https://bit.ly/3vqDdUv
Mostly agree, Germany is humiliated even more than other countries. Sickening vassalage perversely enjoyed by Jews. Imo WW2 and Hitler was also created and controlled by them. We know his connection with British intelligence, not just his, Himmler, Göring, Heß, Canaris… Nazis were nothing but controlled ‘opposition’ and these Ukrainian “Nazis” today are nothing but more useful idiots and cucks serving Jews. No surprise that bunch of Israelis joined UAF.
This railway station is not directly in Stuttgart but probably on a station between Stuttgart and Ludwigsburg – may be at Ludwigsburg itself – see the parking house in the background! – The Tube S5 is only going from Stuttgart to Bietigheim-Bissingen. This means direction of Nuernberg probably or even Berlin.
Of Course the best would be, that the Russians would get these machines directly… Nevertheless I am interested how the Ukraine will realize the train traffic since the Russians struck all her transformator stations on the way in the Ukraine… So al electric funktions will be disabled….
Yes, let these weapons and systems be captured by Russian forces and turned on Bandera monsters. An excellent job for the Spetsnaz teams. Leave one railway functioning and head east blowing the rails as they pass.
At the pace UKR is loosing conscripts, I ask myself “Who is going to use all this gear?”. Maybe Zelensky and some of his cabinet can organize a mini race around Kiev streets using all this gear….
Take out the Factories 🏭 where thy are built.
It won’t make any difference to the outcome. Russia has complete control of Yukie airspace, which can easily destroy this equipment.
Shame Germans forget what happened to their country the last time the anglZionaZi empire of shit orchestrated its destruction with idiot stooge Onkel Adolf. Will Berlin have to burn again? It certainly looks that way as the Natostanner girly men willing slice their throats for the beast of Washing town.
Shooting range 50km. Russian equivalent only 40 km.
wow the zionists are going all out with the puppet regimes such as germany. ( so sad that the world attacked my people in wo 2 :S ) we could have killed those fucking evil zionist there would be no gmo, no jews, no covid, no lgbtq, no black overpopulation in europe and murica it would be paradise on earth
hermany is suck americunt dick, no dignity, no proide. same as UK slave of USrael
This is NOT Barbarossa II as you think. This is a peace mission to defend Germany from the commies under the bed.